Don't Forget to Set Your DVR - December 24 Raw Spoilers


Mid-Card Championship Winner
* Santa Claus opens RAW but Alberto Del Rio comes out and hits him with his car. They do a stretcher job and take Santa away in an ambulance.

* Kane beat Cody Rhodes.

* Kaitlyn, Layla, Alicia Fox and Natalya vs. Rosa Mendes, Eve Torres, Tamina Snuka and Aksana in a Divas Little Helper's Match is up next. The Divas are all dressed in Christmas gear. Kaitlyn pins Eve for the win.

* Big Show vs. Sheamus in a Lumberjack Frost Match is next. The guys around ringside are Tyson Kidd, Justin Gabriel, Darren Young, Titus O'Neil, Drew McIntyre, Heath Slater, Jinder Mahal, Tensai, Brodus Clay and The Usos. Sheamus won with the Brogue Kick and everyone brawled after the match.

* David Otunga comes out as Alberto Del Rio's lawyer after he hit Santa Claus earlier. This leads to Otunga vs. Zack Ryder. Ryder gets the win.

* Wade Barrett and Antonio Cesaro vs. The Miz and Kofi Kingston is up next. Miz and Kofi get the win.

* Brad Maddox vs. The Great Khali is next. Hornswoggle comes out dressed as an elf. Khali gets the win with a chokeslam. He and Hornswoggle sing Merry Christmas until CM Punk comes out and interrupts.

Punk rants on Ryback and wants him punished for causing the injury. Heyman grabs the mic and does his usual speech putting Punk over as champion. Ryback interrupts him to a big pop. It was announced that Ryback vs. Punk on January 7th will be a TLC match.

* Daniel Bryan beat Damien Sandow by submission.

* The Usos, Brodus Clay, Tyson Kidd, Justin Gabriel and Santino Marella vs. 3MB, Darren Young, Titus O'Neil and Tensai is up next. Team Usos get the win.

* The crew sets up Christmas trees and presents around the ring. Alberto Del Rio vs. John Cena in a Miracle on 34th Street Fight is up next.

Good entertaining match for Christmas. Cena got the win. They had different weapons and items in the presents at ringside. Ricardo Rodriguez got involved. Mick Foley came out as Santa Claus and swung a bag of toys at Ricardo before Cena got the win. Foley Claus passed out presents as Cena gave a speech to the fans and the WWE crew.
This is going to be the best Raw of the year.
Ohh damn they are setting up a Miz vs. Antonio Cesaro... I don't know how I feel about this, I secretly hoped that Miz was getting ready to fill a main event spot.
*John Cena pinned Alberto Del Rio in a "Miracle on 34th Street" match where there were weapons hidden inside gift boxes. Ricardo cried about Santa during his introduction of Del Rio. The first package had a steel chair, which Cena used. Del Rio opened a box and it was a pie but Cena moved and Ricardo was nailed. Cena opened a gift and it was a TV monitor he used. Ricardo gave Del Rio a gift box but it had a teddy bear which he threw at Cena. Del Rio's reaction to all this made it pretty funny. Cena opened a gift that was a bowling ball and rolled it down the ramp and it nailed Del Rio between the legs, then did it again. A fire extinguisher was used. Santa Claus runs in and it's Mick Foley who uses Socko. After the match, they all throw out gifts to the crowd and Alberto is acting like a babyface.
*John Cena pinned Alberto Del Rio in a "Miracle on 34th Street" match where there were weapons hidden inside gift boxes. Ricardo cried about Santa during his introduction of Del Rio. The first package had a steel chair, which Cena used. Del Rio opened a box and it was a pie but Cena moved and Ricardo was nailed. Cena opened a gift and it was a TV monitor he used. Ricardo gave Del Rio a gift box but it had a teddy bear which he threw at Cena. Del Rio's reaction to all this made it pretty funny. Cena opened a gift that was a bowling ball and rolled it down the ramp and it nailed Del Rio between the legs, then did it again. A fire extinguisher was used. Santa Claus runs in and it's Mick Foley who uses Socko. After the match, they all throw out gifts to the crowd and Alberto is acting like a babyface.

Personally, I can't wait.
They did and then they seem to have reverted, Del Rio tweeted that he isn't a "good guy" and that he was simply looking out for his friend Ricardo.

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