Does anything beat sliced-bread?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
When something one considers to be great happens or is invented or created or born or accomplished, one often says it's the greatest thing since sliced bread. However, whenever the next best thing comes along after that, we say the same thing. Sliced bread is our frame of reference for everything great and has been since 1928. My question is with 82 years of being the best under its belt (Why sliced bread has a belt is another story), can sliced-bread ever be topped? What will do it? Does HBK vs. Taker at WrestleMania 26 stand a chance? Are we underrating Sam's memoirs?

Discuss, as thread starters often say.
Things that already exist or have already happened aren't eligible. If you need an explanation as to why that is, I refuse to give you one as I won't be able to do it without talking down to you.
Open-air surgery observation rooms are an obvious one, so I'll just say it myself.

Open-air surgery observation rooms.
Little known fact over 90% of all prisoners int eh western world have tried bread at least once in their lives.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hello. How are you?
Stranger: hey
Stranger: not bad
Stranger: you?
You: I'd be better if you capitalized properly.
You: Type from the diaphragm.
You: It helps
You: Full stop.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Air in a can. Mel Brooks thinks so...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hello. How are you?
Stranger: hey
Stranger: not bad
Stranger: you?
You: I'd be better if you capitalized properly.
You: Type from the diaphragm.
You: It helps
You: Full stop.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

I'm a big fan of that site.
When something is first introduced or invented, it's judged that very instant whether or not it beats sliced bread. It's not like it can be the greatest thing since sliced bread later in life, either it's got it or it doesn't have it. There are many great things in life, but if none of them are greater than sliced bread at this point in time, I can't fathom anything that ever could be.

Interesting side note, sliced bread dethroned wrapped bread as the greatest.
Imma go with Penicillin, Vaccination, Mapping the human genome and Modern Sanitation as being > Sliced bread.

if they have to be new things, I'll get back to you when the next blockbuster drug hits the shelves after being tested on rats, beagles, healthy males, and unhealthy people in every area it is going to be released in. pharmacological companies do come up with clever shit. they manaced to replicate the effect of injecting morphene into your brain with two acetyl groups. now THAT's impressive.

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