Duuuude hook it uuupp

Mighty NorCal

I remember when I and my young cohorts were but wee 16 and 17, we may as well have been legal drinking age, becuase all we had to do was post up in front of a liqour store, and wait for a scraggler, offer them a 20$ bill, and tell them get us the 12$ gallon of vodka, and keep the rest. worked like a charm, every last time we wanted to get fucked up.

Thing is, I dont think I could do it now. For a kid I mean. They may go driving, drunk on the liqour I bought them, and die/kill someone. they may rape someone, or get raped if its a girl. so much bad can come from it. Ture, we always told the buyers we werent going to drive, or do anything dumb, but we were smart kids. Most people are fucking idiots. :headbanger:

So. If youngins approached you asking if "you were cool"...would you be??
[So technically, I can't buy alcohol either, but, pretend I can.]

No way. There's a reason there are legal drinking ages, and I am sick to death of seeing chavs on street corners at 11 on a Friday night drinking whatever shit they can get their hands on. Stereotypical or not, you know they're not the 'nice' sort of people. And I don't want to be the one to fuel their crimes.

So many crimes are conducted under the influence of alcohol it's ridiculous. As you said, I don't think I'd be able to live with myself if me buying alcohol for a youngster led to a death/rape etc.
Absolutely not. Especially If I didn't even know them. Drinking is a responsibility that I have just started to figure out. I do NOT want some other kids to go down the same path that I did. Not only that but everything else that could happen to them. Kids should be out doing other things like playing pick up games of basketball or going to the movies with a group. So, no I would not buy them alcohol. Instead I would try to talk to them about the dangers of drinking. If they wanted to listen that is.
I'm still 20 and therefore illegal to buy it, but I look about 28. I've bought it for some friends twice before and still second guess myself to this day about it. They didn't go out or anything and I was with them when they drank, but I still don't think it was the best idea. For them it was one thing, but for a stranger no way. I bought stuff for my friends because I trust them and I was there with them while it happened. There's no way I could get something for someone when I didn't know them or trust them. Like Norcal said, who knows what's going to happen? I don't think alcohol shoujld be legal period, but the drinking age is there for a reason.
I won't buy it for complete strangers. I've bought it for family, as in my cousins and brother, but thats about it, and I only bought it for them when I knew they were staying in their apartment for the night.

In my crew, I was the first one to be of legal age when I was in college, and outside of my housemates, I bought beer for no one. I remember people being uberpissed with me at college, but I didn't give a shit. I wasn't going to be the beer bitch.
These kids try to act all hard but just make themselves look stupid so I will never buy alcohol is someone asks me as them asking is a dead give away that they're underage. Another reason why I wouldn't buy for them is that I would feel guilty if they went out and did something stupid and got arrested as it would've been my fault for giving them the alcohol in the first place
I am 17 and therefore not of legal drinking age, so I'm going to go on hypothetically.

No, absoloutly not, I have decided not to drink alcohol any more than 1/2 times socially in my life thus far and it has only been because nothing else was on offer at a party with immense heat - Since then (I was 16 at the time), I have decided I don't want to drink alcohol at any point in my life, unless the world treats it as a taste and not an effect drink, I don't want to be in the same group as those people who see the Weekends as a time to get pi**ed, and that Sunday is a "recovery day", it's not what I want this world to be like.

If someone who was 18 (Legal) and did not look it (I can tell you I do not look 17, so when I am 18 I will look closer to 16), I would probably do it for them (if they were a friend or I knew them from somewhere), because even though I don't agree with them drinking (I would prefer a world where alcohol did not exist), the law states that they are allowed and I guess it's kind of their right to have it, so I would go and buy whatever they wanted.

But someone underage? Absoloutly not, a lot of my friends have done this trick before and it's just ridiculous, children with enough money can seemingly get anything these days, I'm sure I could get a gun if I so desired (Im from the UK), I've not any knowledge that they exist near me, but i'm sure if I wanted one I could get one, the same problem exists with alcohol - If someone wants it, they get it - Which is what the downfall of our modern society is, everyone does what they want.

