Dolph Ziggler: his time is now?


The Show himself
Survivor series is over, and the otherwise lackluster show ended with a bang. Sting's debut might be the biggest event of this year, but in the hindsight, another big event happened. Yes, Dolph Ziggler was the sole survivor for his team. You heard it right. Not Cena, not Ryback, not Big Show, but Ziggler.

Not only did Ziggler survive the match, he eliminated 3 (and one count out) superstars, and was booked like that hero who just won't quit. And for me, it was all fitting. Through last couple months, he was on the receiving end of some of the most vicious beatings, including cage match against Kane, beatdown by Harper, unceremoniously losing Intercontinental Championship and whatnot. So I am thinking, is this it? Has he finally broken through that glass ceiling? A lot of you might think that Sting's debut may have taken some sheen off his win, but that still doesn't take anything away from what Ziggler accomplished.

So, what does it mean for Ziggler? Was this just a lucky night? Or is there something long term coming out of this?
It's very ironic. When I got WWE 2k14, I set up a rivalry between Ziggler and HHH, leading to Ziggler winning the rumble and main eventing Mania. Here's to hoping this actually happens now! That was one hell of a performance and the drama was off the charts! An amazing main event. I am really hoping this was not a one off thing. Ziggler needs to step up to that next level and stay there. The fans obviously want him there, and I would seriously book him against Lesnar for Mania. Certainly better than Reigns at this point, especially since Bryan probably won't make it in time.
I think that despite Sting's debut in the WWE (itself a huge deal) Ziggler was one of the biggest and for me the best stories of the night. They pushed him to the moon with this Survivor Series match.

Just hoping it leads to something.
Ziggler was fantastic especially in that final back and forth with Rollins before HHH started interfering. Ziggler is quite clearly one of the best in the business at the moment (I don't care what anyone says) and hopefully 3 eliminations and being the sole survivor in such an important survivor series match will be what he needs to put him at the top of the pack AND keep him there this time :D xxx
Maybe this means Ziggler is primed for a main event run now especially being sole survivor in a match where everything was on the line where his job his livelihood was practically on the line and getting a rub in the process from the Stinger, this should elevate Dolph pretty much solidifying Dolph as the next big babyface of this company
Dolph Ziggler is a man who fights with an iron heart and is fueled with uncontrollable passion. His work ethic, will to win, and overall incredible ring skills push him to heights no one dare thought was possible. The commitment to always steal the show and entertain the crowd captivated a movement. There's no better time to find your grove than during the Road to WrestleMania and that's coming up around the corner. Dolph Ziggler has cemented his legacy and will be known as a hall of fame legend when all is said and done. Survivor Series 2014 and the IC title reign that preluded it put him back in track to the Main Event scene that he so rightfully deserves to be in. #ShowOff!
I honestly don't know what this means for Ziggler. We've seen so many false starts for him over the years that it's hard to say what's what. If I had to guess, I think he'll feud with Luke Harper for a bit as he has a rematch coming for the IC title.

The way Ziggler has been booked over the past money puts me in mind of Daniel Bryan in that he's been put in the role of a scrappy, passionate, never say die underdog that just won't quit. If Bryan hadn't been out injured, I have a feeling the role Ziggler played last night would have been slated for him. Since he's ultimately the one guy that's been screwed over the most by The Authority, it would've made perfect sense for him to ultimately be the one to send them packing.

Personally, I thought Dolph Ziggler ultimately being the hero for Team Cena was the best part of the night. It was a cool moment seeing Sting finally debut and set foot inside of a WWE ring for the first time. I resisted the urge to click on the articles listing a big spoiler for Survivor Series. However, Ziggler being cast in the role of hero and the last man standing for his team was just something I don't think anyone saw coming. We all figured that Cena would either be the last man standing, or would certainly be one of the guys who didn't get eliminated from his team, so seeing him not be the hero who rises to the occasion to overcome all the odds was a very nice treat. It was great to see someone get the win for the team to whom the victory was meaningful. After all, Ziggler was one of the guys who was gonna be "fired" if they lost, not Cena.
Ziggler was amazing last night, but then again he always puts on a great show. Just when you think that's it he ain't getting back up, he does and performs something wonderful.

