Doug Williams


Dark Match Winner
I would like to find someone out there who agrees that this wrestler has been underused since debuting in TNA. He joins a long list of talent that gets tossed under the bus in favor of washed up hacks. But seriously, when Dougy won the TV title, it should have continued to add credibility to the title. However, they jobbed him out in classic TNA fashion. I am not one of those guys who believes I can fix TNA's many problems. However, I can point out when they drop the ball. Anybody else feel the same about Doug Williams?
From what I've read over the last few months, Williams has been wrestling in dark matches on Explosion. He's talented in the ring, but you have to be more precise on the "hacks" that get TV time over him. Roode? Storm? Aries? These are just an example of the roster that has been featured weekly. Granted, I'd rather see Doug Williams than Robbie E. or T. for that matter. But like this has been discussed before on more than one occasion, there's only so much time in every episode of Impact, and there really hasn't been much of anyone for Williams to feud with. I'm not sure anymore if he's a heel or face.
I think with the TV title being defended every week it's a good chance we will be seeing talent on the roster that is not exposed very much. I really hope TNA uses the TV title in this way. Hopefully we will see guys like Doug and the Pope, who we have not seen in a very long time.

Last time I saw Doug was in January on the UK tour in a three way with Aries and Haskins, he actually looked a bit out of shape... but I would still say he is the best British wrestler today.
A few years back, such as when Williams was feuding with AJ Styles and was X Division Champion, I think he showed that he had a lot of talent. He's great inside the ring and he demonstrated that he could cut a pretty decent promo when given the opportunity. While the X Division was still FAR from great, Williams did more for the X Division strap than anyone had in a very, very long time. More could have certainly been done with him.

Williams is someone that I think came along at the wrong time, unfortunately. Williams was already in his late 30s when he came to TNA and he was someone that the VAST majority of American fans were completely unfamiliar with. He was well known on the indy scene and had success on the indy circuit but the indies and the big leagues are altogether different. Every wrestler on the indy circuit has his own following proclaiming him to be the best there's ever been. Damn near everybody's a star on the indy circuit, at least that's how it sounds sometimes. Also, when Williams came to TNA, it was during a time in which homegrown, young and/or fresh talent in general was being used to put over the established veterans. Now that TNA has finally started putting more focus on the less established stars, it's probably too late for Williams. That's not to say that Williams can't be a very positive contribution, it's just highly unlikely. When it comes to wrestlers Williams' age, there's a truth that's almost universal: if you haven't made it by now, there's almost a guarantee that you're not going to make it. The only guys that I can think of off the top of my head that made it big when they were of similar age to Williams was Diamond Dallas Page and Nick Bockwinkel.
I followed Doug Williams career in the UK for around ten years before he went over to TNA.

Always very accomplished, always technically sound and always had great potential as someone who could be a decent mid-carder.

His promos aren't great and little things like his climbing the rope and arrogant head-shake swagger (which is something best left to the minor leagues) do detract heavily from his other skills.

I always thought that with the right mentor of suitable standing i.e. Flair/Hogan, you could have someone that could become a top-line major star in TNA. His problem is age and that it may likely be too late to iron out these long-established wrinkles.

I also think that Wade Barrett has really lifted the bar in terms of English heels; no-one can match him at the moment and Doug works better as a heel than a babyface - people will compare him as a poor mans Barrett and that is not a road he should go down under any circumstances.

I would say reform The British Invasion and make them the stellar, dominant force in the tag team division, if not the whole of wrestling. Give him a bit of time until the roster opens up again.
As mentioned by someone else ... his age is a major factor.

He got into the upper echelon of the business late and it is tough for them to find the right angle for him.

I like Williams and thought that he fit well in his British Invasion storyline ... but there just is not a lot of room for him right now in the mix. He is not super charismatic and they are already having a tough time getting people ringwork on a regular basis.

I think that he could be solid in a good feud for the X Division title with Aries, but I don't know how much of a longterm future he has ... and if his age is noticed by us at home, then it for damn sure is well known in the booking room.
I never really noticed his age at all, and am kind of surprised he's a bit older (I don't bother to look up a wrestler's age and all that). Figured he was the same age as Roode and AJ, but alas now I know. I doubt he would be a main eventer per say at this point and time, but he would definitely a good fit in the X-Division or TV Title scene. I thought they would have made the TV title with more prestige with a bit of a longer feud between him and AJ, but unfortunately that didn't pan out. :( With the TV title being defended weekly, I could see him getting on television to be one of D-Von's challengers (I personally would like to see him with the title again, but that doesn't seem to fit right now), but who knows for sure.

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