Does WWE need new main eventers that badly?


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First thread, go easy on me.

Now I have been here on the forums a short while, but I have seen people complain time after time that the WWE needs new faces in the main event scene. But is the current state of the main event on both brands really that bad? Let me break it down for you.

Randy Orton
Triple H
Wade Barrett
CM Punk*
John Cena(when he's back)

Big Show*
Rey Mysterio*
Jack Swagger*

*Interchangeable between main event and mid card.

Now I think 6 people in the main event is plenty for each brand. You need to keep all of these guys busy with something. They need to stay relevant.Yes some feuds are stale,(HHH-Orton, HHH-Cena, Cena-Orton, etc.) but there are still some great possibilities with the current main event talent scene. Most of these guys still have at least a few years left in them. That leaves WWE a lot of time to build new stars. They don't need to rush. Yes, i enjoy new additions once in a while(Sheamus, Miz) but they don't need to go overboard with it.

Do people complain too much about the current main event roster? Or does the main event really need to freshen up?
The complain was valid for the previous years before the current youth movement in the WWE. Before last year, it was always the same wrestlers in the main event. Sheamus, Miz, Barrett and Swagger was introduced to the main events only recently. Kane was also upgraded from jobber to the stars status to a legit champion.

I feel the current problem is the disconnect between those that were in the main event for ages and the more recent main event wrestlers in terms of perceived abilities. Casual fans like me have a hard time believing veterans such as HHH, Cena, Orton, Taker will lose to Miz or Barrett or Swagger. The solution to this could be clever booking or just more exposure for the greener main event wrestlers. (shove them down our throat like Orton)
so swagger and cm punk are interchangable with the midcard but not barrett or the miz??? lol. I agree with you. everyone on these boards always screams for new main eventers, yet the wwe always gives us new main eventers. there has been a constant supply of new m.e.'s coming on since i started watching again 6 years ago. all it is is someone's favorite wrestler doesnt get the push, so they assume the wwe isnt pushing anyone. i remember how everyone bitched, then sheamus became champ, which i thought was awsome, and everyone bitched about that. now most people believe he is doing a good job as a main eventer. all in all, many people on these boards whine when their wrestler isnt pushed and say the wwe sucks and doesnt push anyone. (remember how everyone thought shelton of all people should become champion? hahahahahahahahaha)
The main event scene is fine, in my opinion. Regarding Raw, first and foremost, you have a brand new champion in the main event scene. That alone shows you that the WWE is still high on their *youth movement* they’ve got going. You then also have the guys that are already on the main-event scene. Interchangeable feuds can easily happen amongst the wrestlers that inhabit the current Raw brand.

Same goes for the Smackdown brand. It’s really not that hard to picture a feud between Edge and Big Show, or a feud between Edge and Rey Mysterio--i.e. interchangeable feuds. To add to this, you have the possibility of a forthcoming feud that might be in the works—that being, Edge vs. Alberto Del-Rio. Del-Rio has been on a royal treatment as of late and I predict that it will lead to the point where Del Rio will ultimately face Edge (assuming he beats Kane) for the World Title sometime in the near future. Now with Del Rio up in the main event scene, the number of feuds that can be made possible would increase.

Another thing I’d like to point out is that, as reports have shown, the WWE is planning on merging the two World titles back into one as it once was before. When this happens, the number of feuds made possible for a World Title will dramatically increase; and the possibility of *Mark the fuck out* matches can be doubled or even tripled. It would be to the point where you have a rough total of 10 guys waiting in line to be the next number one contender; and you sitting there just waiting for so-and-so to be in a feud. The immense suspense that will overwhelm you—one of the best feelings to have when watching wrestling.

All in all, I don’t see why the main event scene needs a refresher. For that matter, it has already gotten one with recent events that occurred. The problem that is faced right now has not to do with the main event talent; but rather the IWC themselves. Yes, that means us guys (and girls) that sit in front of our computer screen bitching every night and day over the WWE not being good enough. The IWC is always complaining about how so-and-so isn’t good enough for the title or that so-and-so should get a heel turn, and even that WWE still does an incompetent job in terms of entertainment---it’s shit like this that leads many to believe that WWE is failing at its job in terms of being *CREATIVE*.

Now, I’m not saying that this is wrong for us to do; Of course, criticism is always welcomed; it's the entire reason that forums were created in the first place. But, I’m just saying that people often complain for no god-damn reason. It’s like looking at a picture. Sometimes, we tend to complain what is in the picture a bit too much, when in reality, there is nothing wrong with the picture in the first place. All it is, is us NOT seeing what we WANT to see. We want to see something else in the picture; yet, we fail to see what is actually in the picture is quite possibly good enough already. In other words, our own personal feelings gets in the way from accepting that what is on the tele is quite possibly fine as it is already.
First thread, go easy on me.

