Does the TNA ranking system add something to the matches/storylines?


SORRY! About you damn luck!

It has been around for more than a couple of months now, the TNA Top 10 ranking system was introduced by Eric Bischoff, but it had been talked about even before Lockdown as something that would change the way wrestling fans watch TNA's product.

So my question to you is: does this system add something to the matches and or storylines?

We know that Kurt Angle is using the system as a way to push himself "back" to the top of the roster, and he is being pretty much successful on his quest. He is already number seven of the list, but if it wasn't for Kurt Angle most of us wouldn't even remember the system, in my view.

It was also something that didn't to make sense in the beginning, because they had iMPACT tapings and they showed the results of the week before as something that was the reality on that week, the system changed and now it's like there are two realities inside TNA's product: Top 10 Matches and other matches.

In my view it's a good way to build some storylines but I don't think TNA is using it quite well, they could do so much more with it and they haven't done almost nothing except Kurt Angle.

Also, do you believe that after Kurt Angle's quest ends, and he becomes World Champion again, someone will recycle this storyline? It doesn't have to be someone who has 40+ years, they could use it with a new guy, just like Jay Lethal, a guy trying to make it big but he has to overcome the top 10 rankings...

What do you think?

PS: Sorry if my english is not very good, I will try to improve with time. ;)
The system is pretty stuipd, that's for sure. Didn't ROH use it before? Sure it was stupid there as well. It has some perks, though.

The Angle storyline is progressing well, albeit in quite the predictable manner. Surely he was ascend to the number 1 spot at some point, but it's still fun watching him get there cause he's that damn good. It also gives a little meaning to random Impact matches such as Hardy/Lethal, AJ/Joe, etc.

Hopefully they just scrap it as soon as Angle's done doing his thing though. This isn't something that should be used long term.
Aside from Angle's angle (no pun intended), I'd so no, it doesn't add much of anything to the matches or story lines, primarily because those rankings aren't "for sale" the way championships are, meaning in the event a match takes place between a #4 seed and a #6 seed, #4 losing means he's still #4 regardless until new rankings are released, and the wins/losses between are accounted for. It's too convoluted and relies too little on the things fans would be able to understand about how certain guys seed and re-seed where they do.

I'd look to scrap it if it still continues to fail this badly in the future, but for now, it's not really hurting anything, it's just not helping, either.
It adds depth to the matches on iMPACT!. While the wrestlers feud with their respective adversaries on TV leading to the PPV, they are also vying to ascend the ladder of success. Take Samoa Joe for example. He has had no real feud since his return and yet he is the #4 Contender. Because he's spent his time accumulating major wins on iMPACT!. It helps show where a wrestler stands in regards to a push and also forces creative to make the wrestlers work in order to get to the main event. Making them look solid once they reach the top. Think of Joe or Lethal if they reach #1 at a near point. You couldn't say they weren't built right. Because they were forced to work their way up.

To me the ranking system seems more like a filter for creative than a perk for the fans. It avoids another "Rhino Rise" to the main event (See January 2009) and makes creative have to push their guys right to get them where they are desired. I wouldn't scrap it. It makes the writers have to think things through before doing them. That kinda helps analyze things and find rights and wrongs on what they do.
I don't see any point to this system at all. I like the fact that they're trying to get innovative and unique but I think this is a direct indication that perhaps they're relying too much on the internet (for feedback, ideas, etc.) and just need to put out a simple yet entertaining product.

If anything it could take away from the storylines because there's nothing really there to build up the story other than "the fans want us to wrestle so I guess that's what we're going to do" kind of a thing.

As said before...I do like how they're trying to be innovative though.
I think they should just scrap it altogether, or seriously revamp it so it makes alot more sense then it does now (back in the day ROH had a pretty good ranking system, implement that).

Not only that it isn't really necessary for TNA to have a ranking system and its not being utilized the way it could be, like most said all its really done since its been implemented is to give Angle something to do (but once again, you don't need a ranking system for that, Angle could have worked his way up the ladder with or without the ranking system). As of this point the ranking system hasn't really served much of a purpose, and if you don't have plans for something like that then you may as well get rid of it.
Personally I really like the idea (even if it does kind of stop the element of surprise that you can get with #1 Contenders). My problem with it is that the execution is terrible.

