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Does WWE care about Matt?

Motor City Mayhem

The Canadian Rover.
This is an exert from WWE.com:On July 2, SmackDown Superstar Matt Hardy underwent successful surgery at Duke Medical Center in Durham, N.C.

Matt Hardy:Basically, my intestines exploded through my abdominal wall in two places. I was told to have surgery or face major health problems that could kill me. My health is all I'm thinking about right now."

So WWE does this whole thing on Edge and how its a tragic loss and bla bla bla and all Matt gets is a little thing 7 days after the SURGERY and it looks like he could be out for a while.

So I ask, is this just Edge being the bigger star or is it WWE not caring about Matt, I meen think about it, Matts injury was 3 days before Edges and we didnt hear anything on it.

So is this just Edge being bigger star or is it WWE not giving a rats ass about Matt?

My opinion is its a combination, Edge being the BIG star gets more coverage and WWE dosnt care about Matt that much, IMO I think he shouldve stayed on ECW but thats another discussion, and I think WWE could get by easier without him then Edge(even though I hate to say it)
Its probably Edge is the bigger star but who knows. I think they care about Hardy but maybe Hardy was like hey lets keep this underwraps till i want to let the world know about what happened.
I think that they do care about Matt Hardy just as much as any other worker. But with Edge going on the sidelines it is a much bigger deal since he is a main eventer on the Smackdown brand and because of the fact he was holding a title (and still is) when the injury happened. I think the WWE does care about what happens to all of their workers but they publicize what the fans are more likely to read which is about Edge's injury status since he is arguably the more popular superstar. Also, add in the fact that Edge doesn't have any type of way to communicate with fans via the internet like a MySpace or a Facebook (or at least I don't think he has them) so obviously they are going to post something on their website about his injury so that the fans know what is going on and what his status is. Since they probably know Matt has a MySpace they probably just tell him to post there about his injury since the fans might go to his profile anyways and read whatever he posts.
"I think that they do care about Matt Hardy just as much as any other worker. But with Edge going on the sidelines it is a much bigger deal since he is a main eventer on the Smackdown brand and because of the fact he was holding a title when the injury happened. I think the WWE does care about what happens to all of their workers but they publicize what the fans are more likely to read which is about Edge's injury status since he is arguably the more popular superstar. Also, add in the fact that Edge doesn't have any type of way to communicate with fans via the internet like a MySpace or a Facebook"-SavageTaker

Yeah I totally agree with this. I mean of course they care for all of their workers and their health...I mean if they didnt then they would have played the "future endeavors"
card a long time ago....I think they made a bigger deal out of EDGE's injury because he had more of a role with the whole creative plans to turn him face and then being a tag champ and all as well as being a draw on WWEs new flagship show SMACKDOWN (thats right!). Now for Hardy and I am somewhat of a hardy mark I believe that he has a smaller role in the company storyline wise and he wasnt that much of a draw as oppose 2 EDGE....so yeah theyre about the same but as far as WWE caring they do...
When Matt Hardy addressed the injury, he said that it had leaked onto the internet. This sounds to me like he did not want it out. Maybe the WWE respected his privacy. Also, Hardy has been accused on Raw of faking his broken arm. leaving Matt's surgery off the radar allows the WWE to sell it as something else (vacation? suspension?).

Edge got injured very publicly and the WWE could not hide it so they might as well use the surgery for character developement. A guy coming back from surgery could make for a sympathetic face.

Cody Rhodes America's Dream, WWE's Nightmare
It's just a matter of who the bigger star is, who's story is more in demand. Edge is holding the unified tag titles with Jericho and is a main eventer, him getting injured is a bigger deal because of this than Matt. Matt is a valued superstar, they definatley care about him it's just that he wasnt really involved in anything other than jobbing in US title match's.
No, WWE does not and has never really cared about Matt Hardy. Since the very beginning Jeff has always been WWE's choice-Hardy no matter how many times Jeff screwed up, fell off the wagon, or left for his band or whatever they always wanted him back. Why? Because women and kids love Jeff. Funny too, since Matt is and has always been the responsible one.

You want real proof? Remember in 2005 when Lita, Matt Hardy's longtime girlfriend, had been having an affair with Edge while Matt was out injured. The situation is made public and what does WWE decide to do? They fire Matt Hardy, some of the biggest bullshit ever. "But they rehired him quickly after!" Yeah, because the crowd reaction was fucking tense, people were PISSED, the constant blaring of "you screwed Matt!" constantly, they had no choice. It was either bring Hardy back in or suffer a now major loss to TNA (I say now because I don't believe he would have been a huge loss had it not gone on this way, at the time at least).

What was the virtuous decision WWE could have made? Either not taken a side, fired Edge, or fired Lita. Edge was one of Matt's friends, they had been wrestling together and hanging out along with Christian, Jeff, Jericho, and Lita for a long time; he knew Lita and Matt had been together for years and he was a trusted friend, so trusted that Matt allowed her to travel with Edge. Not to mention Edge was married this entire time. Matt was literally the only one that did NOTHING in the situation besides want to confront the two people that had betrayed him.....and then WWE betrays him. Quote Ron Simmons "DAMN."
I'm guessing Matt only has a job thanks to Edge first, and Jeff second. Because Matt got fired back during the whole Edge/Lita situations, and was only brought back to be feuded with Edge, in which Edge went over as a mega heel which is part of what got Edge to his level of current WWE superstar awesomeness.

So I think the WWE cares about Matt Hardy, but I dont think they care about him as much as Edge, because Edge is making them a lot more fucking money than Matt ever could of.
Why should WWE care? What has Matt really done for the company? He's a mid card guy who was doing jack shit. Edge was a champion and in a fairly good sized storyline. Edge was a world champion earlier this year. Why would he not get more attention that a guy that's really done nothing of note? This isn't a slap in his face or anything like that. It's reality as Matt is nowhere near as big of a star or as big of an asset.
Edge is a MUCH bigger star. People actually give a shit about Edge, so when he gets injured people care. Just like Batista and his 500 injuries. Edge is a world champion on Smackdown, and has millions that care what happens to him. That, and they might want a face turn from him. Gotta get that sympathy train rolling.

Matt Hardy though.....who cares about him? As a face he gets the "Oh, you're Hardy's brother!" pop. As a heel he can't get hated for anything. The WWE isnt' going to waste a whole video segment and what not on WWE.com for someone no one cares about. That's like Benjamin getting injured and someone wondering why Edge got a shoot over Benjamin. Because Edge can do his job.
Edge is being covered more because he is a bigger star, is currently holding a title, and has been on every week recently. Plus they want a face turn for him when he comes back. Matt is nowhere near the star level of Edge, he hasn't been on for a while, and he had his greatest success on the C brand, whereas his brother was able to win the most prestigious championship in WWE history. I really like Matt, but seriously, this isn't that big of an issue. They have pushed him hard in some instances, but he can't be compared to Edge, or even his own brother, in terms of starpower.

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