Drew Mcintyre's Year?


Forever young!
Do you think that by joining team Johnny that this will re-ignite Drew Mcintyre's push to the kind of year he had 2009/10?
With another breakout performance at Wresltemania, like the one he had in the Elimination Chamber 2011, it is just possible Mcintyre will be back on the road to success in 2012!
I think he will be back in the IC/US scene a few months after Wrestlemania!
2012 the year of Big Mac, sounds good to me :)
Drew McIntyre is kool and I love his entrance but I do not think this is proof of anything. Remember he literally was given Christian spot because Christian wasn't cleared to compete for Mania as expected.
I'm surprised Sally hasn't posted in this one yet. I'm expecting TMZ to report that she's been arrested after breaking into McIntyre's room with a gun, handcuffs, a set of wedding bands and a bucked of Cool Whip. :)

I do think it's possible for this to be a good year for McIntyre. I'm actually expecting him to score the win for Team Johnny at WrestleMania. He seems the "weakest" at this point in time, even more so than Miz, so him scoring the win just seems kind of poetic.
Do you think that by joining team Johnny that this will re-ignite Drew Mcintyre's push to the kind of year he had 2009/10?
With another breakout performance at Wresltemania, like the one he had in the Elimination Chamber 2011, it is just possible Mcintyre will be back on the road to success in 2012!

That push in 09/10, wasn't that the one where he didn't get over at all despite feuding with multiple people who were? Yeah, that flop is why he's spent the last few months jobbing to everyone he faces. As for his "breakout performance", it wasn't. A breakout performance would require him to break out after, that performance because it was so good. Drew was a refular on Superstars within months of that match.

I think he will be back in the IC/US scene a few months after Wrestlemania!

Why exactly? What exactly has he done that suggests that he will be given that role over people who are... actually over, or have demonstrated that they can get a reaction. Neither of which Drew has done.

I do think it's possible for this to be a good year for McIntyre. I'm actually expecting him to score the win for Team Johnny at WrestleMania. He seems the "weakest" at this point in time, even more so than Miz, so him scoring the win just seems kind of poetic.

Looking weaker than a former WWE champion is to be expected. And you're expecting someone who's on the team to make up the numbers and hasn't been ralevent in over a year to score the pin because he's the weak link? That doesn't compute, Jack. The pin will go to someone relavent, probably Henry or Otunga because, well they actually matter. Drew might do well, but when Wrestlemania is over, He's going straight back to Superstars where he belongs.
There are undercard wrestlers, and then there are true jobbers. Jobbers are the guys that never win, WILL never win, and don't NEED to win because they're not likely going to make the company any significant amount of money doing anything but losing. They're the guys like Funaki that you put in matches to lose in order to put somebody else over. Drew McIntyre isn't a jobber.

I will always say that's it's better to be on TV and lose a dozen matches than to never be on TV at all, and win at house shows. McIntyre COULD have been absent in the last year, but he wasn't. He lost. He lost a LOT. He actually had a gimmick where he was intended to lose every single week and narrowly (read: magically) avoid getting fired. But that's a hell of a lot better than being on Superstars once and rarely ever getting television or ring time. If WWE or Vince McMahon truly hated his ability and wanted him gone from their product, he WOULD BE.

I like the kid. He's got a lot of talent. Great viscous heel streak. My favorite thing he ever did was bully Teddy Long during his push - fits perfectly into this recent feud. I hope they go somewhere with him after Mania. Honestly I don't know why they'd use him in this match (and highly entertaining feud) if they had ZERO plans for him in the future. He'll get there, he just needs time.
sorry to burst peoples bubble but i highley doubt this is actullay the beginning of drew mcintyre's "break out year" i mean hes only on team johnny because christian wasnt cleared to compete i hate to say it because im a fan of the guy but after wrestlemania he probably goes back into the jobber role :disappointed:
I've lost all hope for Drew McIntyre at this point. I really thought he was gonna start winning some matches after he defeated Hornswoggle to get his job back. Nothing has changed as a result. I can't help but see him as a joke now. He's got all the talent. He's way better on the mic now compared to when he first debuted in the WWE. I still love his in-ring work as the aggressive heel, but if he doesn't get any meaningful wins in the next couple of months, then yeah, it's safe to say he really is an enhancement talent.
The year Drew gets fired?

I really hope you don't expect him to get some take off push, he's not worth the time. I was hoping his losing streak on Smackdown would lead to him losing his job. He's bland, his promo work is crap, and its not good in the ring.
I'm surprised Sally hasn't posted in this one yet. I'm expecting TMZ to report that she's been arrested after breaking into McIntyre's room with a gun, handcuffs, a set of wedding bands and a bucked of Cool Whip. :)

Hell, at least I know where he is this weekend. The thing is, he outweighs me by 150 pounds.....I don't think the authorities would take me seriously in the role of a stalker.

[Heel] Green Ranger;3804630 said:
I will always say that's it's better to be on TV and lose a dozen matches than to never be on TV at all....

That's for sure. Many people think a performer is "out of favor" if he loses on TV week after week. As far as the company is concerned, however, I would say he's out of favor only if he doesn't appear at all. It's painful to watch Drew getting his butt kicked every Friday, but it was far worse waiting for him to show up on Smackdown only to be disappointed all those months.

The manner in which he backed into his WM match doesn't speak well for his chances of making an impact, yet having him be the one who ends the match with a win and throwing it in Teddy's face would be a perfect way to launch a push, if one is coming. Of course, it might be presumed Drew is now a member of Raw again since he's on Laurinaitis' team, yet if that team wins this match, Johnny L. will be GM of both brands and he can place Drew wherever he wants.

And yes, many folks on this forum assume Drew "failed" in his earlier pushes, but the success of people like Daniel Bryan and Cody Rhodes show that even bland personalities can make it big if the right program is given to them. Maybe it's Drew's turn again. Then again, maybe not.

In either case, I'll have a bucket of Cool Whip at the ready. (Take that, Jack Hammer)

He seems to struggle with catching on with the crowd, heel or face. That's a big problem and it's a shame because he's solidly good in the ring and we need as many fresh, talented faces as we can with so many people close to retirement or already retired.

He probably needs a large gimmick overhaul. Cody Rhodes went through three logical gimmicks (from Dashing to "Un"dashing, to "Re"dashing) to end at where he is now, and he benefitted massively, developing his mic skills (to where he's one of the best young heels on the mic) and his in-ring abilities.

Before that Cody was expected to be the guy from Legacy who floundered while Ted Dibiase prospered. Now it's the completely opposite.

McIntyre needs something like that, something to make him more memorable to the crowd. Course saying he needs an interesting gimmick and thinking up of one are very different. "Losing streak" stories, despite being bizarrely popular amongst WWE writers, are terrible and never help anyone. He needs better than that, at least.
I think his gimmick was perfect. He was the chosen one and was pretty much holding Smackdown hostage Ala his feud with the GM. I have always been a big supporter for Drew and thought his in ring skill is more then serviceable. One example that pops into mind is the way he uses the entire part of the ring/arena in his move set, I don't see that a lot anymore. But since WWE blew that gimmick apart then I do believe a new one is in order. Though I do believe he will be rewarded for his participation on team Johnny I really don't see a big push until he gets a gimmick change. Sad really

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