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Does W.W.E. need an Undefeated 'Goldberg'?


[This Space for Rent]
While I'm NOT meaning to bring Goldberg back into the company, I'm asking you would the World Wrestling Entertainment find a new mega-star in building someone similar to the way W.C.W. found and built Goldberg?

A random nicely built young guy, who becomes a fan-favorite and begins an incredible undefeated streak on his way to winning a mid-card and Heavyweight Championship?

Vladimir Kozlov is currently a randomly sized heel, still leading an undefeated streak on Smackdown. And Jack Swagger is a nice heel that's currently the new face of E.C.W., while also still carrying an undefeated (single's) streak.

Neither of those guys are whom I would be refering to, however, as I'm talking about a face. Someone that comes in, starts off like normal and just wins. Noone realizes he's winning all the time, until the fans begin backing it. DO NOT have the announcer's jump on the band-wagon the instant he wins. Let it run under the radar until the fans pick it up.

What are everyone's opinions and thoughts on this matter? Should the W.W.E. attempt bringing someone in and building them to be an undefeated face, similar to W.C.W.'s Goldberg? Please add your full opinions, thank you.
Well you made an important point there. ONce the WWE were to bring up the winning streak, fans no longer care. It happened so often, with Khali, Umage, and the two men you noticed. Goldberg was great, because he was a face, he was a tank, and he did not have to talk to get over. Now adays I believe that fans would not cheer for a face who did not get on the mic and start talking.

It is a clear cut way to get someone pushed, a tactic that WWE has only been using for heels it seems now adays, but I am not sure if it would still work in todays world for faces. If anyone were to have recieved this, I had hoped that it would be DH Smith. Maybe if they bring him back in a bit as a face, have his name as Harry Smith, The Canadian Bulldog, or something, a new character, and a brand new record, they could do it with him.
Its something interesting to consider. I know that when it comes to an undefeated streak of a wrestler, I am completely interested in it. Undefeated Streaks of Umaga, Brock Lesnar, Kozlov and so on, even if they were heels, were always ways to create interest. Who would defeat these guys? When watching matches with them, even if I do not like them, I am still cheering for these guys to keep winning. If I could have a reaction like that to a giant heel that I don't really like, imagine what reaction could be given to a face with this same run. I remember CM Punk had a run like that for a while on ECW, but they eventually made him lose in order for him to have a credible feud. The wwe most definitely has a big, semi-decent mic guy with at least average skills who they could bring up and push in this way. I like the idea of it being D.H. Smith under a new name.
While I'm NOT meaning to bring Goldberg back into the company, I'm asking you would the World Wrestling Entertainment find a new mega-star in building someone similar to the way W.C.W. found and built Goldberg?
Yes they could, I loved the way they did it with goldberg and if they did it with a completley new up and comer it could turn out the same way. I think if done right it would be the easiest way to build up somebody new.

A random nicely built young guy, who becomes a fan-favorite and begins an incredible undefeated streak on his way to winning a mid-card and Heavyweight Championship?
A great idea, especially if they was to reintroduce a title that has been retired have this guy win it, then retire it so he remains undefeated but still only has one title when he wins the big one.
DO NOT have the announcer's jump on the band-wagon the instant he wins. Let it run under the radar until the fans pick it up.
This is where the WWE go wrong. remember people like the Miz where he won one match etc and he was going about saying he was undefeated, it fucks them up and you want to see them lose. but I agree, if you dont mention it until the fans pick it up, they will rally behind him, wanting him to continue the streak.
I think this would be great and help WWE a lot if nobody really suspected copying from WCW. They bring a young huge guy in, make him over with the fans, make him a monster, have him win the IC title, and eventually go up to the WHC while being undefeated. Then I would have him hold onto the title for a few months depending on how the ratings, and merchandise sales are going.

To end the undefeated streak I would go completely opposite of how WCW ended it. They had Goldberg get shocked by Hall which really pissed me off. I'd have him get into a storyline with a veteran and that leads to a match of respect to see who is really better.

So in short I would love to see this and think it would boost ratings, and sell merchandise if they built him right and got him over. Only flaw is people seeing the similarity between this and Goldberg, but other then that this would be great.
It would be a true delight to see something done like Goldberg was done. I am tired of guys only being champ for a couple of monthes, just to lose to a less talented foe. Remember the days of someone holding the title for a year or more? This business could really use a boost like that very soon. Just keep your fingers crossed!!
How about MVP could it work for him. I know he just did the reverse but could they build him up from the Big Show match. Possibly having him win the money in the bank at wrestlemania and continue winning after that as well.does this scenario work better for an already established wrestler or a newcomer?
How about MVP could it work for him. I know he just did the reverse but could they build him up from the Big Show match. Possibly having him win the money in the bank at wrestlemania and continue winning after that as well.does this scenario work better for an already established wrestler or a newcomer?

This isn't anywhere near what I was thinking. This is almost an exact opposite mainly because M.V.P. not only has lost already, making it impossible for him to be "undefeated" but he also JUST came off a storyline in which he couldn't even win over regular jobbers. To boost him in an undefeated streak now would completely ruin any angle for future stars in trying to play off a Goldberg type storyline.

