DQ's and Countouts ruin great WWE matches

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Da Prophet

Mid-Card Championship Winner
What do you people think about DQ's and countouts? This has been a way to have someone keep their title but not beat the contender or contenders.

Some of the best matches have been ruined by a guy pushing the ref, kicking or punching the other guy in the nuts, using a chair or weapon of some kind. Here are some of my favorite matches that ended in DQ (which is F'N stupid):

:Orton vs HBK(CyberSunday 2007)
:Orton vs Y2J(Armageddon 2007)
:Orton vs Cena(No Way Out 2008)
:Batista vs Edge(Vengence 2007)
:King Booker vs Batista(SummerSlam 2006)
:Triple H vs Scott Streiner(Royal Rumble 2003)
:JBL vs Undertaker(SummerSlam 2004)
:JBL vs Eddie G(Judgement Day 2004)

All these matches were ruined by the ending. Of course, there would be more but I would need about 738 threads to write every one.

Countouts are stupid. Number 1 contenderships are won nearly half the time by countouts. Great tag matches on free TV end in countouts. But I hate seeing them on PPV.

So what do you think? Are DQ and Countouts good or do you want to see them out of here? Or would you prefer to see them used once in a while?
I think that DQs and countouts are a good way to build some talents. For example, if you have main eventer A who just happens to hold a title taking on upper midcarder B. They book it as a title match, and want upper midcarder B to win the match, but not the title. They allow main eventer A to get disqualified, there by showing that upper midcarder B can actually be a legitimate threat to the title.

What I don't like is when the DQ/Countout finish is used in matches where it doesn't make sense. Like a guy in a non-title match getting intentionally disqualified. I can see the reasoning behind it, but doesn't mean I think it sucked any less.

BTW, greatest match to end by DQ was the Jeri-Show vs DX Tag Title Rematch, that was done perfectly, and worked within the scope of the storylines and characterizations of those involved......until Jericho became a whiny bitch.
It builds heat. Orton can have great matches but if he's put in situation where he could lose the title, why not hit the ref on purpose? It keeps him the title, and you're supposed to be mad and feel like it's a wasted match. All of those matches you posted had a character who is like that (JBL, Edge, Eddie, Orton).

I think a storyline where someone stays champ only because he keeps getting DQ'd would be a good way of building up a heel, or at least the type of heel that Edge and Orton are. This'll make build up for non-DQ matches, which they can win in some other underhanded way. I don't mind them at all and think they're necessary to add layers to the sport (using sport vaguely here)
Yeah well if it goes with the storyline why not,but why if the fans are all standing and every one is going nuts,have someone get DQ.When orton does it yeah its his thing and we all know they will get a rematch.And yeah heels do it heaps but when was the last time Y2J got DQ and Kane when he was heel.

Heels dont have to get DQ it just what half of the people in eworld think.

You said that EDGE and Orton those types of heels right.What about the 16time world champion he's a face(well back when he was in WWE)People loved whn Flair kicked the other guy in the nuts.Even if he did get DQ.


SHARPCHUTER OUT!!!!!!!!!!!1:lol::wtf:
And yeah heels do it heaps but when was the last time Y2J got DQ and Kane when he was heel.

Heels dont have to get DQ it just what half of the people in eworld think.

You said that EDGE and Orton those types of heels right.What about the 16time world champion he's a face(well back when he was in WWE)People loved whn Flair kicked the other guy in the nuts.Even if he did get DQ.


SHARPCHUTER OUT!!!!!!!!!!!1:lol::wtf:

I said Edge and Orton because I was using the guys posted in the match. We saw the rematch of DX vs Jerishow, where Chris Jericho got screwed over becasue DX got themselves DQ'd. Maybe seeing an actual match between them would be good, but the point was the DQ was able to take jabs at Jericho, and add insult to the injury of leaving Raw. Kane doesn't get DQ'd because he instead has wonderful 28 second matches (vs Chavo Guerrero at Wrestlemania). I'm less of a fan of those Monster vs Local/Jobber matches where the entrances take longer than the matches themselves. After a while, you don't look dominant, you just get boring and fans lose interest (Vladimir Kozlov).

Who said it wrecked matches? Oh sorry: "recked" matches. And no, they don't HAVE to get DQ'd, but it's an option, just like it's an option to beat the guy outside the ring until a 9 count, then sneak back in the ring, which I believe someone (maybe Orton, he does it quite often) did on that Slammy edition of Raw for the Superstar of the Year tournament. The more rules that are put in a match the more heels can get over, and the more loopholes that exist for a person to win a match, the more heels get over. But its also a huge face move. If Regal takes out brass knuckles, its worse because it's illegal, but if John Cena gets them from him and hits him in the face, its a bigger pop because they're illegal and "he showed him".