Now I have been here on the forums a short while, but I have seen people complain time after time that the WWE needs new faces in the main event scene. But is the current state of the main event on both brands really that bad? Let me break it down for you.

Randy Orton
Triple H
Wade Barrett
CM Punk*
John Cena(when he's back)

Big Show*
Rey Mysterio*
Jack Swagger*

*Interchangeable between main event and mid card.

When I first starting posting in WZ back in March of last year, one constant complaint I heard was that the WWE main event scene, mostly on Raw, was extremely stale and it's something I did agree with for the most part. In 2009, the WWE Championship scene on Raw was made up of John Cena, Randy Orton & Triple H and I can't count the # of times I'd seen Cena vs. Orton or Orton vs. Triple H. People were just tired of it.

Looking at these lists, well there are a few things that stand out. As far As the Raw main event scene goes, it's definitely looking up in my view. There's a lot of fresh young talent that's in or has been in the WWE Championship picture this year. On these lists are several veterans that either aren't as good as they used to be, weren't all that great in the first place, are going to be leaving wrestling before too long or some combination of any or all of the above. Triple H has been out rehabbing various injuries and he's officially a WWE executive now so I won't be at all surprised if his time in the ring is quite limited from here on in. The Undertaker's body is just ravaged by old nagging injuries. He has a history of working through injuries and a lot of that has really come back and bit him in the ass the past couple of years. In all honesty, he probably doesn't have much longer in the business. Edge has reportedly said that he's retiring when his current WWE deal runs out, which is in less than 2 years, Big Show has never been all that great in the first place in my view. I wouldn't be surprised if Kane is gone in a few years. He's been pretty lucky as he hasn't had all that many injuries that I'm aware of, but he turns 42 next year and he might be someone that just decides to quit while he's ahead physically. I don't think Swagger will make it back to the main event scene anytime soon & Mysterio's knees are giving him tons of trouble and have been for several years now.

With so many big names dealing with injuries that keep them out of the picture for longer and longer periods of time and just retiring, the WWE does need to produce as much main event talent as they can. The WWE's "youth movement" is really something they should've started on a few years back when they had a roster that was loaded with huge names.
Well, first thing, you can't just eliminate confirmed draws from the main event and expect a new batch of guys to just be over, without any kind of help from the established stars. That's why Wade Barrett is feuding with John Cena, and it's why The Miz is feuding with Randy Orton. These guys are at the top because they need to be on the top.

I think the main event is absolutely perfect the way it is. We have a mixture of guys who are established and aren't going anywhere; people who get cheers just by their name getting mentioned -- all mixed in with guys who seem to be doing extremely well for the feuds they're in. Wade Barrett and The Miz are both getting more heat than any heel in recent history. So much, in fact, that I think they're about ready to start standing on their own.
Raw main event is perfect for me. New faces like Wade Barrett, The Miz, Sheamus etc have freshened things up. On Smackdown however i think more main eventers are need. On your list 3 of 6 are mid carders usually. However I think Kane is also worthy of a star too as he has been in mid card hell most of the time since 2004 and was losing to the likes of Dolph Ziggler (not so bad but now he's beaten The Undertaker 3 times in a row it doesn't mix).

So that leaves two solid main eventers on Smackdown and The Undertaker is away just now. I just feel it's lacking and Smackdown could use two of Raws solid main Eventers or promising upper mid carders - Main Eventers like Sheamus.

Also I feel more credibility needs to be given to the new Main Eventers. WWE barely give them a clean reason which is the reason why they fall back into mid card. For instance Sheamus has not had a clean title win yet. Thats plain stupid. For example they need to take a chance like have Sheamus beat Randy Orton at Summerslam in their match they has this year.
I think there are enough main eventers but too many main event titles - its time once and for all that the wwe unified the wwe title and world heavyweight title. Why? well several reasons
1. This would leave 10-12 guys fighting for one title - this would freshen up the main event.
2. The wwe needs to look back at its attitude era when the battle to be number 1 contender was just as exciting
3. this would allow a few wrestlers to drop down and compete for the us title or intercontinental title - this would enhance these titles and as before give a stepping stone to that champion to enter the main event.
4. it would add kudos to the main event as i feel of recent some of the current wrestlers have become multi champions and it somewhat devalues the whole ethos for us the paying public. for instance in the attitude era would sheamus have 2 titles to his name or edge 6/7 or even cena with his number
5 it would allow the champion to cross over from raw to smackdown and vice versa
6 one champion one belt one title
I believe the issue isn't due to a boring main event scene, but rather, the ages of some of those in the main event scene. Triple H, Kane and Undertaker are all looking at retirement relatively soon, and Edge, Big Show and Rey Mysterio aren't that young either. Taking that into account, if the WWE fails to push new faces into the upper card, in a couple years the main event scene will look like this: Randy Orton, Sheamus,
Miz, Wade Barrett, CM Punk and John Cena (I didn't include Jack Swagger because he seems to be fading into obscurity.) Considering half of those names weren't relevant this time last year, and the Orton-Cena feud is verging on stale, it's easy to see why people were complaining.

