Dream Band


Getting Noticed By Management
If you could create a dream band with any musicians in history, what would it look like? You should have a singer, lead guitarist, bassist and drummer, with rhythm guitar and keyboardist optional. Try and use musicians who aren't just the best of their kind but would go together as a band and make good music. Mine would look like this...

Lead Guitar-Jimi Hendrix-The guitarist for my band would have to be Jimi Hendrix. He could play anything and his solos are just legendary, and in this band he would be amazing. I've always wondered what Hendrix could have done if he had focused more on band work and not solo, so this could be a good way to make his music even better.

Bass Guitar-Paul McCartney(The Beatles)-One of the best of his kind, Paul McCartney's basslines are a huge part of every Beatles song and Paul could work great with any band, songwriting and playing. He would bring great things to any band.

Rhythm Guitar-Keith Richards(The Rolling Stones)-Probably the greatest rhythm guitarist of all time, Keith was even ranked number 10 on the Rolling Stones 100 Greatest Guitarists, so he must be pretty great. His innovative style of playing and songwriting would really work with this band.

Vocalist-Jim Morrison(The Doors)-One of the greatest frontman in history, Morrison's acid induced music really fits in with this band and his voice would really compliment the fast playing of the others. I think he would sound amazing with these other guys.

Drummer-Keith Moon(The Who)-This guy was absolutely insane and I think his relentless guitar beats and fills would make anything sound amazing. He could turn this band into absolute hard rock while not getting completely in the way and for that reason Keith Moon is in my band.

Keyboardist-Richard Wright(Pink Floyd)-Pink Floyd is one of my favourite bands and I think Wright is a huge part of their spacy sound. One of the best keyboardists ever, in my opinion, he would fit in well here.

Why This Would Work-With Hendrix and Wright creating amazing lead parts, to the rhythm of McCartney, Richards and Moon, all complimented by the deep tones of Jim Morrison this band would be absolutely incredible. All of these are 60-70's artists and they would create some amazing acid and hard rock. Actually, looking at this band, this really could have happened in 1970, which I think adds a lot to the dream of it. Nowadays, only two of these guys are still alive. Kind of hard to believe, actually. What would your band look like? You can use any combination of these parts, whatever works for you.
Okay this is going to be kind of a large group here, but then again Slipknot consists of like nine members, so this won't be too unbelieveable in size range. Plus this is a dream band lol. So here we go.

Lead Guitarists-Eric Clapton, Jimi Hendrix, Slash: Three of the best of all time in my opinion, with Hendrix creating those unique sounds with his guitar, Clapton digging deep into his bluesy guitar, and Slash just shredding away on the axe, it would make for an awesome sound. Plus you could do triple guitar parts like Skynyrd did in "Freebird" and have up to three guitar solos in a song with three different sounds giving such a variety to the band. Plus Slash just works so well with who I'm going to choose as my rythym guitarist, and vice versa.

Rythym Guitar-Izzy Stradlin: Izzy was just such a great rythym man and contributed so much to GNR that he gets my vote as one of the better rythym guitarists of all time. Plus I choose Slas a a lead guitarist, and the chemistry there is just so amazing. I know four guitarist is overdoing it somewhat, but it would certainly be a unique sound.

Drummer-Steven Adler: Another great GNR musician, it is too bad his addiction
got in the way of his performance, because he was a truly great drummer, and he really perfected rock drumming in some of his work with GNR.

Bass-Nikki Sixx: Now as I don't truly know much about bass, I'll just choose Nikki, for he has went through hell in his life and in all honesty doesn't write that many bad lyrics, so he could contribute to the band in that way also.

Vocalist-Jim Morrison: Morrison was just "it" as a frontman and a vocalist. He was one of the greatest songwriters in rock n' roll history, and had a voice that is just hard to beat. He was very influential, and one of the greatest singers of his time. He could do so much in front of that microphone, and to me would be the ideal man for the job of fronting a band.

I know seven men with 3 lead guitarists and a rythym to boot is a little overboard, but like I said, it is a dream band, and I truly think that this band, with the blues, acid, and heavy shredding guitars, along with Izzy providing rythym, with Adler's awesome rock drumming, Nikki laying down rythym on his bass, and Morrison up front singing, along with the songwriting abilities of Clapton, Morrison, Hendrix,and Sixx put together, would be a simply amazing band.
Lead Guitarist-- Eric motherfucking Clapton. I would pick B.B. King and put Clapton on vocals, but I want the band to have a wider range than the King of Blues could give by himself. There is a reason people say "Clapton is God."

