Does Miz Need Flair....?


The Miz a former WWE Champion who has completed everything a heel can do. A guy who has AWESOME mic skills. MizTv has is building him as a tremendous face in my opinion. Since day one I thought The Miz Face Turn has been great. It excited me and WWE creative did a brilliant job on the way they did the face turn. Now on to my point of this thread.

Does The Miz need Ric Flair?
Im going to say no but, In honestly i think it works but wont be bad. it wont hurt him because fans still cheer for guys like Miz who stand up for legends the Miz or other faces look up to.

Do you like the Miz/Flair pairing of Ric Flair being the manger for Miz? I do because its different and Flair can help segments and storylines be interesting.

Will Ric Flair help Miz reach to the WWE Champion picture again?
Yes. Miz will be WWE Champion in 2013.
It's tough getting a read on how successful Miz's face turn is. He gets some cheers, but they don't seem very loud. (This is always tough to judge on tv, however.) Sure seems like Alberto Del Rio is getting louder pops already.

Miz is tough because he's such a natural heel, with that smug look and demeanor. It's kind of hard to like him, and EASY to hate him. Of course, I thought the same thing about Del Rio, whose turn is going FAR better than I ever expected.

As for Flair, I don't know if it will help to keep him around. His speech is noticeably compromised, and that's going to make viewers uneasy. Sure old-school fans will still love him, but people who don't remember when Rick Flair was RIC FLAIR might just be creeped out.
Lol. Awesome Mic Skills?
The guys heavily overrated on the mic.....I find him one-dimensional.
Face Miz has been terrible in my opinion and he seems to have the fit for an upper mid-card guy with his current role. I don't think he'll be world champ this year.
And Flair? Hopefully Flair can teach Miz HOW to lock in a figure four if anything.
Does The Miz need Ric Flair?
Yes, The Miz does need Flair. Miz's face turn so far has been pretty damn hard to get behind because of how incredibly cheesy he has become. His turn just seems like it has been pushed in our faces. Miz cannot pull off a face character without someone like Flair endorsing him. It's pretty damn hard to not give a crap about someone when Ric Flair is in their corner.
Do you like the Miz/Flair pairing of Ric Flair being the manger for Miz?
I've seen better. It would certainly help if Ric Flair and The Miz were simply clicking with one another. Their MizTV segment a couple of weeks back just seemed entirely awkward and incredibly fake. It doesn't seem right that Flair would give Miz of all people, permission to use his Figure Four Leglock. The pairing seems too faked for me to care about.
Will Ric Flair help Miz reach to the WWE Champion picture again?
Never say never, but I can't see it. Miz has fallen quite a bit since his days as WWE Champion. It's going to take a lot more than the rest of this year to repair the damage that has been done. Turning him face - whether I like it or not- is the start of repairing The Miz to his former glory. With Ric Flair's help, I'm hopeful we will start seeing a lot more improvement from the Miz as a babyface.
Flair is always gonna be awesome even a hundred years after his death. He's my favorite wrestler of all time, but, I must say Miz doesn't need him. Miz is just floating right now and needs something to get him back to where he was a couple of years ago but Ric Flair is not it (AND MIZ NEEDS TO DROP THE FIGURE FOUR. It makes Dusty Rhodes' look like Bret Hart). What Miz needs is a high profile feud with a high profile heel. Him and Cesaro could go at it and it would probably be pretty good. Miz is not in need of a manager he just needs some guidance.
Flair could help him make the full transition to being a well-rounded face as Flair has tremendous experience in turning from one to the other at a rapid rate. Ric knows what mannerisms to adopt and to eliminate in order to make The Miz's time as a face a success and what to say and do to signify a change in character. Therefore, the pairing should most certainly continue for Miz's sake... and for our Nature Boy viewing pleasure.
If you mean Flair helping him behind the scenes with mannerisms or how to get the crowd to cheer you without totally sucking up to them, then ok. However, if you think they should somehow continue an on-screen partnership of some sort, then hell no. That MizTV segment with Flair was AWFUL for both Flair and Miz. When Flair appears in a WWE ring these days, I don't see the "Nature Boy", I see an old man that pissed away all his money and is desparate for a pay-cheque. Sorry to the Flair fans, but that's the reality. I said it when Flair was in TNA and I'll say it now, if he contributes behind the scenes by helping the young guys then having him there is a good thing. But if Flair is only there to help Flair, then the WWE doesn't need him.