I agree with you that the current main event scene is exciting, and the WWE shouldn't rush to make new stars (something it tends to be doing a lot lately.) I think the fans and the WWE are starting to realise the main event mess that WWE may be in in the future, which has forced this recent 'youth movement.' The problem with this is, a lot of the stars WWE thrusts into the spotlight may end up sinking rather than swimming (e.g. Jack Swagger)

The WWE needs to BUILD stars instead of pushing them. The likes of John Cena, Triple H and Randy Orton didn't come big overnight, or in one month, or with one title win, it took years of solid feuds and matches. The WWE needs to start building future stars now and establish the likes of Randy Orton and John Cena as veterans before the current load of veterans hang up their boots. It's the only way to prevent a truly stale and limited main event a few years down the line.
I don't think so.

The WWE has enough main eventers as it is. Plus, some of them will be around for a long time. The guys who are leaving are Taker, HHH, Rey, Edge, and Kane. Those are 5 slots over the course of the next 2 to 4 years. If I missed someone, my bad. You can't just get a bunch of guys to main event level so fast. They have to take it easy, not just get new faces into the main event like Swagger. He failed and I think the only reason he got the title was to please the IWC because the guy was as over as the USO's. Bottom line is that they don't need new faces in main event right now, they just need more interesting interactions between wrestlers as opposed to, I attack you, so now we feud. Change it up a little.
yes and no. let me tell you why:

no-there are some fueds with the main eventers that we havent seen...hhh/miz, miz/punk, and a better miz/cena (when i say better i mean dont have have miz fued with a guy on injury).

yes-there should be different people in the main event not the same 6 month after month. it gets old fast. i want to see morrison/miz fued for the title or even kofi/kane at royal rumble.
I think this is the same problem they've been having for years: A lot of their ratings are from people who tune in to see that stars. (Trips, Taker, etc.) The problem with that is they give aforementioned stars too much of the TV time, & guys who should be pushed more (that will have to be the business' stars when the others are too old) get little-to-no time, & perhaps even released.
First thread, go easy on me.
That's not important.
Now I have been here on the forums a short while, but I have seen people complain time after time that the WWE needs new faces in the main event scene. But is the current state of the main event on both brands really that bad?
Yes. Yes it is.
Let me break it down for you.
Thank you for the DX reference.

Randy Orton
Top and only main event babyface.
Wade Barrett
:lmao:You were serious? Oh, OK. Heel.
John Cena(when he's back)
Out from the main event for a bit.

Trust me, he won't be there long. And heel.
Lonely face.
Big Show*
Rey Mysterio*
Please don't have him feud with Kane.
Jack Swagger*
Now I think 6 people in the main event is plenty for each brand.
But there aren't 6 people. There's about 3 and stumbling at the risk of injury.
You need to keep all of these guys busy with something. They need to stay relevant.Yes some feuds are stale,(HHH-Orton, HHH-Cena, Cena-Orton, etc.) but there are still some great possibilities with the current main event talent scene.
No, because most of it's scenarios have been done.
Most of these guys still have at least a few years left in them. That leaves WWE a lot of time to build new stars. They don't need to rush.
I know, but that's no reason tot toally forget about developing new talent.
Yes, i enjoy new additions once in a while(Sheamus, Miz) but they don't need to go overboard with it.
I still see no new babyfaces.
Do people complain too much about the current main event roster? Or does the main event really need to freshen up?
It needs to freshen up. Raw only has Randy Orton for a top face and he was recently injured. If he ends up on the shelf, who's gonna take up the spot for him? Nobody. Because there is no other top face and John Cena is off on another long term storyline. For the past 2 years WWE has only focused on developing heels. No new faces have been made. It makes a pretty big unbalance and it's showing.

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