Bass Guitar-- Aston Barrett. He was the bass player for Bob Marley & The Wailers. If there was ever going to be a easy-going bass guitarist, it would be the Rastafarian who played for Bob Marley. :lmao:

Rhythm Guitar-- Ed Robertson. He plays for the Barenaked Ladies, so he can keep up with anything that Clapton brings to the table. Slow and mellow or faster and upbeat, Robertson can keep up. Not on par, because Clapton is Clapton. But I'm sure he can handle it.

Vocalist-- Isaac Slade. The Fray's frontman. He's not better than Clapton when it comes to vocals, but I need Clapton on lead guitar. That, and I like Isaac's voice better for this band idea.

Drummer-- Dean Castronovo. That's right. Journey's drummer. Ahahaha. Why? Why not? As long as he can keep a beat, the drummer isn't very integral to this band. We're probably not going to get much faster or more involved than your fastest Clapton song, so being able to slam away like the drummer from Metallica is not needed.

Keyboardist-- Since this is optional, I'm switching it out for Piano. And for this I will place my vocalist, Isaac Slade. He plays them at the same time for The Fray, I want him to do so for this band.

Why It Will Work-- I'm going for more a more down to earth band. Basically Clapton's work mixed with the feel goods of today. Clapton will be able to innately lead the band at exactly the right tempo, and Barrett and Robertson should be able to keep the feel going. Slade's grittier vocals and piano playing will lend the songs that extra bit of feeling I want. The drummer...well, he can keep a beat, I'm supposing. He shall do just fine.
As for Jane's request, this is my thread I am posting in for his secret Santa.

My dream band is a band that I feel could produce a piece of music that I could listen to over and over in many different emotional states of mind. I think I have developed said band to my set of needs.

Lead Singer: Josh Scogin is my choice, he used to be the lead singer of Norma Jean, and I have always loved his sound. I feel he is a great choice for lead to provide that epic chorus work needed.

Backing Vocals: I chose a female who can parallel Josh here, and I picked Melanie Willis of One True Thing. She has a beautiful voice who could always provide that bridge that all epic songs need.

Guitar: I needed someone who was able to provide a piece of music able to keep with the song, through the verses, the course, the bridge, and provide some soloistic work, so I chose Luke Hoskin of Protest The Hero. His work speaks for himself, and his skill is incredible.

Bass Guitar: I choose someone who can sing if needed, but I really don't require that skill as you will see from my choice of drummer, so I chose Chris Sorenson of Saosin, knowing he would be the engine that kept this band together.

Drums: The reason I put Chris there, is because I know what his vocals are like, meaning if I wanted a softer vocal with a bit of a whine, I could get that out of Francis Mark. He is the Drummer, and was the lead singer for a while for From Autumn To Ashes.
Interesting...I'll go with a band I'd like to hear, other than the best possible band. Otherwise, I'd just be listing Page, Bonham, Ozzy, and Claypool.

Lead Singer - Cristina Scabbia

I love her voice, and she has a really good range, which would allow her to work over any kind of music. With Lacuna Coil, she's worked with another singer, so it plays into what I have in mind here.

Screamo Vocals - Maria Brink

I love her clean vocals, but if you just let her scream her heart out, supporting Cristina's voice, you got some real magic there. The lyrics would cover every possible emotion, and any sound can be placed behind them.

Lead Guitar - Tony Rombola

The guitarist from Godsmack. He's very talented, while still being "simple". He doesn't use too many pedals, he doesn't try to outplay the song, and he can write almost anything. He'd fit in well with the sound of the band.

Rhythm Guitarist - Travis Miguel

With Atreyu he's played lead and rhythm, which allows him to toss in a solo or two for longer songs, and he'd be able to blend in with the background when necessary as well. He's also great live, which would up the stage presence of the band a bit.

Bass Guitar - Ivy Vujic

You can never have too much hotness in a band. Ivy is a great bass player, who can either follow the guitar, or write her own piece to fit in with the song. She's played with a lot of different artists, and would bring that experience into this "super group".

Drums - Shannon Larkin

He may be the greatest drummer still actively putting out records. He squandered for a long time in bands that people hardly knew, but finally got a bit of a breakout with Godsmack. He can write anything, play with anyone, and he's a nice guy, so there wouldn't be any egos to deal with.

