Don't Drink and Carry a Keg; Actually, just don't carry the keg at all.


Too Sweet To Be Sour
Okay, so I am here to rant about the "challenge" tonight's NXT. All I want to ask, is what was the actual point of the keg carry challenge?

I mean, seriously, give me one reason why any of these guys need immunity? The guy who recieved it wasn't last, so in that essence it was a waste. It wasted about 1/6 of the show, and could've been given to a match. Percy Watson wasn't in a match tonight. There is his match. But no, having a match might make sense, so let us give the time to a challenge that is stupid and has no relevance to a storyline, to building a character, or to wrestling itself. Something that has no business being in a wrestling ring. I rank this up there with something equivelent with the Khali/Singh segment on RAW last night or the Dance-Off on Viewer's Choice: It is something that would be great for or Superstars (in this case without the added immunity stipulation, or even giving immunity for the next elimination. There was no need for this, and if it was so necessary it could've been on or Superstars.

Explain people, what was the point here?
The point is to vary it up a bit. Watson got face time in a vignette and as a spectator for MVP's match, so he didn't need one himself. The challenge was WAY more interesting this season than last and I'm sure WWE will make the challenges more wrestling/sports-entertainment oriented this time around. It was a way to change things up in a fun way and make the rookies go out of their element and show a bit more personality with how they handled their losses. Kaval came off as a strong and proud warrior who wants to be 100% for the fans, and O'Neil was genuinely good-humored about his gaffe and played it off in a good way. It's just a fun way to fill up some time.

And how dare you insult the dance off! That thing was GLORIOUS.
The point is to vary it up a bit. Watson got face time in a vignette and as a spectator for MVP's match, so he didn't need one himself. The challenge was WAY more interesting this season than last and I'm sure WWE will make the challenges more wrestling/sports-entertainment oriented this time around. It was a way to change things up in a fun way and make the rookies go out of their element and show a bit more personality with how they handled their losses. Kaval came off as a strong and proud warrior who wants to be 00% for the fans, and O'Neil was genuinely good-humored about his gaffe and played it off in a good way. It's just a fun way to fill up some time.

And how dare you insult the dance off! That thing was GLORIOUS.

Yeah I guess if you look at it in this perspective, it was decent. No harm, no foul. But still, you'd think that the challenge on a wrestling show would somehow involve or test, well, you know, wrestling. these challenges need to be more wrestling oriented to say the least.
The point is to vary it up a bit. Watson got face time in a vignette and as a spectator for MVP's match, so he didn't need one himself. The challenge was WAY more interesting this season than last and I'm sure WWE will make the challenges more wrestling/sports-entertainment oriented this time around. It was a way to change things up in a fun way and make the rookies go out of their element and show a bit more personality with how they handled their losses. Kaval came off as a strong and proud warrior who wants to be 100% for the fans, and O'Neil was genuinely good-humored about his gaffe and played it off in a good way. It's just a fun way to fill up some time.

And how dare you insult the dance off! That thing was GLORIOUS.

Don't let him trick you sign guy, you had it right to begin with. It was stupid, pointless and took the place of what could have been wrestling. Way more interesting than last season? I am shocked anything could be noticeably worse than this, although the only other time I saw some of a rookie challenge it was actually worse, so I guess it is possible. How does taking 15 seconds to carry a keg around a ring show off personality? How does Kaval come off as a "strong and proud warrior" by backing down from a challenge by admitting he isn't physically capable of doing it? Kind of sounds like the opposite to me. O'neil played it off in a good way? Is that a serious statement? He sounded like an idiot after he looked like one. Not a good situation for a guy I am guessing by his physique they are not pushing in a percy-like character. This "fun, time fill" confirmed my desire to watch something else and that is exactly what I did. At least doc got one thing right, dance off was RAW worthy for sure. Unfortunately the rest of that show aside from the end was not.
I personally don't mind segments like these, as they help to establish charecters and further their gimmick. But seriously, a Keg carrying contest? They should at least have something relevant to wrestling or some pertaining aspect of athletcism.

Not that it isn't hard to carry a keg, it's just stupid, I'd much rather have them do the obstacle course or maybe some talk off, let them tell the fans why they should be the NXT breakout star. But yea, pretty ridiculous segment that could have been used as time for a wrestling match, or a more meaningful, relevant contest.
The only issue I have with the keg carrying contest is that the biggest idiots on NXT always seem to win it. In fact, I'll go ahead and predict that Heath Slater 3.0 will win next season.

The keg challenge isn't too terrible, as it does require athletic ability. I probably couldn't carry a full keg around the ring in under 20 seconds. Hell, I'd be happy if I could get it around in a minute. Also, they got through it pretty quickly on this episode, which makes it more of a challenge and less of an annoyance.