Nobody seems to care about the rankings. We don't hear people reacting to the new rankings - banging down Bischoff's door to demand an explanation. How on earth did The Pope come in at Number 8? Hadn't he been injured?

I like the idea, I think it has more pros than cons, but it'd be nice if TNA did more than simply announce the rankings on the first show after the PPV and then almost forget about it. I think you could utilise it more.
I think it should be used better. For one, if #10 beats #4 (just random numbers) shouldn't 10 become 4? I believe there was a case where Joe beat #4, but only moved to #6. That doesn't make sense to me. Also I think the "Championship Committee" should have a bigger role on the show and should be expanded. They should show backstage segments of the committee and it should include more controversial figures such as Jarrett, Foley, Hogan, Bichoff, Flair, and possibly Heyman. Having heels/tweeners in the committee would explain why heels become #1. For example, why would Hogan,Carter, and Bichoff put Sting #1 if they thought he was destroying the company?? They need to add depth to the committee to make it feel important.
I think it'd be better if they had a ranking system like they have now...but then also do a lottery style part like the NBA draft does. That way, the fans are involved AND there is still some element of suspense where you're not quite sure how the lottery will change things.

For more information on what I'm talking about...reference: NBA Draft Lottery
Other than what Kurt is drawing off of it, I'd have to agree that the rankings don't really mean a whole lot now. A year down the road with some new talent on board and other guys being pushed? The rankings could be the catalyst for those stars to truly shine.

Generally speaking, a ranking system is supposed to accomplish two basic goals. First, it establishes who the top names in the company are. Second, it establishes who one has to beat to be considered one of those top names. The problem is, we all pretty much know who the top guys are in the company or at the very least, who TNA wants us to believe are the top guys. All the evidence is already there, so the rankings seem rather redundant or unnecessary at this point.

However, for a new guy being built up or an existing guy on the rise, these rankings could very well shape not only who that individual faces, but add value to those matchups as well. By comparison, this is something WWE sorely lacks right now. Case in point, a few months ago Evan Bourne was essentially jobbing out to anyone the company put in front of him... good matches certainly with a lot of effort shown, but he was always counting the lights when the referee slammed his hand "three."

Then all of a sudden, Cena gives him his "blessing" and we're supposed to buy him as a credible main eventer? What names has he competed against? Moreover, who has he beat? Evan Bourne is one of the few guys I consistently like in WWE right now, but the extreme and sudden makeover from "jobber to the stars" to rubbing elbows with Cena, Orton, and Jericho doesn't really make any sense. Bournes current push could have greatly benefited from him competing against and subsequently defeating at least a few "ranked" stars on the way up to establish credibility.

Much like many of the things TNA is doing right now, the company just needs a bit of time (ie; 6 months to a year) to determine what works and what doesn't. Immediate breakout successes are nice, but often remain few and far between in any company wrestling or otherwise. Sometimes staying the course and investing into or reformulating an idea pays off big in the end. With TNA's ranking system, hopefully this will be the case.
The only story they have really going for it is the Kurt Angle angle...other than that, It's useless, i'm begining to think they introduced it as a way to gt Kurt Angle doing something from now til BFG...

If it wasn't for the system, I would think RVD would be having some more entertaining and worth watching feuds, because right now, I am not enjoying his title run...
First of all, a ranking system in a fake sport doesn't make sense and second of all TNA isn't selling it well either. It sounds like a good idea on paper but when you implement it on a cluttered, out of order show, it doesn't work. I like the idea but as others have pointed out if #7 beats #3 he should therefore be #3. Also, the fans vote for certain guys and the results are completely different on tv than the fans are voting on the net. If you want it to work, be consistent, let the fans have an actual say and follow thru with it as if it is a real system in a real sport. that would bring meaning to contenders facing each other, which should be the point. Damn it TNA, do something right!!! YODEL
I still think it should stay. Since it's establishment the overall quality of iMPACT! has increased. Furthermore, it gives meaning to matches that would otherwise be seen as throwaways. Joe/RVD, Joe/AJ, Lethal/Hardy, etc. Not only that, but like I already said, it provides a filter for creative. It gives them a path for the person they want to push to go through. It also lets the fans know were the character and his development stand. Lethal and Joe are going up and AJ has gone down. If AJ wants to go back up, creative has to make him go past Joe and Lethal. It isn't much of a thing for fans to enjoy, but more like something to make the creative team hold a steady route. Imagine if Goldberg or Vladamir Kozlov debuted in TNA. They wouldn't be able to get to the main event by squashing jobbers for 8 months, they would eventually have to confront the Top 10. I which case Vlad's inability to draw a crowd would be shown before actually challenging for the belt and Goldberg... well, I don't know. It works. The rankings work. Not for the fan's but for creative.
I don't think the ranking system adds anything expect predictability. It is interesting to see Angle work his way up, but since he added the stipulation that if he loses he will retire it doesn't do anyone any favors. We will see some good matches, but we all know that Angle is going to win every match all the way up to the main event.

