Does Teddy Long Annoy You?


Most Charismatic Champion Ever!!!!!
I was wondering, does Teddy Long annoy you as much as he annoys me? The guy constantly and blatantlly stacks the deck against the heels without even being provoked and also throws stupid stipulations around. Now I know his actions are scripted but he still annoys the crap out of me.
Hell no. He keeps the smackdown show fresh. Teddy wasn't havin' that punk ass bullshit like what's been going on raw. Teddy long is a charismatic personality, he used to be a referee, manager, and I;m sure he had made contributions behind the scenes for wrestlers and top personnel so I like the fact he's there. He brings his street style perspective on the show with professionalism. That's why he makes the stipulations...He keeps things in check, He keeps it fair, Playa Playa!!! :p
yes!! considering he is a gm, not a wrestler, and therefore his entire job is acting, he is terrible. his Punk/Undertaker stuff on the link here is a joke and is almost so bad its good. . Now when Punk and Triple H are working to make wwe believable, he does promos with divas to what is basically porno music whilst they weirdly flirt. How this guy has survived being around so long is beyond me. Someone like Edge or Heyman should be there instead. Even Steph, Vickie, Micheal Cole or Estrada would be better than this joker.
Nah. Teddy Long is the general manager, and he's physically there in the show. Can't say the same about the RAW GM. A computer? Where has he/she been lately anyways?
Not at all.

When you look at the history of Teddy Long you will see that he's been in the business for a long time. As a Manager, as a Ref, and currently as a GM. He's been the Smackdown GM for awhile now, and despite the fact people think it's a bit stale I do like seeing him there. It's good to have someone be in that position for a long time, and the GM role isn't all that special, so it isn't that big of a deal.

I'm a fan of Long because I respect what he has done for the business, and he's a knowledgeable guy so wrestlers can really learn a thing or two from him.

Holla Holla Playa'
"now hold up playas, that's not how we do things here. we are going to have ourselves a TAG TEAM MATCH! holla"
or how about
" will go one on one...with THE UNDATAKAHHHH!"

yeah, he annoys me. i know he's meant to be a face gm but could they make him less of one. the only time he makes decisions against faces are when there's a fight and a face is trying to get their revenge for something. like on smackdown this week. mark henry his taken 4 or 5 people out of action with the chair on the leg thing. big show goes to do it to henry and teddy long comes out to stop it. where was he when henry did it to big show? or kane? or koslov? or khali?

then there's the 'no contact' rules he puts in place in the build up to a main event ppv match. i understand they want to save all the action until the ppv but it's ridiculous
Nah Teddy does his job alright. He's done the role for a while and in some ways it's nice to just have a GM that isn't completely involved in the show. He's just used to book matches every now and then. The Aksana segments have been ridiculous but that's just typical WWE booking.
considering he is a gm, not a wrestler, and therefore his entire job is acting, he is terrible.

The key lies in that statement; he is a GM, not a wrestler. As I see it, Raw features more individual conflicts than the other brand. When Cena, Punk and Del Rio are involved in their program, they're not interested in anyone else. They have no interest in Miz, Kofi, or Ryder.

Smackdown is more of a "group" show. Of course, they have individual conflicts too, but the allegiances and feuds are spread among many performers. Christian looks to form alliances with other wrestlers in an effort to further his own ambitions. Zach Ryder aligns himself with anyone (including the GM) who will help him get some ring time. This lends an air of unpredictability; you never know who's going after who.

With all this, you need a General Manager who can keep order, asserting himself even when facing down wrestlers who could pound him into the ground......and a boss (either Triple H or Vince McMahon) who openly countermand his decisions and show him repeatedly that he doesn't have the absolute authority that the head of Raw does. Contrast it to Triple H, who's actually a wrestler, not a GM. When someone like Punk steps out of line, Triple H gets in the ring and beats him up; a privilege and ability Teddy Long doesn't have.