However, the challenges do need to improve. The talking on a random topic challenge was stupid–nobody wants to hear Skip Sheffield discuss bubble gum–but the WWE should be able to come up with other options. I remember for a diva competition a while back, they made the divas do some stupid obstacle course. Maybe they could vamp is up for the NXT rookies.
I didn't mind the Keg Carry during the 1st Season, but I was disappointed to see it back last night. I understand that NXT needs to toss in some stuff to show some varying formulas to the show's format, but I just felt the Keg Carrying Challenge was pretty much pointless. I'm not against doing challenges, but how about putting some effort into the challenges and making them seem to actually matter?

Personally, I think the Keg Carry kind of drained a lot of energy away from the entire show last night. I lost a lot of enthusiasm for last night's show overall because at least some of the ridiculous challenges from Season I will be seen again.
Okay, so I am here to rant about the "challenge" tonight's NXT. All I want to ask, is what was the actual point of the keg carry challenge?

I mean, seriously, give me one reason why any of these guys need immunity? The guy who recieved it wasn't last, so in that essence it was a waste. It wasted about 1/6 of the show, and could've been given to a match. Percy Watson wasn't in a match tonight. There is his match. But no, having a match might make sense, so let us give the time to a challenge that is stupid and has no relevance to a storyline, to building a character, or to wrestling itself. Something that has no business being in a wrestling ring. I rank this up there with something equivelent with the Khali/Singh segment on RAW last night or the Dance-Off on Viewer's Choice: It is something that would be great for or Superstars (in this case without the added immunity stipulation, or even giving immunity for the next elimination. There was no need for this, and if it was so necessary it could've been on or Superstars.

Explain people, what was the point here?

Tell me this, if Titus O'Neill had won the immunity challenge, would you have been making this thread?

Of course you wouldn’t because then the immunity challenge would have been justified. The fact of the matter is that the immunity challenge is put in place to protect someone who MAY be in last place, come the public vote. If Lucky Cannon had come in last in the public vote, then he would have been saved from going home. Let us remember that no knew how the voted were going to go last night and I assume that everything was above board, from the immunity challenge to the public vote. I don’t imagine that any of these were fixed and the WWE had no idea who was going to be on the bottom of the pile, if this is the case.

Also, let us not forget that this challenge gives the winner something to latch onto and use to get over. I am sure that we will hear Lucky Cannon talking about this challenge and how he won it. How he is the fastest and how he is the strongest. Sure, it may not have meant anything in the grand scheme of things last night but at least it varied the show and gave us something interesting to watch. It could have meant an awful lot more but at the end of the day, it mean very little in regards to who went home.
I think it would be better for the wrestlers of NXT to win immunity from their matches instead of from ridiculous challenges. Kaval said it best, I would rather risk my body in the ring then by doing silly challenges. Of course I don't see whats so dangerous about a Keg carry challenge, but whatever. I really don't think the fans care whether a wrestler can carry a keg or not across a finish line. It really has nothing to do with wrestling besides maybe a show of strength.

I like the idea of immunity, but there is no need for these silly challenges. Have the guys win immunity through their matches. The challenges didn't do anything for me for the first season and they certainly aren't doing it for me this season either. Get rid of them.
I like the idea of having challenges to win immunity from elimination. It saves us the waste of time that is clusterfuck battle royals, and it adds something different to the program. The show is supposed to be a mix of reality television with professional wrestling, and I think of it sort like Tough Enough, except it's guys that's already wrestlers.

It also adds to the characters to see how each one reacts to the challenges, and when Kaval didn't do it, I totally thought that he was going to pull a Michael Tarver, but he saved it for himself by saying he wanted to be 100% when he steps into the ring. I say they should keep the challenges for immunity, and even if the person that wins immunity wasn't in last place for the voting, they still have the immunity to fall back on just in case they do come in last place.
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Honestly the challenges on NXT are pretty stupid, but they are a way to differentiate NXT as a contest show, evaluating them on personality, competitiveness, attitude, in addition to wrestling. I hope they just keep them to a minimum this season. That obstacle course where they had to drink a full soda and then keep running last season was just too dumb.
That obstacle course where they had to drink a full soda and then keep running last season was just too dumb.


That nails it on the head for me. I have no problem with the challenges necessarily, but the content is what matters. If it is a test of mic skills, physical strength, quickness, etc. then okay I'm cool with that. Like I'll agree the keg carry wasn't the high point of NXT or anything, but it was entertaining enough, you can't watch the same 8 guys wrestle for three months straight. But when they have guys talking about bubble gum, or seeing how fast they can drink soda, all that does is make the guys (and the show in general) seem really stupid.
The Keg Carrying contest actually had a point this season. It won immunity for Lucky Cannon. Now LAST season, it was completely pointless. As others pointed out, they need immunity in order to be protected from elimination. It will not always save someone, but I guarantee you that at some point it will. I felt that a lot of the challenges were pointless last season, but if winning them will always give someone immunity from now on.... then (for the most part) that makes them not pointless anymore. I just hope that the magazine selling challenge or that weird obstacle course and soda drinking thing don't come back. Even if someone wins immunity, it's still rather pointless. Kenny Powers suggested they win immunity through their matches.... that's a better idea than who sells the most magazines or runs around the ring carrying a keg the fastest, because we are supposed to be watching a WRESTLING show....

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