My son looked at me a couple of times last night and said "Oh Ziggler's dead again, but wait" and sure enough, he got up and eliminated someone else. I hope there are big things in store for him now. He was the first person to step up and say he would fight for Team Cena, and he never wavered, even with all the threats, beatings and whatever they threw at him. And being the smallest one of the bunch you would have thought he would have been put out first. No that honor went to Mark Henry in the most embarrassing way possible. One punch boom, gone.

No Ziggler is crazy over with the fans, and I hope that his IC days are now behind him. If he can stay healthy, no reason he can't go for the world title again.
Last night was quite possibly the best Ziggler ever looked. If anything this storyline has been a lot more about him than Cena as he took the most beatings, got screwed out of his IC title and took the most punishment in that match yet was the guy that wouldn't stay down and forced HHH to get involved to stop him overcoming a 3 on 1 deficit all by himself. Sting will get the credit for saving the day but Ziggler was the hero of this story that did far more than anyone else and went through hell to take down the bad guys. If there was ever going to be a time for Ziggler this has to be it, he's hot, he's healthy, consistently puts on the best matches of the night and after SS looks like a million bucks. Again if this doesn't get him out of the midcard scene I'm afraid nothing will, and I have to think that's their intention making him the star of last night over Cena. Here's hoping they don't screw it up
I feel like Zigglers career has always been like this. Fans get behind him, the WWE pushes him just a nudge and then bam they pull the rug out from under him...or he gets injured. Nothing against the guy, just seems like it happens. I jokingly predicted them moving Ziggler up the card when the full teams were announced but I seriously doubt they're actually pushing him up their.

Now seems to be the worst time to do it. Cena, Reigns, Ambrose, Ziggler, Ryback are all trying to get pushed. Only 1 world title belt and unless they give Ziggler the Rumble win, there's no way he'll get a title shot. Lesnar/Cena at the Rumble/TLC and then it's the Rumble winner for Mania. Nothing against Ziggler but does he really need the Lesnar rub? Think about it for a second, Ziggler has won the world title multiple times already, been a money in the bank winner, multiple IC title wins, has the fans behind him already, been in the company for 8 years now, had Vickie Guerrero as a mouthpiece.

Here's how I view it, I don't think Ziggler is getting a push. If they do he better make it count because he's dropped the ball too many times in his career. But if Reigns isn't ready for the Rumble, and Bryan really is out till post Mania...then Ziggler is the best option
It's a little early to know what this means but I hope it is something positive. You can never have too many guys with momentum and Ziggler now has a shitload of it. Of course, they could have given Ziggler this chance simply because it was different and they knew the crowd would eat it up. If it was Cena in the ring, I'm not sure people would have truly believed there was a chance of Team Cena losing.

The story of Ziggler is a weird one. He is a two time World Champ and clearly has ability but he has never been as good as people want him to be. I like Ziggler, I really do, but his popularity leads to him being overrated. Indeed, I also think it leads to people underrating him too, it's very odd.

I say, give Ziggler a chance. Don't let this momentum die down because there is still a chance with this guy. His promos have improved. His selling has improve drastically to the point where he is legitimately one of the best on the roster. He is consistently putting on good/great matches rather than whenever he has a talented opponent and the fans love him.

Everything is there for the WWE to really give Dolph this one last chance at stardom and his popularity and in-ring ability could finally help him reach the heights he was arguably destined for.

In reality, I don't think he gets a massive push. Cena is still there. Ambrose and Reigns are long-term prospects who are still fresh (as well as being HHH projects.) Nevermind, Orton and Bryan as well as Rowan and Ryback. There is a lot of competition and I reckon the WWE will be fine with Ziggler as that IC title guy.
Dolph Ziggler is a man who fights with an iron heart and is fueled with uncontrollable passion. His work ethic, will to win, and overall incredible ring skills push him to heights no one dare thought was possible. The commitment to always steal the show and entertain the crowd captivated a movement. There's no better time to find your grove than during the Road to WrestleMania and that's coming up around the corner. Dolph Ziggler has cemented his legacy and will be known as a hall of fame legend when all is said and done. Survivor Series 2014 and the IC title reign that preluded it put him back in track to the Main Event scene that he so rightfully deserves to be in. #ShowOff!

