Dolph is from where?

Teddy Irving

Pre-Show Stalwart
So every week Dolph is announced as from Hollywood Florida, except for that one or two weeks a year where they happen to be in Cleveland and they announce him as from there.
What is the point of this? I mean I understand it gets that cheap pop and hometown support but I just think it sounds a bit ridiculous that for 50 weeks a year we hear he is from Hollywood Florida and then are just expected to forget that whenever he happens to perform in Cleveland.

What do you guys think? Should they just keep him from Hollywood all the time or do you think it's fine to just keep changing it once or twice a year?
So every week Dolph is announced as from Hollywood Florida, except for that one or two weeks a year where they happen to be in Cleveland and they announce him as from there.
What is the point of this? I mean I understand it gets that cheap pop and hometown support but I just think it sounds a bit ridiculous that for 50 weeks a year we hear he is from Hollywood Florida and then are just expected to forget that whenever he happens to perform in Cleveland.

What do you guys think? Should they just keep him from Hollywood all the time or do you think it's fine to just keep changing it once or twice a year?

Yes it's quite dumb and pointless. And Hollywood Florida does so alot better anyway in case you are reading WWE.
I agree it's silly, it'd make some sense if Dolph at least lived in Florida but he apparently resides in Phoenix. I think it's just because most of the talent actually live in Florida & Dolph was originally a heel, so it sounded better & was easy to say he is from Florida but since he is technically born & raised in Cleveland they take advantage of it when they feel the need.
People move. Big deal. So what if they change it twice a year to his birth town. Is it really that big a deal? He was billed form Florida to fit his flashy persona when he first moved up. Now we're in a new stage of his career. Florida still sounds flashy, but when he goes home, why not go for the pop? Is there really a negative side to it?
WWE should just say "Born in for Cleveland" and "Now residing in for Florida". It worked great for Benoit and Jericho back in the day for whatever suited their needs at the time.

I don't see it as a big deal as long as WWE gets their facts straight.
People move. Big deal. So what if they change it twice a year to his birth town. Is it really that big a deal? He was billed form Florida to fit his flashy persona when he first moved up. Now we're in a new stage of his career. Florida still sounds flashy, but when he goes home, why not go for the pop? Is there really a negative side to it?

I never said there was a negative I just said it sounds a bit silly, if you only watched when they were in Cleveland it wouldn't be an issue, but if you are watching weekly then you are used to hearing Hollywood Florida and it is a noticable change from the norm. I mean why not change it for every single wrestler? Oh right because the majority use the place they are actually from so it doesn't sound weird when announced that way.
I get why they used Hollywood it fitted his character and sounded flashy that's fine, and like you say we are in a new stage of his career so why not change it from Florida completely then? It's because Florida still sounds better, so making that change just sounds weird when announced. That is the only downside
It's kind of surprising they don't just all list them being from Florida. I mean, isn't that where they all live nowadays? Jericho, Christian, Ziggler, Big Show, etc.
WWE should just say "Born in for Cleveland" and "Now residing in for Florida". It worked great for Benoit and Jericho back in the day for whatever suited their needs at the time.

I don't see it as a big deal as long as WWE gets their facts straight.

But those guys were Canadians, and we Americans are inclined to boo anyone with Canada in their intro. And on a more serious note, those guys are probably billed from Toronto or wherever they're from in Canada when they are in Canada. Don't quote me on that though.

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