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Dolph Ziggler: The New #1 Contender For The World Heavyweight Championship


On tonight's episode of SmackDown!, Dolph Ziggler was added to a #1 contender's match for the WHC between The Big Show, Cody Rhodes & Drew McIntyre. When it was all said and done, Dolph Ziggler wins the match and is now the #1 contender for Edge's WHC.

I honestly have to say that I was a little surprised here, pleasantly so. I thought that this would all be sort of another big bump in the road that was leading to a break up angle between Ziggler & Vickie Guerrero. After all, Ziggler did lose the Intercontinental Championship earlier in the night to Kofi Kingston.

Personally, I think this is a great move. Ziggler has really stepped it up since winning the IC title and I'm glad to see him get this push. I'm not surprised to see him get the push, I'm just surprised that it's happened this soon. As with John Morrison, I suspect that Ziggler's push is going to be something of a test to see if Ziggler really does truly belong in the main event picture. As with JoMo, I think that Ziggler has shown over the course of the past 5 months or so that he's got what it takes.

Do you think this was a good move on the part of the WWE?
This was an excellent move by WWE. Sure he more than likely won't win the World title but at least he is a contender. That's a start. I have always seen potential in Dolph Ziggler but never thought he would be a World Title contender. He certainly does deserve it though. The one thing he needs to work on is mic skills, generating heat with the crowd because he isn't as over without Vickie. I think his match with Cena was a test to see how well he could work in the main event. Look's like Dolph passed the test.
Excellent move. Of course the chorus of critics will come on her and suggest he's "not ready," but then again, according to the IWC, no one is ready unless they've been main eventing for years, and then people are complaining that they're stale and will never put the younger talent over.

Do I expect Ziggler to become the next WHC? Not really although it could happen. But it is nice to see that the newer, fresher talent are getting a push on SD as well as on RAW.
I think that this was a Great Move by WWE. I'm a Huge Dolph Ziggler Fan. Ziggler has been getting a really big Push lately Cena made him look like a legit Main Eventer and I think that Tonight cemented him as a Star. Ziggler had a Great Reign with the IC title and it was time for him to step up into the Main Event.
I agree with everything Joe said.

Cena could put on a good match IF someone carries him. I didn't see the live Smackdown but I really enjoyed the match with Ziggler.

I was hoping Ziggler would be one of the player's in WWE's youth movement to eventually get to the main event but I didn't expect it. Hell, I wasn't sure if he was ever going to become the Intercontinental Champion. He put loads of good matches (we all knew he was a good wrestler but his matches Danielson were brilliant- which is what you get with any Danielson match) and he has just been going about his business. He brought prestige to the I.C. Title in many facets. Not only did he successfully defend his championships on Pay Per View but also if titles are hard to get then it gained prestige because Kofi tried so hard for months to get that belt back and he finally did all these months later.

Is he ready for the main event picture? Not 100% but if I had to do a top 5 list of the most ready mid-carders I would say Ziggler definitely belongs on there for sure. I also don't see him winning the title just yet. I think Edge will retain but I would pop for sure if Ziggler won and definitely will if and when he wins it in his career. He needs work on the mic but I like his look. I like his voice.

I have two chief complaints with this though:

#1 Not about Ziggler, but about the complainers who will complain about Ziggler. I was on the WWE Universe boards before it shut down (under this same name) and for the longest time I read threads begging for Morrison's push. That he is main event material. That he is championship material. But when he became the #1 contender all of the haters came out of the woodwork.

#2 While I always enjoy seeing fresh faces win the World Title, give or take a select few if they ever were to win it, I fear that Ziggler will be given your typical weakly booked first reign. I hope I am wrong though. Swagger didn't look like a champion even though he could outwrestle almost anybody on the roster. Sheamus didn't look like a champ even though he is one of the best heels in the company and one the better big man wrestlers and The Miz isn't looking like a champion so much even though he is one of the best talkers in the company and accomplished so much in one year.

That being said, I am happy for Nick (Dolph) and while I'll be cheering for him I won't be surprised if Edge retains. Since both of these guys put on good matches, this definitely will be one to enjoy.
This is definitely a good move by the WWE. It has been said a thousand times over the past few months, but you can slip a relative no-name into the title matches at Rumble because the real concentration is on the Rumble itself.

Dolph Ziggler is definitely a talented enough wrestler to be in the main event, and he's definitely drawing enough heat to be in main event, but the real problem right now is I don't think most fans take him seriously enough as a main eventer. What this will do is help Dolph break into the main event scene. He's not going to be squashed by Edge, and I would imagine we see him counter a spear at some point, and maybe even lock in the Sleeper on Edge. I wouldn't be surprised if we don't see the Zig-Zag from Ziggler because I don't think they want to make Edge able to kick out of that, but I am counting on Dolph using his fame asser and Edge being able to kick out of that. I think there WILL be a point in the match where Dolph looks like he'll win, but Edge will manage to somehow get the win in the end. This feud should carry onto Elimination Chamber where Edge can eliminate Dolph in the chamber regardless of who winds up with the belt in the end, it just won't be Dolph.