In my last paragraph I said people who want it can get it, which has triggered something in my head. If there is an inevitibility they will get it, does it make it out responsibility if we buy it or not, I'm not sure it does - Although there is a case to be made for the contrary. I think if I was confronted with this situation I would go into the store and buy them some Orange Juice or something then walk off, it's not like they have a leg to stand on, they ask you to do something illegal for money, so you can pretty much do what you want I guess - As long as they don't look hard and there are plenty of people around ;)
OF course when I was in my later teens, being able to drink was cool. I was 16-17 and my friends and I would get a case of beer, and drink a bit. We would never get drunk, as the 3-4 of us would only have 3-4 beer. That was fine, and we would get the alcohol from a cab driver who would pick it up. When I was graduating, I was 18 (being born in April) I was still not allowed to drink. Solution: I drove across the British Columbia border to Alberta, and bought alcohol there. I was drinking illegally, but I had bought it legally. Of course when smeone was going out to Alberta, and there was a big party, we would collect up the money, and get it all there. I was supplying alcohol for people underage, but they were all 17-18, which was how old I was, so I didn't see that as a problem. But 17 would be the cut off. I would not be the reason why a 14 year old got drunk. I would not be the reason why a 16 year old got drunk. That is too young.
Of course I'd by minors booze, but only if i knew them, ie, friends, co-workers, family. I wouldn't buy a minor sitting in front of the liquor store booze if I didn't know him, maybe if he gave me a huge tip, but most kids don't carry that much money. I remember when I was 16/17 and me and my friend would always get this guy we knew from the pool hall to buy us booze from the liquor store down the road. It was cool back then, and I'm sure it's still kool now. Anyway, kids these days are smarter, they don't go drinking and driving, there's too much risk involved, basically if you get pulled over, ur fucked, license gone. In my dad's day, the cops would just take you back to the station, give you a whupping, and let u go. Besides most of my younger friends don't even have cars, so I know they wouldn't drink and drive, and I hope people that ask for booze in front of the building aren't stupid enough to drink it and go driving, most just want to take it to some party and get hosed and crash there. Anyway, people did it for me when I asked them, so I don't see too much wrong with returning the favour now.
When I was a child I really struggled to get hold of alcohol. They wouldn't serve me at Bargain Booze (but I could get in clubs, weird), so I used to ask locals to buy them for me. They got nothing out of it. I didn't let them keep the change. But I was happy and that's all that mattered.

Today I don't do it. I used to. But one time I have to run because a man of the law saw me. I really can't risk getting any sort of record. So I bolted. My smoke damaged lungs couldn't handle it. I spent the next week dying in bed.

But I do get them ****. By that I mean I keep a spare pack in my jacket and I charge them a teenner if they ask for some. They pay, they always pay.
I went to military school, so getting out to go to the bright lights of Ipswich was a genuine treat. The only thing was, was that you had to be back by 10 and none of us had a job, because we couldn't. So, because of lack of money and lack of time, binge drinking was the solution. We used to a) send the oldest looking into an off licence or b) got some stranger to do it for us.

It's only now that I'm a bit older that your realise the risk that those people were taking. If you are caught buying alcohol for a minor I think it is something like a £2,000 fine. That is huge, and there's no way I would do it. When I reached 18, there was a healthy profit to be made on getting alcohol for younger kids on the few occasions when you did manage to get to a pub. However, I stopped after a while because I realised that I would definitely be expelled if caught, and I was on thin ice anyway.

Underage drinking is almost a rite of passage in this country, and where there's a will, there's a way, so to be honest I think I'd pass, because the risk for me is not worth making £2 profit. The kids will get it somehow anyway, and I don't want to be responsible when something goes wrong.
I drank from the age of 16 but was never really that into drinking, i'm still not. Saw a lot more benefits of getting stoned personally.

"Why spend £30 quid a night trying to get drunk, when i could spend £20 on a henry that would last a week and get a definite buzz?" That was my view anyway. Still holds true today, but i'd never recommend taking up weed to anyone. I wouldn't want anyone to make the same mistake.

