Don't order WWE Network before reading this!!!


Dark Match Winner
Alright, let me start by saying I am no conspiracy theorist, I am not a teenage boy, and I am not a casual wrestling fan. I don't claim to have any knowledge of what is going on backstage at WWE, nor can I claim to know whether we will really get the "payoff" we all so desperately want for Daniel Bryan. So, the question is, how does this pertain to not ordering the WWE Network? Here's my answer. WWE expects that they will get a ton of traffic and subscriptions for the WWE Network at the launch tomorrow. In reality, I fully intended to be one of the first to subscribe tomorrow, but I just spent the equivalent of the 6-month commitment they will require to watch Elimination Chamber tonight.

My problem is this. Without knowing for sure, I think they are planning to somehow have Daniel Bryan win the Heavyweight Title at Wrestlemania. I think that's been the plan all along, BUT I could be wrong. IF I am, then getting the WWE Network subscription screws me. Lets face it. The cost of six months of WWE Network is less than the HD pay per view purchase of WMXXX. Sounds like a no-brainer to get the Network right? NO IT DOESN'T. If you purchase the Network thinking it's a bargain, you are wrong. The WWE has you committed to the Network for six months. They no longer care about WMXXX pay per view buy rates. WM is the first pay per view where buy rates simply don't matter. Don't get me wrong, they still want a good pay per view number, but the Network subs are much more important to them at this point in time.

Plain and simple, you need to look at one thing and one thing only. If you are paying for six months of the Network, you get WM. Good yes, BUT it also means that WWE has no obligation to give the crowd what they want at WM. They already have your money, and thus your WM viewership. I think overall, the vast majority of the long time fans like myself are waiting for the final payoff to the Daniel Bryan storyline. As a lifelong fan, I want to see 80,000 people chanting YES, YES, YES!!! to end WM THIS YEAR! He's worked his ass off this year, and anyone who has eyes and ears knows he's by far and away the most over WWE star at this point in time. He has been for nearly a year.

I know this has been a long drawn out explanation, perhaps a little too wordy, and I apologize to readers of this thread, but I think we need to stand united as future subscribers and not subscribe tomorrow. My theory is we need to wait until we get what we want. If we all subscribe in droves tomorrow, then WWE doesn't have to put DB in the main event of WM. If we wait, and make it known that we will not subscribe and pay our money until we are paying for what we want, then I think even a small number of us could set the tone for what the Network could represent. Right now, the content of past events and everything that is on there is easily worth $10 a month, but I think as fans, we need to take advantage of what is being offered to us. The WWE has touted the Network as this wonderful innovation that will allow fans to have what they want at their fingertips. That's great, but YouTube has the old stuff too, and if you're a long time fan like me, you probably have the old pay per views you really want to watch over and over again on DVD. My point is not to bash the Network or WWE's effort, but if I am going to pay a subscription, then I want my voice to be heard as well. I'm not looking to line Vince's pockets, which are already much much deeper than mine. If I am paying for it, I want to see current and future pay per view events show that fan input is being considered. When one competitor in your WM main event is getting booed out of the building and the fans are chanting "BOOTISTA", and the other competitor is the WWEWHC and the fans are chanting "PUSSY", something's wrong. BOOTISTA and PUSSY are not good heat. They are legitimate disgust, and if WWE does run with that WM main event, the crowd in New Orleans will likely crap all over it, and likely have a thunderous YES chant at some point during it.

I just feel that we as fans have a right to have our voices heard. I am not a wrestling booker, I am not a writer, and frankly, I am not all that damn creative. Perhaps WWE will surprise me. I just refuse to spend money on a Network that offers me no input on what I see in current and future programming. If Hulu, Netflix, Apple TV, etc. just put out whatever they wanted, and subscribers had no input as to what they were viewing, would people subscribe? No, probably not. I'm glad I will get to choose what old shows I want to watch, but is that alone worth the subscription price, NO? I want to see at least some of what the fans, marks, analysts, etc. are expressing as to what would make fans "pop" happen going forward. I think the Network should be a place where fans voices are heard. I would watch every pay per view since I had it, but that doesn't change the frustration I feel with being screwed out of money. Did I expect DB to win tonight and headline WM? NO. Do I have a right to feel that if I am lining their pockets that will happen at WM? YES. How do we guarantee that we have a shot of seeing that? We don't order the Network until DB has a guaranteed shot at WM. Win, lose, or draw, I want to see 80,000 people chanting YES YES YES!!!
Yes and no. I agree with the fact that as fans should be listened a little more closely. But lets think of this as a great way to erase everything that happened and restart the road to Wrestlemania.
You're worried that because WWE cares more about network subscribers than PPV buys they are going to intentionally piss the fans off for no reason? Just because they get a six month commitment out of you doesn't mean they're going to stop putting effort into their shows. Six months will go by fast and they will want you to renew that subscription.
I'm not in the US and won't be able to subscribe anyways...

