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Does Sheamus need to retire another wrestler?


The Goodwill Ambassador
To this day, Sheamus still mentions retiring Jamie Noble in his promos. Is it time he retired one of the 'old guard' so to speak and really live off that momentum?

What are your thoughts on this and who should he retire?
I don't think so, at least not yet. Would you want to see Sheamus Vs. Edge in a retirement match? I dont think so, well at least I don't. I really don't understand whats so great about making a man whose been beaten badly nearly every time he's stepped in the ring retire.
If he does retire someone else it should be Finlay. He like Noble I believe works in the back as a booker so he can stay with the company when he feels ready to hang up the boots plus it will look a lot better for Sheamus to retire someone like Finlay besides someone half his size like Noble was
If they do have him retire someone it shouldn't be a "retirement" match. The story line should be he just whooped his ass so bad he had too. That's cred.
I'm all for it. I'm trying really hard to ignore some of the things that annoy me regarding some of the newer guys and embrace the new. So with that in mind lets see Sheamus destroy Finlay, Chavo, Goldie, etc. You could even feed guys you are planning to cut off the roster. They get beat so bad, they're never heard from again.
Maybe he should retire Regal. Think about this: Sheamus retires Regal on RAW. The next week, Regal comes out and talks about how dominant Sheamus can be, and that all he needs his guidance and someone to work for him behind the scenes. At first, Sheamus declines the offer, saying he doesn't need help. But over the next month or so, Regal helps Sheamus win matches, maybe even a #1 Contender's match or title match. Regal then becomes his manager, and maybe begins the formation of a British stable with McIntyre and Wade Barrett brought in.
I don't think it would be much of a boost if he were to retire another jobber, like Noble was. Nor would it do much for him long term if he were to retire a mid-carder. If he was going to make someone retire, they would have to be main-event level. The only problem is that no-one there will be going anywhere for a few years.
Hell, he can't retire someone every few months, just because him momentum seems to be slowing
He needs to retire Micheal Cole and do us all a favor. I'd like to see him retire somebody, but who? I think they should have him "injure" wrestlers. That would keep his momentum as a reckless powerhouse and set up fueds with the people he takes out.
he's Irish not british you ****** and besides sheamus is doing fine getting over on his own without having to be involved in a dumb short lived stable
Maybe he should retire Regal. Think about this: Sheamus retires Regal on RAW. The next week, Regal comes out and talks about how dominant Sheamus can be, and that all he needs his guidance and someone to work for him behind the scenes. At first, Sheamus declines the offer, saying he doesn't need help. But over the next month or so, Regal helps Sheamus win matches, maybe even a #1 Contender's match or title match. Regal then becomes his manager, and maybe begins the formation of a British stable with McIntyre and Wade Barrett brought in.
No. I don't think so, it was a one time deal in the beginning of his career. I think the best thing for Sheamus is to continue him in high profile feuds to make him a legit main eventer. He's got a good program going with Triple H so far, and as long as that continues it is the best thing for him. My next choice would be for him to start a feud with Randy Orton once Triple H and him are done.
I think Jamie Noble's retirement storyline came as abruptly as it did simply because they had nothing else for him. As far as I know, and I may be wrong, Noble was working a limited schedule, similar to what Funaki works simply out of choice. He didn't want titles or main events any more, he'd reached that age where he just wanted to earn a steady paycheck in anyway possible and more often than not, in Wrestling, that makes you the fall guy. See Funaki, See Brooklyn Brawler, See Sean Morley.

They had him 'crippled' by Sheamus on Raw simply because none of the fans would have bought a new feud leading to a PPV for Jamie Noble, especially not one that led to his retirement. We wouldn't have cared for the Kafabe. Also, for Sheamus' first feud to go that far would have just slowed him down and that wouldn't have been good. I actually have to give my appreciation to the WWE for giving Noble a reason to retire on air. The truth of the matter is that we honestly wouldn't have noticed if Jamie just didn't appear on TV again. It could have been that simple. But for the WWE to give him that respect to retire him on air, he deserved it.

But there is noone else nearing retirement that was as low down on the card as Noble was. Say Triple H or Undertaker are next to retire, would you really want it to be Sheamus that retires them? No disrespect to Sheamus, but I'd want Orton to do it. Or someone similar. Someone more relevant.

Something similiar might work though. Maybe not retirement but a Loser leaves Raw match? Or even looking further into the future for the next season of NXT (if there will be one) Loser goes to NXT and has to work from the bottom back up. Sounds very videogamey but it'd be a twist. Especially if they lost NXT. That'd be something.

