Does The Attitude Era Not Have A Stand-Out Star?


The Cerebral Assassin
Certain WWE eras have had stand-out stars that pretty much define their respective eras, and were the definitive top guys of said eras. Let me give some examples. In the 80's and early 90's, Hogan was the WWE stand-out. He was the clear face of the company. Although there were other top stars, Hogan was always on a different level. He was always at least one step up. In the so-called PG era, Cena will obviously go down as the WWE stand-out. He's currently the top guy of this generation, and I don't think anyone could really argue that anyone's his equal or above. Again, everyone's at least one step below.

But when you think of the Attitude Era, an era enriched with a lot of high-end talent, I'd argue that there really isn't a stand-out. Instead of one top guy, there were many. We had the likes of Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, Undertaker, Triple H, Mick Foley, Chris Jericho, Kurt Angle, and more all at the top of the mountain. They were all very talented, and any one of them had the potential to be the sole guy, but I'd say that none of them really were. If you really want to nitpick, you could certainly make a case that Austin & Rock were on a separate level above all the rest. I couldn't argue with that. However, when you try to decipher between the two, usually there's a split feeling as to who was the top guy. Some say Austin, some say Rock. Now, people will argue this until they're blue in the face, but I feel differently about the situation. I'd argue that the A.E. didn't have a stand-out, a specific guy that the generation was all about, thus the point of this thread.

What do you think? Do you agree with this? I would say that most eras have stand-outs, but I don't think the A.E. does. There was just too much high-end talent, no one clearly emerged to be better than the rest in my opinion.
Steve Austin was clearly the big star of the attitude era. The other guys you listed were great to but compared to Austin they had a supporting role. Every era has had other big names too that you are ignoring. Austin had Rock, Triple H, and Foley. Hogan had Savage, Andre, and Warrior. Cena has had Orton, Batista, and Edge. Each era had one clear top guy and a few others that were right behind him. You could argue, although I wouldn't, that the attitude era had the deepest roster but Austin was the one driving the train.
Hmmmm this is a topic that I did not think I would be addressing on this site. While there were many stars during that era, HHH, Angle and, the Undertaker were not on the same level as Austin. I am not judging, but I am curious to know what age you were during that era. When the glass shattered the pop was like no other wrestler I have seen. Hogan pops rivaled Stone Cold's, but the crowd went ballistic when he came out, almost a frenzy. He even surpassed Hogan in merchandise sales which was a huge feat in itself. A lot of people would bring up the Rock. I would say The Rock really didn't hit his peak until later in that era. Even then I don't think he reached the popularity of Austin. There is no doubt that Austin started and defined the Attitude era with the Rock a close second. All of the other were a step below.
there were guys that stand out because when you talk about the attitude era the rock and austin are always mentioned but you are right in a lot of ways. the attitude era had so many awesome superstars that its hard to say there was just one or two. thats why it was and always will be the best era of wrestling. good post
Sometimes I think you guys write these threads out of bordom. Are we serious people the attitude era didnt have a stand out star. But I'm bored so I'll contribute. I going to have to say Austin. Austin in general is a stand out. He is offically the top earner in WWE ever. You remeber Flair at HOF. Austin is number 1 enough said.
Stone Cold is no doubt the first face of think of when you think of the attitude era. His star power was lessened when he was out for a year with neck surgery n Rock picked it up from there, but as a whole, Stone Cold was always the "it" guy...The only reason why somewun can say The Rock is cause he's the bigger all around star. But Austin was the bigger wrestling star..If you look at it, the Attitude era was brought in by stone cold @WM14, and ended with stone cold at @WM17.
No doubt it was Stone Cold. The rock was a VERY close 2nd. I see what your saying in that there were lots of stars, but noone was on the level of those two.
With the list of names for top-end guys who could have been the "stand-out" star during the attitude era, what needs to be stated is that these guys all played specific roles or had specific periods of greatness, but the one true stand out was Austin. For instance, he ushered in the attitude era, which means Austin = attitude era. He was the biggest star of that era and maybe one of the biggest ever.

