Does Kane= Cash?

Tha Wolfpac

Hey Yo...
Hey Yo!

Now i ve been pondering on the career of Kane lately, because of his awesome hunt for his brother's attacker so far but that is a different thread so, With Kane's recent push which could potentially lead to a world title. Now my theory as to why Kane has never had a world championship reign because i dont think the E has faith in him to bring the cash. And we all know it's all about the moooneeyyyy!

Which brings me to my questions;
1) Is Kane a top draw?
2) Was he ever considered a top draw?
3) Do you agree with my opinon/s above why/why not?
4) No Spam

.Tha Wolfpac.
1) Is Kane a top draw?

Kane is not a top draw, never has been, never will be, if Kane was a top draw he would've been main eventing and holding world championships all the time, the only time Kane is anywhere near interesting in my eyes is when he's around Undertaker.

2) Was he ever considered a top draw?

Not at all, Kane has never been much more than a mid-card drawing person, and that's why he's stuck to the mid-card for the most of times.

3) Do you agree with my opinon/s above why/why not?

I don't necessarily think it's all about the money when looking at Kane, he's a loyal employee and while he's not a world class drawer, he's rewarded for his time spend with the company, he gets pushed most likely due to paying his dues for the company.

Kane was able to carry divisions in the mid-card, and tag team divisions by being champion, it means that WWE has and had faith in him for the most of times, they just don't see him as a world champion, which I don't blame them for, I don't see it neither, but I wouldn't mind him holding a world title.

4) No Spam

I don't get this question.

*Note to moderators* I apologize if this reply pops up a few extra times, Internet is bugging and sometimes it doesn't register my reply unless I refresh the page and in the past it has sometimes posted duplicate replies.
Which brings me to my questions;
1) Is Kane a top draw?
Well firstly the terms "top draw" and "proven draw" tend to be pretty useless, mainly because you'd have to ask every single person who attended/watched an even why they watched and that's never been done. But if your asking if Kane's worth tuning in for, not currently. Even with this new storyline it's really gonna go one of two ways either Kane fights Undertaker or Kane loses to Undertakers attacker and the attacker feuds with Undertaker afterwards. I don't care for either result.

2) Was he ever considered a top draw?
There's that word again, honestly yes in the 90's I tuned in to see Undertaker and Kane and in the early 2000's when it seemed he was getting a push I tuned in to see him lose to HHH every time they met. Since losing the mask not really.

3) Do you agree with my opinon/s above why/why not?
Do I agree that the WWE doesn't see him as marketable? Yes and No, on the one hand it seems sort of stupid to think a guy who was getting great crowd reactions in the early 2000's would've been viewed as unmarketable seeing as so many people wanted to see him go up against HHH and win. On top of that he was second only to the Undertaker in terms of being used as the Alliance crusher.

Similarly when he went up against HHH in the mask for title match I assumed Kane would win as his mask had been a huge part of his character which ended up being ridiculously retconned and it genuinely seemed time for HHH to lose. Nonetheless that didn't happen and instead they turned him heel, de-emphasized his push and made him feud with the Undertaker again before dumping him back in the mid-card as the easily defeatable monster again.

We've had conflicting reports on Kane, some say he didn't want to be pushed and was content with putting over new wrestlers, other reports have indicated that's not the case and that creative just ran out of ideas. I'm not sure if it was marketability, but I think the WWE chose not to push him because his gimmick was essentially intertwined with the Undertaker's, when he was introduced it was "Undertaker's brother Kane" and everything about him involved the Undertaker.

Even when he broke away he was partnered with Paul Bearer, he split from him and was put in lacklustre feuds for his first few years. I think that in the WWE's mind because his first angle's without the Undertaker weren't successful they made the assumption he couldn't be used beyond the mid-card without the Undertaker's involvement. And so even during 02-03 in his best years they scrapped it in favour of turning him heel and sending him back to the Undertaker.

So no, it wasn't money it was the WWE's inability to accept that Kane could do well without the Undertaker and we're seeing it again now, if Mysterio hadn't broken the Undertaker's face this angle wouldn't have run.
First of all, Kane HAS been a WWE World Champion. Granted, it was only for one day -- and mostly to advance a story line -- but that's still a day longer as the #1 guy than most people on the WWE's roster have or will ever get.

Now as for Kane's current push, my guess is that WWE knows he's coming toward the end of his active in-ring career. He's been a loyal worker, produced sufficient interest/heat to keep his career going all this time, and they most likely feel he deserves a last hurrah before being shipped off to pasture. The only real way, I believe, for Kane to do that is to finish in a feud with Undertaker.