Keyboard - Josh Silver

I wouldn't put keyboards into every song, but for when they're needed, this is the man I'd want. He's written some really great stuff for Type O Negative, and really stands out at their shows. He'd be able to round out anything the band has written, and really make it a "complete" song.
Bass Guitar- Cliff Burton (r.i.p.) former bassist of Metallica in the 80's, listen to Master of Puppets and Kill em All (where Cliff has a bass solo track called "Pulling Teeth".) he died at the tragically young age of 24 in a car crash in Sweden in 1986. Although Jason Newstead

Lead Guitar- Eddie Van Halen. A legend in the rock industry with some of the best solos ever (Eruption anyone?).

Drums: Niel Peart: how can I not include a fellow Canadian? Rush's incredible drummer still can put on a great show despite being 57.

Lead Vocals: Reese Roper, formerly of Five Iron Frenzy and Brave Saint Saturn. I love this guy's voice and his songwriting is epic.
absolutely great thread choice Jane :D your giving me some REALLY tough choices here!

Lead Singer: Steven Tyler of Aerosmith. who has the range and power of Steven Tyler in his prime? nobody I tells ya and Dream On is the perfect example of his range.

Backup Vocals/Harmony:

Tenor-Sting: this guy would fit Steven's range perfectly. Message in a bottle is a perfect song to listen to.

Baritone-Eric Clapton can also play rhythm and lead when called for. and what can I say. There's a reason why Clapton is god.

Lead Guitarist: Carols Santanna. yea I know that's a curveball but hey nobody can make the guitar sing like he can. except for maybe Jeff Beck. Speaking of Beck I'd put him as a Stand-in in case Carlos got sick. I'd still have Eddie Van Halen in my speed dial though.

Rhythm Guitar:
1: Dimebag Darrel- his work with Pantera was genius. too bad some moron shot him in the middle of a show though.

2: B.B King. can also play lead when called for.

Bass: Flea. nuff said. if there's a bassist that an improv band needed that can actually improv while he played, Flea is your guy.

Organist: Rick Wright from pink floyd

Synth: Pete Townsend. can double as a pianist/organist

Stand-ins: Billy Joel and Elton John


1: Nick Mason from pink floyd

2: John Bonham from Led Zeppelin

horn section:

Alto:-myself. that may be arrogant but if you guys seen me play you'd be very impressed.

Tenor: Clarence Clemens

Trumpet: Miles Davis

Why it would work: we need some sort of feel good jam bands. and this is a great example of one. with people like Sting and Eric Clapton singing vocals combined with their lyric writing we'd have one hell of a concert series.
Im doing a Funkadelic band first

Lead Vocals Jim Morrison he has THE voice for funkadelic singing can do a slow song and quick as well

Lead Guitar Jimi Hendrix, (the guy set the bar for guitar playing) the guy can play just about anything and give it substance (I'd also have him on backing vocals)

Drums Reni (from The Stone Roses) Reni is the definitive drummer who doesn't smash the drums making him perfect for a funkadelic band, he makes the drums a key part of the song (listen to Fools Gold).

Bass Mani (from The Stone Roses also) his bass would amplify the funkiness of the song if not Flea because Flea can play just about any style of music
More Rock orientated band now

Vocals Anthony Keidis, Kurt Cobain or Axl Rose these guys can sing a heavy rock song or a calmer style song, they also have unique voices as well which would make the band stand out

Lead Guitar Slash or Hillel Slovak, they bring their own uniqueness when playing, if the band were doing a cover these guys would be key in making the cover stand out against the original. They also have some of the best solos ive ever heard

Drums Dave Grohl he IS the best drummer (to me) for hard rock he would drum incredibly quickly making the song a force to be reckoned with.

Bass Flea (again) because the guy is so good because he can adapt extremley well, or Duff McKagan because he would work extremley well with Slash and because he has a style that would work
Drums - Shannon Larkin
He may be the greatest drummer still actively putting out records.... He can write anything

Are you seriuos?!?!?!? SHANNON LARKIN...."the greatest drummer still actively putting out records"??!!?!? You have to be absolutely joking on that statement right? You cannot, for the love of all things music, actually think Shannon Larkin is anything but mediocre...AT BEST. The dude is a joke, who pretends to be some sort of drum prodigy but cannot even play a Polyrhythm to save his life! He is beyond basic and provides no flair or unique qualities to his work, and that is why he plays in Godsmack. If he could write anything, he would be in a band that looks beyond the 4/4 time signature.
Do you actually think for a second that Shannon fucking Larkin is better than say, Dave Murray or Mike Portnoy? What about Gavin Harrison or Gene Hoglan and even Tomas Haake? You sir, need to have your fucking head examined!

