Does Sheamus Have A Point?

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
Sheamus got me thinking about something last night on Raw. After Morrison defeated Daniel Bryan, King Sheamus came out to cut his Royal Rumble hype promo. He said Morrison "was drowning in a pool of mediocrity" before their feud began. Sheamus also said he "forced Morrison to take his game to another level." Sheamus starts tearing into Morrison at 3:32.


Morrison has received his fair share of nice pushes in the past, but he really took off when the feud with Sheamus began. We were all wowed by the very entertaining Falls Count Anywhere match a while back on Raw, but the excitement didn't end with that much. Sheamus and Morrison would go on to produce a series of outstanding wrestling matches. Yeah, Sheamus eventually became The King by winning the King Of The Ring tournament, but Morrison received a shot at the WWE Championship by winning another stellar match with Sheamus at TLC.

As far as Sheamus goes, he has been riding a HUGE push since the end of 2009. He's enjoyed another WWE Championship reign, he's feuded with John Cena and Randy Orton, and he put Triple H on the shelf with a viscous attack at last year's Extreme Rules pay per view. Sheamus' momentum swing hasn't slowed down at all.

As far as Morrison goes, I don't think mentoring Eli Cottonwood on NXT could be considered as that big of a deal. He was in the Nexus VS Team WWE match at Summerslam, but none of these things can compare to what Sheamus has done. Although, when Morrison crossed paths with The Celtic Warrior, he began to sky rocket into the spotlight. I do think feuding with Sheamus helped Morrison out a lot, because let's face it, he really wasn't going anywhere before he locked up with Sheamus.

What do you think? Did feuding with Sheamus save Morrison?
I wouldn't go so far as to say it “saved” Morrison but I reckon it has helped him take his game to the next level, as Sheamus correctly pointed out.

The thing about Morrison, is that the WWE haven't really had the faith in him to allow him to have these feuds that would put him into the next gear. I would say that Sheamus is the first talent to actually go out of his way to put over Morrison and that is why it seems as though Sheamus is correct. “Drowning in a pool of mediocrity” is a little bit harsh but perhaps he is not too wide of the mark. Let's face it, the last person who could really say they had a feud with John Morrison was Drew McIntyre and that might have been one of the worst things I have ever seen in my life.

As I said though. No one has really given John Morrison the opportunity to impress. I think the WWE seen him as a good guy to have a round but not enough of a talent to really get behind for a long while and I am really glad that that seems to have changed, for the most part. Sure, he hasn't really accomplished anything with his latest push but at least people are sitting up and taking notice of his work now. Sheamus has been the perfect opponent for him and he hasn't really lost any of his momentum by losing to Morrison either because Morrison seems to be on that much of a tear right now.

Really, I wouldn't say that he is completely right. What I think was missing was a some faith on the part of the WWE. Morrison has always had the potential to thrill us and make us take note of him but the WWE seem to have really given him some license to show us that side of him lately. I reckon that Sheamus was just the lucky guy who got to go along for the ride with him.
Of course Sheamus forced Morrison to get on his level. Morrison would be absolutely nothing without Sheamus' help in propeling him into the upper mid card. If it weren't for Sheamus, there would be no doubt in my mind Morrison would've never gotten any kind of push, let alone a WWE Championship shot. Yesterday, while watching RAW during Morrison and Daniel Bryan's match, Morrison got the second biggest pop of the night. Which was very suprising. There no doubt, without a phenomenal heel, you don't get a phenomenal face. Morriso's feud with Sheamus gave him the spotlight to go with. Goiving Morrison the spotlight helped boost up Morrison's confidence to a level, in which I have never seen from him.

