Dolph Ziggler Proves He's Out Of Touch in Nutty Interview


Mid-Card Championship Winner

He also discussed CM Punk’s claim to being the best the world saying “He has to put it on a shirt. It’s almost like ‘Guys, I’m the best in the world, right? Just ask me!’ It comes off like he’s begging for it and if you keep saying it I guess you think it’s true.”
His lack of self-awareness is hilarious.

On the topic of John Cena, Ziggler says, “The eight-year old kids, they still think that John Cena’s really good at stuff, other than being strong. And they buy the t-shirts and that’s great. Everybody else goes ‘well, I graduated high school. I get that [Ziggler’s] better than everybody else’”
Well, I suppose his less-than-nuanced understand of wrestling explains the quality of his matches.

The man is going to be bitterly drunk-Tweeting, Kurt Angle style, in five years tops.
The part of the interview where he credits Vickie for still being a heat magnet makes me think he's not joking.
Kurt Angle has libraries full of books with pages up and down of achievements compared to that dumbfuck
He's not this stupid, he went to Kent State. Did you hear that he went to Kent State? He was a wrestler at Kent State. That's where he went to college and was a wrestler, Kent State.
I sincerely hope, for Mr. Ziggles sake, that he was doing this interview in character, because if not he just took shots at the two biggest names in the WWE... and I suspect there will be a punishment for such delinquency.

Then again, the less I see of Ziggler, the better. The guy has done nothing for me since he got his jaw broken by Wolverine. That was the highlight of his career if you ask me.
Somehow I think his mic-skill are improving. The AJ storyline is suiting him fine. Talk more and get better at it. plus, I dunno, don't talk with the tone of a college kid.
Ziggler has taken shots at Cena before. He isn't a big fan of his because of what happened to Kenny.

He seems like the only person in WWE that skipped the mandatory labotomy to me.
Ziggler has taken shots at Cena before. He isn't a big fan of his because of what happened to Kenny.

He seems like the only person in WWE that skipped the mandatory labotomy to me.

Yeah, John Cena didn't do shit to Kenny. Orton fucked his wife, but he's too much of a pussy to say that because Orton punched him out in the past. The reason Cena's name came out of it rather than Orton's is because the latter is friends with Meltzer.
Yeah, John Cena didn't do shit to Kenny. Orton fucked his wife, but he's too much of a pussy to say that because Orton punched him out in the past. The reason Cena's name came out of it rather than Orton's is because the latter is friends with Meltzer.

Fill in the pronouns with names because I am not following you at all.
The chubby piece of garbage in the front row of SmackDown last night wearing a Ziggler shirt is how I imagine all of his fans.
Are you suggesting Cena wasn't with Mickie? Mickie and Kenny were not married. Not sure the relevance of the Meltzer part seeing as most of the stuff that was said to have happened Kenny said directly.

In order: Yes at least while she was with Kenny. They were engaged, I thought they actually followed through on it. Orton was banging Mickie (which never went as public because of his relationship with Meltzer). Kenny claims Cena did James when Orton barked up that tree because he's a pussy and Cena won't do shit.
In order: Yes at least while she was with Kenny. They were engaged, I thought they actually followed through on it. Orton was banging Mickie (which never went as public because of his relationship with Meltzer). Kenny claims Cena did James when Orton barked up that tree because he's a pussy and Cena won't do shit.

How much was the rent when you lived in Mickie James' vagina?

In other words, source?
Currently watching said interview. Even in character some of the stuff he's saying is kinda pushing it.

In order: Yes at least while she was with Kenny. They were engaged, I thought they actually followed through on it. Orton was banging Mickie (which never went as public because of his relationship with Meltzer). Kenny claims Cena did James when Orton barked up that tree because he's a pussy and Cena won't do shit.

Why would Kenny make up such an elaborate story that both checks out factually and more importantly that no one involved has disputed being true?

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