Dogs VS Cats

Which is the better animal?

  • Dogs

  • Cats

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Dagger Dias

One Winged Admin
Staff member


The debate has been going for longer than probably any of us have been alive. Cats or Dogs? Which is the better animal? Dogs are referred to as “man’s best friend” and nearly any dog person will agree to that. Cat people are likely to completely disagree though. I personally like them both but have always been a dog person when it comes down to it. Your dogs will show you lots of attention and affection unconditionally if you treat them right and take care of them. Cats on the other hand are more independent. It depends on what type of person you are, if you want an animal companion who is exactly that, or one that keeps to itself more. Granted some dogs are antisocial and some cats can be just as kind as most dogs, but that is how the stereotype goes.

So what side are you on? Dogs or Cats, which do you like more and why?
I like dogs (we have three poodles) and they're so much fun.

You can play with them, nap on the couch with them. They look cuter too.

Love how they go crazy when they see you after being gone for a while.

One of my friends has a cat and all it does is sleep.
Deffinately a dog person, they are loyal and loving as long as you treat them right. Hell I even know people that treat their dog like shit and the dogs are still loyal to them and glad to see them when they come home and always craving their attention. As for cats I have one and treat it very well but know matter how well I treat it anytime I try to pick it up or pet it for more that a couple of seconds it acts as if it cant be bothered and walks away and goes under the bed where no one can bother it.
Well i have 1 dog and about 9 cats at the moment so that pretty much makes my decision mute. However i have always fancied myself a dog person as they truly r a mans best friend. I have very tame cats alas they always seem stuck up, know what i mean?
When cats can lead the blind, sniff out drugs or survivors of a horrific accident, defend your home from intruders, help you hunt, herd animals or help get you laid (guys who take their dog out for a walk to help pick up women) then cats might have a chance to win the argument. But until they do, not only are dogs smarter, but they are actually kinda useful. Dogs can be productive, cats typically are not.

Dogs win.
Depends what you want out of a pet, I suppose. Cats are okay, but they exist outside the family circle. They're independent and often stand-offish, deigning to come to you only when they feel like it; not when you feel like it.

Dogs really are family members. They don't care who you are, what you've done, or what your circumstances are: if you're kind to them, they love you no matter what and they'll follow you anywhere......unconditionally. I still remember the story of a dog who lived with a man for years. When the man died, the dog spent the rest of his life sitting by the man's grave; an act of love and loyalty that could come only from a dog. I cried for days when I heard that story, and it still chokes me up.

Folks who aren't dog people rarely understand the value of what I was just talking about with dogs, and I've never felt compelled to explain it to them. It's just something that's there and never changes.
Dogs. :)

Everyone here have said it all.

Dogs are loyal, loving and you just can't help but fall for Those eyes and That look. ღ

I'm gonna admit I'm scared of dogs even though I really like them unless they're my own or are ones I'm familiar with.

I like Cats too. Got no problem with them. They're always hanging around you and nice to cuddle around with.

Someone already mentioned that cats are independent. True, they like to keep to themselves often.

Imo, Dogs make you feel much more loved and an important part of their lives. :)

Dogs are great companions, and are useful in many ways, which vary with their breeds. I've got a Labrador and Alaskan Malamute cross ~
I despise them both.

Dogs can bite. That's a big reason for my hatred of them. I'm not going to play - or even be near something - which can bite me out of nowhere. They shit in the street. Most of the blame can and should be attributed to the owner of the dog, however. Still, I'm going to use it as a reason. I'm also allergic to dog saliva. Yet another reason why I hate them.

The main thing I hate about cats is their unpredictable nature. One second they are slowly moving about, the next they just jump at you with their claws. Sounds stupid, but it's true. Out of all household pets, they are definitely the most unpredictable. At least dogs are loud and hyperactive all the time. The way cats look bothers me too. Their ears are huge and disgusting, while their bodies are boney and sinewy. And you're expected to pick these feline demons up? No thanks. Also, like dogs, I'm allergic to cats. Nothing really serious, I just get a runny nose and itchy face.

As you've probably picked up, I'm not an animal person.
As you've probably picked up, I'm not an animal person.

But you seem to love them so much :rolleyes:

I have a dog and a cat. I live with my wife and a room mate and both animals always respond to me, it's great. My cat acts pretty much like a dog. Most cats just ignore everybody and keep to themselves but if I call for my cat she meows constantly until she gets to me. Then she jumps up in my lap. It's really weird.