Putting Dolph in the main event makes sense for the WWE at this point, and I wouldn't be surprised to see him win Money in the Bank at Wrestlemania or win the title at Extreme Rules or a PPV that comes soon after Mania.
I am beyond pumped for this. Ziggler has all of the tools to be a serious main event player, and I'm glad he finally got his chance. He had an outstanding reign as IC Champ, and now it's time for him to move on to bigger and better things. I don't think Ziggler will take the title off of Edge just yet, because Wrestlemania season is upon us, and I just can't see Ziggler becoming World Heavyweight Champion right now. Still, I'm glad to see Ziggler get his main event push, and this should be a sign of great things to come for Mr. Ziggles.

Also, it's going to be interesting to see how this storyline is going to play out, because we all know Edge is Vickie's "ex-husband" so I'm sure we're going to see some VERY entertaining promos between these two. I hope WWE does build this feud, because I would be kind of letdown if WWE decides to rush this along, and have the match take place next week or the week after that on Smackdown. I wouldn't mind waiting for the Rumble to see these two go at it.
Good move here, Dolph has really stepped up his game over the past six months, having a string of great matches with Kofi, Swagger, Cena, Bryan, Kaval and Edge himself. His mic work has also improved and he is getting great heat, even if most of it is for Vickie, so he certainly deserves this little reward for his efforts. Obviously his chances of actually winning the title match are slim but stranger things have happened so you never know.

This will probably be used in a similar way to John Morrison's push, let him have a bit of a chance to shine and see how the crowd responds to it. If the crowd response is bad then no harm done he can just drop back into the mid card for a while however is the crowd likes (or in Zigglers case dislikes considering he is a heel) what they see then you have got yourself a new main eventer. Win-Win situation especially given this match will in all likelihood take place at the Royal Rumble, a PPV where title matches don't have to be overly strong given the drawing power of the Rumble match itself.

It is also a the perfect time for it considering Edge is holding the belt and his history with Vickie, you have a perfect storyline right there. Also as I mentioned earlier these two had a very good match on SD a couple of months ago so there is some chemistry there, I would expect a good match.
Great move by the WWE to push Dolph into the Main Event scene as he has stepped up his game in the last few months. He & Edge should have a pretty good Match at the Royal Rumble and maybe beyound plus the history between Edge & Vickie as well will come into play. I like Ziggler a little bit so im glad he is getting a chance in the spotlight and he gave the IC Title a huge boost as well.
I'm always up for new faces in the main event scene. That said, I'm beyond stoked for this. This will undoubtedly be a test to see if Ziggler has what it takes to be in the main event scene. He really has improved during 2010 so i have to say this push is a long time coming. Honestly, I don't think he'll win the WHC but I do think he'll have a tremendous outing (if his matches with Daniel Bryan are any indication) and remain a top contender for a long time. Very excited for his future and I can't wait to see where he goes post-Royal Rumble.
Brilliant news. Dolph has been amazing this IC Title reign, and as has been said, the 2 Cena matches were absolutely amazing.

I have a question for you guys though, do you think his title match will go the same way as JoMo's? As in they didn't want Miz vs JoMo at a PPV? Or do you think that because Edge is champ it won't be a problem?

I think it will happen at the Rumble, and i would love Ziggler to win, although i really doubt it will happen.
I couldn't be happier, I really couldn't. Ever since this guy started, I knew he was good and recently we've been shown that, through the high-calibre matches he's had on both PPV & Friday Night Smackdown.

I'm probably not the only person who was quite unhappy and surprised when Ziggler lost his title to Kofi Kingston, then also failing to win it back in a consecutive match. However, I saw something then once Dolph was added to the Number One Contenders Match for the WHC. I grew a feeling that he dropped his IC Title so that he would win the WHC from Edge. Crazy? No.

If the WWE really are attempting to grow more and more young superstars in big-time Champs, then why not do this? Dolph Ziggler, wins the Number One Contenders match, why can't he go into the Royal Rumble, defeat Edge and become champ? I believe that Ziggler WILL win the Title, hold it until Elimination Chamber, only to lose it to ADR or Edge. Possibly Christian, but it's a long shot. Then we've got a four-week buildup to WM, where the SD WHC Match can be a Ziggler vs Edge/ADR match OR Ziggler vs Edge vs ADR or Even a Fatal-Four-Way Match.