Like you say, he still brags about retiring Noble. So lets have him force The Big Show off Raw... or Kofi. Or Christian. Or Rhodes. Upper Mid Card guys (I say that partly because I don't want Cena, Orton or Triple H off Raw. The other part because I think those other guys would work better on SmackDown!) It would further his ego, feul his reputation as a destroyer. In a way it'd be the same and it would also branch out his character which is very important.

Sheamus, so far, has only had opponents. He hasn't made any enemies yet. Triple H is looking like it's heading that way but Cena and Orton just haven't got that personal with him. If he expelled Christian from Raw, you'd then plant the seed for a future feud, one that can't be resolved the next week because the loser can't be on the same show. So the next PPV like Bragging Rights or the Royal Rumble where shows face of against each other, they have that to rub off. A small but delicate detail that I've always liked. It used to piss me off when they'd have Farrooq and Mark Henry team together in the mid 2000's and not mention the Nation of Domination. I like things like Christian bumping into Edge or Swagger mocking Morrison for his lack of success compared to the Miz. It makes the continuity better.

I see Extreme Rules as the decider for Sheamus. He's done nothing that's main event standard thus far. A Table's match hardly draws viewers these days, not after TLC and the Elimination Chamber is a match that he shared the spotlight with 5 other men. They spend more time staying out of mind in those types of matches than they actually do wrestle. Vs Triple H at ER I see a streetfight of sorts... perhaps a cage match. The personal seed has been planted with the interuption of his emotional farewell to Shawn and we've also been introduced to a favoured weapon (that fortunately isn't an Irish Stereotype) to rival the SledgeHHHammer. Short of a weapons on a pole match, we should see a good, solid No DQ format match between the two and that should give us validity from Sheamus in the ME scene just like the Hardcore match Vs Mick Foley elevated Edge as a top tier mainstay. For now, that should be enough for Sheamus.
He needs to retire Micheal Cole and do us all a favor.

If he's going to retire anyone, it should definitely be Michael Cole. I can just see Sheamus kicking that weasel in the face and sending him through a table with the Razor's Edge. He could stand above Cole's broken body shouting, "That was VINTAGE Sheamus!" Although, that might put Sheamus over as a face, so it might not be a good idea.

I think he needs to stop talking about retiring Jamie Noble. Thats not something to be proud of. I wonder how many people have to google his name every time Sheamus mentions it.

HHH "retired" Mick Foley but he only talked about it for a few months after it happened. A good heel will move on to new things to draw heat and wont just keep hitting us with the "remember that time that I did this and that months and months ago?"

I dont like how Sheamus is being booked, but considering we're talking about the WWE, it shouldnt come as a surprise that he could be booked better. Sheamus is playing the cowardly heel in a monster heel's body and its very conflicting. He's coming off as a bad combination of Edge and Umanga. I think they need to have him destroy HHH and "injure" him at Extreme Rules. Then Sheamus can talk about taking out HHH constantly, instead of Jamie Noble. Taking out a big name does wonders for your character. (Legend Killer anyone?) Taking out some goofy looking jobber that nobody will remember is only good when youre just getting started but now that Sheamus is working a program with the likes of HHH, he needs to move on from the thing with Noble. My grandmother couldve retired Jamie Noble and she's in a wheelchair. Which, come to think of it, wouldve been a more appropriate end to the Jamie Noble character.
Sheamus should retire The Miz, but that's just my personal opinion.
but seriously, I feel that he just might be the one 2 retire HHH, seeing how they R good friends behind the scenes.
How about Sheamus does me a favor, and retires himself. I think he is the most God-awful main eventer on the face of the planet. He can't wrestle, or at least I don't think he can. But seeing he has only wrestled squash matches, or has been carried by the likes of Orton/HHH, he could be the next Bret freakin' Hart for all I know.

I'm just not sold on the guy. His promos are junk. When he gets on the mic, I want to turn the channel. He says nothing of importance, and every bit of his energy and charisma seem manufactured. His character is boring, uninteresting, and not the least bit entertaining. His look is enough to make he cringe. Is he going to continue to be this mystical Irishman, who looks like he just stepped out of a freakin' comic book? He's a walking, talking gimmick, and I really don't want to have to watch him be a part of the main event scene for another 10-15 years.

So to answer your question, NO. No, I do not want to see him retire another wrestler. Not even another jobber. I wouldn't want to see him retire the Brooklyn F*****G Brawler.
he's Irish not british you ****** and besides sheamus is doing fine getting over on his own without having to be involved in a dumb short lived stable

Ireland is part of britian. Britian is made up of England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland.

And on the topic, I don't think he should just yet, but destroying people in the ring could do a lot for his momentum.
Ireland is part of britian. Britian is made up of England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland.

And on the topic, I don't think he should just yet, but destroying people in the ring could do a lot for his momentum.