My dream band would consist of.....

Vocals: Steven Wilson
This guy is a musical genius and has one of the most beautiful singing voices of all time. He might not have an F# type of range, but he is great none-the-less!

Rhythm Guitar: Steven Wilson
Again, his musical genius really comes into play here. For this type of jam band, he would be able to pull out chords you have never even seen or heard before. A great fit.

Lead Guitar: Paul Waggoner
Really coming into light with his skills on the Between the Buried and Me's album "Colors" and even furthering his talents on the latest disc "The Great Misdirect". He can solo in any style, which really makes him a great addition to any band.

Warr Guitar: Colin Marston
The WARR Guitar aint an easy instrument to play, but this guy does it like its pre-school type stuff. A master at what he does!

Acoustic Guitar: Joey Eppard
Check out the song Bramfatura by Three. Thats all you need to hear/know about Joey Eppard. An acoustic guitar god.

6 String Bass: Alex Webster
A mastermind when it comes to complex musical theory. A bass player for his whole life and also a long time member of the band Cannibal Corpse. Whereas 'Corpse might suck a tonne, Webster really breaks through the ceiling! Check out his side project, Blotted Science!

Fretless Bass: Dominic Lapointe
An up and coming Canadian Bass legend. Check out his fretless work on the latest album from Augury.

Drums: Dave Murray
Easily, without a doubt, one of the most gifted drummers to ever pick up the sticks. He is a master of the Polyrhythm and can play 4 different time signatures at the same time. Absolutely stunning!

Piano: Andy Winter
Effortless finger work allow for him to play the most elegant passages as well as dark and heavy sections.

Keyboards/Organ: Per Wiberg
All the proof you need is in the solo he performs on Opeth's song "Burden" as well as his timeless material featured in the band Spiritual Beggars.

Continuum: Jordan Rudess
The greatest living keys player today. Though he is not my favourite key/piano player around, he is a pioneer of the Continuum and can do magical things with that orange pad!

LSDJ: Erik Engstrom
Another pioneer of a not so well known musical "instrument", the game boy. Check out his work with 'HORSE the band' to know what Im talking about here. He is severely underated!

Traditional & Electric Cello: Jackie Perez-Gratz
Her band Grayceon is a work of beauty, simple as that!
I'm going to go in order of what comes to mind here, so first off I'll go with

Guitar - Luke Hoskin
The stuff this guy puts out on the Protest The Hero tracks are crazy. If you listen to Spoils off of their latest album, you can hear some of the craziness. He's definitely one of my favorite guitarists right now.

Guitar - "Dimebag " Darrell Abbott

I'm sure many of you know the talent that this man possesses. He's one of the best guitarists to ever live and I could only imagine the great tracks we'd be hearing were he still alive.

Bass - Fieldy
I've always been a fan of Korn and even more so a fan of his work. I wouldn't say he's the best out there, but he's definitely a favorite of mine and he's pretty good too.

Vocals - Anders Friden

I'm a huge, huge, huge In Flames fan and I love this man on vocals. He has the perfect screaming voice and a great voice for just plain singing. He's definitely one of the greatest to come out of Sweden.

Drums - Mike Smith

As they said on the Roadrunner United DVD, this man is the innovator of fucking blasting. He's just crazy on the drums, and I've never seen anyone go harder on them then him.
Dream Band


Lead Vocals:
Maynard James Keenan of Tool - He is a very talented vocalist. He can scream with the best of them as well as sing ballads. He has a unique voice as well as a unique style.

Backup Vocals:
Otep Shamaya of OTEP -Going on the 'Unique Factor' Otep has been featured on Def Jam Poets for her skills with the written word. Her voice, both ranged singing and screaming are top notch.

John William Lowery aka JOHN5 (of Marilyn Manson & Rob Zombie fame.) -Listen to his solo work and tell me he's not a virtuoso.

Justin Chancellor of TOOL - A demon from hell with the power to shred some of the most finger twisting bass lines known to man.

Travis Barker of Blink 182 - Seriously, he's a MONSTER on the drums. His drum solos and tech demos are pretty damn amazing.

Mikko Viljami Lindström (Linde) of HIM - Bach & Rock pretty much sums up Linde. He's a skilled keyboardist as well as a pretty good backup vocalist as well.
Wow... this thread almost makes me cream in my pants.