While I don't think the WWE necessarily considers Kane a "top draw," I do think they recognize re-igniting his feud with Undertaker is the closest he'll ever truly get to the main event. Not to mention, it's fairly difficult to find competitors who match up so well size-wise with UT. So giving Kane/Undertaker one last go not only gives both characters a dose of much-needed interest, it potentially sends Kane off in style.

It kind of brings things full-circle for Kane. And, to be honest, it wouldn't surprise me much to see him get at least a BRIEF run with the belt before he disappears into the depth of hell for that one last time.
Kane hasn't been a draw and will never be a draw. If they had faith in him, they would have put the belt on him towards the end of 2002 when he was at the hottest point of his career but he didn't. Kane will always be somebody you can put anywhere on a card and make it work which he is really good at.
Kane hasn't ever been a top draw but he's been close a couple times, mainly 1998 and 2002. I feel like he deserved a little longer title run, but he has been successful without it. I would like to see an angle where either the Undertaker or Taker's attacker if not Kane does something to Kane that allows for the mask to be put back on. I think Kane can be a top draw for Smackdown right now though.
personally, i've always liked Kane. more so when he first came in and was a monster, never spoke, just walked out, destroyed anyone and everyone, and left. no promo needed. but when they removed the mask, thats when he started to gain a bit of a push, even resulting in a few title shots against benoit. do i think he should have beat him? no. but he did get that run as champ on wwecw if that counts for anything.. but come on, it's smackdown, give the guy one last run, a REAL run as champ, a month or 2 maybe. why not? they did it for batista, and he cant wrestle wroth a damn.
Kane is and has been one of the best talents in WWE, he has never been a massive draw, but always gives 100%, that extends to putting over other wrestlers which he's been doing great, his in ring skills are still very sharp. He keeps the fans entertained as they always have a good reaction towards him, they've pushed him in tag teams in the past and mid card feuds and its worked for him.

Some may say he lost some of his mystique when he lost the mast, but he adapted and became a still a big deal to the fans, he got put in storylines and his current storyline has brought back his monster like attributes he had with the mask on. But i don't see him as a permanent main event draw but giving him the World Heavyweight Championship for a short time could be very good.
1) Is Kane a top draw?

At the moment, not really. There are others on the SmackDown roster who are bigger draws. People like CM Punk, Rey Mysterio & The Big Show are all larger draws than Kane. That's not to say Kane doesn't draw, he still does but not quite as high as the people I mentioned.

2) Was he ever considered a top draw?

Most certainly yes. Kane circa 98'/99' was a huge draw. Kane was one of the top stars in the company. He had been built up as a ruthless, killing machine and that got the fans attention and he was noticed and recognised as a top draw. Not quite as large as Austin or The Rock but was still near the top.

3) Do you agree with my opinon/s above why/why not?

No. While I do believe it's possible for Kane to receive another World Championship reign, I highly doubt he'll receive it. This is his first big push in a while and he's trying to make the most of it. Fact is Kane is a veteran and while he does draw not to the level he once did. His star power has slowly diminished over the years after losing to almost everyone (and their mothers) over time. It wouldn't make sense to give him the belt from a money stand-point. If they wanted to reward him for all the hard work he's done over the years then that is still possible but I wouldn't put money on it.
As for your first question, does kane = cash?? I have to say no..

1) Is Kane a top draw?
No, I had to answer Q2 before this one and my reason is below. With Kane now looking for Takers attacker, I have to admit and everyone will agree, this is the best thing Kane has done in years..but even with that said, there are a lot of top draws on the Smackdown roster compared to Kane..

2) Was he ever considered a top draw?
The only time where he could have been considered a top draw was probably from 1999-2001...but he wasn't close, he always has these good mid-card feuds, but when your competing with the likes of the Rock and Austin, they were the top draws at the time..Kane was not even top 10..

3) Do you agree with my opinon/s above why/why not?
With what has happened recently, I still don't believe there is a world title run in there for him...Simple question, when will he have this run? This story is expected to end at Summer Slam isn't it? After that who knows where he will go from there! probably putting the young ones over again..I think Kanes 1-day WWF championship run is the only taste of world title he will ever get...(I know his ECW championship run, but the title when it was revived was more of a joke)
Hey Yo!

