Drew McIntyre

the troop

Occasional Pre-Show
On this weeks Smackdown, Mr Mcmahon decided to take the mic and talk it up a bit. Aside from verbally destroying Sooner City and talking about the Decade of Smackdown celebration, he talked about who he thinks will be the future of smackdown. He also dares to say he will become a future heavyweight champion. And out comes Drew Mcintyre.

First, let me say that I enjoy Mcintyre's character and I think he'll have some relative success on smakcdown, but FUTURE HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION. I don't really see anything special in this guy other than hes from Scotland. I can see him maybe competing in the upper-midcard and maybe grab the intercontinental title but thats about it.

So, do you guys think that Drew Mcintyre has the character and potenial to become a Heavyweight Champion?
Are you kidding me? This is ridiculous.

Now, it's one thing to see a wrestler have a few matches followed by people saying that he should be getting a main event push soon. We've seen loads of those threads pop up every so often.

But now there's a thread saying a guy shouldn't be a world champion even though he hasn't had one proper match yet? This is so unbelievably stupid.
I doubt even Vince knows whether or not McIntyre actually has the potential to be a world champion. He was just trying to help Drew get over a bit more.

Stop being so damn quick to judge! It's far too early for any of us to know. He could be the next Bret Hart or he could be the next Khali. Could we at least see one match before deciding please?
I think it’s way too early to tell whether or not Drew McIntyre will be a future World Heavyweight Champion or not. I guess it could happen if Vince wants him to be a future world champion, but it’s very hard to tell right now because I haven’t seen enough from him in order to make an educated guess.

Drew is solid on the mic and I like that he has an accent because it makes him sound different than everyone else. As far as his in-ring skills, like I said I haven’t seen enough of him to judge him in that department. He could very well be the next Bret Hart like Blade said or he could be horrible.

I won’t comment any further on this matter until I see more of him. He might be good but he also might be bad, let’s see what he is capable of until we start saying he is not or he will be a future world champion.
No. No. No. No. No. No.


Should I elaborate on this? Okay. Fuck no.

Why? Well first off, his accent. Who's the last Brit/Scot you remember with the World title? Nobody. Secondly, look at the guy. He has zero charisma, he's decent in the ring, but I predict no matter what he does he won't ever get over.

Seriously, just ridiculous. Funaki will be World Champ sooner than McIntyre will.
Like X said he's decent in the ring but that's about it. He's got a bland look and absolutely no charisma. He's like a skinny, Scottish Lance Cade. I'm usually not one for WWE bashing, but I will never understand how they could take a guy like McIntyre and randomly try to push him. Especially when talented guys like R Truth, who is more over then 90% of the WWE roster, can't even get a run with a mid card title.
This guy doesnt look like much. Period. The accent sounds forced, and he could not look more generic. The McMahon endorsement came at the worst time too. He should have introduced him for his debut, or waited to see if he took off and then gave his approval. This guy has ECW written all over him and would work as part of the Round Table to get his feet wet, but right now there is too much young talent on SmackDown for this guy to have a place.
Am I crazy for thinking the guy has been getting decent heat for the last few weeks? That, and I find his mic skills to be a step up from both of the Legacites (groomed to be future champions). Never seen him in the ring, but judging from his mic work and ability to draw heat I could definately see him being a solid midcard act at the very least. He'll sure catch on a lot quicker than Dolph Ziggler at this rate.

Where is this zero charisma talk coming from? I think it's unfair to be so tough on a guy like him when, and I can't stress this enough, Legacy and Dolph Ziggler are considered hot up and comers right now. Comparatively, Drew might as well be The Rock.

I'm definately willing to give this guy a chance. The party is just getting started.
It is not like I can't see him as a future champion. The current future of the industry, such as Legacy, Kingston, Morrison, and MVP. So it's not like size is an issue. Now compare him with someone like British Bulldog, who unfortunately was not blessed with the Yankee form of the Wigan accent. I think if Bulldog had a decent career; I think if the Wwe is willing to give runs to people as small as Rey mysterio, as large Khali, As good on the Mic as well Khali, anyone is in the run.
I enjoyed his work in FCW.. agree they shouldn't have auto gave him that push when he hasn't even wrestled 1 match yet.. but give the guy a chance to impress if he doesn't im sure he will be shipped to ECW or just jobb for others..

I for one would have much rather him go to ECW and let Shemus head to smackdown always liked him more then drew in FCW.. but drew has that "built" look that vince is always going after and hes still young.. Maybe not near future but as long as he stays healthy and doesn't fail to much when they get him in the ring. I could see him maybe.. 3-4 years from now being a huge Heel champ
I'm really starting to like this guy. He gets some good heat. I just hope he is as great in the ring as he is at getting people to hate on him. Not sure about the whole champ thing since he hasn't done anything yet but if they build him up properly, I could see it happening someday.
When Drew debuted years ago, I thought that he could be a unique talent, and possibly push for the mid-card titles and maybe hang around the main event scene. And then, they dropped him out of nowhere, sent him to FCW for a few years, and then repackaged him as...Himself?! Really?