Without Sheamus, Morrison probably would still be hanging around with R-Truth. Sheamus suprisingly is still a rookie. But yet, he's already put over one of RAW's top faces. Morrison has never been looked at as championship material until his very impressive feud/ series of matches with Sheamus. John Morrison has definitely climed out of his 'mediocrity' hole and is now someone i cannot miss when watching RAW. I think Sheamus was indeed right on this one.
Sheamus Really Helped Morrison during the feud and Morrison looked fantastic but I think that the WWE has no confidence in Morrison to cut a Live promo and for me that is Very Important when considering if someone is a Main Event talent or someone that is going to be stuck "Drowning in mid-card mediocrity" as Sheamus put it. There is no doubt that Morrison has the in-ring ability and puts on great matches. Sheamus did everything he could to make Morrison look like GOLD. Now Morrison needs to improve his Mic work because for him to step up and became a Main Eventer he needs to improve and be more confident in his promos he doesn't have to be a Great promo guy but he needs to be Passable or Average, if he does this he could be a Main Eventer, if he does not I think he will be stuck "Drowning in mid-card mediocrity" like Sheamus said.
His matches or feud with Sheamus didn't save him but it definatly did wonders for his career as he is starting to get pushed to main-event status. I wouldn't really call him a main eventer just yet though. Yet, I see him reaching that soon after Royal Rumble. So basically Sheamus made him step up his A game as mentioned above.
JoMo just needs to be more intense. he needs to get super pissed and just start whiping guys asses then i believe the Universe will take him more seriously.
I think Sheamus definitely helped elevate Morrison to the next level. Sheamus was definitely close to being accurate when he said that JoMo was drowning in a pool of mediocrity, but he really came around right before his US Title match at Hell in a Cell, and that match really showed that he was ready to be pushed, at least in-ring-ability-wise.

The most powerful statements are true ones, and this sentiment still holds true in wrestling.
To be completely honest, the help has been mutual so far as both Sheamus and Morrison are concerned, but the fact that Sheamus had already been built up as a main event player before the feud began is, I think, the deciding factor here.

Sheamus was pushed to the main event practically from the beginning, suffering only one televised defeat before his first main event championship run (one loss to Goldust on ECW, correct me if I'm wrong.) He was booked as very dominant the whole time and at this point has only been pinned by main eventers (to my knowledge, although I think he got pinned once by Evan Bourne in a tag-team match after John Cena did the "work".) He's been put over time and time again, whether he deserves it or not, as a dominant main event heel.

Morrison, on the other hand, has been a mid-carder his entire career (top of the mid-card, I'll grant you, but mid-carder nonetheless.) His feud with Sheamus is pretty much what has brought him into the main event, i.e.: Morrison is considered main event only because he is across the ring from a main eventer. If this is what Sheamus means by having forced him to take his game to another level, then he's right. A more correct translation might be that WWE creative is allowing Morrison to step up to the next level of priority among the roster, from mid-carder to main eventer.

The fact is, Morrison had what it took when it came to performance ability. All he needed was dominance, the winning of matches. The fact he's pulled some clean victories over Sheamus is what's working for Morrison at this time.
In kayfabe terms no, Sheamus is just being a heel, and in reality the bookers put them together and they had good matches, Morrison always had it in him they just finally gave him the big chance and he delivered in spades with a good opponent.
It's no coincidence that Morrison's push is timed more with the return of Tough Enough than Sheamus putting him over. As a former winner, potentially headlining Wrestlemania with another in Miz, it's a great advert for the show when it returns...
Sheamus was pushed to the main event practically from the beginning, suffering only one televised defeat before his first main event championship run (one loss to Goldust on ECW, correct me if I'm wrong.) He was booked as very dominant the whole time and at this point has only been pinned by main eventers (to my knowledge, although I think he got pinned once by Evan Bourne in a tag-team match after John Cena did the "work".) He's been put over time and time again, whether he deserves it or not, as a dominant main event heel.

Just one major correction on this note: Sheamus also got pinned by a comedy act known as Santino. That pin is pretty much what started the Morrison-Sheamus feud in the first place.

Sheamus has done an amazing job the past 2 years winning over the WWE fans and the internet who first refused to give the guy any credit for his obvious talents and his passion for the sport. Now he's helping bring another guy to his level without making himself seem like a midcarder. That's what true main event talent does. Pretty impressive.
sheamus is like a establish main eventer a win over him is something big but not to exagerate. Jomo has been always big with the fans but now hes getting the big deal and lets see if he will finally become world champion.
I don't know if I would go so far as to say that Sheamus "saved" John Morrison, but JoMo is in a much healthier place in his career than he's been in years due in large part to his feud with Sheamus.

When Morrison failed the WWE Wellness Policy about 2.5 years ago, it basically sent his career spinning into the realm of mediocrity. It's kind of an unofficial thing that when you fail the Wellness Policy in the WWE, your career tends to come to a standstill. Regal failed a few years back, not long after he won the 2008 King of the Ring and I imagine he would've gotten a good push from that. Mr. Kennedy failed once as well and, even if you factor out all the time he spent injured and off tv, his career in WWE was never the same. When Jeff Hardy failed the Wellness Policy, his push was stopped and it was over a year until he was back in the main event picture. And it happened to JoMo when he failed back in 2008.

