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Doesn't Booker T Deserve The "Shawn Michaels" Type Deal?

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member

I understand that due to the nature of the thread, that comparisons are going to be made between the careers of Shawn Michaels and Booker T in what each accomplished because that is a means to determine whether or not you feel Booker T deserves a similar deal or not.

That is fine to go a little off topic, as long as you also talk about the context of the deal in your posts. Please ensure to focus on the deal and whether or not you feel Booker deserves a place in the WWE through a reduced schedule or not, without doing too much comparing between him and Michaels.

Some leeway will be allowed, but if posts go too far off topic they may be deleted or even warned/infracted.

Thank you.

ProWrestling.net is reporting that Booker T was very close to re-signing with WWE, and most likely would have returned to the company at The Royal Rumble, however, negotiations fell through between both sides and an agreement was never reached.

According to the report, Booker T was demanding a much lighter schedule, which included working less house show events. He was apparently asking for a "Shawn Michaels" type deal, and WWE would not agree to the terms. Booker is currently accepting indy bookings through Bill Behrens at [email protected].

Well, it seems like WWE didn't want to give Booker an HBK type schedule, and because of it, he won't be returning to WWE. My question is, do you think Booker deserves an HBK type schedule? Has he earned it? Apparently someone with in WWE doesn't feel he's earned it or is not worthy of such a schedule.

First off, Booker may not have had a career as great as HBK's, but he is a legend in this business. Sure he may not be what he used to be in the ring, but so are a lot of veterans.

My second part to this thread is, do you think Booker could've made an impact in WWE? I think he could've gone back to Smackdown, and help put some of the younger guys over. Just as long as he DIDN'T feud with Batista again, I think he would've done fine. What are your thoughts?
Not at all. I was looking at this piece of news earlier today, and it was no surprise to me that WWE rejected it.

When Booker T accomplishes as much as Shawn Michaels has for the business, and busts his ass as hard as Shawn Michaels has over the years, then he can have a deal like Shawn Michaels.

Shawn Michaels has proven to be a draw and is a valuable commodity to the WWE. His matches are absolutely outstanding.

Booker T has never been a proven draw for the WWE. He has had a bad attitude in the past. He also tried to even force his way onto the Creative team at one point.

The guy is simply more trouble than he's worth .... which is not as much to the WWE as he seems to think he is. I applaud the WWE for cutting his negotiations short, because sometimes, egos like Booker T need to be put in their place so that the wrestler can get a Reality Check on where they stand in regard to their worth to the business.

Look for Booker T to start kissing TNA's ass once again, and backtrack on his unprofessional behavior on leaving TNA.
NO- I dont think he deserves a HBK-like contract. Maybe- if it was "on the cheap" -but im sure Booker was looking for a good amount of money also, to go along with "the HBK perks". What has Booker done in WWE to deserve to get the perks that HBK gets? IMO- Nothing.

Could he make an impact? Sure- he could have done something I guess. But he didnt do anything worth while the last time he was here, so I wouldnt have seen it changing very much this time around.

Booker-T...No thanks. Im glad it didnt happen- I dont wanna see him walkin around with his pinky in the air again, with a horrible accent! & I definately dont wanna see Sharmel again either!

Go run your wrestling school Booker- thanks for your efforts over the years.
I'm completely with Sid. What the hell has Booker T done to warrant a "Shawn Michaels" deal? I haven't seen one bit of anything that proves Booker T is as important as Shawn Michaels is right now, let alone equivalent to Shawn Michaels when their entire careers are called into perspective. Booker T might think he is a Legend, and that's fine. Ask for a "Legend Contract" and be equivalent to Hacksaw Jim Duggan. He'll be shot down, but what the hell?

As far as what Booker T could have done back, it wouldn't have been much. Maybe a title reign, but it'd be a "Meh" reign. Not shit, but definitely not anything I'd come on here singing the praises of. He could put some younger wrestlers over, sure. But what difference is it if Booker T or Regal do the jobbing? None. And Regal isn't asking for a Shawn Michaels deal. Regal is being a smart jobber.

