Drew Galloway: "Gotta go make an IMPACT"


Quote the Raven, nevermore.
So I just listened to Chris Jericho's podcast with Drew Galloway (formerly Drew McIntyre), and starting around the 01:21:00 mark, Drew begins to thank everyone who he used to work with in WWE. The thing that really caught my attention was the interesting little comment he made. He said "Little brother's gotta go out and make an impact."

Now, I could be looking way into this, but do you think he was alluding to the fact that he is going to TNA? During the podcast (which is definately worth listening to), he keeps saying how there's so many guys he wants to have matches with. He also says that there are several agents/companies who have reached out to him. Could this could be an indication that he is interested in signing with TNA?

Again, I could be reading way too far into this but let me know what you think.

Would you want to see Drew (McIntyre) Galloway show up on IMPACT Wrestling?

Here's the link to the podcast:
I think you're looking way into it. But TNA doesn't know how to handle former WWE talent coming into their company so I wouldn't care either way.
In my opinion Magnus just doesn't fit with Bram. I was looking for which guy should team with Bram instead and you just answered my question. Drew McIntyre would be the ideal guy. Another young British guy with intensity.
Couldn't hurt anything to see him on IMPACT. Didn't his WWE push kind of get halted because he let his girl bitch him physically or something lol?

I'd be interested.
I mean, I'll be honest, I just haven't seen enough of him to make an informed opinion. I stopped watching WWE programming around the time he came in, so what I remember of him is a pony tail, a WWE body and a gimmick about being the chosen one. That's about it.

As to his comments, I haven't actually listened to the 'cast, but usually when comments like this are being made, they're very tongue in cheek/read between the lines, and are usually an indication that that performer is in fact coming to TNA. We saw this with Jeff Hardy, for example, with his last promo in WWE after the CM Punk match where he cut that line about "See You in the Future" — a line that originated with his first TNA stint.

I beleive MVP also mentioned "making an impact", as have others, so yeah, reading between the lines... he's coming. Might be perfect timing too, with him being a Brit and there already being an established Brit story line going with Bram bringing out the mean in Magnus.
Now, I could be looking way into this, but do you think he was alluding to the fact that he is going to TNA? During the podcast (which is definately worth listening to), he keeps saying how there's so many guys he wants to have matches with. He also says that there are several agents/companies who have reached out to him. Could this could be an indication that he is interested in signing with TNA?

Again, I could be reading way too far into this but let me know what you think.

Would you want to see Drew (McIntyre) Galloway show up on IMPACT Wrestling?

You might be onto something Drew Galloway is following Dixie Carter on Twitter..

Drew Galloway is an absolute no-brainer to TNA because of their presence in England. You build a stable around him and Magnus/Bram you're talking free money.

The English will eat that up for the 2015 U.K Tour..;):p

I think you're looking way into it. But TNA doesn't know how to handle former WWE talent coming into their company so I wouldn't care either way.

TNA took Derrick Bateman and made him into one of their main eventers. They could do a lot with Drew.

In my opinion Magnus just doesn't fit with Bram. I was looking for which guy should team with Bram instead and you just answered my question. Drew McIntyre would be the ideal guy. Another young British guy with intensity.

TNA can create another Brit Stable with Magnus, Galloway and Bram before the U.K Tour the English will love it..
No way... sorry but TNA is the wrong destination for him but I think it was a "lure"... Jarrett HAS to be interested in making him the focal point of his new fed, New Japan will be drooling.The ONLY reason for him to go to TNA is if the deal includes Muta in Japan for a lot of money, and he goes over there as TNA champ.

In GFW he is a finalist or legit winner of their first tourney, in New Japan he wins their title easy from AJ or whoever... TNA is a BAD choice for him unless they are promising him something special... now Drew DOES have "it" he can be a front man, WWE just never cracked it.... this happened before, with TNA's first hall of famer... and look what happened once he went back...
If Gallows does wind up going to TNA, I do hope they put some sort of thought into his name instead of just using his regular "birth certificate" name like they did with Anderson.

I'm assuming they can't use Macintire? If they can, just use that.
Um... I don't know if anyone has smartened Drew McIntyre up yet, but let me be the first.

This is Taryn Terrell:


Something tells me these two have met in the past.

Need I go on as to why this would be a terrible decision?
If I am correct, Taryn Terrell was running Drew down backstage at TNA, which also bled into WWE and Drew's slide. So while I'd like Drew to go to TNA and team with Bram, I would be surprised if it happens. Not saying Taryn has a great deal of stroke or anything, but I would still be surprised.
Taryn Terrell is in line for big things in TNA right now. She also once beat Drew senseless when they were married getting her fired from WWE and killing Drew's "Chosen One" gimmick. Huh. Those consequences don't sound so bad with some hindsight now. But if Drew feels like he can be lower in the totem pole than when he was in 3MB, then by God welcome to TNA Impact Wrestling.
No way... sorry but TNA is the wrong destination for him but I think it was a "lure"... Jarrett HAS to be interested in making him the focal point of his new fed, New Japan will be drooling.The ONLY reason for him to go to TNA is if the deal includes Muta in Japan for a lot of money, and he goes over there as TNA champ.

