Dolph Ziggler, Get Ready.

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Maddog Lionheart

Best Sig In The World......
Now honestly, I feel as if we need to get ready for Dolph Ziggler's true break through. I honestly don't like him, but I'm starting to be able to him a little more serious. He's being mre aggresive in the ring, he's has a new theme that's pretty hardcore, and he's getting even more cocky. I see a little bit of Y2J in him but I seriously see him taking that WWE Championship in the next six months.
I liked Dolph Ziggler before it was cool to like Dolph Ziggler. Was it because of his killer ring attire? Possibly. Was it because of his original theme music? More likely.

After his world heavyweight title reign, which was so exquisite that it can only be described as boneriffic, I'm wondering just how Ziggler will climb the mountain again. Him using Mysterio as a gateway is something I see, but Ziggler/Cena is something I'd rather they stayed away from. Maybe it's just the memory of Cena and Lawler tagging up to do shitty fat jokes, I don't know. Ziggler as an opponent of the newly minted Face Punk is something I could get on board with, though.
Ziggler is probably the only mid-carder besides Daniel Bryan who benefited the most from switching brands. While everyone else has lost some steam (or put in a humiliating role in DiBiase's case), Ziggler has managed to remain strong, and after a slight misstep at the start of his tenure of RAW is now back to where he was before and is now getting something he sorely lacked on Smackdown: A personality. It seems as if they're ready to push him now as a dominant US Champ, too.
I think they are going to keep using DZ to keep building their face mid-carders. Which really helps so that if someone like Morrison gets hurt again, there is someone that can step up into his spot. I'm thinking that since Ryder appears to be going face, he'll be handed to Ziggler to put on some sensational matches leading up to Survivor Series or Royal Rumble. By then, it will be time for Ziggler to move up ala The Miz to the Main Event.
Ziggler is a strong mid carder and a high mid card if i can say so my self. He will be a big player some day and their building him nicely and a dominate US champion. Hes ganna be one of those guys that after long years in the buisness they will get thee break through.
Ha, that title is funny. A funnier one would've been "Dolph Ziggler, we've been ready for a WHILE now!". I dont see why they have the US title on this guy. He rarely ever defends it, has nothing going for him storyline wise unless you count a relationship with Vickie Guerrero that I still dont understand. He beat Evan Bourne, big whoop, can you remember the last time Evan won a match? Or a title? Or did anything as impressive as taking that RKO from Orton? WWE has certainly dropped the ball with him. The need to get him a credible opponent for that US title. Hes great in the ring and definitely has the personality but we've seen nothing from him since that WHC run.
When Dolph can lose Vickie and get a good crowd reaction then he's ready.

Having him going back to the sleeper hold again is a good start.
Dolph needs to go alone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . he needs to generate a good crowd reaction without Vickie. He's a good very good in-ring wrestler, but I don't think many people in the crowd care about that, what they want is charisma. Yes, Dolph has got that but he needs to utilize it better. I hope that Dolph will get a lengthy US Title win similar to what they did with Orton in '04 with the Intercontinental Title.
Dolph doesn't need to go alone at all. I don't get this Ziggler won't make it unless he drops Vickie stuff. Some of the best of all time have been paired with someone untill they reached the world title. Triple H has never been without anyone in his career and he can generate tons of heat by himself. Vickie's role is getting less and less by the week and more and more people are talking about Dolph Ziggler. He is already starting to overshadow Vickie. And so what if she can chime in and get him some extra heat. Thats what managers are for! Thats what both Stephanie and Flair did for Trips. Same with Bobby Heening for Mr Perfect or Ravishing Rick Rude. But i guess they couldn't be taken seriously untill they dropped their managers. That logic dosn't make sense! Rant over lol!
Sorry, I have to disagree with the OP here, Ziggler's not getting anywhere near a World title in the next six months. If he was, he'd be carrying a MITB briefcase right now. WWE are completely committed to Del Rio as the next person to get a World title who hasn't had one yet. Even if WWE goes cold on their idea of elavating Daniel Bryan into the main event on the SD brand, his opportunity would not be going to Ziggler, it will be going to a more established name (likely as a result of WWE losing faith in DB's drawing power, or something like that).
Yes, WWE needs to establish new main event talent, but you cannot just give guy after guy a world title, not in a short space of time anyway. The more you do that, the less the achievement appears to mean when someone takes that step, and it's even worse if you give the guy the ball and he can't run the way you want with it so the push gets aborted.
Case in point: Swagger. You hear a commentator mention he's a former WHC during one of his matches and all you remember is how awful his reign with the strap was, if you can even remember it at all. To the casual fan, who probably doesn't give a crap about Swagger, the effect is like 'uh, this guy was world champ? oh, er...well anyway'....
Now try to imagine if WWE just kept elavating stars at such a rate? By the next year, MITB ladder matches would be contested by eight former world champ's on each brand. Ridiculous! Two MITB holders who haven't had the belt before within one year is quite enough!
Another thing people need to bear in mind is that WWE had big plans for the Miz, who only has one title reign under his belt so far. He's headlined Wrestlemania, but he still has a long way to go to, and he's way ahead of Ziggler in the World title queue. Add to this the fact that at present you have the huge Cena/Punk angle going on, not to mention the start of the buildup for the Cena/Rock match and how that is going to effect the WWE title picture over the next half year, and I simply cannot see how you can possibly think there's room for a Ziggler run in there at all.
The only reason Ziggler is even a heel is pretty much his association with VG. If he can lose her, maybe the crowd will take his seriously. He does have a World Title reign, but it lasted only ten minutes.
Last Night was the first time I've seen Dolph Ziggler as an actual heel. The entrance music might have had something to do with it, but he just came across as a new wrestler to me. Of course, WWE has put him on hold for a weeks for whatever reason, I thought an angle between Mysterio and Ziggler would be interesting.
I have to say his post match rant on raw last night was out there Ive never seen that much fire in him so I'm expecting big things but I think to myself where would this guy be without vickie? He already got a nice reaction when he dumped vickie for the us title shot (jokingly) so they could have did that but they don't seem to have the faith in him to carry his own character. Obviously they're pushing him though so lets watch and see what happens
I think Dolph needs to drop Vickie. He's definitely a strong mid-carder and has the skills to roll with the big boys. Does that mean I want to see him as WWE Champion? No, not anytime soon. The guy has skills. The guy is charismatic. The guy draws heat. He's got a whole new attitude developing. I like the new theme, personally. Bit edgier then the first one, so it fits him better.
Ziggler has really stepped up the intensity since winning the US title. I love that he really (his character) cares about the US title. He's daring anyone to beat him. He's fairly over, he's a good promo, good in the ring. I like it. He just needs a foil now.