In short, Booker T has nothing special to offer. And when you have nothing special to offer, you have no right to ask for a "Shawn Michaels" contract. He'll either accept a contract equivalent to his stature in the business, or he'll run back to TNA and hope Hogan gives him another run. Either way, I don't really care.
Gonna have to disagree here. I think he should've been given a similar deal, or at least shouldn't be subjected to a full schedule. Money is another scenario, and I'm not taking that into account here.

Not at all. I was looking at this piece of news earlier today, and it was no surprise to me that WWE rejected it.

It actually doesn't surprise me either.

When Booker T accomplishes as much as Shawn Michaels has for the business, and busts his ass as hard as Shawn Michaels has over the years, then he can have a deal like Shawn Michaels.

So a 45 year old man who's been in the business for 20 years should have to work the same schedule as a 25 year old man? That'll kill the guy.

Shawn Michaels has proven to be a draw and is a valuable commodity to the WWE. His matches are absolutely outstanding.
Booker is a decent draw in his own right. He is a former WHC, and has a recognizable look. He is a potential Hall of Famer. With the faces on the WWE Roster right now, why do you think he wouldn't draw? He would be "new" again, and would be fresh off of a TNA run. I think he would draw, and still put on some good matches, as he can tell a hell of a story when he wants to.

Booker T has never been a proven draw for the WWE. He has had a bad attitude in the past. He tried to push his way onto the Creative team in the past.

If you were a vet wouldn't you try to push your way onto the creative team with some of the bullshit they've been writing lately?

The guys is simply more trouble than he's worth .... which is not as much to the WWE as he seems to think he is. I applaud the WWE for cutting his negotiations short, because sometimes, egos like Booker T need to be put in their place so that the wrestler can get a Reality Check on where they stand in regard to their worth to the business.

How is he more trouble than he's worth? Because he's paid his dues and now wants to put some guys over, add some flavor to the bland WWE roster, and wants to extend his career by not working house shows? You said he's not a draw so why would that be a problem? He'll probably be on TV every week anyway.

Look for Booker T to start kissing TNA's ass once again, and backtrack on his unprofessional behavior on leaving TNA.

Kissing ass is such a strong statement. Let's call it negotiating.
I think he should get at least a lighter schedule for all the years he has put into wrestling when he was in WCW and WWE. I'm not saying he should get a Shawn Michaels deal but at least veterans should get a lighter schedule and be called on when need be. Shawn Michaels just wrestles a couple of good matches a year and does nothing else. I'm not going to go into the business that one guy deserves it more than the other because of being a draw and a commodity. If they were commodities, they would need them more especially of how bad the WWE seems to be doing in terms of their overall product.

If Booker comes back, I can see him in sort of a Kane role where he helps out the younger guys because I think he would be great at all. I believe he still has a lot of wrestling left of him and would do some good in the WWE if they let him.
Yeah, Booker T is way more risk than reward. Maybe 5-6 years ago he'd be worth it, but the man is way past his prime. And he definitely doesn't deserve the HBK treatment. A guy with a poor attitude and mediocre work ethic who left for another company wants to come back after he did the same thing with a different company? Uh, i'll pass. Though I can understand him leaving WWE after that awful "King Booker" gimmick.
Last I checked, Shawn Michaels literally broke his ass working for WWE. Booker T on the other hand was working great for a few years, but then decided to stick his nose where he wasn't called to. Booker doesn't deserve an "HBK deal". He was a proven draw. What killed it for him? Maybe wanting to strap his wife along for the ride. Or maybe its the fact that he can't seem to speak a fluid english on TV anymore. Maybe it's the fact that he doesn't wanna push new talent.

I used to like him, but I don't think he's a necessity anymore.
Remember, the company can't just look at Booker's request without considering the possible consequences it might bring. If you give Booker this type of contract, what's to stop others from asking for it, too?

WWE can easily shoot down this request from other wrestlers by pointing out that they can have a deal like HBK when they have given his years of excellent service. I would think most performers are smart enough to not try to force the issue by holding up Shawn Michaels as an example.

