Dolph Ziggler Proves He's Out Of Touch in Nutty Interview

How much was the rent when you lived in Mickie James' vagina?

Surprisingly affordable. If you don't mind living in hardcore cuntry I'd recommend it.

As for the source, it's the same one that claims Orton's got a bastard child with a long term mistress who he started seeing while she was 15/16 (IIRC), among other things. I buy her as being legit, since she's been consistent with her story and Orton legit tried to shut her down (even making a reference to the situation on Twitter). There's also photos like this floating around the interwebs which back up the claim somewhat.


Why would Kenny make up such an elaborate story that both checks out factually and more importantly that no one involved has disputed being true?

Because the only time he's been relevant in the last three years is when he's talked about his fiancée getting fucked. Since he's too much of a pussy to tell the truth, he said that Cena did it. Cena won't deny it because he doesn't give a shit, and I don't think Mickie's ever talked about her relationships, past or present. Sure as hell don't remember her talking about Magnus (who she's been dating for well over a year and is living with).

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