The Rock, while a big star in his own right, was seen more as a foil to Austin. He was the corporate man to Austin's rebellious ways. Rock only became really over when Austin was out for the year with injury. I liken Austin and Rock vs Hogan and Macho Man. Hogan and Austin were the top guys, and Rock and Savage were just behind them, giving memorable feuds here and there.

Undertaker was not a stand-out for the attitude era because he existed as a star well before and was around much afterwards. He is bigger than any era, and is so not classified as an era.

I see HHH as not being the stand-out because he was not a big star in the attitude era. He was arguably the big star of the under-cards, but really did not reach superstardom until he defined the McMahon-Helmsley era.

Guys like Jericho, Angle et al. to me came in at the tail-end of this era, and so do not qualify as stars of the attitude era. Mick Foley was the guy to make a lot of great moments, be he will never be remembered as the top guy in any era.

So all in all, Austin is unquestionably the stand-out star of the attitude era.
First thing is first, I consider Austin and the Rock tied for 2nd place in my favorites of all time list. With that being said, in my opinion, Stone Cold Steve Austin was 1A and the Rock was 1B. Regardless of how you slice and dice it, Austin was still the Top guy of that Era. Let’s take a look at some of the facts.

Austin did just about everything before first before the Rock.
Austin had his own customized World Title.
Austin faced off against Mike Tyson.
Austin had the big feud with Mr. McMahon.
Austin won 3 Royal Rumbles and the King Of The Ring.
Austin got to the Main Event scene
While Austin feuded with Kurt Angle over the WWE Championship, the Rock feuded with Chris Jericho over the WCW Championship.
Austin is a WWE Hall Of Famer.

I think my opinion is based on who did what first, but if you really take a good look at things, it’s merely a case of if Austin isn’t around, the Rock can substitute for him. Remember The Rock’s quote, “Austin took his ball, and went home.” Well, if Stone Cold did that, how would you describe what The Rock did before WM XXVII?? “Took his home, and went to ball.”
As many have stated, the automatic and easiest person to say stood out during the Attitude Era was Steve Austin. He definitely personified that time period in the WWE, and it was in many ways a direct reflection of his persona.

However, and I may catch some flack for this, to me the one person that stands out maybe even more than Austin is Vince McMahon. I mean, at the base level, it was McMahon that embraced and realized that a character like Stone Cold, and an edgier product would bring people back to WWE.

Also, McMahon, and the Austin/McMahon feud really solidified the era and Stone Cold. Some of the most memorable and over the top events of the Attitude Era revolved around McMahon..from The Corporation, to the Corporate Ministry, to the debut of the Kiss My Ass Club. Vince definitely helped fuel and maintain that mindset that is The Attitude Era.

Honorable mentions go to Undertaker, who reinvented himself a few times to great success during The Attitude Era, and to Rock, who definitely relished in being able to go over the top.
There were stand out superstars in the attitude era but it was at certain stages or times. For example first HBK was the face of the company then it was SCSA then The Rock if you want a clear stand out face of the company there weren't. there were 3 of them.
Austin by far. Austin got pop like no one else during that time period, seen it live and it is no question asked. Also Austin sold TShirts like no one else even Hogan. During that time frame everyone rocked a Austin shirt or an nWo shirt.
Everyone seems to be dismissing the Rock as not being equal to Austin in this era, and I'm not so sure about that. The Rock got amazing pops as well, and could deliver promos just as good, if not better than Austin could. Sure, I'll give you that Austin was involved in THE feud of the era: Austin/McMahon. But Rock had some great feuds as well and definitely wrestled much more than Austin in this era. Remember, Austin's feud with McMahon came mostly in promos and such- he was still recovering from his severe neck injury, and was limited by it from then on. During the A.E., the Rock clearly won more gold in just about every way over Austin. He won the WWE Championship a then-record 7 times, which stood all the way up until just a few years ago. At 6 reigns (the first ever to get there), he broke Hogan & Hart's 5-time record. To add to this, he also won the World Tag Team Championships with Foley & Jericho 5 times. Austin may have produced better as a wrestling figure, but from a pure-wrestling standpoint, the Rock got more done in the ring during the A.E. I think they're pretty close to being equals.
I'm going to have to go with the majority and say Austin was the stand-out star of the AE. Yes, Rock was right there, just like Macho Man was for Hogan in the 80's. But Rocky didn't really get the huge pops and get to that highest level until later in the AE. Angle was great, but not on Austin's level. Taker was there all through the AE, but was also there before and well after, so he's not really defined by the AE the same way some of those other guys are.

