Drew McIntyre and Edge


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Last week, Edge and Kelly Kelly beat Ziggler and Laycool to retain the World heavyweight championship

but before the match, there was a backstage promo with kelly kelly saying that edge was exactly like drew mcintyre.

After the match, vickie guerrero "fired" Kelly Kelly, leaving kelly kelly crying and leaving.

This week, before McIntyre's match with Chris masters, he blamed Edge for Kelly Kelly for being fired.

What happens if the world heavyweight championship turns into a triple threat world title match at Wrestlemania 27 because of this.

McIntyre vs Edge vs Del Rio.

Del Rio will win the match, the smackdown after WM 27, Edge would use his re-match clause, but McIntyre costs Edge the match, thus starting a grudge feud with Edge and McIntyre, putting McIntyre over in the process.

Rumour has it, Kelly Kelly may turn heel, one of their matches, it could look like Kelly Kelly is helping Edge, but costs him the match , helping Drew win the match. Kelly Kelly could say Drew McIntyre is truly a honest man, and cares for others, unlike some people (Edge)

Would this help McIntyre get more interesting, and could this being an interesting story, the feud starting over Kelly Kelly.
I can see Vickie offering Drew a chance to get Kelly Kelly her job back by beating Edge. Drew will go back to his ruthless attitude for her and then after the match have Edge defend the title against Dolph. Edge loses and then Drew cost him at EC and then they fight at WM.
I really hope you are wrong on this one, because I don't think Mcintyre is ready for the main event at Wrestlemania. I love Drew Mcintyre but he simply isn't ready yet. The matches will more than likely be Edge vs Del Rio for the World title, and Miz vs John Cena for the WWE championship, at least that's what it looks like at the moment. I doubt WWE, would add Mcintyre and have three superstars who have never main evented Wrestlemania before be in a Wrestlemania main event. I think this is just something for Edge to do until after the elimination chamber. More than likely, Drew Mcintyre, and Dolph Ziggler will be involved in the money in the bank match if they have one. I am not sure what will happen with Kelly Kelly though. I would like to see her stay face but eventually fall for Mcintyre and have Mcintyre mistreat her. Then someone like Trent Baretta can come in and help her. This needs to wait until after Wrestlemania though.
I also really like Drew but I dont think he needs to be in a title match at Wrestlemania. I wouldnt mind Drew costing Edge a match against Dolph or Del Rio and doing Vickies dirty work for a week or two to get Kelly hired back.

We all know Vince was high on Drew and Vince is high on Kelly so maybe he is thinking they can be a legit heel couple. Then again Vince changes his mind as much as I change my boxers.
I really thought that they was turning Drew face. But obviously I was mistaken. because if they was turning him face he would of blamed vickie for firing her and not another face. Drew needs to focus on the US title or the IC one for a while longer, not get put into a WHC match. He isn't ready yet especially at wrestlemania.

The one big fault I can see with your idea, is why would Vickie insert Drew into the title scene at WM when she is going out with Ziggler?

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