No, instead what I thought about was pulling someone from the R.O.H. ranks, or whereever the W.W.E. plucks it's talent from, and make sure it's someone they have tremendous faith in believing will be huge. Make sure he was huge in the indy company he was with for starters.

From that point, bring him in as just a regular face that possibly starts in E.C.W., or Smackdown. (not on Raw) Let him continue to win, but DO NOT mention even once that he's undefeated. Let the fan's begin making signs first.. with his record on it, or some type of record close to it.. then have the announcer's pick up on it.

From there, let him move into a mid-card Championship division, winning the title.. then possibly moving up the ladder (so to speak) into the Heavyweight division, slowly earning his shot at the World Champion.. all while having a massive (assumably) fan support for being undefeated.

How This Won't Work: The only issue I have overall with the idea of another Goldberg, is that I don't think the fans would back it.

Overall, Goldberg is going to be a once in a lifetime type of character, and he'll likely never be duplicated. I don't believe anyone, especially in this day and age, can go undefeated like he did.. and get hype for doing it.

The difference between W.W.E. & W.C.W., was in W.C.W. Goldberg squashed about 50-80 jobbers in building that streak of his. W.W.E. doesn't have that many jobbers, and the guys they bring in wouldn't be viewed quite the same, somehow.

Furthermore, take John Cena for example. Cena didn't remain "undefeated" but he did retain his Heavyweight Championship for over a year or around a year, and the fans absolutely went ape-shit over that. How badly do you think they'd jump down the throat of a guy who's building an undefeated streak against jobbers and meaningless heels? I couldn't imagine it'd work the same.. but it's an idea to be brought up, regardless.

Again, in the end I'm sure there will never be another Bill Goldberg, which is a shame because the original Goldberg is a worthless piece of shit who doesn't respect the business.
i hate coming across as a naysayer, but goldberg was a one trick pony with marginal wrestling skills. essentially goldberg was a less sideshow version of the ultimate warrior. his matches never really went the distance, so to speak. goldberg wasn't always protecting his opponents and was never actually a legitimate draw. if wwe or tna were the least bit smart they would revert to the early nineties style of wrestling. before you become champ you have a test run as the intercontinental champ. the gimmick matches, i would love to see an actual survivor series, war games, or even lethal lottery style setup for a pay per view. worry less about single wrestlers and build them by the bunch, then start cherry picking from that. a bunch of wrestlers built up, everyone tries harder, and looks for their shot, then you have a bunch of enthusiastic wrestlers elevating each others skill(s).
While the sizzle sounds appealing and interesting, WWE would screw up the one angle WCW managed to get right back in the day.

I could very well be wrong, but if I recall correctly, when Goldberg was on his "streak", it consisted of clean wins and pins. There were no run-in DQ's, no help when the refs back was turned, etc...

In today's wrestling world, it is very rare that a high profile match finishes clean, unless it's a pay-per-view match. That notion wouldn't convey well to the everyday wrestling fan. By looking at the PPV buyrates, a lot more people watch free wrestling on tv (cable subscribers) than buy the PPV's.

I know I'm right when I say that Goldberg defeated Hogan for the belt on free tv -- no chance WWE lets someone clean pin Cena or HHH or Orton on free tv for the heavyweight strap. There have only been a handful of instances in the recent past when the heavyweight strap changed hands on free tv -- and several of those occurred because of the wellness policy violations or injuries.

To top it all off... I really don't believe Vince has the patience to let a wrestlers potential "streak" continue long enough. He's all about what have you done for me lately and what can you do for me right now -- not what can you do for me in the future -- albeit immediate or longterm.
The problem with it is the same problem WCW eventually had. Goldberg's "streak" was done to a bunch of jobbers aside from one win against scott hall, hogan, raven, and I believe ddp. Even after winning the title he continued to defend it against the cruiserweights. Who honestly thought Juventud Guerrera would beat him??? Vince wants to and NEEDS to protect his young guys. Once goldberg eventually lost the streak to Kevin Nash, few people cared about him anymore.

Personally I prefer a heel undefeated streak. I like what they're doing with Jack Swagger and Vladimir Koslov. It will mean more once a face is able to beat him.
It would go well for a while, but I think in the long run, he would lose, than lose, than lose... than he would be nothing. That is normally the path of a dominant heel, but I think a face might fall down the same path. They would just skip the step of heel-face transition. The dominant monsters always do the same thing,

Umaga- Dominant heel for a bit, than lost the big match, than kept losing repeatedly and turned into a face.

Khali- The unstoppable monster was the big thing. Nobody could beat him, until the likes of Taker and Batista had their way. Then he lost and kept losing to guys like Jeff Hardy, who earlier had no chance. Did he get worse? No, just lost. Now, he's a goofy face on Smackdown.

An unstoppable face would be nice for a while, but in the long run, the WWE would drop the ball, forget about the past and start letting everyone in the WWE beat him. It just doesn't make sense.
You know what the best thing about Goldberg was? WWE's Gillberg parody.