But if anyone were to try, Booker T. shouldn't be the one. He's not dealing from a position of strength: When he was asking for his release from WWE a couple of years ago, he surely threw TNA in Vince's face.....and the company knew damn well he was going there. Still, they let him leave.

Now, Booker has no bargaining strength to get a HBK-deal. He can't use the threat of TNA again, can he? And the man is deluding himself if he thinks his presence would generate so much business that WWE couldn't afford to turn him down.

(Incidentally, I'm not saying Booker ever used the words "Shawn Michaels" in his current negotiations with WWE. He may have known he wasn't actually coming back, much less getting a sweet deal. He may have just been giving it a shot to see what Vince would say, y'know?)

We enjoyed a lot of what you used to do, Booker. Now, let us remember it fondly.
Okay, I see the majority of you disagree with me, and your points do make sense. I'm going to echo what Little Jerry Lawler said:

I think he should get at least a lighter schedule for all the years he has put into wrestling when he was in WCW and WWE. I'm not saying he should get a Shawn Michaels deal but at least veterans should get a lighter schedule and be called on when need be.

Booker at least deserves a lighter schedule. He is a "name" in this business, and should be given some sort of treatment. Yeah, it's true, he might not be a draw like Taker or HBK, but he could help put the young guys over on Smackdown.

Look for Booker T to start kissing TNA's ass once again, and backtrack on his unprofessional behavior on leaving TNA.

LOL. Let's hope he doesn't have to go down this road, but now that he's apparently burned the bridge with WWE, he might not have a choice....if he cares about his legacy.
Sorry, but Booker doesn't deserve a "Shawn Michaels" schedule. Look at how he LEFT WWE. He requested his release after he was suspended (the second time I think, I could be wrong) for violations of the Wellness Policy. On top of that, Booker never has been a draw. Not in WCW when he held the title, not in WWE when he held the title, and not in TNA.

Could he have gotten a relaxed schedule? I'm pretty sure he could have gotten a schedule that would have allowed him to work 150-175 dates instead of the 220-260 dates most major names work a year. That's still up to 100 less dates on the road for a guy that really didn't do much in WWE.

Booker thinks that he can do well for the business still, that's great that he thinks that. He really hasn't proven it. He didn't want to do the job to Morgan because there wasn't an angle to it. I didn't buy that from Steve Austin, a much bigger star, when he was asked to do the same with Brock Lesnar, again, a bigger star at the time than Morgan is now.

Let him wallow around in the indies for a while, give him some time to stew it over. I wouldn't be surprised if Vince brings him back at some point, but not with what he was asking for.
While Booker probably benefit from working a lighter schedule, his run in TNA ruined any chance of it. Shawn and Undertaker have worked their asses off for years, and even though I don't necessarily agree with them only working 5 months or so out of the year, they have earned it. Booker was good in WCW and WWE, but he clearly just mailed it in during most of his TNA run. If he had worked hard and showed that he was still willing to put in the work to be one of the best, then he probably would have gotten the contract he wanted. Now, he's sitting on the unemployment line. Perfect case of you get what you put in.
hahahahaha Booker T "deserving" an HBK type deal? You've got to be kidding me. He whined, cried, and bitched his way out of the WWE 2-3 years ago and now he comes back asking for a deal that basically only has him perform at the big events, the big tv shows, and make the big money? FALSE.

Booker T deserves nothing. I respect him in a way that he always seemed like he was the underdog. I believe Booker had to overcome a lot in his career to achieve the status he did. But once he reached the top of the mountain, he gave off that aura that made it seem like he really be treated like "King Book-ah." But Booker T has done absolutely nothing for the WWE on a grand scale. Nothing. He was an above-average superstar that was good enough to earn him the big prize. He is a bigger version of Mysterio. Someone with a load of talent, a big name, but not a big name in the sense that he could draw on his own. If it weren't for the WWE aiming towards younger crowds, we would be seeing Rey and Evan Bourne tag teaming. I'd actually rather watch Rey Rey than Booker T.

