Does Mason Ryan have potential above Batista?


Do I have everybody's attention now

Reminds me of someone...(Crickets)

I'll get right to it then, do you think Mason Ryan has potential equal to, if not more than Boctis--I mean Batista? Now granted neither of these men are DBD when it comes to the ring but in my opinion Ryan has some wrestling potential and I believe that he CAN go far as a monster heel if he made some adjustments to his arsenal.

Here's a couple of his matches. The first one is between R-Troof and the second one's from his FCW days. Judge for yourself.
From what I've seen (and I didn't watch the videos provided), Mason Ryan, in terms of being in the WWE, is slow and green... both in ring and on mic. Batista was a little cooler and more exciting, because he wasn't a zombie, though he may have been a bit of a tool, but in a different sense of the word than Ryan.
Mason Ryan wasn't quite given an adequate chance. And remember when Batista debuted he was pushed. Ryan debuts to be a bodyguard. So non-FCW watchers have no idea what he can do just yet, and probably won't find out for a long time. Just like with Daniel Bryan.
If they bring Ryan back in he will have to grow on us, like Bryan grew on me... like Batista grew on me, but he actually had the chance to prove himself whereas Mason Ryan is given the shelf treatment.
From what I've seen (and I didn't watch the videos provided), Mason Ryan, in terms of being in the WWE, is slow and green... both in ring and on mic. Batista was a little cooler and more exciting, because he wasn't a zombie, though he may have been a bit of a tool, but in a different sense of the word than Ryan.
Mason Ryan wasn't quite given an adequate chance. And remember when Batista debuted he was pushed. Ryan debuts to be a bodyguard. So non-FCW watchers have no idea what he can do just yet, and probably won't find out for a long time. Just like with Daniel Bryan.
If they bring Ryan back in he will have to grow on us, like Bryan grew on me... like Batista grew on me, but he actually had the chance to prove himself whereas Mason Ryan is given the shelf treatment.

I read the first sentence, and I anticipate it is your main idea, because I agree. Mason Ryan is the definition of a rookie superstar. He thinks he knows what he's doing in the ring and on the mic, but he isn't quite as good as he thinks. He's big and drags around in the ring. He tends to almost mess around and make big eyed faces. If he were to work more, he could be above Batista. But as of now, he is a poor man's Batista. Not as good at talking, and a little scrappy in the ring.
And remember when Batista debuted he was pushed. Ryan debuts to be a bodyguard.
Batista actually debuted as a "bodygaurd" for Devon. He did get a push earlly on but still he had the same start, if not worse than Ryan.
I feel that given time Ryan can match Batista if not pass him he just needs to be in the right feuds and work his way to being more fluid in the ring and on the mic.
I think it's really to early to tell with Mason. Don't get me wrong, he's got a good look and the fact that he does look a lot like Batista may actually work for him in that much of the fanbase is comfortable at least with this look. Still, he's pretty much just a big man at this point and, from what I've seen, he doesn't talk much. I haven't even seen him cut a promo or even add his voice to one being cut, so I can't really judge.

Until we see him in some solid singles matches, get into a feud, and actually prove he can work the mic, I really can't make any judgement on his potential. At this point, he's more or less just a deaf mute adding his muscle to group attacks, which really is no indication of a person's ability.
I Think he can reach the "Batista" standard, I mean (no to disrespect Batista and his constant coughing) but its not that hard!!! What were Batista's weapons:
1.- he was huge.....
2.- emmmm .....just to have a number 2 ill say he had decent mic skills.

His moves were lame, the batista bomb was a shame (never lifted high enough) and was predictable.

If wwe is looking for a new Muscle I think Mason has the lead.
I rarely watch WWE because i'm more of a TNA fan (yeah yeah sue me), but from what i have seen of Mason Ryan i think he could have potential. Remember Kevin Nash when he debuted in WWE? He was the bodyguard of HBK and then went to have great success in his career. Batista was the same in Evolution and had good success. What helps Ryan is that he is fairly young so he has time on his side.
I don't think so. It sometimes seems like he can't even focus on the camera lens for his photographer, and instead looks at the photographer, as in that picture.

In the ring he seems very, very green and at times completely unsure as to what to do next. If anything, he'll continue to be used simply for his resemblance to Batista. If they can't make an impressive supermonster beast out of big 'zeke, then not this guy.
Mason Ryan def. has "the look" but from what I've seen so far, like three matches, he hasn't impressed me. Like someone else said he looks slow and although he's huge he doesn't seem to have the big power moves you'd expect. However he is just a rookie so there is a lot of time for him to get better but as of right now I don't see him being better than Batista but we'll see.
Its too early to judge him, give him some time. But from what i've seen of him in WWE, i've not been impressed with. His in ring ability sucks. He looks lost and confused in the ring, like it seems he doesnt no what he's doing. Although all together he's had like a minute of mic time, his mic skills suck too, but that's probably because he's speaking Welsh on the mic and not in English. He has a great look and i do belive he could fill the shoes of Batista but he needs to improve a lot before he can do that.
At the moment. No.

Not even close.

You can see he is very conscious of how he carries himself in the ring and his facial expressions are Too Much and in the Wrong Places.

Also watching him breath through his mouth is actually disgusting. Imagine standing in front of that breathing its lunch all over your face.

So maybe if he can fix his flaws he'll be able to because they're not exactly things that are beyond changing. Who knows..
I think Mason Ryan is very unlucky to have entered the WWE at this
specific time.

They have a plethora of British, monster heels in Wade Barrett, Sheamus and Drew McIntyre, all with huge, long-term potential.

If he is going to be as big as Batista or surpass him, they need to keep him quiet as his mic skills are vastly below the other Brits. He needs a manager along the lines of Paul E Dangerously/Harley Race who both did great jobs with Brock and Vader in establishing their credibility.