Whichever way I do look at this, Vickie Guerrero will be the cause for Zigglers win and don't expect him to hold it for a long reign, but I do believe he will become Champ at RR, losing it at EC.
I've enjoyed following Zigglers progress ever since he started introducing himself to everyone for no reason. He then started winning lots of matches and had a hell of a time capturing the IC title, but once he did, he wore it so well. Now that he's the number one contender, I can't help but feel that somebody else is gonna be added to this title match. I can see Ziggler/Kane/Edge/Del Rio happening or something of the sort. I hope this doesn't happen because I really felt the IC title needed Ziggler and it's a shame to strip him of it for a diluted push. I'd have loved to see the IC champ go for the world title. It would make both Ziggler, and the IC title look fantastic.
While in reality I would be very very excited for this move. Considering the fact that it means there's a great future ahead of Dolph Ziggler, getting to "main event" a Pay Per View with a world champion, to challenge for the world title.

But then I realized.. Edge has only just won the championship. Why the hell would anybody even bother taking the belt off him already? WWE isn't gonna let a first time challenger take the belt off a 10 times champion who still has a lot to offer in the main event as a part of being world champion.

Dolph Ziggler vs Edge is most likely just WWE's way of giving Edge someone to feast on. Kane vs Edge has been done to death right now, and WWE won't be continuing that, I'm sure of it. That only leaves either Alberto Del Rio, Dolph Ziggler or Wade Barrett as the only viable challengers on Smackdown. And Alberto Del Rio wasn't available to challenge for the contender spot yesterday, cause of Rey Mysterio - Which might as well be continuing for a little while. And Wade Barrett wasn't officially on Smackdown, and still isn't really officially on Smackdown. That leaves for Dolph Ziggler as the only one credible and available to challenge for the world title.

So I've said it before, and I'll say it again - Dolph Ziggler equals World Heavyweight Championship fodder material. Such a shame they had to end the Intercontinental championship reign for him to go on to become a simple challenger, he might go on to challenge again at Elimination Chamber, but he won't be winning it there, and he won't be challenging at Wrestlemania. So, that leaves Dolph to do... Nothing at Wrestlemania.. Maybe Money in the Bank, but I doubt he'll be winning that.

So, while challenging for a world title is all good and that for Dolph, and it shows that there is stuff to expect in the future, I doubt it'll be anywhere in the nearest future.
Well this is the WWE youth initiative in full movement. Making stars and new faces and making the overrall product seem a bit more fresh has been the WWE's main foxus in recent months and it really is showing now. Honestly the WWE is pushing the right talent so far, Dolph Ziggler is just another addition to the new main event scene which is pleasant to see. He really used his IC title reign as a stepping stone to the WHC which is good to see and really solidified himself as a serious competitor ad wrestler on Smackdown. Will he capture the title at the Rumble, chances are slim but you never know. But will he capture the title in upcoming months it's almost a given.
A good move on the part of the WWE.
well with the future of The Undertaker and Rey Mysterio in doubt...

The Heavyweight Title picture on Smackdown needed some new life, and IMO, Dolph is in the right direction... having Cody and Drew in the Fatal 4 Way shows they may even be thinking of the divison being Edge, Alberto, Dolph, Cody, Drew, Big Show and Kane with the IC going to Kofi, Swagger, Masters maybe?

Its good to see the fresh faces in the heavyweight title picture and Dolph is the perfect guy to slowly move in there :)
I remember just over a year ago everyone saying that Dolph Ziggler's crappy gimmick and bland style would result in him being a low level nobody or future endeavoured well before 2011. Well look at him now, most like to get a World Title shot at the Roayl Rumble.

Freakin' JoMo didn't even get that and he's been there like 7 years now?

I personally am really looking forward to seeing Edge v Dolph, but by no means do i expect Dolph to actually win the title. Maybe he'll win MiTB at the MiTB PPV, and not at Mania, but he won't win come January 30th.
This development is probably my favorite thing I've seen on Smackdown since I started getting back into wrestling a few years ago. I was about to break my TV after he lost the Intercontinental belt and when he broke up with Vickie. He deserves this.

The real question is: How are the matches between Ziggler and Edge going to work? I mean, Edge has got to be the absolutely slowest wrestler in WWE right now. So combine that with Ziggler's energy and over-the-top selling, I can't decide if he'll make Edge look great, or if Edge will bring him down.
The style in which it happened reminds me a lot of how the Miz earned his MITB, he lost his US title to Bryan only to win his MITB shot shortly after. And we all know where the Miz has gotten to currently. Dolph is a good future investment. He works well in the ring and I am particular fond of his selling of moves and his in-ring attitude, the way he gets frustrated after his opponent kicks out etc. Him being with Vickie got him a good load of heat and because they stuck with the Dolph and Vickie programme it worked out really well at this current time.

I think it will be interesting to see how Dolph does knowing firstly that Vickie is in his corner still which can always come into play, especially if he feuds now with Edge because of their history together. It's good to see a youth investment like Dolph who didn't look like anything special on debut, but has grown and matured and is now ready to be trusted with greater things.