I agreed with this up until " Dolph ziggler has cemented his legacy......". Dolph Ziggler has really shocked me since turning face. As a heel, Ziggler SUCKED no one really cared about him, (Except for his little following). The guy was paired with Vickie (the heat drawing magnet) yet couldn't do anything with it. Since turning face, I have really become a fan of his, his love for the business really shows, he's still the same arrogant guy. But now he shows more..........???? I guess passion is the word, instead of being an A@@ about being the showoff (which we see from most heels) and still loosing, he's showing the true passio he has for the business, and that's more personality then he has ever showed as a heel.
I still don't exactly see him as a main eventer (which there's NOTHING wrong with not be one), but whatever he does as long as he keeps showing this love for the business I can only see good things for/from him.
I don't mind WWE booking Dolph Ziggler like this. I actually enjoyed his last run with the Intercontinental Championship where it made him look like a fighting/defending Champion while the odds were stacked against him. He lost a lot of matches, but that's such a part of his character that it works. I don't mind WWE booking Ziggler to pull off big wins like this because it's different from the usual shit and with that, unpredictable. This is what I like. Even if this isn't the start of a big push for Ziggler, I hope they continue to give him these sporadic victories to keep his presence fresh and exciting, although his performance alone is exciting anyway.
Not only did Ziggler survive the match, he eliminated 3 (and one count out) superstars, and was booked like that hero who just won't quit.

True, he did all spite of the fact he spent a long, long time lying injured outside the long, in fact, that I forgot he was still in the match. No, I'm certainly not saying he doesn't have the stamina to have been in there all along....and of course, everyone took a turn being temporarily knocked out of action, but Dolph was out of our line of vision for a long time. He finally came back into view when Cena was knocked out, just in time to take over for him.

Also, within this past week, didn't Dolph lose cleanly to Luke Harper, with his IC title going along with it? Hardly seems as if a major push is in line for him, although in the scripted world of pro wrestling, you never know.

Still, as I watched SS, I kept marveling how small he looked next to his teammates, figuring that was one of the reasons the company abandoned the mega-push he was receiving a couple years ago.

He gives maximum effort and can put on interesting matches, but in my opinion, he's not championship material and never will be. Then again, it's not what I believe, but what Vince McMahon believes. Still, my feeling is that Dolph's world title ship sailed long ago.

I believe last night was just a moment in the sun for a loyal employee. It's all good.
True, he did all spite of the fact he spent a long, long time lying injured outside the long, in fact, that I forgot he was still in the match. No, I'm certainly not saying he doesn't have the stamina to have been in there all along....and of course, everyone took a turn being temporarily knocked out of action, but Dolph was out of our line of vision for a long time. He finally came back into view when Cena was knocked out, just in time to take over for him.

Also, within this past week, didn't Dolph lose cleanly to Luke Harper, with his IC title going along with it? Hardly seems as if a major push is in line for him, although in the scripted world of pro wrestling, you never know.

Still, as I watched SS, I kept marveling how small he looked next to his teammates, figuring that was one of the reasons the company abandoned the mega-push he was receiving a couple years ago.

He gives maximum effort and can put on interesting matches, but in my opinion, he's not championship material and never will be. Then again, it's not what I believe, but what Vince McMahon believes. Still, my feeling is that Dolph's world title ship sailed long ago.

I believe last night was just a moment in the sun for a loyal employee. It's all good.

While I agree 100% with your points made here, maybe they don't want the IC champ going after the World title? Maybe they took the belt off of him to push him up to Main Event level. Either way, I think you're right! Dolph's been in the company for almost a decade now and aside from his injuries and the Cena bad mouthing he's been a great employee I'd think.

I wouldn't say he lost cleanly, they oversold the prematch ambush big time. He got kicked a few times and got hit with the briefcase. Harper hit his finishing move in like 8 minutes or something. I mean by definition it was clean but he got ambushed at the start, so it's your decision if you call it clean or not
A bittersweet moment. On one hand, WWE took a major shot at elevating a talent at what was a pretty important Survivor Series. They had a clear cut opportunity to make a wrestler look like a million dollars and they did it. Holy shit, right? On the other hand, that talent was Dolph Ziggler.

There've been a lot of false starts at elevating new stars in the last few years - Ryder, Ryback, Cesaro, arguably Ziggler himself - so this could turn into nothing, but Ziggler was made to look ridiculously strong. One imagines they wouldn't make Ziggler look so strong if they didn't have some sort of plan to follow from here.