Morrison really started to get pushed about 5 months ago during his brief feud with Chris Jericho. Morrison looked like a star against Jericho, so they put him in the middle of the Daniel Bryan/Miz feud and he looked like a star there. The feud with Sheamus is what was ultimately needed for Morrison to get over. Sheamus is a young heel that's very over with the audience, he's been a solidified main eventer for over a year, feuded with the likes of John Cena, Triple H & Randy Orton and is a 2 time WWE Champion. Sheamus is just the kind of guy you want to feud with someone that you're trying to elevate to the next level.

To Morrison's credit, he did indeed kick it up to another level and has shown a lot of people that he does have the stuff. The only thing that's missing at this point seems to be the mic work. Morrison hasn't been on the mic all that much since his push really kicked into high gear. When he was on the mic, however, he did ok with the time he was given. He didn't embarass the crap out of himself so any improvement is a good thing. If Morrison can eventually show that he's solid on the mic, then I have little doubt his place in the main event/upper mid-card scenes will be solid.
I definitely think Sheamus has done a great job getting Morrison over as a main event level star. Morrison has been on the edge of reaching the next level for what seems to be a very long time. For whatever reason it just didn't happen. Most people myself included would have picked him over The Miz to be a world champion first. That obviously didn't happen just like other pushes he received didn't go anywhere.

In my opinion Morrison is ready for a world title reign and if this push goes nowhere. All the hard work Sheamus put in their feud and putting him over would be a waste of time. Sheamus may be the first major step on his way to a world title. Not sure if it will happen but if he wins the Rumble and goes on to win the title at Wrestlemania. A lot of credit would have to go to Sheamus for making him look like a worthy main eventer.
I'd have to completely agree with you on this one. Sheamus made Morrison. Sure Morrison was a star back then, and everyone said "This man is headed for big things this year" every year. But it never happened. He was always a mid card star. Sheamus made Morrison a main eventer. I was actually kind of pissed of at him squaring off with Daniel Bryan this past monday, because i took it as a sign that Morrison was going to be pushed back to the mid card. But truth be told, Sheamus made Morrison. I was expecting for HHH to cost Sheamus an amazing ladder match at TLC, but it didn't happen, Morrison won clean, and it made the match that much more amazing.

The reason it was so amazing to see him win clean, was just that, because he won clean. He won clean against the guy with the second biggest year in 2010 (the first being Miz of course). He beat the guy TWICE on pay per view. And honestly, who needed a new gimmick more? Sheamus or Morrison? Sheamus did. Sheamus hasn't had one except for being "The Celtic Warrior", which is really just a Irish Monster. They needed to make him the King of The Ring Over Morrison. Now alot of you are going to say something like "OH WHATEVER! YOU'RE STUPID GET OFF THE INTERNET! MORRISON NEEDS A GIMMICK BADLY!"

That is false. He already has one. His gimmick is being the next heart break kid. He has the look and the style. He has even mocked HBK at times in their matches against each other (check Survivor Series 2008, he tried to Super kick HBK) and he has a similar in ring style. Morrison's gimmick the Heart Break Kid of the New Era. He's always had this gimmick, but it wasn't really noticed by WWE until they put him in a fued with Sheamus. They had to have looked at him and realized "wow. HBK is gone, i think this kid is the next guy."

So yes, Morrison was drowning in mediocrity before Sheamus, he was unrecognized for his talents(no one would have noticed what he does until he didn't do it). I will say this. If Morrison enters #1 In The Royal Rumble this year, and wins, i was right. So yeah...little rambling..
The matches with Sheamus most definately showcased Morrison's abilities.

Do those matches get attributed to Sheamus?
Do those matches get attributed to the booker/writer?
Do those matches get attributed to Morrison?

It was a good speech by Sheamus, but remember that he is a heel. It was a heelish speech. Of course the Sheamus character will take credit for the rise of the Morrison character.

But the work, the time, the athleticism...I would say that the booker/writer knew how well Sheamus and Morrison could work together. Morrison got to show off a new evolution of his character with the announcers focusing on his parkour skills and his unique abilities. Meanwhile while they were doing that, Sheamus was also looking pretty damn good in the ring. He wasn't putting over Morrison by not wrestling his best. He too was going all out.