The Miz doesn't need Flair to be his manager or mentor, or whatever. The Miz has been WWE Champion. In fact before Punk's reign, The Miz's title reign was the last one to mean anything. I realize that being a babyface is something new for Miz, but if he can't be a successful face on his own, then it really wasn't mean't to be. I do think Flair or any other of the agents need to teach Miz how to apply the figure-4 if he's going to use it on a regular basis.
Flair can give Miz the rub he needs to be taken seriously again. Hopefully it leads down the track to a betrayal and a massive heel turn for Miz, and a main event push. He needs to lose the comedy, leave that shit to Santino
He doesn't need Ric Flair but it helps. Having him around increases the importance of everything the Miz does. I think The Miz is capable of reaching the top once more without Flair but it can only help. He will only be around for a short time so it wouldn't have any damaging outcomes.
I don't think WWE has anything in mind for Miz and Flair, not in the long term. Miz is simply squiring Flair back into the position he belongs.....but neither guy has need for the other on a continuing basis.

For sure, neither man needs the other as a mouthpiece; they're both quite capable of talking for themselves, so I can't imagine what good would come from a pairing like that.

On the other hand, I believed the idea of putting two "talkers" like C.M. Punk and Paul Heyman together would be a measure that would last a couple of weeks at best, and look how wrong that turned out to be.

The only warning I'd give here about Flair is that his mic skills might be fading along with his overall on-air personality. If that's so (and I hope it isn't) he might need someone at his side. After all, while Miz was applying Flair's old signature Figure-4 to an opponent, we watched Flair dancing the Funky Chicken around the ring, pausing to throw an elbow smash to a jacket lying on the mat. It looked ridiculous and made me wonder if Ric has any gamesmanship left.

At any rate, I doubt the Miz-Flair "team" is anything but temporary ....perhaps, we've seen the last of it already. Neither guy needs the other......but Miz definitely doesn't need the Nature Boy. When you think about it, Miz' good guy personality is exactly the same as his heel act. He's quite capable of handling his own schtick.
Everyone the Flair has managed (except for Triple H) hasnt done that well long term. Recently in TNA Flair managed AJ Styles to a flop of a championship run. during this period all eyes were on Flair and not AJ. But that could be because Styles wasnt on the same level (presence wise) as Flair. The Miz can hold his own but would have to try really hard to not be over shadowed by Flair in promos.

So the question does the Miz need Flair?? uhm yes and no. Yes that getting the rub from Flair could help as long as Miz is the centre of attention during promos. And no because lets face it the Miz does have the skills and drive to make it on his own without Flair.

If the Miz starts coming down in bedazzled coats then i will start bitching.
I'm not really a fan of the idea of Miz being managed by Flair. The pairing comes off as akward, much like Miz's face turn has been so far. They do not seem like the type to team up at all. It could benefit Miz in the sense that Flair could help him work on his in-ring skills both within kayfabe and in real life if they work together. It's still something I would give a chance even though it doesn't seem to fit at first. At the moment I doubt Miz needs Flair as a manager, although I will still give the angle a chance if WWE ultimately decide to go that route in a more long term basis.

