Dolph Ziggler Is The *NEW* WWE Intercontinental Champion


In what I consider to be something of an upset and a surprise, Dolph Ziggler defeated The Miz a few minutes ago to win the Intercontinental Championship for the 2nd time in his career. Going into this match, I think most people expected Miz to retain, I know I certainly did. It followed with the formula that we've seen WWE use with heel champs off & on for the past few years where the champ looks vulnerable due to losing non-title matches though successfully defending the titles later.

To be perfectly honest, I'm confused as to why they went to the trouble of putting the title on Miz in the first place. Why not have Ziggler win the strap at Battleground and spare another meaningless run with Miz as champion? At any rate, a nice little bout of unpredictability and here's hoping it's a sign of better things to come for Ziggler and the IC title.
"He's here to show the world!" Man, SummerSlam sounds awesome for Dolph Ziggler this year. I'm happy to see him win the IC championship today.
Definitely think that this was a mistake. Miz looks insanely weak now. A useless title reign and it makes me wonder if he's about to leave the company again? I know they like to throw us a curve but this one I don't like.

Then again, with Lesnar winning the title later tonight, maybe they wanted a face champion too.

I figured they were having Miz retain to build to a match with Sheamus.

But who knows how they're gonna play this out
Summerslam booking was too much imo. AJ Lee and Miz hadnt held the champions for a month yet, so why have them loose their championships so early?
Brie vs Steph shoulve just ended with Brie/fans having a feel good moment.
Lesnar vs Cena- was a glorified squash for the WWE title AT SUMMERSLAM. (Its not like Cena hadn't beat him before, so he stood zero chance of winning)
RVD beats Cesaro...???

I don't know rather to be happy that Ziggler is IC champion or sad that Miz has lost the IC championship. Someone joked about Miz being the #1 heel cause he's hated by everyone even the internet, but that's what made this new Miz persona so good. I enjoy Ziggler but he's another Kofi, want them to be champions but they don't have anything going for them to make you care about their reign (Gimmick Wise).
The Miz in the past has been a vanilla heel.

However, this new movie-star gimmick is a huge upgrade IMO. "The moneymaker", the delusions of his career... it works. I wanted a longer title reign for Miz.

I wouldn't mind seeing Ziggler and Miz keep wrestling though. They should really repackage Ziggler as more of a "working man" type. His gimmick doesn't fit his character right now.
I think it was just for unpredictability going into the show.

Miz winning would have been so predictable - new push, new gimmick, early title reign.

If anything it helped the quality of the show and makes the IC division more interesting going forth.
This summer has been quite good for the Intercontinental Championship, and I'd much rather see the title hot-potatoed than just put to one side and forgotten about (looking at you U.S. Title).

I'd hazard a guess that Ziggler will retain at Night of Champions, and then when Cesaro emerges from the pile of rubble he's buried under, he'll become the next number one contender.
Barrett is coming back and getting his title back, that's the only reason I can think of to take a belt off of the only old fashioned heel that the WWE is working with.
I predicted Ziggler winning because a baby face needed to go over and we knew Cena, Swagger and Bella were losing. I think the IC title will have a good run while Lesbar holds the World title hostage.
To be perfectly honest, I'm confused as to why they went to the trouble of putting the title on Miz in the first place. Why not have Ziggler win the strap at Battleground and spare another meaningless run with Miz as champion.

It's probably still another indication that the Intercontinental and U.S. titles are worthless garbage, despite recent rumors that they were to become more meaningful. It doesn't matter who holds them.....any more than it matters how many times they're won and lost.

For Miz..... if he's getting a midcard push, it's pretty lame. Actually, it's almost as if his persona is getting a push while his ring performance isn't. In other words, Creative has provided another forum for Miz to act like a jerk with what he says, but he's not getting a boost as a wrestler, as indicated by his winning a minor title but not being able to hold it for long after a wasted title reign.

For Dolph.....who in hell knows already? Is this the start of another push for him? Do they still want him to be the guy to take us into the next decade .....or have they finally realized he's not in the league of Cena/Orton/Bryan......and never will be?

Now he's a champ again. Whoop-de-freakin'-do. Hopefully, he'll get a reign of greater distinction than Miz......which ain't sayin' much.
I don't think Barrett is going back for IC... they'll move him up the card and he's destined to be a face regardless on his return... the fans will make sure of it, they always do. Barrett will be #30 in the Rumble, perhaps upsetting the Authority's plans.