Given the difficulty of the role, I think Teddy is just fine at what he does. If he's aligning matters in a way the heels don't like, then he's doing a proper job given the limited scope of his authority.

In addition to all this, Teddy does it with flair. No, I'm not talking about Ric Flair, but Teddy sure does his share of stylin' and profilin'.

Teddy's doing just fine.
I'm confused. Are we saying if Teddy Long himself annoys us or the role he plays on Smackdown? Someone posted above blaming that he "hates heels" and is "unfair to them" so to that person I would like to say, wrestling is fake & Long doesn't actually have any power, he just does what the writers tell him too. Ofc, they are going to have a face GM be unfair to the heels.

Teddy Long doesn't bother me. He plays the typical GM role and attempts to dance while doing so. If I had to see more of him I would probably get annoyed but we only see him for like 30 seconds then he leaves so I don't see how he's that annoying. At least he isn't a computer & Michael Cole....
Teddy is a convincing general manager who oobviosly plays the part. He even apears to have altered his managing style on smackdown to treat talent better...with more respect....nothing like hhh does...hhh kinda resembles a manager witha major ego trip who doesnt care about u or your family or your well being he is the man and u r replaceable. In all essence hhh should be hated not cheered.
No, I enjoy having Teddy as Smackdown's GM because he's been around for ages so I'm used to him, and it's nice having a consistent guy as General Manager unlike the turmoil we've had going on with Raw for what feels like forever. Teddy has never bothered me and I think he fits that role perfectly, he does what he's supposed to do as a GM and I love the way he does it, Holla.
Teddy Long as the Smackdown General Manager has the same job as a Wal-Mart greeter. He makes his presence known, advertises todays special, then disappears. I know he's the General Manager, but can we have a main event on Smackdown that he didn't come out and announce? There's other ways to bring about a match without Teddy Long announcing it.

I do find Teddy Long stale, but like most people that I find stale, it's not his fault. It's creative's fault for not thinking outside the box. At this point, Long feels like creatives fallback for when they can't figure out how to bring in the main event logically. If Teddy had better material to work with, he is capable of being much more entertaining.
When I said that he annoyed me I was talking about how he blatantly stacked the decks against heels even if they didn't provoke him. I also hate how he didn't do anything when Mark Henry was "shattering" people's ankles, yet when Big Show goes to return the favor, he comes running out and won't let Show do it or he won't get his title shot. I know he's reading a script, but there are too many plot holes. I just don't think he adds anything of interest to the show. I also don't like how he treats Ryder like shit.
Let me Hollar at you Playa!

I'd rather Teddy Long run Raw, then this entire Triple H COO nonsense thats happening. He's done well running Smackdown for the past 5-7 years. I was hoping that he would get promoted to the GM of Raw at some point during the entire Raw GM computer storyline.
Teddy is a convincing general manager who oobviosly plays the part. He even apears to have altered his managing style on smackdown to treat talent better...with more respect....nothing like hhh does...hhh kinda resembles a manager witha major ego trip who doesnt care about u or your family or your well being he is the man and u r replaceable. In all essence hhh should be hated not cheered.

I am glad I am not the only one who doesn't cheer Triple H. As for teddy Long, he isn´t a great actor but he does a good job as GM. I am used to it. As long as they stop those terrible promos with aksana I am happy.
Teddy Long is pretty annoying. He can be cool, but it seems like all he ever does anymore is come out when 4+ guys disagree to put them in a tag team match in that evening's main event. We even saw him make a cameo appearance on Raw to do THE EXACT SAME THING. Long is alright in his backstage segments though and one of the better GM's that WWE has had. I just wish they had him do more than those tag team match announcements because it is turning into a bit of a joke to not have him ever do anything else.
Hes like the glue to feel in the cracks or the JB Weld of smackdown. When somethin doesnt make sense he can be cited to explain things.

I did find issue with the big show chair situation and i wish to explain that they simply had cut to backstage dialogue between teddy and mark highlighting their history.

Teddy prevents anarchy..

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