Does Kobe Bryant Catch Michael Jordan In Titles And/Or Total Points?


Brilliant Idiot
As of right now, Kobe Bryant has 5 championships with 27,868 total points. Michael Jordan has 6 championships and 32,292 points.

Both of Jordans feats seem hard to beat for Kobe Bryant at this point. Especially if the lockout robs him of a season. Without this season, it's going to be next to impossible, in truth. However, for arguments sake, let's assume he gets his three FULL seasons in and go from there.

The questions are.....

1. Will Kobe Bryant retire with 5, 6 or 7 championships? Or more? Explain.

2. Will Kobe Bryant retire having scored more total points than Michael Jordan? Why or why not?

Some things to keep in mind. This isn't about if either guy deserves them or anything along those lines. This is just a debate about the statistics, not what they may or may not mean.

Also, while the scoring ones means that he'd have to score 4,394 points in three seasons, it's not impossible. While that MIGHT seem unlikely, it means that if you assumed he made the playoffs in NONE of those years, he'd have 246 games. Which, if averaged out, would mean he needs to score around 17.9 points per game. Nothing so astronomical. Still, with his knee problems and what have you, it's nothing easy, either.

Final thing; be as objective as possible.

Go for it.
Both of Jordans feats seem hard to beat for Kobe Bryant at this point. Especially if the lockout robs him of a season. Without this season, it's going to be next to impossible, in truth. However, for arguments sake, let's assume he gets his three FULL seasons in and go from there.

Why are you only giving him three more seasons? I could see him playing five more without a lockout of this next season and even with one that's still four I could easily see him playing. Obviously as the seasons progress his productivity will go down but he'll still be a damn good player.

1. Will Kobe Bryant retire with 5, 6 or 7 championships? Or more? Explain.

I'm going to say six. I just can't see him getting shut out for the rest of his career with championships and I believe the Lakers front office will make the necessary moves to put them in a good position to win one more.

2. Will Kobe Bryant retire having scored more total points than Michael Jordan? Why or why not?

Yes. This one is a lot easier then the championship one. Averaging 18 points per game for three years will be nothing for him. Even with a shortened season next year I could see him getting it done in three years.
Why are you only giving him three more seasons? I could see him playing five more without a lockout of this next season and even with one that's still four I could easily see him playing. Obviously as the seasons progress his productivity will go down but he'll still be a damn good player.

I'm going to say six. I just can't see him getting shut out for the rest of his career with championships and I believe the Lakers front office will make the necessary moves to put them in a good position to win one more.

Yes. This one is a lot easier then the championship one. Averaging 18 points per game for three years will be nothing for him. Even with a shortened season next year I could see him getting it done in three years.

I don't see him playing 5 more seasons and if he does, he's going to have that Allen Iverson effect. Remember Iverson started declining fast when he turned 33 or 34. If it happened to Iverson i can definetly see that happening to Kobe, hell you already saw shades of him declining in the playoffs and he's only 32. But the only chance he has of getting 6 or 7 rings is if they get Dwight Howard. Other thn than that i don't see them getting past OKC in the future, or even Memphis. So all in all I don't see him catching any of Jordans stats.
I don't see him playing 5 more seasons and if he does, he's going to have that Allen Iverson effect. Remember Iverson started declining fast when he turned 33 or 34. If it happened to Iverson i can definetly see that happening to Kobe, hell you already saw shades of him declining in the playoffs and he's only 32. But the only chance he has of getting 6 or 7 rings is if they get Dwight Howard. Other thn than that i don't see them getting past OKC in the future, or even Memphis. So all in all I don't see him catching any of Jordans stats.

Allen Iverson and Kobe Bryant are two completely different players. Kobe is a lot more unselfish and bigger physically. One of the reasons for Iverson deteriorating was because he was 6 feet tall and 175 pounds soaking wet. Kobe has the physical attributes to play better for longer and unlike Iverson, Kobe's attitude won't prevent his current team or any other team from not wanting him in their locker room. Iverson still had the skills to play in the NBA but no team wanted his presence in their locker room.

Even if you are right and he only plays 3 more seasons, reaching Jordan on the point list is relatively easy. He only needs to average 18 points per game for 3 seasons which is nothing for him. I mean the guy still averaged 25 points per game last year and one or two years isn't all of the sudden going to drop him below 20 ppg.

As far as more titles go I could see 5 being his peak but with the moves the Lakers front office has made the last 10+ years I have a feeling they will do something big to get back on track. I don't see Kobe winning any more then one for the rest of his career but one more is still a realistic possibility.
I think Kobe can catch MJ in the titles department, but I don't know about scoring. Kobe is only one title away from tying Jordan in rings and depending on what the Lakers do this off-season, such as trade for Dwight Howard, I could definitely see them adding another title of two to the collection. Catching Jordan in points really all depends on how healthy Kobe is and can remain until the conclusion of his career. It is certainly possible that he could pass Jordan in points but he has to remain healthy to do so. However, I think it is much more likely that he will either tie or pass Jordan in titles then it is that he will end up with more points.
Why are you only giving him three more seasons? I could see him playing five more without a lockout of this next season and even with one that's still four I could easily see him playing. Obviously as the seasons progress his productivity will go down but he'll still be a damn good player.

I'm going to say six. I just can't see him getting shut out for the rest of his career with championships and I believe the Lakers front office will make the necessary moves to put them in a good position to win one more.

Yes. This one is a lot easier then the championship one. Averaging 18 points per game for three years will be nothing for him. Even with a shortened season next year I could see him getting it done in three years.

He has three years left on his contract, if I'm not mistaken. More importantly, I'm giving him 3 years at or near the level he's at now. If he played 5 years, the last two wouldn't be even a decent reflection of the player he is.

Still, 5 wouldn't completely shock me.
He has three years left on his contract, if I'm not mistaken. More importantly, I'm giving him 3 years at or near the level he's at now. If he played 5 years, the last two wouldn't be even a decent reflection of the player he is.

His contract is irrelevant. As long as he wants to keep playing the Lakers (or someone) will sign him. Even as his skills diminish somewhat and his level of play decreases he will still be better then most in the league and put up numbers which will contribute to him at the very least passing MJ in scoring.
I think Kobe can certainly catch Michael Jordan in total points...I do not think Kobe will ever win another NBA title, at least not with the Lakers. What is the one thing that all six of Michael's and all five of Kobe's titles have in common? Phil Jackson. The same Phil Jackson who said he is finished coaching. The sweep of the Lakers this year showed us just how slow and old this team is becoming. They will need to seriously rebuild if they want to be real title threats again, and do it without Phil Jackson. Then, when you consider that Kobe can score points regardless of how good the team is around him, but only one team can win the NBA title each year, I think the odds are definitely stacked against him.
Yes on both counts. I can't imagine the Lakers not winning another title. Listen, for people who this lockout will have a negative effect on Kobe is sadly mistaken. You do understand the toll his body has taken, right? The Olympics, all those postseason games. If the NBA gets locked out Kobe will have a year to rest his body. And we all know his mindset. This guy doesn't stop working. He is like MJ in that he will always find something to motivate him and push him to work at being the best. You don't think Kobe sat and watched the NBA fFinals and was pissed at the fact that he wasn't the one taking down the 3 head dragon that is the Miami Heat? He is going to come back more motivated than ever, and I see the Lakers getting the pieces necessary to make another run.

As far as points is concerned, that's a yes as well. 18 points for 3 years? Kobe could do that in his sleep. The guy takes care of himself and I'm sure that in the back of his mind as well, so I can see Kobe staying around long enough and playing at a level high enough to catch and surpass MJ.

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