Moving along, i'd try and do it this sort of angle slightly differently. The guy who remains undefeated would in fact be such an underdog that no one could believe that he could continue to win. He'd take the ass kickings of a lifetime and still manage to get the win somehow. He wouldn't have to connect with a lot of offense, but if he could hit a different devastating move every match and get the win each time, it would probably be easier to accept. What i would ensure though, is that he definitely did NOT just beat jobbers all the time. Let's say he starts on SD for instance. He'd beat Funaki in an evenly paced match where it looks like either of them can win, as opposed to the usual Funaki squash match, so then people would think 'wow, he struggled to beat Funaki! He won't amount to much.' Then he beats Primo who loses due to being overconfident, and then the next week he beats Carlito, and then next week he beats THE Brian Kendrick, and then he gets obliterated by Ezekiel Jackson, but STILL defeats him with a quick roll up or manages to do a somersault powerbomb or something, and so on and so forth. Now obviously he wouldn't fight everyone once and simply move onto the next guy beacause he'd run out of opponents in no time, so the heels would refuse to accept defeat and demand a rematch, and the faces would respectfully ask for a rematch, and then they'd lose again. He could even end one of the heels undefeated streaks if he really got over.

I agree though that the streak shouldn't be hyped by the announcers. They should just say, 'this kid takes a hell of a beatdown each and every week, but always seems to find a way to defy the odds and get the win'. That's all, don't say he's never been beat, just say he always manages to pull through somehow.

This concept is nothing new because obviously ECW did the same thing with Mikey Whipwreck. A kid who rarely landed a punch managed to get over with the Philly crowd (of all crowds!) due to pure sympathy, and even became a tag champion and ECW Heavyweight champion. He wasn't undefeated or anything, but he still managed to beat some of the biggest names on ECW without hitting more than 5 or 6 moves in the whole match.

If people can believe that Rey Mysterio can beat the Big Show then they can believe this.
First of all hello all!! Ive been reading through a lot of the threads and i figured this was the time to chime in more than any. I personally dont think the timing will ever be right again for another Goldberg. I also don't believe the fans would embrace it. I agree The anouncers wouldnt last a month before stating the fact that he is undefeated, killing the push for the streak. I think they should develop a new storyline with one of the mid-card guys on the verge. IMO that would go over more than another undefeated streak.
I really like this idea actually, mostly that it's a face. I think the fans would like someone to get behind who they can relate to, and enjoy watching. A young guy would be great, as I think this would be a good way to get him into the company, and in years to come he can be known as a homegrown WWE talent, I think this whole gimmick would work really well.

You also get it spot on with the comment about the announcers - a lot of the time they can do more harm than good, with pushing something down a fans throat, or getting excited at everything, leaving people to either not notice really good things, or get sick of what the announcer is talking about, therefore turn on the wrestler.
WWE has tried this time and time again, and it never seems to work out for them, if you remember this is exactly how they brought Punk and Lashley in, and in Punks case they decided to end his undefeated streak due cause they didn't like his attitude or some dumb shit like that, and Lashleys ended cause WWE was fucking ******ed and decided to end it waaaay to early, the fact of the matter is that WWE just does not know how to handle an undefeated streak to save there asses, Goldbergs streak was one of those once in a lifetime kind of things that got fans attentions and WWE and other companies have been trying to mimic it ever since, I don't think WWE needs a streak like this at all, I mean if they tried it again they would just fuck it up again anyways, and WWE has successfully put over many wrerstlers with out the use of some ridiculously long streak

1) Egos will NEVER allow a wrestler to be undefeated long enough to be a bonified superstar.
2) There is probably no wrestler talented enough to develop his skills long enough to NOT be rushed into the WWE and be green.

If the WWE got into a comfortable position of allowing a wrestler to develop from the age of say 16-18 for about 4-6 years in FCW, have the mic skills of Ric Flair, the motivation of John Cena, the look, AND be very tall and muscle becuase thats all Vince loves there is always a chance they will get a great buildup. I think being a 2nd/3rd generation wrestler would further enhance that. But you have to BACK UP what you claim to be as a wrestler. The fans of the 21st century are very smart and many are educated to know this wrestler is going to be pushed. I think Kurt Angle is the best case of a wrestler who came out of nowhere. I remember when Kurt Angle was in OVW people all over the internet said he would be the next Pug Porteau who was an amateur wrestler with no skill.

Remember, Kurt Angle is very short so that was also working agaisnt him. Shocking that when he came to the WWE he was very polished, phenomenal on the mic, worked his butt off and BACKED UP what he claimed.
Will take it a step further as well. Not only do I agree that they should aim at having someone take on an undefeated streak, but they should do it while being IC or US champion. Honestly, I wouldn't mind seeing MVP start a winning streak with the US title. He seems like he is going to get over with the fans he real soon. He just came off a serious losing streak, and I think he paid his dues.

MVP was a great US champion. Let me take back MVP being a face, as I think more of tweener type character would be better suited for him. He shouldn't lose that edge that he carries. His moveset isn't completely "face" either. He deserves the the title again, and I'm sure he could give it another solid run.

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