But after all is said and done I much prefer hanging out with my dog. In my opinion dogs wear their emotions on their sleeves while cats always appear to not care about anything. I like that I can tell when my dog is happy or sad and when he does something bad and I scold him he looks like I just broke his heart. It forms that much more of an emotional bond and makes it all the apparent that he really depends on me and just wants to make me happy.
Dogs, no doubt. If I could get a cat that I could train to shit and piss outside, stay off of the furniture, and well, do anything of use outside of just being a moving piece of home decor that smells and eats all the time, then maybe I'd be into them.

Not just that, but Dogs are much easier to keep clean. You ever try to give a cat a fucking bath? You have to tranquilize that motherfucker to get it to calm down. Yeah dogs can bite but if you have a decent family dog it usually wont. Cats will scratch you if you're just laying down.

Fuck Cats.
I love dogs, and they're the one thing that have an effect on me that could bring me to tears(other then my wife). My first dog was put down when he was 17, and I was 22, and I went along with my mom to put him down. Easily one of the most, conflicting, heartbreaking moments of my life, as I was crying and the dog was licking my face, trying to calm ME down, unaware of what was about to happen. I lived on my own at that point, and while my wife isn't the biggest fan, I love the dog to death.

Ive never liked cats. They're annoying, standoffish, and completely devoid of personality. I once took n ex-girlfriend's cat and shoved it into her microwave, giving the illusion that I was going to nuke her. When she accidentally ran the cat over about a year later, it was all I could do to muster sympathy. I guess I didnt understand how one could become attached to a cat, especially that one. I felt bad that she was grieving, but not that the cat had passed away. I found it funny that all the times she had gotten mad at me for teasing her that I was going to kill the cat, she was the one who actually did. I just find it so much easier to become attached to a dog, and even though its quite painful and stays with you for some time when they pass, the time spent with them makes it worth it. I don't feel the same way about cats, so dogs, easily.
It's ALL about the dogs. For one thing, cats won't lick peanutbutter off of your...

Wait, wrong forum.

Seriously though, I love dogs and I can't stand cats. Dogs come when you call them, they want to be around you 24/7, they're generally extremely friendly, and in my opinion, they're just more fun than cats.

Cats are mean and isolationists by nature. They'd rather lurk in the shadows and pop out whenever they need something from you. Sure, you have a few outliers, but in general they're just cold animals.

Dogs on the other hand might be the warmest animals in existence. If you treat them well they'll love you and trust you and do almost anything for you.
Dogs all the way. They're fun, loyal, dependable, useful, and just plain cuter to me. They'll love you no matter what and are just really warm and pleasant animals to be around. It's hard to be in a bad mood when you've got a good dog around.

I will say that I do like cats, just not as much as dogs. Though I'll always be eternally grateful for their existence because without them we wouldn't have this:

:lmao: Does anybody like cats? I like em, but I've always preferred dogs though. Dogs are just more friendly and loyal. You can always train a dog to do awesome things, cats are more difficult. To me, cats just come off as stuck up and pissy and sometimes down right evil(I should know, my ex had 3 cats and they were all little furry demons). They scratch you and your furniture, its like they have no respect for you or your possessions.

That being said, fuck cats. I'll stick with mans best friend. Dogs are just more fun to do stuff with. I'll always be a dog person, though the thought of owning a tiger does sound pretty darn sweet( I kid, I kid). So yeah I'm going to have to say dogs all the way.
I can't really say anything that hasn't already been said here. Dogs are great, cats aren't. Dogs care for you, cat's could sometimes care less. Dogs all the way.
Dogs. They bark when strange people come by. They alert you of any disturbance. They are almost blindly loyal to you. They come in faaaar more shapes and sizes than cats.

Cats are OK, but I wouldn't pick one for myself unless I already had a dog.
Like everyone else it seems, I am a dog man. I have had two dogs in my life. A black lab named Carmen. She was the nicest dog ever and would just hang around anyone who came over. Everyone loved her and she loved everyone. Sadly, though, we had to put her down last year.

My other dog is a boxer mixed with some other breed (we can't figure it out) named Harley. He is the single weirdest creature I have ever been around. He constantly does things that make you question if he has a brain or not. But he is cool and almost everyone likes him. The only one's who don't are the one's who are afraid of him. Once they realize he doesn't bite and is actually scared of everything, he is even afraid of his own shadow, then they warm up to him and everyone is fine.