Calm down.
There's always a point to it though. If Cena wins the rematch because Sheamus gets DQ'd it serves the purpose that Cena has used his rematch clause and hasn't won the title back but is still unbeaten. It also puts heat on Sheamus for getting DQ'd, and will give WWE the chance to advertise that title match on Raw, maybe get a few extra viewers, and then have it on PPV because Cena was screwed out of the match.

Plus it can save some matches for PPV and or future 'dream matches'. Say CM Punk had faced Cena twice, and won/lost by countout/DQ after not giving much away, saving that match for a PPV headline in the future rather than free to air TV but it also means you can pull in viewers to Raw to watch it.

What did you feel about Eddie G when his matches ended in DQ? Either when he won or when he lost with the chair trick. The fans loved that.
I have no problem when DQ's and Count Outs are used sparingly. But as of recently I have grown to really hate them, as people are using them to purposully end a match. DX with jerishow two weeks ago, Orton constantly walking out his championship matches when he was WWE champ, that stuff just pisses me off (and i know, it added to ortons character but i really started to hate it towards the end.), as i would much rather see two people wrestle
For me, DQs and Countouts are good when used properly, like after a good match, or like Raw for the rematch to get Jericho off Raw (as part of the storyline), and I've noticed that HHH used to get DQed quite a bit when Earl Hebner was the ref in HHH's matches due to pushing the ref around. I liked seeing Earl stand up for himself though. In regards to Countouts, it has to be a good match for me to like it, like the HIAC with Taker and Foley when Foley fell off the top of the cage kind of thing, even though that match has no countouts, but that kind of spot i feel would be a good countout.
They can be good if used correctly but not in a PPV main event type match. Who wants to pay for something to end in a DQ/No contest.But if used correctly it can build up the cowardly heel type of gimmick.
So what do you think are DQ and Countouts good or do you want to see them out of here,or just once in a awhile.

I think they are good as a way to have a heel retain the belt, like Orton often did. The champion doesn't have to beat the challenger cleanly to keep his belt, but the challenger usually needs a clean win. They are good for heel retentions, but I do not think they should really be used for much else. This is better since it feels more annoying if they are rarely used then suddenly a heel retains his title by DQ or Countout. Thus, you hate that heel more unless you wanted him to retain. Makes a lot of sense to me. I think they should be done once in a while and only for a cheap way to win a match and not often because the more often they are done, the more complicated the booking gets.
DQs and countouts are very important in booking. It's a great way to make both wrestlers involved in a match look strong. If someone wins by countout, they won the match, which makes them look good, but the loser doesn't look that bad if he loses it in a freak manner. Plus, the title doesn't have to change hands. This strategy has been used in wrestling for years and years, it's just smart.

Also, it can give a lot of heat to a heel champ. Remember MVP during his US Title run? He hardly ever won a match, but always retained his title. That made the moment he lost it all the sweeter. The whole thing with Edge and Vickie was also a great use of interference, DQ, and general bullshit to make the contender look strong while still having the heel champ retain.
We'll, personally, I am fine with the DQ and count-outs, BUT, I think that the WWE needs a change with this...such as...

If the opponent is DQ'd or Counted Out, then THEY LOSE THE TITLE...make it interesting! But sometimes, the way they have it now can be good if funny...such as DX purposedly pushing the Ref over Shawn michaels to get DQ'd to retain the titles against Jeri-Show...that was pretty funny....But still...if you are DQ'd or Counted-out, then YOU SHOULD LOSE THE TITLE...
DQs and countouts do not ruin a good match, atleast not always. Usually a match with a DQ or countout finish isn't given much time to begin with and if you give two guys like eight minutes to work with and a DQ finish, the results are almost always going to be mediocre at best. This isn't the rule though, just earlier tonight I watched one of my personal favorite matches, Mankind vs. HBK at Mind Games, which has to be the greatest match to ever end in a DQ finish ever. That match is so good it would be teetering on a five star rating had it had a clean ending. Really that's the one problem with the DQ finish there, is that if it had been a clean ending instead, I don't think I'd hesitate to rate that match a full five stars.

That match is just one example of many other great matches that have ended in DQ or count out finishes. Shit they used to be common place at practically every single show in the older days.
They irritate me but i do think there is good reasons behind why there are used..

A) You have a rising star up against a world champion, to give the rising star a bigger push, they beat the champion but yet don't take the belt.. therefore giving the young guy a win over the world champion, hence more credibility to the younger guy..