I'm one of the ones that'd rather see Ambrose, Cesaro or even Ryback in the same spot. Then again, beggars can't be choosers.

Also, within this past week, didn't Dolph lose cleanly to Luke Harper, with his IC title going along with it?

Not really - he got the piss kicked out of him before the match (and still nearly won).
I think the problem with dolph is the perspective of casual fans. I've mentioned before I stopped watching wrestling for over a decade and just recently picked it up again, just in the past few months I'd say I've taken a greater interest

Up until then, I tried to casually follow the stories. I haven't seen as much of dolph as the diehard rasslin fans around here have. All I know is he flops around like a rag doll, and has some really cool moves

Personally, I just cant see him as a long term "the guy". First of all, it may sound silly, but his name alone is ridiculous. There's no substance to it. It sounds like a comedic mid carder's name that no one can take seriously.

From there you have his finisher which is one of the better ones I've seen, but the Zig Zag? the hell?

And why does he look like a miniature billy gun?

I think people really get behind the underdog overcoming the odds story, I do too, but it won't last.
I think it's just for one night. Reigns is coming back soon. Orton comes back to resume his feud with Rollins. There's no room for Ziggler in the main event picture.

He'll probably face Kane, get put over and chase the IC title again. He's pretty much the PG Era's Chris Jericho.
If WWE is even half-smart, they'll give Dolph Ziggler the ball and let him run with it. Ziggler is THE most over guy on the roster. Other than the injured Daniel Bryan, nobody else is even remotely close to him. Dean Ambrose doesn't get a tenth the reaction Dolph Ziggler does. Where Dolph SHOULD go from here is winning the Royal Rumble, headlining WrestleMania, and winning the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. WILL he go there? Who knows. For so long it's seemed like the Powers That Be are just biased against Ziggler and won't give him the opportunity to succeed. Hopefully they've finally changed their minds.
Personally, I just cant see him as a long term "the guy". First of all, it may sound silly, but his name alone is ridiculous. There's no substance to it. It sounds like a comedic mid carder's name that no one can take seriously.

From there you have his finisher which is one of the better ones I've seen, but the Zig Zag? the hell?

You're going to rag on his name when we have guys on the roster named Bray Wyatt, Bo Dallas, Adam Rose, Erick Rowan, and Dean Ambrose? Seriously?

The Zig Zag is a problem, I'll agree with that. It's part of the reason he's had difficulties with concussions. Ziggler has a perfect Superkick and should use that as his primary finisher, and bring back the Sleeper as his secondary one.
Yes!!! Lets hope they give him the ball and let him run with it.. And i say, let him start using the superkick as his finisher instead of the zig zag.. Think the super kick would get a bigger reaction than the zig zag for a finisher... Please give dolph a run with the title after lesner is gone for good and let him lead this young crop of talent..
You're going to rag on his name when we have guys on the roster named Bray Wyatt, Bo Dallas, Adam Rose, Erick Rowan, and Dean Ambrose? Seriously?

The Zig Zag is a problem, I'll agree with that. It's part of the reason he's had difficulties with concussions. Ziggler has a perfect Superkick and should use that as his primary finisher, and bring back the Sleeper as his secondary one.

Zig Zag could be dropped to an impact move rather than a finisher, Show Stopper is a better move, Superkick can work as well and he delivers it very well.

Submission moves are being discarded and they aren't even used as a finishers anymore, just a slowdown with crowd reaction.
I think this is a BIG chance for Ziggler, he's been on a roll of late and the way he was booked in the Survivor Series main event shows like WWE are willing to give him another go at breaking through to become a permanent top star. He deserves it, he's worked his ass off for a long time and looked set to make the step up before all the concussion issues.

While I don't like the ring name "Dolph Ziggler" and don't think it sounds like a top star name, I'm going to ignore that and say he could be successful. The fans believe in him and have done for a long time now, and he IS talented in the ring, and an exceptional seller. He'd never be booked as a dominant champion, but the sympathetic role of the smaller guy fighting against the odds and overcoming bigger opponents (see Shawn Michaels, Jeff Hardy- again great sellers) is where Dolph would fit in.

However, if something goes wrong again, either more injuries or if Dolph blows it, then this could be his last chance to become a major player in WWE, and he'd be permanently stuck in the mid-card if this doesn't go to plan, as I doubt WWE will go back to him again. I hope he succeeds!

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