British rule is only imposed on northern Ireland, while the rest of the island is its own country. Imperial Britannic rule was once imposed on the entire island. I'm not sure what part of the island Sheamus is from, but either way, most self-respecting Irish people find it an insult to be called British no matter what part of the island they live on. But that's neither here nor there.

I really dont think he needs to make retiring people his thing. It was already done and done better with Orton's Legend Killer gimmick. Since Sheamus isnt good enough yet to pull off the same angle, he should just go the Umanga route and just be a wrecking ball. You dont have to "retire" people to make the same point that a good injury-causing ass whopping could accomplish. Umanga had a manager to reel him in and be the cowardly heel, holding the monster back when the monster just wanted to be unleashed. They really want Sheamus to be able to stand on his own, but he's not going to make it with the current direction. If he plays a cowardly heel, he cant play a viable monster heel. Who's going to take him seriously as a monster heel if he runs away all the time?

Or maybe, just maybe, theyre actually trying to develop his character into something more than just a monster heel, because we all know that monster heels end up becoming enhancement talent. Just ask Kane about that.

Sheamus is being developed as a thinking man's monster heel. He runs when its the smart move and attacks when his opponent's back is turned. At first he was booked as a typical generic monster heel, but they seem to be taking him into another direction, which will give his character more depth in the end. The further they move him away from the generic monster heel, the better equipped he will be to be able to stand on his own and the longer he'll stay relevant. Monster heels always get build up as this destructive force just to get put down by the top face in the end. Then they get bumped down the card and fizzle out.

Obviously HHH and others see the potential in Sheamus to be more than that, and you cant just chock it up to Sheamus and HHH being friends. But of course, "smart" marks foamed at the mouth when they found out Sheamus and HHH are friends. Smarks love to think they know whats going on behind the scenes. For them, there always have to be some conspiracy to justify why Evan Bourne gets buried every night while Sheamus gets a huge push. Maybe, just maybe, Sheamus has the right attitude, unique look, strong work ethic, and dedication to actualize his potential. Maybe, just maybe, HHH sees that and decided to help Sheamus learn the game. HHH has alot to teach about the psychology of wrestling and its good to see a young guy listening to him, instead of the typical reports we hear of young guys getting big pushes and big egos to go along with it, like Orton in his early days.

Wrestlers rip on smarks all the time because smarks really are the dumbest pieces of shit when it comes to this business. You think you know what goes on behind the scenes. You think you know why people get pushed or buried, but really, you dont know fucking shit. Thats why the wrestlers think the IWC is a joke and theyve got every right to think that. Narrow-minded idiots looking for juicy gossip and calling it journalism ruined wrestling for the fans. Maybe, just maybe, Sheamus is getting a push because he's a good worker with tons of potential. Or maybe its because he's kissing the boss's daughter's husband's ass. Because we all know that HHH wasnt already established in the main event before even dating Steph, right? RIGHT?! No, wrong. HHH worked his way to the top. Hooking up with Steph happened after he already had earned his spot. HHH won just as many titles -before- hooking up with Steph as he did after. In fact, HHH won the Undisputed Championship at WX8 which was a year or so before he married Steph. Maybe, just maybe, all the smarks have their head up their asses as usual and just want to reduce everything down to who's blowing who for their spot in the main event.

But I'll play Devil's Advocate. What if all the smarks are right that Sheamus is -only- getting pushed because he's HHH's workout partner? Could you blame him? Would you be so self-righteous to not do the same thing in his position? Would you snub the McMahon family just to feel like your principles are "holier than thou?" I'm pretty sure all you smarks would be the first in line to kiss McMahon's ass if it meant 15 minutes in the spotlight. The real reason for all your hate is that youre jealous. Youre not in the spotlight. Youre nobody in the public eye. You wish it was you on your knees kissing ass so you could have a spot thats why youre so quick to ignore any potential Sheamus might have. You cant accept that maybe, just maybe, he's got more of a future than you ever did. He's going places in life while all the smarks ripping on his accent and lack of tan are sitting at home, flaming on forums that only other smarks read.

But of course, let's not forget the obvious. All you Sheamus haters are hating a heel. Wow. Go figure. Who wouldve thought that a heel would actually get heat? The guy plays a character on TV, a character that you hate. Thats odd because isnt he playing a character that everyone is -supposed- to hate? Take a step back from yourselves and remember that wrestling is athletic theater. If Sheamus has you hating him so much, he must be doing something right. End rant.
This fuckin Irish dumbass should retire Michael Cole, Underaker and Himself. On michael cole, I hate that freakin ass. Undertaker, its been too long for him stayin in the company and he's gettin me on my nerves. And he should definetely like commit suicide. Doubla Doubla EEEE ass hole!
If he's going to retire anyone, it should definitely be Michael Cole. I can just see Sheamus kicking that weasel in the face and sending him through a table with the Razor's Edge. He could stand above Cole's broken body shouting, "That was VINTAGE Sheamus!" Although, that might put Sheamus over as a face, so it might not be a good idea.