Now i ve been pondering on the career of Kane lately, because of his awesome hunt for his brother's attacker so far but that is a different thread so, With Kane's recent push which could potentially lead to a world title. Now my theory as to why Kane has never had a world championship reign because i dont think the E has faith in him to bring the cash. And we all know it's all about the moooneeyyyy!

Which brings me to my questions;
1) Is Kane a top draw?
2) Was he ever considered a top draw?
3) Do you agree with my opinon/s above why/why not?
4) No Spam

.Tha Wolfpac.

Kane is a great superstar to have on the roster but it is not because he is a top draw. I think Kane’s best days are definitely behind him now and whilst he has been having a good time of it lately, I am very hesitant to say that it will lead anywhere significant for Kane. I fear that this will be especially true once the Undertaker comes back to the WWE after he fully recovers from his injury.

When you look at the WWE, they have a certain amount of top drawer talent that brings in cash for them and I don’t really think that Kane is on that level, not by a long shot. When you look at the people who take up the main event spots on both Raw and Smackdown, Kane really doesn’t come close to that level. John Cena, Randy Orton, CM Punk and The Undertaker are the top level talents on each brand respectively and people literally tune in to see those guys. I have never met a guy who exclusively tunes into Smackdown just to see Kane in action/ So for me, Kane is not a top draw yet but there is not a doubt in my mind that he could be. Given this push is still in action, he could have a great run and maybe get a Championship in the future.

I don’t think he was ever really considered a top draw either. Sure, he has a great run against Stone Cold back in the day but it was all about Austin. Kane was just the right monster in the right place that managed to put Austin over. Literally the greatest era of his career lasted a day and it was just a tool to help Austin and Taker get over. Kane is not renowned for selling merchandise and wont ever be on the level of John Cena but as long as he is still working away, then I don’t see why he doesn’t create cash.
Hey Yo!

Now i ve been pondering on the career of Kane lately, because of his awesome hunt for his brother's attacker so far but that is a different thread so, With Kane's recent push which could potentially lead to a world title. Now my theory as to why Kane has never had a world championship reign because i dont think the E has faith in him to bring the cash. And we all know it's all about the moooneeyyyy!

Which brings me to my questions;
1) Is Kane a top draw?
2) Was he ever considered a top draw?
3) Do you agree with my opinon/s above why/why not?
4) No Spam

.Tha Wolfpac.

No. Kane is not a big draw. When you look at the top draws such as Cena, Orton, HHH, Edge, and The Undertaker, he just doesnt belong with them.

I dont think he will ever be considered a big draw either, but its getting very close. His new story with the search for The Undertaker's killer is very good. He is working with a very intense character and is REALLY getting over on it. The fans are on his side and its starting to make me believe that they could be giving him the belt soon. What he does with the belt is what could make him or break him draw-wise.

For me, Kane is definitely someone with massive importance to the roster. He has been here a long time, and his long run with the company gives him more credibility and respect as time goes on. When you add this with his size and strength, he becomes a very important person. It makes him someone who is very good at getting people over and building their credibility. This is his role with the company. Being that he does his role very well, I think he should just stay with this role because he really is the only of his kind right now. But it looks like the WWE might be disagreeing with me right now.
Kane COULD be, if marketed right. but will it happen? not a chance, and its a damn shame too. has never been a character like him, and probably never will be again
Kane hasn't ever been a top draw but he's been close a couple times, mainly 1998 and 2002. I feel like he deserved a little longer title run, but he has been successful without it. I would like to see an angle where either the Undertaker or Taker's attacker if not Kane does something to Kane that allows for the mask to be put back on. I think Kane can be a top draw for Smackdown right now though.

Why is everyone so obsessed with him having the mask back on? It could no where be near the same no a days, Also I would see the point in putting the mask back on him if it's been of for 8 years(Don't bring up Rey Rey). Am I weird or would I not just the the point in this? Just have him a monster heel without the mask.
Why is everyone so obsessed with him having the mask back on? It could no where be near the same no a days, Also I would see the point in putting the mask back on him if it's been of for 8 years(Don't bring up Rey Rey). Am I weird or would I not just the the point in this? Just have him a monster heel without the mask.

I know what you're saying and I'm fine with him not have the mask, I was just staying how he kind of lost that top draw feel for awhile after he lost the mask.

Btw I thought we should bring this thread back up since he is the WH Champ right now. I just thought I'd point out that I said he could be a top draw on Smackdown a month ago and MITB comes around and boom! Haha. I'm happy Kane won it though, maybe they'll keep in on him for a couple months at least. He's already had a longer title run than his first one of one day.

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