Could Flair help Miz win the WWE Championship again or the World Heavyweight Championship? Probably. Miz is already a former world champion and former Wrestlemania main eventer, so he has that to get himself back into the world title scene and having Flair help him can get him there faster. When it comes down to it.... Miz doesn't really need this. If it leads to Miz adding more to his in-ring moves and gets to a world title reign faster, cool. If it leads to Miz becoming a failed attempt at a Flair clone like TNA tried to do with AJ Styles, NOT cool. I hope that's not the direction this would be headed in.
I reject the idea that the Miz has done "all he can" as a heel. He's been WWE Champion, Intercontinental Champion, United States Champion and Tag Team Champion on several occasions. But those are just statistics; accolades added to his Wikipedia page. What has he actually done during that time? I enjoyed his heel run as WWE Champion, but you can't say he's done "all he can". Somebody like Ric Flair has done all he can as a heel. Triple H has done all he can as a heel. The Miz simply had a short run where he was very hot, and very good at getting people to despise him.

I was excited about the Miz turning face. It made sense, given that he's constantly doing media spots for the WWE, and pretty much acts like a face whenever he's not on TV. But the thing I took for granted is how obnoxious the guy is by default. It's not just his character that's good at drawing heat - he himself is a really annoying person. And now he's a face, saying super cheesy things, trying to draw cheap pops, but 9 times out of 10 I just want to "boo" the hell out of him.

WWE has been extremely laissez faire with Miz's face turn too, which hasn't helped. They didn't really ever "turn him" face, so much as they just put him into a scenario with Mick Foley and hoped the crowd caught on. And now he's essentially playing the same character, but going for cheap pops every now and again. I think fans are just confused, and have no idea what to do with him.

Ric Flair, in my opinion, is completely wasted on the Miz. If he were still a heel, than maybe I could see it working. But Flair is being used as nothing but a walking, talking pop machine for a "meh" face talent that isn't getting over being a good guy. People don't want to cheer the Miz. Much like they didn't want to hate Jim Ross or like Michael Cole, people just don't want Miz to be their knight in shining armor. It just doesn't work for him. And Ric Flair is one of the all-time greats; in some people's opinion, he IS the all-time great. I still think he'd be a much better match for somebody like Dolph Ziggler. Maybe even - and this is out there - Randy Orton with a fresh heel turn.
He doesn't need Flair, I was thinking Flair with Ziggler would of been better, but they forced this turn too slow, they should of done it during a match or post match for a save or something, Miz could pull it off, but he's gonna need some time, thats all, Ziggler is almost there, Flair would of been the nail in the coffin to get him to the next step of his career, but Miz and Flair should make for good TV, If only Miz learns how to apply that figure four properly.
I don't think The Miz necessarily needs Flair but it does add to the whole storyline set up thats for sure. Some of the guys and gals that remember Flair in his hay day may be intrigued with what he has to show in the new, modern wwe. I think Miz has to get out of this whole MizTv thing as its a bit stale and has the same sort of appeal as a Divas match. The crowd simply want to see a Skull Crushing Finale rather than The Miz rant on that it is the most must see talkshow of all time ( which was Piper's Pit imo ).
When I first heard that Flair was going to be aligned with The Miz, I loved the idea, although I sort've liked The Miz as a face, I didn't think that what he was doing (the corny, generic jokes and doing other things to get cheap pops) were going to get over. But I was still more than willing to give his face-turn a shot, and like I said, it seemed like a good idea on paper.

But oh lord, has it been bad. I don't know exactly what it is, but the segment between Cesaro, Miz, and Flair on RAW a few weeks ago was one of the most forced and awkward things I've ever seen. For whatever reason, Flair and Miz don't work well together... and it came to the point where I couldn't stop cringing. Part of it I think is Flair's fault and that he just doesn't have it anymore, it could be Miz's fault... but he's been able to mesh well with others very well in the past.

I think they need to do something DRASTIC with Miz and his face-turn right now, I'd even say, go as far as what they did with Alberto... maybe not World Championship level but give him the US Championship when he faces Cesaro on Sunday. I don't know if they could really do that though because Cesaro has been a fine US Champion... but if it's not that... I don't really know what to do to get Miz over.