I used to hate cats. I found them extremely creepy and weird. But my friend got a cat named Jaxson that is pretty cool. So I wouldn't say I like cats, I can see how people do. I still wish he got a dog, though.
Definitely dogs, I've had more of them and they're friendlier in general. Some cats are nice but more often than not they're D bags, when I was little my dad's cat almost scratched out my eye and my aunt's cat was a mean old bitch that was born the same year I was an would die until it was frickin 15, I celebrated her demise. However I stopped hating all cats when I stayed at my dad's friend's house for a month while he was looking for a new place and they had the sweetest, most adorable cat named Lustik(this is in France, that's why the name's so weird) that was my best friend for that period of time. He was like a puppy and he followed me all around the house, slept on my bed and played with me all the time, if I could have a cat it would have to be just like him.

But I'm a dog person at heart, I've got two black labs named Zeus and Bocephus and they're the best dogs in the world. Zeus is getting up there in age but he will still run his ass off when he hears it's time for food, he used to be the energy ball out of the pets but now he's that quiet and slow old guy you always see in the movies who just sits on the porch. Bo is the new little ball of energy, he's fast, he barks and he's the dumbest dog I've ever seen outside of my neighbor's mastiff that once ran into a tree while chasing a butterfly. He's a sweet little guys though and he's always ready to go catch a ball or frisbee. So I like both but in the future I only see myself getting dogs, that's where my heart is.
Easily cats for me. I have never met a dog that likes, me ever in my life. Those things bark at me like crazy when I walk by, and 90% of the time will move towards me looking like They want to pin me down and rip my face off. My dad says they sense fear so I guess that is why they bark at me. Honestly I hate pets in general, I am allergic to both dogs andcars but cats make me feel sick to a far greater extent. The only pets I ever had were fsh that died within 2 days. Cats are nicer and calmer to me and I hate how dogs annoy you, but I guess since I want that than I Am better off with no pets.
Dogs all the way. Cats fucking creep me out with their beady little eyes. I own two dogs. Phoebe is my older middle aged one and Gracie is the young, more energetic yet deaf one. Phoebe was for the most part relatively easy to train with her only problem being that for years (and still to this day), she barked at my little sister which made her slightly annoying when she wouldn't stop. Gracie was significantly more difficult to train due to her being deaf and communication being borderline impossible with her since she had such a short attention span. Unlike Phoebe, Gracie was extremely hyper at her young age and ripped up any magazines or books that were unfortunately to be laying around the house. She's much more mellow now. I visited a friend many years ago who owned a cat. It gave me such a disturbing look and rarely blinked. It was creepy. My neighbor's cat also likes to sneak into my backyard and do the same when I go back there. I've been turned off to cats since then.

Oh yeah, and Phoebe doesn't like Gracie very much. Never understood that. But yeah, dogs all the way for me. Just something about them that makes them more appealing to me than cats.
With my pick of cats, I see I'm in the total minority.

I don't understand it, though. To me, cats are perfect companions. With dogs, anyone can control them with tone of voice. While loyal, dogs just aren't as smart as cats. With cats, you have to earn their respect. You can't use tone of voice with them, because they could care less.

I enjoy the lazy nature of cats, also. (i.e catnaps) Dogs are too hyper for me. I can't stand walking in to a friends house just for a dog to jump all over me. With cats, they let you get settled. You can sit down without fear of having some big brutish dog climbing all over you. Cats will casually leap on to your lap, and that's only if they like you.

I've never had a bad experience with a cat. I love all cats. Even friends I know will be like, "that cat doesn't like anyone", but within minutes it's in my lap purring. I just have a natural affinity with cats. We get along because we're like minded, lol.
I like both cats and dogs. If I had to choose one or the other, I would pick a cat. They pretty much take care of themselves. My cat is great. She is always happy to see me, and lets me know with her constant meowing. The only care she really needs is her litter box, and of course food and water. The dog on the other hand had to be, and still is being trained. She would use the bathroom in the house as a pup, and anyone with a Mastiff knows that is a big mess, even as a pup. She behaves a lot better now, but there is still the fact that she needs to go on long walks every day. My girl and I walk her around the neighbor hood before dinner, and her son runs her before bed. The cat doesn't need all that.

I am one of the six that picked Cat.

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