It really can't be said any simpler than Booker T has contributed nothing to the WWE, its fanbase, or anything else. He was always just "there." I challenge anybody to even name a great match Booker T had in the WWE. I'm sure he had some solid ones, some entertaining ones. But none of them even hold a candle to an average HBK match. None. Sorry Book-ah, but nobody really cares if you come back.
Booker is worth having on the roster even if it is on a lighter schedule. He doesn't need the Shawn Michaels or Taker treatment but he could at least get a bit of a lighter schedule. He is a draw wether you like him or not he's recognizable, he's a name and he's a proven superstar. He would be a great asset in assisting the newer guys and putting people over. He wouldn't get a World Title or anything but he wouldn't need it. He'd be great in a Kane or Regal type role but maybe he was asking for bucket loads of cash too...

Oh well, I'm not his biggest fan so it doesn't really bother me but I would have welcomed a WWE return, especially at the Rumble. That would've been cool...
Although I don't think he deserves a "shawn michaels" deal, I do think WWE could benefit from having him. It seems to me that the WWE main eventer list is getting shorter and shorter every year, and they could use more guys who've already proven they can do just that. Or at least use him to get some other guys over who could then main event.
no way booker t deserves hbk treatment hbk is a legend booker is not he is not even a real star yea he was wcw champ but he was champ when wcw was on its death bed so that dont really count for much they put the title on him because there was nobody else to put it on had wcw still been a real wrestling company and still booming like they once did and had hogan flair sting and all the real legends still been there booker would not even been given another thought forget booker not that you have many thoughts of him anyway booker is just another monkey that gets out there and jumps around nobody needs anymore of that wwe and tna have kofi kingston and jay lethal for that

I don't disagree about the lighter schedule for Booker T. I just don't think he is a big enough draw or name to have The Undertaker or Shawn Michaels money or treatment. He has been in the business about as long as them, but he hasn't accomplished the same as Michaels or Taker.

People don't think Booker T when they think of pro wrestling or of wrestling legends. I think the guy is more trouble than he is worth. The man wants legend status and tons of money for doing the same thing every wrestler has done. WWE and TNA should wash their hands of him.
Im with the majority. Now way does booker have the legend status or star power of HBK or Taker. Only reason people think hes big is the classic 5 time wcw champ but as many have pointed out before it was when they were running out of people because everyone was leaving wcw so they were forced to rush alot of mid carders up before it was their time. From what I can see from many reports throughout time,he has let that go to his head. He has always had attitude. His run in wwe was that of a midcarder like Christian,RVD,Matt Hardy,Kane,etc. People who were just not quite champion material. Sure some became champ but had very lackluster runs.

Look at his WHC reign. No one really bought it. It was during the king booker crap. He wasnt really a beleivable champ ether. His only people he defended against was batista,lashley,and even finlay. Then when he went to tna they used him the same way as a midcard but close to main event status. Yet he acted as if it was a outrage. Sorry but he is not a Angle,Not a Sting,Not a Nash,Not even really a steiner in my opinion. He has talent in ring performance as in showmanship and he has a very good acting for gimmicks but honestly he never really had any spectacular matchs. Now i dont want this to be taken as me hateing on him. As a in ring performer hes great. Just he seems to have a pattern of thinking to highly of himself. Maybe if wcw would of went differently he might of to. If he came to wwe he would get a similar thing as christian where he wouldnt be main event but always a few steps from. But he would have to work a schedule that wouldnt come close to HBK or Taker. Look at guys like HHH,Angle,Mysterio,Jericho,etc. They are vets just as much as booker is but they have no where close to Taker or HBK schedules.

Only person in the two companies that do have one similar is Sting but thats because he is like HBK and Taker-Multible world champ,easily legend now days not future,worked with the flairs,rhodes,and all legends of the sport and many other details like that. They have a accomplishment list that goes out the door and a legacy that out does anyone in the wrestling biz today. Booker isnt at that level yet and probably wont be. Not everyone gets to that kind of status in wrestling.
Unfortunately No, Booker won't get this type of deal at all. Damn if they didn't give it to Kurt when he asked for it, Booker has zero to no chance.