I don't know Flair's exact schedule, I've heard he's going to Japan for a few weeks, I think we should at least give the pairing a shot... maybe eventually they'll click... but I'm afraid if they don't, Miz is ruined.
I think the Miz has always been inaccurate at best as a heel and when he first turned face I took a steaming shit all over it. But I have to say his face run is growing on me more each week. While I think he has the mic skills to carry himself it definitely doesn't hurt having Flair at his side; so long as he doesn't let Naitch overshadow him.

Maybe it's the nostalgia in me but I'm thrilled at the idea of Miz bringing back the Figure Four as a finisher. He's not half bad at applying it either, and that's something he's only going to get better at over time. The major thing Miz is lacking from in-ring work was psychology, and his ability to work over the knee in a Flair-esque fashion will add a bit to that.

I don't necessarily want them to make Miz into the next "Nature Boy", but I appreciate the direction he and the WWE are taking his character. He's leaps and bounds ahead in the ring and on the mic from where he started, and anybody that's hating on him at this point are just bitter with his success.

This whole ordeal could burn up and be a complete failure resulting in a bland Miz heel turn again, but I'm definitely interested to see where the "Nature Miz" is headed.
The problem with Flair as a manager is that in any segment he's in, Flair is about getting Flair over. He's been that way for a long time and his work in TNA reflected it as well. I honestly don't think any wrestler is "better off" with Flair as a manager and they certainly don't "need" him.
I think the Miz needs Ric Flair as much as A. J. Styles needed Ric Flair (that means Yes, he needs Ric Flair). The Miz right now could use a Stable behind him. It’s ture that Face Stables don’t usually amount to much, keyword usually. Fourtune was a Face Stable for most of their run and look how successful every member turn out to be. Now, as far as who should be in the Stable, well, that’s for another topic at another time…Miz and 3MB?? No, no, save it for another time.
I don't think Miz needs Flair, and I don't think Flair needs Miz. To me they are just an awkward pairing with no chemistry whatsoever. Some of the things that Miz has been doing since his face turn are so completely out of character for him that it makes everything feel forced. He "respects" Flair? Admires him? Since when has The Miz EVER said that about ANYONE before? It just seems so forced and out of character for him. Just like using Flair's mannerisms. I get that Miz is trying to get a new face character over, but it just seems to awkward.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm glad that they finally turned Miz face, but they've changed him too much in my opinion. And adding Flair doesn't make much sense to me. I think Flair would be better off managing someone that REALLY needs the push. Miz has been able to get decently over on his own without help before, and while I think he could use maybe a little coaching BACKSTAGE from Flair, the on screen pairing just doesn't do it for me.

I think someone like Alex Riley, a face Jack Swagger, Mason Ryan, or maybe even Zack Ryder could benefit more from Flair than the Miz could. Miz has already had an established run and can get over as a face on his own if he puts enough effort in. The four guys I mentioned could use some help. Ryder could benefit greatly promo-wise from Flair, Riley could learn better ring psychology, Mason Ryan could become relevant, etc. Flair could just be used much better than pairing up with The Miz.
They just don't have chemistry. The Miz is best with someone like the Rock or Jericho, Flair fits somebody like Dolph Ziggler more, who really does not need to be running around with AJ and the muscled up version of Chicago from Poetic Justice.

I would actually take Flair with AJ over Flair with Miz. Even though AJ as Flair Jr. was unnatural, it had a payoff at the end of the day and that was give AJ more of a prescence on the microphone (AJ was never really bad), and it made him entertaining.
Need? No.
I thought Flair giving him the figure four was pretty cool. it has always been one of my favorite submissions. Flair giving his blessing makes it a finisher. It would help if Miz uses it to win a couple squash matches.
Miz was a WWE champion? Man those days had to be terrible for the WWE. Miz is very corny on the mic and isn't that believable as a wrestler. He does a good job trying to sell it but for some reason I just have never been able to buy it. Partly because he was on the Real World. Partly because he is annoying as hell, not an appealing Owen Hart kind of way but in an actually cringe worthy kind of way.

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