I won't buy alcohol for kids. Won't buy them **** either. Usually i'm just using the ATM and not even going in the shop, and i hear, 'ere mush, get us some ****,' which i usually respond by saying 'Get fucked' or 'I've a better idea.... NO!'. 1st of all, why would i respond positively to being called a camal's vagina? And secondly, why am i going to run the risk of getting nicked for your enjoyment? Same with booze.

In fact last saturday, my gf and i were going out for a mates birthday, and 3 teenage girls came the other way, clearly wasted, and 2 were trying to help the other 1 stand up straight (and were failing miserably), once they'd dropped her the 3rd time, they turned to me and said 'here mate, would you give us a hand' and again i said no. My gf said 'you know, if you were in France, you'd get arrested for refusing to assist someone like that' to which i responded, 'Yet, here we are in England, where a guy can kill his neighbour or a pedo can entice 13 year olds and sexualy violate them and only get two years in prison' (having read of examples of both of those crimes getting that exact same punishment), and anyway, they'd have to find me and prove it first, and who's going to believe a pisshead 13 year old?'.

My view is, they'll only learn the dangers of drinking by suffering the after affects, and if she dies then the other two will definitely learn it, and if they don't, then they deserve whatever situations occur as a result.

Am i wrong to think that? Am i cold and heartless? Only the strong, observant, ruthless and cunning survive comfortably in this world. I've been brought up to avoid things that are likely to cause danger to anyone involved, and i've witnessed shit hit the fan in situations that thankfully, my father pulled me away from in our local bar, first hand on multiple occassions. I could see that as being one of those occassions.

Cold and heartless? I'd say i was looking out for the best interests of myself and my girlfriend.
I was asked when I was 17 to buy alchol for some chavvy little brats. Obviously said now mainly because I couldn't. But I would only buy for friends/family if I knew they weren't idiots. Seeing as I'm 18 and can buy I still have little pricks asking for booze. The answer would still be no.

I knew a guy from my Dads work who used to take the money go into the shop buy what he needed and walked out. The kids couldn't tell there parents why he has there money. Very funny. But that was when kids were just idiots and not yobs with knifes.

Oh and I was never one of those "can you buy me booze" kind of people. I'm not a drinker and only really do it on nights out, not to get smashed on the High Street.
NorCal.. :disappointed: I thought you were almost Straight Edge. Anywho.

The answer to the question is 100% without a doubt, absolutely NOT. I don't smoke nor do I drink myself. So why on earth would I wish to help populate today's youth and add stupidity to today's adolescence, by helping them commit what is technically against the law?

Not only (as it's been said by others) could that lead to any number of wrong doings, such as drunk driving, rape, or any type of other crime including public intoxication.. but it's also allowing the younger generation to believe it's okay and right to let them break laws that were set in place for a reason.

Bottomline, I barely tolerate seeing underage people drink or smoke, even when it has nothing to do with them asking me to get it for them or not. I have my own theories and beliefs on drinking personally.. and believe it's pointless. I also believe that the underage peer-pressure that's placed on kids is stupid, but there.

Anyone who thinks they're cool or 'kewl' for drinking and smoking is about as fucked in the head as a mental patience. I'm not going to give in and help them score. If they wish to waste their lives on that shit, they'll either have to do it out of my eye-sight, and by another's hand.. or wait until they're of age.

Oh.. and for the record, while I could honestly care less what another person does to their life or their health, especially someone stupid enough to fuck up their body with this type of shit. If I notice an underage girl, that I somehow know IS pregnant.. and I catch her drinking, or smoking.. I'll physically take it away from them.. that was the case I had to do regarding my Wife's niece.

She wanted to run around telling the world how great it was to be pregnant by a guy she'd "madly fallen in love with" (after knowing all of 2 weeks) but she 'couldn't' stop her addiction to smoking, and she liked the taste of beer. I told her flat out if she is going to be stupid enough to fuck herself up, then so be it, but as long as she's around me I refuse to watch her do it to what could be another life coming into this world. Shit like that, and giving into minors, sickens me.

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