But...if for instance, you subscribed tomorrow and paid for the 6-months... wouldn't the WWE Network subscription be finished after that 6 months and wouldn't it have be subscribed for again??

You're worried that because WWE cares more about network subscribers than PPV buys they are going to intentionally piss the fans off for no reason? Just because they get a six month commitment out of you doesn't mean they're going to stop putting effort into their shows. Six months will go by fast and they will want you to renew that subscription.

Ye, and if the subscribers feel screwed by the WWE, then wouldn't they just not subscribe again? I am sure WWE didn't plan to launch the Network for just 6 months...
You're worried that because WWE cares more about network subscribers than PPV buys they are going to intentionally piss the fans off for no reason? Just because they get a six month commitment out of you doesn't mean they're going to stop putting effort into their shows. Six months will go by fast and they will want you to renew that subscription.

You say this as if they haven't already intentionally pissed off the fans for 7 straight PPVs.

(You could argue that they just didn't realize how badly pissed off people would be at reversing the ending of NoC, screwing him on 4 straight PPVs, leaving him out of the Rumble and headlining SS with The Big Show, but all of that would be even WORSE. It shows how out of touch they are with their audience and it shows how you just can't trust them to deliver what you want.)
Didn't read all that shit but the general gist I got from it is that Vince McMahon has some secret agenda to piss you off and now that he has your money 6 months at a time, he's going to go out of his way to give you a shitty quality product.

In the words of the legendary Mr. Payne:


If you don't read anything else in this post, your wallet is begging you to read the bolded:


You aren't hurting anyone but yourself and your wallet if you buy WMXXX instead of a six month subscription. They still got your money, fool.

But then again, I don't know, you could be the Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase himself from 1987, gracing Wrestlezone Forums with your presence from a DeLorean time machine, leaving $100 Bills in the oral cavities of your trail of victims. It might be nothing for you to cash out. Lol.

I agree with the concept of not giving them your money if you don't like the product, but (aside from how astonishingly dumb it is to not take advantage of the value of the WWE Network if you are going to give Vince McMahon your money anyway) the premise of Vince McMahon trying to intentionally spite fans is ridiculous. Vince does not give a damn who draws and puts asses in the seats. If El Torito was the hottest dude on the roster, he'd be in the WM main event.

Prior to the fans hijacking the Rumble, the WWE genuinely felt that Orton-Batista was a huge draw and they had reason to think so. Now that Bryan is proving to have fan support, he will somehow get into the main event and will close the show. And let's be honest, no one is going to stop watching RAW and following the product if Batista or Orton walks out of New Orleans with the title.
I would buy two subscriptions if they promised not to make Daniel Bryan champion. Not that I have anything against Bryan. I just have something against all of these idiot fans who think it's title or bust for DB. If I were calling the shots I'd keep the title as far away as I could from Bryan because it seems the more they work you guys into a frenzy the more you guys like him. I sure as hell wouldn't give him some predictable title match followed by a meaningless and underwhelming title reign, which he is bound to have because his chase is far more interesting than anything he could do as champion. In fact I would have him chase the belt for as long as humanly possible so that when he wins it the fans will go nuts. And then guess what I'd do. I'd turn him heel. Why? Because winning the title is the end of his current character's story. There's no where for him to go after that. He's not Stone Cold Steve Austin. He's not some bad ass who people enjoy watching destroy other opponents. He's an underdog and the underdog's story ends once he achieves his goal.

As for the OP's theory. That's just silly. The WWE is going to want to keep their subscriptions. They're not short sighted enough to think they're sitting pretty with a six month commitment. Of course they're intentionally not giving the fans what they want. That's to make it mean something when they finally do. Not to keep harping on the current state of moronic wrestling fans, but the need for instant gratification is everything that's wrong with the business right now.
I'm not in the US and won't be able to subscribe anyways...

But...if for instance, you subscribed tomorrow and paid for the 6-months... wouldn't the WWE Network subscription be finished after that 6 months and wouldn't it have be subscribed for again??

No, in order to have the network in the 7th month and go forward you will need to sign up for another 6 month agreement.
So basically what you're saying (tl;dr version) is that WWE is planning on having Bryan in the main event at Wrestlemania as a surprise, but if people sign up for the network they'll say "aha we have their money, let's so what they want!"?

