Dolph Ziggler...

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Adam Rush

Can you feel...the electricity?
Dolph Ziggler, I think, is one of the best superstars in the WWE right now. What do you think the WWE should do with him this year?
I believe, personally, that he should ditch Vickie, win Money in the Bank, and become WWE Champ.
He doesn't need to win Money in the Bank. I couldn't agree more with ditching Vicki though. Ziggler has made big improvements over the past year with his mic work and he should easily be able to handle that area without Vicki. The only problem I see is that Vicki is such a heat magnet, I'm not sure how the Dolph can drop Vicki and retain heel status. I'd like to see Dolph in and around the WWE Title picture this year but I don't want to see him win it. WWE has brought Ziggler through the ranks like they used to and that's why Money in the Bank isn't needed. He's over enough and a cheap WWE Title victory when cashing in the briefcase would be cheap for him. He doesn't need cheap victories. He's too good for that. Dolph just needs to keep his nose in the picture and have a good feud with someone. I'd like to see him have a long feud with Miz as they do a three way dance with the WWE champ. Dolph is positioned perfectly for a big year and I have no doubt he will have one. If they have some sort of King of the Ring this year, it'd be great if he could win that. He doesn't even have to win Rumble. I'd like a final four spot for him but I don't think he needs to win that event either. Ziggler is over enough with his showoff heel character that a slight tweek here and there to expand on the character throughout the year, and solid feuds is all he really needs. #Heel
Dolph Ziggler, I think, is one of the best superstars in the WWE right now. What do you think the WWE should do with him this year?
I believe, personally, that he should ditch Vickie, win Money in the Bank, and become WWE Champ.

Ditch Vickie? Why? It makes no sense taking Vickie away from him when she offers a lot to the Dolph character. If anything Dolph should be the showcase of Vickie's clients, the shining star. He will likely be a World Champion again this year and could carry the MITB easily, although he doesn't need it. Its a cheap way when Dolph is virtually there without needing a cheap gimmick to reach the top. Give him the title in the middle of the year, have him become a role model for Vickie's clients, have him lose the title and regain it at next year's Rumble, where one of Vickie's clients wins it and causes conflict going into the next Wrestlemania.
Dolph has the potentially to run with the title for months and have a sort of HHH character, doing anything to keep the title and using anyone to keep it to.
Why does every one want to see Ziggler ditch Vicki? Sure he may not need her any more but he should still have her manage him. They can use his success to try and put other other wrestlers Vicki manages and build up other heels much like they're trying with Swagger. I feel another wrestler added to the group would be much better, Swagger just doesn't do it for me. In any case being associated with Vicki and Ziggler could help build many other heels on the roster which is really needed in todays product.
Dolph Ziggler winning MITB and cashing in on a top babyface would only ENHANCE his heel character.... I don't understand why a lot of people are against him doing this. He's the best heel they have. Sure, most are in agreement that he's almost ready to win it WITHOUT MITB as it is, so what the hell is the difference? "It'll cheapen his win." Okay, fair enough but the titles are meaningless anyway.

Dolph Ziggler winning the world title in any fashion clean in the middle of the ring, VIOLATES everything the Dolph Ziggler character stands for. Dolphs character would relish with a cheap heelish win via MITB......

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