That would go in the annuls of history as one of the greatest RAW moments of all time. And personally I don't think crosspowerbombing Cole through a table would cement him as a face. It's just one week of doing something the fans like, the next week he could just as well drive Triple H or John Cena into a table and people would hate him again.

But no, Sheamus doesn't have to retire somebody. Though he hasn't really proven an enormous amount that he's a big star, nonetheless he was a WWE Champion and just by having that he's past the whole retiring wrestler storyline thing.

But if they ever do decide to have Sheamus retire someone, it should be Finlay because he's a face that isn't main event status but is still pretty popular with the fans. All Noble was was a jobber, Finlay is a jobber with a decent crowd reaction. If Sheamus retires Finlay, not only do we know who the more dominant Irishman is, but it becomes even more of a shocking thing because we are a little bit more attached to Finlay than Noble. Another option could be Matt Hardy for the exact same reasons. He really isn't doing anything worthwhile on TV right now other than dancing with Khali so why not "retire" Hardy and have him take some time off of television then make some dramatic comeback or something.
If the rumors of Triple H being injured are true and he's going to be taking time off, then Sheamus should be the one to put him out and then brag about "retiring" him, only to have him come back looking for revenge. That's just the kind of thing Sheamus needs to get his momentum back, being able to say that he put the big dog out of "The Game," if you will. I can't see him legitimately retiring anyone else, but there are certainly other ways to make him look strong. He should also probably be moving back up into title contention with the recent rumors that Batista is hightailing it after Extreme Rules as well, and with Orton turning face that leaves Sheamus as the only main event level heel on Raw. I'd rather see him go to SD, though, which would give him a fresh batch of guys to feud with instead of going through the motions with Cena and Orton again.
He should retire Hornswoggle. <--I called it.

But seriously, besides a little chuckle now and then, what is the reason for a guy that can't technically wrestle anyone? He runs out of the ring and back in and there's your 10 Count. I know a lot of people are bashing Sheamus in this thread but give the devil his due, he is not Hornswoggle.

Could put him over as a face. I mean how many of us can really keep a straight face if Sheamus came out week after week, grabs a microphone and seriously says."I retired Hornswoggle!!!"

On second thought, honestly I'd rather have Orton retire Wee Man. One punt and that goes down in history ladies and gentleman.
I like most of your suggestions, especially the Sheamus-Finlay idea. I'm sure Finlay wouldn't mind going out to a fellow Irishman and he seems to be loved by the kids, so that would be a good way to draw some heel heat amongst the kids.
I must honestly admit, I don't see the reason for Sheamus to retire another wrestler, retiring Jamie Noble put something for him to brag about certainly, but retiring another one who seems to be on the way out of the business (as Widdows said, Finlay could be a potential target) doesn't seem fit if you ask me, there's nobody currently retiring at the level that would give Sheamus anything worth bragging about or putting him in a proper push that would help his career, Sheamus would have to retire someone below the upper mid-card or main event, and it would do absolutely nothing for his career rather than something to talk about, and lets be realistic, do we really care if he ends some mid-carders career (Finlay, Mike Knox, William Regal... Chavo? all people that would most likely be on their way out of the business, or have been in it long enough for them to be potentially considering retirement)

Personally I wouldn't really give a damn if he retired any of the above mentioned, except for maybe William Regal because I believe he could still do something for the business, work as an established enhancement talent, a manager, or retake the General Manager position.
I'd go with Sheamus putting Regal out next and then Finlay in the next year or so. Noble, Finlay and Regal are all going to be backstage guys and they are great tutors for the current and future superstars. Beating a guy down so bad they had to retire is instant credibility no matte who gets put out. Sheamus doesn't need it yet, but he needs to beat a few more upper card guys and not just Evan Bourne or Santino or Kofi all the time. MVP or Mark Henry or Chris Masters would be a nice start.
Why does sheamus have to be the only one considered to retire someone?

If he does need to retire someone it needs to be (un)fit finlay because he has become an awful competitor in ring and I think its his time to go.

On a side note, Horsnwoggle should be killed off, i hate that little ******!
Retiring Hornswoggle is the best thing that has been said on this post.(Only by a bit,i like the michael Cole thing,it would be awesome).

But seriously think about take out some one that the kids absolutely love,Automatic heat.
Even if he just injures him really really badly.How much heat did JBL get when McMahon hired him to take hornswoggle out.
And in the supplementy Draft have Finlay move to the same show as sheamus and then retire him in a fued over Hornsoggles injury.

Just my opinion.

Also having him be a monster heel Wrecking ball like Umaga would be awesome.

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