Dream WMXXX Match: DDP, Jake Roberts, Scott Hall vs. Wyatt Family


Dark Match Jobber
It would be a pretty easy set up, bring in the three legends in for a feel good "Be A Star" like segment at some point on the road to WM, with the Wyatt Family interrupting the proceedings. Have them randomly feel like asking Jake Roberts to "join the family" I suppose...I mean the mic work between Jake The Snake and Bray Wyatt I feel could be gold in and of itself. As far as the actual match goes, have DDP in for most of the duration as he is naturally in the best shape, but I feel like Razor and Jake are healthy enough, and can get even more in shape to be able to get in the ring to create some great pops during the match. Am I the only one who would dig this idea? If you do, feel free get more in depth on how you would like to see it go down.

A. Scott Hall is pretty much no longer with us, wrestling wise.

B. Jake the Snake would probably have a heart attack. He can't go anymore.

C. Diamond Dallas is now giving yoga lessons. He rarely wrestles, and I shudder at what might happen if he gave another diamond cutter.

Not only this, who the hell would want to see this match? It is pointless in the long run. I don't want to be nasty, but your idea is :shit:
This is a terrible idea.
There is nothing interesting about it.
It benefits nobody.
Two of those three guys would probably die in the ring.

And have you seen Scott Hall lately? He looks like a melted candle.
Take what you're smoking, and flush it down the toilet. Nuff said.
As much as I want to see a Diamond Cutter, a DDT, and a Razor's Edge, I don't think having them wrestle in a six man tag is the best idea. Surprise Rumble entrants? Hell yeah. I know they're old as shit, but fuck, the mark in me will always be alive and well when it comes to those three. I don't absolutely hate your idea like everyone else in this thread. If they're going to use those talents, I definitely think there are better ways. I'll take what I can get, though.
Somewhere in the forums I pitched a similar match, but against 3MB. I think I flipped on the idea though. It's best we use that time to build other guys. And the Wyatts definitely deserve more than a random match with these 3 guys.

I'm a firm supporter of Bray Wyatt vs. The Undertaker, but if not that, I'd like to see Bray Wyatt in some other big spot on the show. I really dig their gimmick and want to see them succeed.

I think DDP, Jake and Scott should all get spots in the Rumble though. That would definitely be cool to see.
All those three legends are old and beat up and the Wyatts are not known for their in-ring work so it would be a terrible match.
LOL wtf do you wanna see that for. They're all old as shit and broken down and if the match went longer than say 6 minutes it would be terrible and they would be boo'd out of the building. To answer your question yes, I'm pretty sure you are the only one who digs this idea.
I won't give you as hard of a time as future posters may, but you and I both know this is neither a good idea or a dream match.

They serve a very small fanbase now and are more likely to be put up against 3MB if anyone, because those that said they are in no condition to wrestle are right. They're not and I don't see WWE risking it, especially on their most hyped pay per view.
Dream match for whom? It ain't for the ans. maybe it's a dream match for DDP, Jake and Hall, but not for anyone else. Why would you put top act in against a cusp gy, an overrated never was, and a yoga teaching never should ave been?
I would like to see Jake return for the Royal Rumble. I believe he is younger than Hogan and Flair. I don't think he could do a full match by himself. Scott Hall has a pacemaker, no way WWE will let him enter a ring (the hip is a non-issue because I think Taker and in the past Piper wrestle with artificial hips.)

Personally, I really want Warrior to do a work in WM.
Dream Match? More like nightmare. No, just no. I'd like to see a Scott Hall/Kevin Nash HOF type thing...but that's about it. DDP could...but his run in WWE was less than inspiring so I'm pretty sure they wouldn't bring him back to work because he didn't pan out when he was still active. Jake the Snake would be a cool nostalgia thing...have him short arm clothesline some and then DDT them, but that's about it. Jake and Wyatt would be a good RAW angle, but at the biggest ppv of all time? You know how not to sell tickets.
I will also be easy on you others seem to have ripped you to shreds! This match is terrible for a lot of reasons

Scott Hall nearly died several times not just once! He is a lucky man that his is still around plus recently he got a hip transplant if im not mistaken! For these reasons alone a wrestling ring is the last place scott hall should be in right now!

Jake the Snake! Jake the snake is way out of wrestling shape plus he is pushing 60 years old! No way could he take bumps like that plus he is just recently recovering from substance abuse ala Scott hall! Jake should focus on staying clean and a wrestling ring is not the place for him! Maybe a nice nostalgia moment in the Royal Rumble where is he is quickly eliminated safely will be fine by me but not at WM! WM is the place for the elite!

DDP: Out of the group he is probably the only one who stands a decent chance! But he retired because of a bad back i dont want him to potentially get hurt! I dont know when his last match was,its gotta be around 12 years ago if im not mistaken! That is along time to be away from the ring! Have him at WM doing backstage segments with some of the legends that i would be fine with but no where near a ring!
Yeah...I'm not exactly sure I'd call this a dream match when you consider a couple of important factors.

1. DDP, Scott Hall, & Jake The Snake Roberts are 57, 58 and 58 years old. That's a combined age of 175.

2. Hall & Roberts have had major health issues over the years and that's not even counting the many decades they've battled substance abuse. Frankly, I doubt either Hall or Roberts are remotely healthy enough to compete. You know that WWE would want to protect them and its own collective ass, which means they'd put them through a barrage of medical tests & exams. I'd say that DDP would have no problem as he's someone that lives and has lived a very healthy lifestyle, but the same can't be said for Hall and Roberts.

I understand that people can be nostalgic about wrestlers they grew up watching. I'm the same way, nothin' wrong with it. But there's a big difference between being nostalgic and letting nostalgia blind you to the truth. I think it'd be a great moment to see Scott Hall & Jake Roberts appear in a WWE ring, Roberts especially, but not as wrestlers and especially not at WrestleMania.

Even if the match took place, what exactly is the benefit aside from some major marks of these guys getting a bit of a thrill? Beating or getting beaten by a trio of senior citizens won't exactly do much to elevate The Wyatt Family. I could see Roberts in the role of a mentor to Bray Wyatt, maybe even something of a father figure. You know, the man who showed Wyatt what "the truth" truly is and set his feet on the path of knowledge.
Yeh, this isn't what most people would claim to be a "dream match". It is a certainly a match but I don't think there are many people clamouring to see DDP, Scott Hall and Roberts way past their prime.

Indeed, this would be a horrible match and a waste of The Wyatt family. I will say that I wouldn't mind seeing Hall and Roberts at Mania. They deserve to be at this one with other legends that played a big part in Wrestlemania. I don't think DDP really deserves any time devoted to him. He was big in WCW but didn't do much in the WWE. Moreover, he is hardly a megastar.

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