The ranking system in general could be good, but overall its a joke. Fans used to have a say in the rankings, but that was thrown out the window. I still don't understand why Sting was ranked #1 and why Rob Terry is ranked #10 considering Terry hasn't won a match in months.

If the rumors are true regarding the main event at Hard Justice, then there is no reason for the rankings system at all.
In my opinion, not really. The only stand out aspect of the TNA Ranking System really is and has been the storyline with Kurt Angle working his way through the Top 10 Contenders. The angle in and of itself, for me, has been mind numbingly boring and so predictable that I just can't get into it. I know that predictability is something that's common after all. I don't expect everything to be incredibly deep and complicated. But when an angle is that obvious, it just doesn't do much for me. Ultimately, it's going to end up with Kurt Angle regaining the title. It's all but written in the stars at this point I think.

In and of itself, it also doesn't make all that much sense at times. For instance, The Pope is ranked pretty high in the rankings this month despite the fact that he's been out for months, wrestled two matches one of which he lost and cut one promo. I fail to see how Rob Terry is in the Top 10 since he hasn't been around for over a month, nor Ken Anderson as he hasn't won a single match in months.

I think that, as Disarray pointed out, it can potentially add some degree of depth to the seemingly random matches that happen now and again but, in and of itself, the TNA Ranking System doesn't really capture my interest or attention. To some degree, I think it might even take away from the TNA World Championship picture. Since becoming champ, RVD has yet to have a significantly solid feud overall. While I agree that some feuds do go on longer than they really should, but there's usually a different #1 contender each month and 4 weeks just isn't enough time.
It seems to just have been created so Angle can mow through it and win the title. So other than for Angle's benefit, it doesn't add anything at all to anything that TNA is trying to do.

It's a fake list for christ's sake, currently headed by Abyss who hasn't won in I don't know how long who isn't even next in line for the title at the next pay per view. Jerry Lynn is fighting RVD at Hard Justice. Go figure.

Abyss doesn't win, but he is #1. Angle wins all the time, but only moves up after he beats the guy ahead of him. So if Angle is on this winning streak, shouldn't he move up on his own as well? The only way to move up is to beat the guy ahead of you? Well, in Kurt Angle's case....yes. In guys like Mr. Anderson and Abyss'

The shit makes absolutely no sense just like everything else in TNA right now.
At first I thought it was good idea, at least something different. But after Desmond Wolfe was squashed by RVD I knew it would become a joke, more of a measuring stick for creative to see who is popular at the moment. I think they should have used for the X Division instead. Most of the X Division Titles matches don't involve feuds or good ones at least. And the way the division and the matches are set up, feuds aren't completely necessary as the matches are random enough and good enough where a relevant feud isn't needed. I just think that this system fits this division far better and would actually be used correctly. This could also give a boost to X Division wrestlers who aren't completely relevant at the moment and to those who aren't over enough or who don't fit in the World Title picture.
The only storyline this REALLY affects is the Kurt Angle/retirement angle. Russo is just having him climb up the ladder to the title. Because let's face it: As long as there's still the Creatures of the Night, and Anderson's Assholes, and Abyss and whoever "they" are, the top 3 will ALWAYS be the same. All the other rankings are worthless. Plain and simple.

I was never a fan of the rankings system because I knew I would only end up voting for Hardy, Anderson, Abyss and Pope. And therefore, the title shot will always go to one of the first 3 mentioned.

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