No he shouldn't drop Vickie. Vickie is very over and they fit. Why drop Vickie? So he can be a generic intense heel?
At first last night I wasn't a fan of the new music, but then listening to it a few more times it seems much better, much more intense, which is what Dolph needs right now.
I think Dolph needs to drop Vickie.

So, how will he get heat then?

Honestly, I laughed when he shouted "Top that" or whatever it was. Has his body gone through puberty or is he stuck with a feminine voice for the rest of his life? I don't think the guy has any star power. They pushed him hard on SD but all the attention of the crowd was still fixated on Vickie. They cared more about telling her to shut the fuck up than they did reacting to anything he was doing in the ring.

But if Truth can get a title shot on a PPV, I don't see why Ziggles would be immune to jobbing to Cena,
I've been ready for him winning a world title ever since his awesome feud with Edge, it kinda bugs me that he got depushed for a whole year just cause Rey Mysterio, who in my opinon is crap compared to Dolph Ziggler especially when it comes to mat wrestling, complained about losing and refused to put him over, I've been a proud Dolph fan ever since day one when he debuted against Batista, he actually controlled the match in a way which was really surprising to see this new guy who was a male cheerleader in the Spirit Squad a couple of years ago to just debut against Batista in this home town and actually dominate him.

But Dolph really cought my attention in his feud with Rey Mysterio, it was one of the reasons to watch Smackdown along with the Punk/Hardy feud back in 2009, he's been in my top 3 ever since that feud.

And in my opinion, now is the time for Dolph to finally shine in the main event, with Vickie by his side, he can totally be the top heel on Raw, his new theme and new catchphrase are pretty good, he's the 3rd most talented technical wrestler on the roster just behind Punk and Bryan, If Dolph was an indy wrestler and was a star in ROH I'm pretty sure the IWC would treat him like royalty, just like they treat Punk or Bryan, and I honestly think he's very underrated by everyone, he's on the same level of these two in my opinon, not better but on the same level, his mic skills are actually ok if you watched him tell of Byron Saxton on NXT that was probably his best mic work, my point is that Dolph Ziggler actually having a reign as a world champion has been a long time coming for me, and I can't wait to see it happen, I just hope the WWE don't screw him up, he's a phenomenal talent, whenever he's in a one on one pay per view match he puts on an incredible match and even steals the show sometimes.
His voice is a problem. He sounds too much like a boy, but I don't see why that couldn't stop him from moving up the card as long as Vickie is by his side...and she actually stays by his side. I actually think his best choice would be to hold on to the United States Championship for as long as he can hoping to get over in the process. Right now, he's not ready. He does have the talent, look and everything it takes to be a top heel but Ziggler just isn't credible enough right now. Until Ziggler starts playing around with the Cena's or Mysterio's he likely isn't going to be a top player. I like his new attitude and that could get him somewhere.
So, how will he get heat then?

How will he get heat? That's a good question, I don't know.. maybe if they actually gave him a fucking gimmick? He has personality and talent, but he needs a gimmick to go with that, I wouldn't say a ripoff of Mr.Perfect, but maybe a gimmick of a perfectionist who is full of himself and thinks very highly of his looks? Oh wait, actually he already has that factor.. they're just not letting him use it all the time!
How will he get heat? That's a good question, I don't know.. maybe if they actually gave him a fucking gimmick? He has personality and talent, but he needs a gimmick to go with that, I wouldn't say a ripoff of Mr.Perfect, but maybe a gimmick of a perfectionist who is full of himself and thinks very highly of his looks? Oh wait, actually he already has that factor.. they're just not letting him use it all the time!

So, he doesn't have a gimmick yet has personality? Err... I am pretty sure it is the same thing. Vickie is suppose to be an annoying hag and she acts like it. Dolph's current thing is that he is suppose to be a completely different guy than he was a year go.

Well, outside of not bumping like an asshole as much, new entrance music and less flamboyant tights, there isn't much difference to be said. He is still facing Kofi in some capacity almost every week. He still has a couple of finishers that don't have that "oh shit!" feeling or even feel like the match is about to end when he hits them. He is still the "bad guy" mid-card champion of the brand just because Kofi (the "good guy" mid-card champion of the brand) isn't holding the strap.

I know a lot of people have him as one of the next guys who break on thru to the otha side, but not has much has changed for him in one year. Regardless of why that is, as a viewer, it just feels like the guy is complacent as a performer.. Which is never good if they decide to use him for something outside of the physicality for Vickie because men don't hit women in WWE these days.
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