I don't think the WWE has been giving fans what they want for years now. They try to get over whoever/whatever they want. And I'm sure there are plenty of fans who don't want to see Bryan as champion, thought based on reactions that's probably the minority. I understand the point you're trying to make, but I don't think it's true. WWE will have to give fans a quality product or people are going to start dropping off.
If the WWE Network didnt have a 6 month commitment then every month around pay per view time people would sub for the $9.99 and then cancel for a $10 pay per view. They would still have the same exact thing really but by locking people into a six month plan maybe people will be more inclined to actually use the network instead of just grab it whenever a pay per view the like is about to air.'re worried that WWE has invested all this time, energy, money, effort and taken something of a gamble on what's been a very lucrative ppv business plan just so they can squeeze 6 months of subscription fees out of people before tanking the network? Wow.....:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:


It's time to wake up and get over this "WWE is an evil business run by sadistic jack offs that are only interested in fucking over hard working talent and who don't care about the fans" bullshit. The bread & butter of the WWE Network is that you'll be able to get every single WWE ppv for $10 a month. For people who've complained that WWE ppvs are too expensive to order every month, which is true for many people, this is an ideal solution to that. Some cable & satellite companies have been shittin' bricks because this COULD mean that WWE may, eventually, no longer need them. Rather than paying $45 a month for a single monthly ppv, a 6 month subscription gets you 6 ppvs, access to past WWE, ECW & WCW ppvs, access to a tape library that's probably going to be expanded as time goes on and other original shows for $60.

If WWE wants to keep people paying for their network in the long run, which is the plan, then they're not just going to slack off on it. It'd be like cutting your nose off because you don't like how it makes your face look.
This is undoubtedly the dumbest thing I've ever read in history.

WWE is going to take $60 from their fans and then totally tank the network? Don't you think they want to keep getting your money? Like maybe... I don't know... and this is just a wild WILD assumption... make quality programming and business decisions so people continue to renew?

The WWE Network is Live in 11 minutes and I can't continue to deal with such stupidity. Keep continuing to supply us with belly laughs and entertainment OP while we all enjoy some quality past PPV action.
Let me get this straight, the wwe never really explained this clearly enough:

You sign up for the wwe network for a six month commitment for $60. After the the sixth month, can u just pay $10 a month going forward, on and off, cancelling and renewing as you wish? Or do u have to sign up for another. 6 month $60 commitment every time the 6 th month is up? Please verify this anyone who know. Thanks
Let me get this straight, the wwe never really explained this clearly enough:

You sign up for the wwe network for a six month commitment for $60. After the the sixth month, can u just pay $10 a month going forward, on and off, cancelling and renewing as you wish? Or do u have to sign up for another. 6 month $60 commitment every time the 6 th month is up? Please verify this anyone who know. Thanks

Once your commitment is up, it's likely up to you to say yeah I want to stop. If not, they'll automatically bill you.

Not going to matter anyway, I still can't sign up. Everyone must have taken today off.
I think my whole point is being misconstrued. After re-reading my original post, I can see why. My point is not that the WWE will purposely screw fans, or purposely piss people off. I didn't mean that. I simply meant that I just want to know that when I subscribe, as many will that they will actually listen to what the fans are saying. Up until today the only way that WWE had to really gauge fan reaction was via dirt sheets, twitter, etc. I just want to be able to have something equivalent to a fantasy booking section of the network. I want somewhere that fans can express what they want to see through more than crowd reactions or twitter posts. I don't expect to fantasy book Wrestlemania and have WWE think my way is the right way. I just wanted them to have a general feel of the audiences actual feelings. If you viewed fan reactions towards Daniel Bryan, you would automatically assume nearly everyone in an arena wants him to be champion. Perhaps that is true, but maybe it's a case of everyone wanting him to finally get the better of the Authority, or maybe they just want him to finally get some retribution, and maybe he doesn't need the title to do that.

The point is, I am in the finance industry, I understand that WWE isn't going to intentionally piss fans off, or try to lose money. I also wasn't suggesting not to get the network, as I myself will be subscribing. I just want it to include a section where the fans can voice what they want to see directly to WWE brass, and perhaps the fans could be a little more involved in what we see on TV. If fans could express that they want a certain wrestler to fight another one, but it isn't in current storylines, then maybe WWE says, lets give them what they want after this storyline runs its course. Maybe it's as simple as people want to see Vince McMahon or Shane McMahon, or anyone on TV. If enough fans have the same desire, then maybe it gives WWE officials a way to gauge what fans want better than them gauging for themselves. That's all I meant.

Hope this clears things up.
Let me get this straight, the wwe never really explained this clearly enough:

You sign up for the wwe network for a six month commitment for $60. After the the sixth month, can u just pay $10 a month going forward, on and off, cancelling and renewing as you wish? Or do u have to sign up for another. 6 month $60 commitment every time the 6 th month is up? Please verify this anyone who know. Thanks

Not the best analogy but think like your cellphone bill, you get it for 9.99 a month with a 6 month commitment, you want to continue? its another 6 month commitment.
Didn't read all that shit .

How about you read all the shit before you answer every post made on this forum.

You sometimes make no sense because "You didn't read all this shit" you look like a fool and you're frustrating to read.

Just a helper if you want people to read all your shit once in a while

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