B) You have a 5 star fued going on.. its not one of the guys time to take the belt yet but you want the fued to continue.. there for getting the challenger getting cheated out of the belt and then you have more time for the fued to continue

C Its big guy vs little guy.. in a match made just so the fans can think the big guy will win.. although at the last second, the big guy gets counted out and letting the little guy gain a victory hence shocking the crowd (not always works, sometimes predictable)

but yeah.. theres just some reasons :D
DQ's and Countouts can play an important role in wrestling, multiple roles as a matter of fact. They're a great way for heels to generate heat and are an excellent way for a heel to both generate heat and retain a championship. Hell, Ric Flair made a career out of it during the 1980s in particular. When Flair was the NWA Champion during the 80s, it was exceedingly rare to see him retain a championship cleanly. He often got disqualified for one thing or another, particularly due to outside interference of other heels to keep him from losing the title. Flair got heat from the crowd and the challenger looked strong during the match. Everybody wins.

DQ's and countouts can also keep two guys in a feud looking strong. For instance, let's just say that Cena and Sheamus have a good match against each other on Raw. Let's say it goes back and forth with each one giving as good as they get and let's say it eventually spills outside. Both guys just hammering away at each other and the ref has no choice but to count them out, only both of them are still going at it even though the match has ended in a double countout. If that were to happen, Sheamus would draw heat from the crowd but he'd also come off looking like a strong, credible competitor and it would only make him look better as champion. As for Cena, he'd look like a strong challenger that took everything the champ has, kept coming back and gave as good as he got. He also wouldn't have been pinned or made to submit. In short, if they did it that way, both guys would come out smelling like roses, both would have momentum, both would look strong.

Countouts and DQ's have their place and can be effective tools from everything to building heat to building enthusiasm for feuds and future matches between wrestlers.
It's not just used to "build" up a heel character but its the keep a different angle on the feud.. a very poor angle.

Im not a fan of the countouts/DQ's.. it does ruin the match and in my opinion makes the match pointless.. Okay so it may build up the rematch but i don't think they should be used half as much as they currently are.

A match that ended with a guy beating the other guy with a chair would be a suitable and satisfactory DQ to have.. but in this PG era.. that aint going to happen.

Heels use this route of finishing a match too often and i think this is most frustrating for main events.. but i think this is why WWE chose to do it. Because it draws heat from us however is this heat towards the Heel superstar or towards the WWE?

If this type of thing is going to continue to happen then i think it needs a bit more creative writing put into it.. But then again, there surely has to be a line on how interesting a countout/DQ can be.
Yes, I am becoming increasingly sick of WWE flaking out on good matches and giving us shitty ending to them. Some matches really do deserve more and it is just so underwhelming when they decide to pull shit like that. Case in point, the match between Cena and Sheamus for the WWE Championship. Now, don't get me wrong, the probably needed to do that if they were trying to get Sheamus over a legitimate Champion and a better hell but the match they were having was pretty good by Raw's standards. When I think of all the avenues that WWE had to explore when the made that match, it bothers me that they bailed out with a fucking referee DQ. Personally, I think that is the height of laziness and the worst ending to a match I could ever see. It really did make me cross that a good match could be ended with Sheamus just rolling out of the ring, the referee ringing the bell and the Championship match being so underwhelming that both of the competitors look like absolute fools in my eyes.

Personally, I would have liked to see someone win the match. Sheamus lost that match last night, Cena didn't win it. My blood boils when I think about it and I would have much preferred either Cena to win or Sheamus to win cleanly. Both of these would have opened more avenues for WWE. A Sheamus clean win over John Cena would do wonders for him and WWE bailed on it in typical fashion.
Personally, I would have liked to see someone win the match. Sheamus lost that match last night, Cena didn't win it. My blood boils when I think about it and I would have much preferred either Cena to win or Sheamus to win cleanly. Both of these would have opened more avenues for WWE. A Sheamus clean win over John Cena would do wonders for him and WWE bailed on it in typical fashion.

Agreed. I was disappointed with that match too. It made Sheamus look like a bad champion that he couldn't beat Cena cleanly. Even though it got Sheamus some heel heat, he would have gotten more if he head won cleanly. Also.... DQ's and Countouts are relied on too often. If they were done rarely the heel would get true heel heat, whereas nowadays many of them who rely on DQ's are getting "COME ON, do something ELSE!" heat rather than true heel heat. It would be better for the heels if they relied on DQ's and countouts less because we would be even angrier at them if we were not expecting a match to end this way.
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