Drew Galloway No.1 Indy Power Rankings!


Forever young!
Nice to see Mr Drew Galloway AKA Drew Mcintyre No.1 in the Indy Power Rankings.

This guy has put in some great work since leaving the WWE and seems to be doing the rounds as the EVOLVE and ICW champ.

Seems things are looking up for Drew.....3MB 3MB 3MB hahaha

It's ok Drew that nightmare is over! :p

Now for the "REAL" Drew to show us what he is all about!


And he is doing a great!

I'm glad for Drew. Sometimes being in the WWE is not all that great as people try to make it be.
I think many of the WWe roster can make better money as proper 'independent contractors' because they have their WWe exposure to command good appearance fees. The disadvantage is that they actually have to do the work themselves rather than just being employees.

As to Drew, unlike many of my fellow TNA supporters, I'm a big believer in them signing WWe guys that maybe didn't get the best shake of the stick 'up North' and I'm hoping he is very much on their radar. 29 and doing the best work of his career - where's the downside?
unlike many of my fellow TNA supporters
Hehe ;)

I'm a big believer in them signing WWe guys that maybe didn't get the best shake of the stick 'up North' and I'm hoping he is very much on their radar. 29 and doing the best work of his career - where's the downside?
I think disadvantages are:
1) The likely cost of an ex-WWE wrestler, compared to an indy or international star (especially when money is a little tight)
2) Overbooking said talent at the expense of growing newer ones with more long-term potential (Drew isn't really old, so perhaps this applies less to him)
3) Looking desperate (which led to that terrible term, "WWE"-reject)

In Drew's case, though? I like him and he is very good, but I didn't like his super serious "chosen one" stuff as much as his air-guitaring, IDGAF 3MB character. That could be on me, because I enjoy Adam Rose and Fandango.

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