My choices in this thread should probably be dependent on the type of music I wish to hear when the band plays together. However, sometimes it isn't the best choice to keep band members of the same musical genre together... their influences may be too similar and this may cause a lack of being unique. Therefore, I choose...

Lead Singer: Steve Perry (Journey)
I can never choose anyone BUT this man when it comes to fronting a rock band. He was always a tremendous performer and probably one of the greatest rock singers of all time. His vocal range is unimaginable to most people, and he played a big role in writing songs for Journey.

Bass Player: Flea (The Red Hot Chili Peppers)
I'm surprised no one mentioned him in this thread yet (unless I missed it). The guy has an awesome look, killer energy, and is an extremely accomplished bass player. Just listen to the Chili Pepper's album, Mother's Milk, if you doubt my choice here. The only setback to Flea is his lack of vocal ability, but I don't think it will be very detrimental towards the success of this band.

Drums: Neil Peart (Rush)
How could anyone NOT choose this guy? Well, I'd understand if you chose John Bonham, but Neal is right up there, as well. Have you ever seen this guy in concert? He is completely surrounded by a drum kit! And he uses every cymbal, tom, and kick pedal in the kit. His drum solos are MIND-BOGGLING because you have no idea how he's doing what he's doing and for the length of time that he's doing it. It's almost euphoric to watch him play.

Lead Guitar: Slash (Velvet Revolver/Guns N Roses)
Quite frankly, I'm a little surprised at myself for choosing him. But, I couldn't go with players like Jimi Hendrix, Jeff Beck, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Steve Vai, Zack Wilde, or Eddie Van Halen because even thought they're ground-breaking, influencial guitar players, I feel they're only zoned to playing music based upon their own expertise in a specifc genre. Hendrix/Beck/Vaughn are incredible blues players, Vai/Wilde/Van Halen are great rock players, but Slash can play any style. His versatility make him an ideal choice for any band. He's played, metal, alternative, punk, rock, blues, and mainstream pop. I can't see another player that can blend with any band members that are thrown at him.
Electric Perfection In Concert

a.k.a. "EPIC"

Lead Singer / Frontman - Steve Perry

Now most people know that Freddie Mercury is my vote for greatest frontman of all time, hands down. But Mr. Mercury is a specific musician with a specific skill set, and that's not this.

Steve Perry (of Journey) has one of the great vocal ranges of all time. His work both in Journey AND solo was fantastic. He has a voice that can accomplish rock as well as ballads, which gives him enhances versatility. He has a modern sound that translates well to a nostalgic classic rock feel. Classically trained.


Lead Guitarist - George Lynch

Lynch was the lead guitarist of Dokken before his skill set intimidated the ego of lead singer Don Dokken. Both men were likely at fault, and the stories vary depending on who tells them. The Dokken song "Mr. Scary," which was an instrumental on "Back for the Attack," represented Dokken's only grammy nomination for "Best Rock Instrumental.

A neat story about Lynch appears on VH1's "Most Metal Moments" special. While touring Hawaii with Dio, Lynch and co. did a spot on top of an active volcano, where Lynch went into a crazy guitar solo. He noticed the bottoms of his boots beginning to warm and melt on the ground, until finally the crust broke and he actually felt the heat from the magma. The local park rangers got work to Dokken that they had to leave immediately, so they hopped back on the small plane. Within moments of takeoff, the volcano erupted. George Lynch was the artist behind the guitar solo that made a volcano erupt.


Lead Bass - Steven Percy Harris

Iron Maiden, baby.

I went with Harris for a few reasons. The bass licks from Maiden were deep and cutting - just what I like. He would be a tremendous contrast for the higher vocals of Steve Perry and the screaming guitar of George Lynch.

In addition, Harris can play keyboards, and also contribute back-up vocals. He also writes most of the lyrics for Maiden. Harris is actually the only member of Maiden to be with the band the entire time. He's actually also a fantastic soccer player who almost went pro.


Drums - Mike Portnoy

For anyone who has seen a Dream Theatre show, you can understand thr value of a guy like Portnoy. He is also a back-up vocalist, giving this band 4 servicable voices to use. Portnoy is also a lyricist for Dream Theatre, giving EPIC a tremendous amount of creative talent. Digital Dream Door ranks Portnoy 10th on the all time greatest drummers of rock history.


Electric Cello - Patrick Laird

There's a great deal of progressive metal influence in my band here, so I need a metal-cellist. My choice is Patrick Laird from the American rock cello band Break of Reality. My wife, a classical cellist for 12 years, would understudy.


I'd want Richard Tandy as a touring keyboardist.

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