If we can expect anything from this, it is at the very least a good match, but hopefully he goes from strength to strength now because he has one of ht most consistent characters and he play it very well, that can payoff big.
This is a great move and after the Miz/Jomo match it's now quite obvious that the WWE are going all out with the new generation this year. There's no way Dolph is winning the title though, not until he gets rid of that stupid name. When that happens, the guy will be champion within 2 months.
Excellent move. Raw blew their chance to have fresh faces in the main events at the Rumble, here's hoping Smackdown doesn't do the same with Ziggler and Edge. Based upon what should be an excellent backdrop of a story, I have a feeling they won't. Having Vickie's new boy-toy competing against her ex-husband writes itself.

Some people will argue that Ziggler isn't ready, Based on what? He main evented two Smackdown's in a row, one against the face of the company in John Cena. While the ending was what you would expect, Ziggler showed he belonged in there with a WWE main event style wrestler. That's the key here. Main event style wrestler. People can knock Cena all they like(unjustifiably), but he works the WWE main event style to perfection. And Dolph matched him in it, two nights in a row. He almost had me suspending disbelief that he would defeat Cena at one point. Almost.

Ziggler's passed every test that's been thrown at him post-Spirit Squad re-packaging(other then that pesky Wellness Policy violation). Job to the bigger names? Yep. Put on great matches for the mid-card belt with those like Mysterio, Kofi and Morrison in a loisng effort? Yes sir. pon finally winning the title, having solid match after solid match for over 5 months as champion? Darn right. Stand toe to toe with the face of the company? Did it two nights in a row. If he's not ready, then who the heck is?

Add with that, this should be a lot of fun. During this feud, Ziggler doesn't have to worry about drawing much heat upon himself in the weeks leading up to the Rumble(if they hopefully have the match there), he has the Vickie/Edge dynamic to do it for him. He can maintain his own heat with attacks following promos and matches by Edge. In that way, he draws enough of his own heat that he doesn't need it all given to him through Vickie. This will also likely give him more mic time then ever before. He's passed every other test, I have no reason to believe he won't pass this one too. And win or lose(likely lose) he'll come out of it a bigger star then he ever was before, and a firm upper card heel.
Good for Dolph. Next to The Miz, he was one of the best and most improved guys in the company. He had a very long midcard title reign and although he may not have won MITB, he has Vickie Guerrero at his side which will definitely get you places.

I hope this isnt a result of the Royal Rumble coming up. We usually see new guys in the title matches because the focus of the PPV is the rumble. I hope this isnt a one and done deal and he returns to the midcard after the PPV. However, I think if they were planning on sending him back down afterwards, they would have kept the IC title on him. By dropping the IC title, I think it shows that he is in it all the way.
Given that Ziggler got to hang with Cena I am sure the match with Edge will be booked competitively and that is the first step towards finally winning the belt for Dolph, although that will be some time after Mania IMO.
Its a good move. Ziggler has been pretty hot this year both in terms of matches as well as getting heat, though the latter has been more due to Vickie's presence. Sure he has no chance of winning but in the past a lot of young guys have been given their first title shot at the Royal Rumble. Most of these guys, with the exception of Hardcore Holly have gone on to become World Champions. Frankly, I thought WWE would do the same with Morrison but I guess they did not want two first time challengers challenging for the title because that might make the outcome of either match easy to guess. That, or I guess WWE wants Orton to win the belt at Royal Rumble.

The title shot at the Rumble means that WWE hold Ziggler in high regard and have written him down as a future main eventer. I'm still not entirely sold on the guy mostly because I want to see if he can garner heat on his own but I guess we wil get to see that in the very near future.
Not to be the negative nacey here but I feel like the WWE pulled the trigger to early on Zigglers push. Dont get me wrong I love Ziggler and I feel like he could potentially be a main eventer and even a legend one day. However I'm afraid of what will happen after this title match (which he will most definitaly lose). There will be nothing for him but to go back for the IC championship. I mean right now to most of the fans he "kind of" seems ready for the main event. I think it would have been much better for him to have held the IC title until a few months after mania, have a match at mania and have a great feud with a Main Eventer along the way.

His IC reign was solid but I think with a 8 month reign or so he could of been one of those legendary IC champs. But now his reign will be more or less forgettable after a few years. Dolph holding the championship for a long time could have served many purposes...

1) To UNDOUBTEDLY cement him in the main event scene.

2) Bring IMMENSE prestege back to the IC title (his reign did bring the title up no doubt)

3) Get over a lower midcard/new star that finally beats him for it (ie Chris Masters, Mason Ryan).

However I do think Dolph could still come out of this fine. Its just the WWE has a track record for messing things up with rising stars.......

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