More than not being a draw, he left on very bad terms, so to ask for something like this is actually kind of ridiculous. If he wanted this probably wanted way more, like getting only with Main eventers and complaining about everything just like he did on TNA.

Like Sidious said, He is more trouble than he's worth, which is a shame because he is a good wrestler when he set his mind into it.
I think that there are factors that prevents Booker T from making it back to the WWE.

First, he went to TNA. And when you crawl back to the company you left, you get heat. Booker T would've gotten a Christian-like return and push.

Second, he was NEVER a draw. Not in WCW, WWE, or in TNA. He never drew and he never will.

Third, he has an ego. He may be a nice guy in person but in the workfield, he kind of puts himself in a pedestal. He is one the most decorated wrestlers ever, but he thinks he's a commodity when he really isn't.

Fourth, what does he have to offer at his age and at this point in his career?

Booker is pretty much stuck in a hole in mainstream wrestling. His ego got him there so it's his fault.
i think that while booker t put on some great matches in the distant past nothing he has done as of late would give the wwe any reason to give him that kind of deal. he left wwe then did the same to tna, how does wwe know he wont try to do it to them again? i think if he'd return to wwe and work his butt off and work as many dates as he can then maybe in a few years he could get the hbk deal but based on his track record i'd say now he needs to reprove himsefl
firstly.......no one deserves the HBK treatment

but i do think he deserves a lighter role, the man hasn't accomplished as much as HBK(but who has?) but he does have a name in the wwe and having him on a roster would be good.
if i was the wwe i would offer him a lighter schedule, if he doesn't accept then GTFO
I'm going to say, that being a vet means nothing to anyone. So what if booker is a vet, so is Tommy Dreamer, so is Jim Duggan, it doesn't make them bigger draws or valuable assets by any means. Second, I'm going to guess that it was less about the lighter schedule, and more about the scratch he wanted for it. I doubt WWE shut him out completly because he isn't able to work a rough schedule, it makes me think he was really looking for a fat paycheck, WITH a lighter schedule. He wouldn't be a main eventer most likely, and he's never been a big time draw in WWE as opposed Michaels.

Third, Could he have made an impact? of course he could have. Anyone could make an impact with proper story and creative backing. Thats not the problem. He could have had a good fued or so, so long as it was booked right. He had decent fueds with HHH and Kane prior to leaving.
No, quite simply, Booker doesn't deserve the Michaels deal.

So what if he's a former world champion and been in the busniess for a long time? It really takes more to warrant the good deal that Michaels has. When was the last time Booker T put on a performance like Michaels did at Wrestlemania 25? Never in his whole career has he put on a 5 star match. Sure, he's had some good matches, but not enough. Michaels has been putting on great matches consistantly for his entire career, Booker T is totally hit and miss. Booker T was never really a draw and if he came back he probably still wouldn't be a draw. Not to the level of Michaels or Undertaker, anyway. So he really doesn't deserve a less-workload-high-pay contract.
"Sorry, but Booker doesn't deserve a "Shawn Michaels" schedule. Look at how he LEFT WWE. He requested his release after he was suspended (the second time I think, I could be wrong) for violations of the Wellness Policy. On top of that, Booker never has been a draw. Not in WCW when he held the title, not in WWE when he held the title, and not in TNA."

This statement above is a horrible argument. You make reference to Booker's unprofessional actions when he left the WWE in the same sentence as HBK. Laughable. Shawn was wrestlings most idiotic unprofessional pillhead for years, that is a fact. Shawn's record is far more sketchy than Bookers. Also, to my knowledge, the only time HBK was the face of the WWE and the "main guy" was 1996...and it WAS the WWF's worst year for ratings and profitbility..EVER. And to the person that said NO ONE deserves the "Shawn Michaels treatment"....i'd like to hear you tell that to Taker, Hart, Austin, etc etc etc......Dont get me wrong, Michaels is a great talent, but I think sometimes people get carried away.

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