He's basically Paul Burchill with a push right now. They have the same gimmick, same character, and roughly the same moveset. It's almost a shame that Paul has to dwell on ECW while McIntyre gets solid TV time on the B show. Drew shouldn't and probably won't sniff the main event, but I can see him sticking around the lower mid-card, maybe even making an appearance in the MiTB match, but like Benjamin before him, he'll be the guy who takes the really good bumps, and be forgotten for a year.
On Smackdown this week, Mr. McMahon formally introduced us to Drew McIntyre. Let me say that again, Mr. McMahon formally introduced us to Drew McIntyre. This spells push to me. As part of the introduction, McIntyre was described as similar to Vinnie Mac himself and a "future World Heavyweight Champion". This automatically indicates that the Mac sees something in this guy.

Now this was not the first time the WWE viewers were subjected to McIntyre. In previous weeks McIntyre has been coming out and randomly attacking superstars, in particular R Truth. On Smackdown this week, the McIntyre/R Truth Fued has formally begun. Personally I don't like Ron Killings, but he's over with the fans and is a genuine Face so why not put him in something useful.

Personally I think McIntyre has the look and schtick to be a future main event player. He's Scottish and it gets the crowd g'd up automatically. I do think the crowd chanting "USA! USA!" is pretty lame. I kinda like the guy even though I think his stance is pretty awkward.

What are your guys thoughts on Drew McIntyre?
great charisma, gets great heat. and i like the fact that he is scottish and uses that to gain heat. but i have to see him in in-ring-action before i can say if i like him or not. sure, he has been on smackdown for a few weeks about one or two years ago, paired with dave taylor back then, but i honestly don't really remember those matches.

along with the hart foundation and dolph ziggler, yet another young rising star on smackdown. that makes me happy :)
Having McMahon introduce McIntyre is a great rub for him, Instantly people will think "If Vince McMahon think's he is great, He must be.". When I look at Drew I see a certain aura, But i'm not sure about him yet. He does have a great finishing move in my opinion.

I'll have to see how his little fued with Killings goes first before casting my stone.
This guy cuts really good promos and to have McMahon say he is a future champion means something. If McMahon thinks that about him he must be good. While I like his promos I have no idea about his ring work. Once I see him in a match or two I'll be able to tell what I really think of him. But til then he can just keep cutting those promos.
It's too early to tell one way or the other yet. When the Hardy's first debuted I thought they were horrible and would be nothing more than a jobber tag team. Same with Robbie V. It takes time to build your character up.
I think the WWE is often too quick to proclaim that a certain superstar will be the next champion. In fact, they have a losing record when making these statements. It's too early to make any assumptions about Drew. The WWE pushes people because they look good on paper, but in the end they can't get the job done.
Whatever happens to him, it's still pretty cool when Vince McMahon has your back for sure. He wasn't a bad wrestler before he went back to FCW, but he couldn't cut a promo I guess. Now, he can cut a damn good promo, so I'm really looking forward to him getting back in the ring.
Of all the much better wrestlers in the past who are much better than Drew McIntyre and could be closer compared to Vince McMahon, he picks him. Drew McIntyre is a very unique wrestler from what I remember from 2007, but future World Champion? I don't know why.

He's still yet to have a match since his return, so how will be able to tell that he's improved? He's obviously getting more time on the mic, but mic skills can only take you so far. Vinc McMahon saying that Drew McIntyre reminds him of himself is a bit odd if you ask me. However, maybe it means that Vince is attempting to make new mid card stars on Smackdown instead of main eventers.
We have to remember, this guy is just 24 years old. Hes very very young. With time his in-ring skills will begin to get better and better. The guy is great on the stick, and allready has a decent amount of charisma. I would also like to point out the fact that his in-ring skills, are not all that bad. To say the least.

So, as you can see, just as all wrestlers. This man will only get better with time. Wrestling on SmackDown will make him better and better. I have a feeling we're going to see more and more Drew Mcintyre as the years pass on, and eventually become World Heavyweight Champion.
OH MY GOD DREW MCINTYRE IS THE NEXT TRIPLE H.............................................

He's already got Vince's approval, maybe he's related to the family somehow, OH MY GOD OH MY GOD. Vince said he was a future World Champion. He's like a young Triple H, same look, similar gimmick, is he destine to be The Next Game? Does he wrestle in long tights? if so then its a dead give away.

Cant judge the guy until we see him in a WWE ring, sure his FCW work is good (from what I hear, I don't have time to watch it all) and I'm sure he didn't get called up to the main roster, and by passed ECW for no reason. They had to have seen something in him to send him right to Smackdown. Hopefully he didn't get sent up to soon, and is a good worker, Smackdown needs more breakaway stars.

someone said it
The guy is great on the stick, and allready has a decent amount of charisma. I would also like to point out the fact that his in-ring skills, are not all that bad. To say the least.

Great on the stick? That's laughable. Every promo he has cut so far is exactly the same. "You fans like to have fun and be entertained by this dancing fool. Well my name is Drew McIntyre and the parties over." That's not exactly mind blowing stuff. And where exactly is this charisma that you're talking about, because I have yet to see it.
i can see Drew McIntyre becoming world heavyweight champion but i just hope that creative dont rush him to it. let him soak into wwe for a bit before he gets title shots. put him in a few feuds and then he will be on track

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