As for the IC, this has "short term" all over it... after last night there seems to be only one destination for the IC title in the coming weeks and months... Moscow!

Rusev will quickly beat Ziggler for the IC title to enhance the challenge Lana made, perhaps even renaming it the "Russian" Championship and IF (a big if) they do some kind of deal with Kurt Angle it sets up a great way for him to return to challenge Rusev.

On the night, yes a face needed a win so that is the main reason... I really don't see this being a renewed push for Dolph, the ADR situation along with RVD being at the end of his deal may have moved him up one notch but Sheamus, Cesaro and the Dust's are still way ahead of him... actually amazed they didn't use one of those to beat him over Ziggler... only makes sense if he is gonna drop it quickly.
Barrett doesn't have the skills to be above the IC, either on the mic or in the ring. He's also injury prone.

And the fans are idiots. Bray Wyatt is still a heel, even though the smarks keep trying to fucking cheer him. Wade Barrett/BNB is going to be a heel IC, just like he was on his way out.
The only explanation for Ziggler winning was because Lesnar was booked to win. But as a Miz fan(And I know there's more of us somewhere), Miz looks insanely weak right now! He came back and won how many matches in 2 months? 1! I've seen him win 1 match >< they teased a feud with Jericho(something I'd actually like to see) but pushed it aside so Bray could feud with him, I get that. Then Miz wins the title, well damn I didn't see that coming. Just to lose it immediately. I don't see how the title looks better because of that? People are acting like it's a good sign, it's not. It would have been better to just have Ziggler win it last month!

Right now Miz is in the same boat as Cesaro...this is the boat of guys who Heath Slater is winning more than right now...that's a horrendous sign
I personally hope Barrett doesn't just win the title back when he comes back from surgery.

Of course, that's because I want to see him win the WWE title.

But that's just me.

As for the IC title, it seems like after trying to give it some clout after putting it on Barrett and trying to make it seem important again, it's once again slipped by the wayside. And that kind of depresses me.
I personally hope Barrett doesn't just win the title back when he comes back from surgery.

Of course, that's because I want to see him win the WWE title.

But that's just me.

As for the IC title, it seems like after trying to give it some clout after putting it on Barrett and trying to make it seem important again, it's once again slipped by the wayside. And that kind of depresses me.

How does this give it any sort of relevance? They're hot potatoing the title again, that's not to give it prestige or was too swerve us. Or maybe appease us being as most fans hate Miz.

Plus, I like Barrett too but there's no way he's winning the title before SummerSlam 2015. I could see him being in a match for it at some point, but not winning it till at least 2016. He's really timed his boost poorly...right now they're trying to push:Reigns, Rollins, Ambrose, Bray, Cesaro and Bryan into the main event. Adding Barrett in makes it way too many guys for WWE.
^and he won too! The WWE just needs to get it over with and find a way to unify the IC-US titles ... maybe have one less midcard belt will make it easier to defend/keep relevant
I honestly don't get WWE sometimes.

They put a good amount effort into Miz's new persona, as the pompous and delusional Hollywood movie star. They put the IC title on him....and he loses to Ziggler at Summerslam. Although, I guess there's no big shock for this, because the writing was on the wall three or four weeks ago, when Ziggler defeated Miz on Raw.

As far as Ziggler goes, I don't have any expectations for his run IC Champion, and I'm not taking this win as sign of big things to come for Ziggler. WWE constantly waffles between shining some spotlight on the IC Champion and having the IC Champion fade into obscurity.

When you consider the schizophrenic paths for Ziggler and Miz over the past couple of years, it's safe to believe they've gone as far as they're going to go in WWE, and after Sunday, Miz is back to square one.
Very happy about this. Dolph should have already been the Intercontinental Champion. Miz sucks and it was a waste of everyone's time to put the belt on him in the first place. I don't really have particularly high expectations for Ziggler's current reign with the belt due to how the belt has been treated for so long, more than anything I'm just happy that The Miz is no longer holding the title. We have someone who can actually work a good match holding the title. Dolph Ziggler should have won at Battleground, better late than never. Here's to hoping that something good comes out of Ziggler's title reign and that he gets a decent storyline going into title matches.

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