In GFW he is a finalist or legit winner of their first tourney, in New Japan he wins their title easy from AJ or whoever... TNA is a BAD choice for him unless they are promising him something special... now Drew DOES have "it" he can be a front man, WWE just never cracked it.... this happened before, with TNA's first hall of famer... and look what happened once he went back...

TNA is a bad choice because you don't like TNA, Or maybe you do and is just a disgruntled fan who's using his anger against the company. And this B.S. About him basiclly dominating everywhere he goes sounds like fanboyism. TNA is bad for him?But the WWE proved to be worse, You can't get any worse than being in a jobber comedy act three man band, Right? What the hell does he have to lose it can't get any worse than that.
No.. .TNA is a bad choice because a) his ex works there, b) the company is not exactly "stable" and c) he has more chance of success in New Japan/GFW (as they have now announced a tie up). Regardless of how WWE used him he is a great worker with a strong upside. The New Japan fans would take to him and GFW will want guys like him, who have recognition but who they can make ""their superstars". Same as how when TNA started they took some "rejects" from WWE like Ron Killings and later Christian and Angle... Jarrett is VERY good at helping guys reinvent themselves.
Erm... Taryn and Drew was years ago now and she now has a baby with Mark Lewis - grown ups are expected to move on from such trivialities as failed relationships.

Of course Drew would be a big target for TNA. The UK has become a massive market for the company and they do tapings in Scotland. Drew Galloway has just turned 29, is very good between the ropes and is actually very good on the stick. This is a very mutually beneficial scenario.

Bring him in (simply) as Drew and have Magnus, Bram and Drew run roughshod over the roster as three no-nonsense louts who have the added edge of actually being very civilized - think Droogs without the massive codpieces!
He could be interested or he could be trying to keep himself relevant. While he wasn't huge in WWE he was on television almost every week. Wrestling can be very "out of sight out of mind" oriented so making remarks about making an impact gets people talking about him and what he may do.

I don't know if he would be able to be professional with Taryn but he'd be a bigger asset than her.
First of all I have to say that I have always been a Drew (McIntyre) Galloway fan, since his feud with Teddy all the way to his release. I will also say that I feel like he got buried with 3MB and I was a bit upset about that. I do think that TNA could really use a guy like Drew and at the same time I'd like to say that I agree with the statement about TNA screwing up with WWE guys. I hope if he does go to TNA that creative gives him a good story and a huge push because he is a great athlete and he deserves better than 3MB.
No.. .TNA is a bad choice because a) his ex works there, b) the company is not exactly "stable" and c) he has more chance of success in New Japan/GFW (as they have now announced a tie up). Regardless of how WWE used him he is a great worker with a strong upside. The New Japan fans would take to him and GFW will want guys like him, who have recognition but who they can make ""their superstars". Same as how when TNA started they took some "rejects" from WWE like Ron Killings and later Christian and Angle... Jarrett is VERY good at helping guys reinvent themselves.

Jarrett is not good at pushing young talent; he held back guys like Monty Brown and Samoa Joe. Instead of making them stars, he made them fodder.
McIntyre would be wasting his time in GFW...if that ever gets off the ground.

Drew McIntyre would do extremely well in TNA simply for the fact he fits a need that TNA needs. If you are starting a stable of Magnus and Bram. Drew definitely fits that group.

If not, then I can definitly see Drew being pushed as a top heel; EC3 is one of the best heels in TNA. McIntyre is a better worker.
I wanted to say that I hope if Drew goes to TNA that creative doesn't throw him into a faction or tag team. I think he can def stand out and make an "impact" without being pushed into a faction that he may not be the frontman of which could easily get him lost in the shuffle. I'd hate to see that happen to him again. He's a great worker and deserves a title run, I just wish it could have been in WWE. I am aware he was an intercontinental champ but it wasn't really a push, it looked more like an experiment to me.
In my opinion Magnus just doesn't fit with Bram. I was looking for which guy should team with Bram instead and you just answered my question. Drew McIntyre would be the ideal guy. Another young British guy with intensity.

Drew isn't British. He is from Scotland.
Pretty sure on multiple occasions he has stated he's Scottish and proud. Not that anyone is arguing that, right?
~Heup©~;4921587 said:
Pretty sure on multiple occasions he has stated he's Scottish and proud. Not that anyone is arguing that, right?

Being British and being Scottish are not mutually exclusive, neither is being proud of being both. I think y'all are getting confused between British and English which a Scot would never be enamored at being called.

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