Great potential, shame about the timing.
I think its too early to determine the fate of Mason Ryan vs Batista. From his own account, Mason Ryan's in-ring skills and mic work are still a bit green. In addition, he's not being promoted very well by the WWE. Keep in mind, Batista had the luxury of being involved with the one of the greatest wrestling stables of all time in Evolution. Batista's role as the enforcer of this group led by the biggest heel in the industry, generated exposure for his character, week after week. The New Nexus pales in comparison to Evolution and CM Punk as the leader, could be considered the fourth best heel in the WWE (Miz, Cole and Del Rio). If Mason Ryan could be paired up with Miz, I think that would help his character's exposure and maybe his skills will mature to a level of comparison with Batista.
Mason Ryan is the signature "big guy" WWE have been looking for since Batista left. Despite the fact that most here don't like him, I always rated Batista and his departure left a void that has yet to be filled. Sheamus is not the same kind of big guy - he's big, but not put together like Batista was and his character is very different. Mason Ryan has tons of potential. He put on a decent match against Orton on Raw this week. He just has "the look" that will most likely take him very far and he's still a relatively young guy.

WWE needs a new monster - shame it couldn't be Skip Sheffield, but Mason Ryan makes skip Sheffield look like X-Pac, in terms of physique.
I read the first sentence, and I anticipate it is your main idea, because I agree. Mason Ryan is the definition of a rookie superstar. He thinks he knows what he's doing in the ring and on the mic, but he isn't quite as good as he thinks. He's big and drags around in the ring. He tends to almost mess around and make big eyed faces. If he were to work more, he could be above Batista. But as of now, he is a poor man's Batista. Not as good at talking, and a little scrappy in the ring.

I dont know if you can say that really because Ryan himself said he doesnt know why WWE are pushing him and he knows he's green in ring and on the mic.

At the moment he is very much a robot that does everything in the script word for word it seems. He needs to open up a little and joining the New Nexus wasnt the best way to debut him. WWE should after Nexus either put him in FCW or push him to the moon with a manager/wrestler like Punk or Goldust even.
this is my first ever posting or reply in any post.
so pls EXCUSE ME for anything wrong i say.
Well! Mr. batistwo i.e mason ryan has got gud looks,green ring ability and a mute sort of mic work.
Comparing him to the batista of his heydays would be better.
And as far as i know Batista was as similar to the qualities that i mentioned in his early days.
So,if mason works hard on every aspect to be a popular wwe superstar,he has to work his ass off.
thank you people
Its too early to tell but one thing I do know is that when Batista came up to the main roster he sucked major balls in the ring and ended up being a lot better than I ever thought he would become. That being said, Ryan definitely has the look and the strength. If he has the will to get better he could definitely be a major player in the future.
i think that Mason Ryan will have a better carear and become a better wrestler.Im predicting all this just off 1 thing.His age.Batista was getting turned away from the WcW POWERPLANT IN 2000 when that place had a roster filled with scrubs who made Mikey Whipwreck look like Nigel McGuiness.Batista didnt break into the WWE until he was 35Mason Ryan is like 24 or 25.So i am quiet confident Vince is going to give Mason EVERYTHING HE GAVE BATISTA.Then so much more becuse in 10 years(whitch batista didn't even wrestle)Mason will be the age Batista joined Eveloutio.And i am so sick & tired of people saying how green Mason is.Mason will tell that to any1 who ask's him.You guy's have short memories because Batista was put in Evolution over Mark Jindrak to cover up how green Batista was.& his heel turn before Mania Last year was the only time i heard him cutting good promos.(on mysterio & CeNa)Sad thing for Batista is he quit when he was about to become maybe 1 of the best heel's ever,maybe not ever,but best in a long time.
To be very honest I would NO for many reasons

1. His accent makes it so when he cuts promos words dont come out clearly

2. No one in WWE to get him over, Batista had Evolution to grow with HHH and Flair and always be attached to the top of the card stars in matches without actually having a personal feud with them , he had feuds with guys like HBK and Goldberg to make him a threat, He won the Rumble and had a HHH in his prime to play off of, and a Undertaker match at mania, no matter what Vince and the WWE does they wont be able to get him that kind of exposure on the card, AT BEST he gets the same to do list of Sheamus and Barrett that being Cena feud, Orton feud, then out on your own.

3. Batista was a genetic freak no matter who he was next to mason ryan next to cena is not the impressive.

4. Despite his size he move set have ZERO intesity Skip Sheffield had twice the intensity Mason Ryan has

Will he be ok or good yes will he reach a batista status absolutely not
Far too early to tell. As impressive as Batista looked as even back in his Deacon days it wasn't really until he got in Evolution that he began to start showing real growth and development all around. Ryan has no real equivalent in people he can get that sort of rub from at the moment.

He's not the worst big man I've seen in recent months (the big guy working with Tyson Kidd stunk up the place) but Mason Ryan has a long time to be even considered Batista 2.0 in anything beyond looks.

Batista had to work pretty hard to get to that point and eventually became credible. Working with the likes of Flair HHH, HBK, Cena, Orton, Edge, Taker and others made him who he became. Ryan looks good, but I don't know if he has much more than that.

Ask me again in a year or so.
I am a huge fan after watching him in the UK version of Gladiators, and I think he needs a lot of work to become a big player in WWE. It is only the start of his career in the E however and I think that given time he will only get better.

He needs to work on his mic skills(and in ring ones obviously), but more than anything at times he looks a little lost when in the ring with the rest of Nexus, and his facial expressions really need some work.

Kids got potential though, no doubt, and has a great look of a monster heel.

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