For me, it has to be Austin, it all started with him. The beer drinking, the bird-flipping, the stunners everywhere, the explosion from the crowd when the glass broke, it all just can't be matched. When someone mentions the AE, invariably he's the first thing that comes to mind, at least for me.

I do want to give credit to the poster who mentioned McMahon. Quite a few good points there, and actually got me thinking about my pick. Obviously McMahon was a central figure in everything that went on those days.

In the end though, I have to stick with Austin. He just meant too much to the era, I don't think it would have happened without him.
When I think of A.E, I think of SCSA. He defined the Attitude Era. From the very 1st stunner to the bossman McMahon, we knew we were in for a ride. More people popped for just hearing that glass break than those classic first few words "If Ya Smell". Till this day, if that glass breaks, we are reminded of an era that Austin defined.
If you really want to try and argue not having a breakout star go and watch Beyond the mat when they visit WWF headquarters and their in there talking merchandise I think the fact that the biggest seller of that era was Austin said it all, but you got to remember when you think standout you have been talking about Face, good guy of the company In WWE it was Austin. Rock was famous but didn't become a real stand out as a face until after wrestlemania 15 and then his popularity skyrocketed.
Steve Austin was clearly the big star of the attitude era. The other guys you listed were great to but compared to Austin they had a supporting role. Every era has had other big names too that you are ignoring. Austin had Rock, Triple H, and Foley. Hogan had Savage, Andre, and Warrior. Cena has had Orton, Batista, and Edge. Each era had one clear top guy and a few others that were right behind him. You could argue, although I wouldn't, that the attitude era had the deepest roster but Austin was the one driving the train.

agreed totaly, i would also agree that the Attitude era more then any other was a total package as far as everyone from jobber to main event all had a role in it and it was a team effort that made WWE great then but Austin was clearly the face of the company and the one most came to see and on the heel side it was Vince McMahon and The Undertaker.

Everyone else was just the grunts
It was Austin. The entire "Attitude Era" was created because Stone Cold was there to lead the charge. Without him, WWF may have gone in a completely different direction.

You needed the pieces around him, and there were great ones, but the stand-out guy was Austin. Easy to see with the way his merch was selling in the late 90's and the crowd reactions I never even saw Hulk Hogan get in his prime.

As an aside, I think besides giving credit to other great Attitude Era stars brought up in this thread such as Rock, McMahon, HHH and Undertaker--I think Bret Hart deserves a lot of credit for ushering in the Attitude Era. Sadly he didn't get to see it through, but his feud with Austin really got the Rattlesnake going and the Survivor Series screw-job essentially created the Mr. McMahon character. Austin and McMahon--the top rivalry of the Attitude Era--both needing the push of the top guy of the previous era, Bret Hart.

I consider the Attitude Era beginning in 1997 while the Hitman was around, and he was an important component to its beginnings. The Hart Foundation did some great things that year before Bret's departure.

But again, STONE COLD was the top dog of that era. I love the Rock, but the Era was built around and thrived with Austin in the top spot.
To be very honest I find this thread to be well, excuse my french, idiotic.

No one, no one came close to how big a deal Stone Cold Steve Austin was. The wrestling was at an apex and he was clearly, CLEARLY the top dog. Of course The Rock was the No. 2 guy and was so very close and I do see how his name is spoken in the same breath. But Austin was the biggest name of the Attitude Era and for me was the biggest name for the last 20 years.

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