The WWE and Vince McMahon put over Morrison by having him and Sheamus deliver PPV quality matches on RAW.
I know someone was going to make this stone cole ******ed thread as soon as I heard this promo.

Listen, the promo was smark bait. You're being worked. All this does is make Sheamus look better than he really is. He suddenly looks like a king maker who brought someone up to his level because of an innate ability to do so. The truth? John Morrison spent the beginning and middle of this year playing with insignificant pieces of garbage like Ted DiBiase and R-Truth. That's what killed his momentum. A feud with a headliner helped him get his steam back, as did his matches with Chris Jericho. So why is everybody so impressed with Sheamus? He could have feuded with any headliner. As long as he's getting the time and attention he's been getting from booking these past few months, he's going to rise up the ranks. It's not rocket science and it has nothing to do with Sheamus.
Well, certainly Sheamus has forced Morrison to step up his game, just like Morrison would have been forced to do had he feuded with any other main eventer. Its not like only Sheamus has this capability to make midcarders like Morrison step up their game. As for the promo, I liked it. It made Sheamus look good as well as heelish at the same time and took nothing away from Morrison. As we have seen in this thread, you can look at it from Sheamus' point of view and it will seem correct and you can see it from Morrison's point of view and again the promo is perfectly explainable. Nothing too flash but extremely effective.
I agree somewhat with Coco in that Morrison is benefitting more from some decent booking for the first time since his Wellness Policy violation.

You could also say that Irishman, a young heel still trying to make his way in the global business, has been using Morrison as much to further demonstrate his reliability to management than to elevate Morrison.

I would say that Morrison has been helped by Sheamus, not through any "king-making" ideas, but because the two have them have good chemistry in the ring and I think that it is that, along with his matches with Jericho and his past with Miz, that got Morrison into the upper reaches of the card.
I think the Sheamus/Morrison feud has paid off for both guys quite frankly. They have amazing chemistry together, and Sheamus seems as if he's grasped the concept of helping a longer match flow better, and Morrison seems to be working at a main event level. Not too mention Morrison is the most over he's ever been in his career since this feud started. If you saw his match against Daniel Bryan the other night, the crowd was reacting to his every move.
Hitman-HBK is making a pretty valid point. I think it is benefitting both of them. However, the wellness policy violation does tend to leave a lasting mark in the file folder of JoMo's record. Then you look at the fact that Sheamus is one that is very well liked behind closed doors by HHH, and that is something that cannot be over-looked. Does that gloss over his talent? No. I still think Sheamus and Morrison feud saved them both. Otherwise we would have been stuck with two immensely talented persons jobbing to people who were very beneath them in terms of skills, and charisma, and sheer talent. Now, granted, this is just my opinion, and sadly, I'm in the minority who happens to be more a rallier for the heels side. But I think Sheamus' speech the other night was by far a true calling, that JoMo did have many good pushes in the past, and still can't seem to overcome that "Always a bridesmaid, never a bride" saying. JoMo is kinda to Raw what Kofi is to Smackdown. Sadly will be a mid-card personality. Not that it dilutes their talent, but it does kind of tell you that the bookers, or shows you who runs the booking. But still, everyone does get their run, and at least people are getting a run. There are some people you have to wonder "Why the hell do they even get a run?" in the first place? But like the beauty of this board, that is what the freedom of speech is. I don't hate John Morrison, but he is still far from one of my favorites in WWE today. But I still have to give him credit for that hellacious stint he went with Sheamus. But I'm more with Sheamus on this. Go team Ginger! :headbanger:
I think Sheamus is right to a degree. Little rough as far as what he said, but it's fairly true. Sheamus is one of the rare young talents that's willing to help the veterans out or mid carders trying to get into the main event scene. Their feud was surprisingly good and Morrison has just been on fire! Sheamus has a point for sure and he could be like Jericho in a sense that he's helping other talent get over.
Sheamus is IMO the best at carrying a feud, or at least right up there. Morrison did take off thanks to beating the Celtic Warrior. Hopefully Sheamus will carry on the feud and finish it.
i think some of you are forgetting that in 2009, before he won the intercontinental championship and for about a week or two afterwards, Morrison was getting pops that were equal to, or even greater than the pops he's been receiving now.

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