Does anyone want to see Chris Jericho win the WWE championship one more time?


Pre-Show Stalwart
As we all know Chris Jericho's contract with the WWE expires in October/November of this year. And currently Jericho has once again been placed in the mid-card section on RAW jobbing to Even Bourne.

Chris Jericho has proven many times before that he is a certifeid main eventer in the WWE. And ever since he was drafted back on RAW in April, Jericho has made a little of an impact. Not only because of his hosting duties over on ABC's "Downfall" gameshow. But Jericho hasn't even been in the main event picture on the WWE's PPV card ever since the draft.

So what if Chris Jericho was to win the WWE championship before his contract with the WWE is up? Because really Jericho only won the WWE championship one time before back in late '01 when Jericho became the first undisputed WWE champion. So Jericho would leave a lasting impression on the company if he were to win the spinner belt (WWE title) before he leaves the WWE.
Savion I will say that I would love to see Chris Jericho have a reign the WWE title. We have not seen him have a reign with the belt since his very lackluster run with the belt back in 2002 when he lost it to Triple H. So I would be all for a Jericho WWE title run. i think the man deserves a second chance to take the ball and run with it. Not to mention Chris Jericho is one of the most entertaining superstars on the roster today. He is very well a good reason to watch RAW every week, at least for me.

I loved his little main event run on RAW back during the last little bit of 2008 and I thought that he would remain in that position for a good while but it wasn't meant to last as long as I though it would. But for me that little bit in 2008 where he was on top was very enjoyable. So if Jericho is set to take another hiatus from WWE, why not give him another run with the "big one".

I would assume he would have to win after Sheamus has dropped the belt to a face, presumably Randy Orton at SummerSlam? Then I guess you could have a Orton vs. Jericho feud over the WWE Championship. I am all for that feud as well. Then have Jericho win the belt off him. It may not be for very long just enough for one last good bye title run as he could very well drop it back to Orton quickly. Jeff Hardy got a good bye title run last year so I don't see why Chris Jericho is not worthy of one. I am all for this idea even if it is on a very short term basis.
Yeah i would love to see Jericho get one last run. The guy is gold in the ring and on the mic. Truly one of the greatest performers of this generation. Problem is the dude's terrible underrated sometimes. He should always be in the main event picture but he always seems to be in and out of it. His three title reigns (02,08, and earlier this year) were weak and all heel. I would love to see him have a strong title reign as a face, which hasn't ever been attempted. He could easily get over as a face again and could appeal even in the PG format.
I would like to see him win the WWE championship one more time, but it doesnt need to happen and I wouldnt be upset if he didnt win one more.

His work has always been great and he has been rewarded with numerous titles. As a champ, he is very good. Like SB said, if Orton were to win the belt from Sheamus at Summerslam, a feud between Orton and Jericho would be a good one to watch.

The main reason why I would really like to see him win one more is because this could be the end. Why not reward him for years of being a top performer with one last title run. I think he deserves it. Plus, it would be a nice way for him to go out. Let him go out on top.
Erm... no.

Not that I'd be against it, but right now he doesn't need another run. WWE is going through a youth transformation, and yes he could certainly put someone over as Champion, but I think he could do exactly the same thing without needing the belt.

Is it likely to happen. Certainly not while he is on Raw. His future is uncertain (although I did read an interview today with a fozzy band member saying that he was in negotiations).

If he could put someone over on Smackdown with the belt, then yes I would like to see it - plenty of talent there that could be put over. But at this moment I'm not desperate for him to be champion.
The last time we all seen Chris Jericho with the Smackdown world title he only held the belt for like just barely over a month! Y2J won the belt at the Elimination Chamber PPV (via HBK), got through WM 26 with before dropping to Jack Swagger of all people the first Smackdown after WM due to Swagger winning money in the bank. So that would be a bad way for Chris Jericho's last world title run to be remembered. Now let's see what he can do with the WWE championship on RAW before he leaves. That's all I'm saying!
Jericho held the belt for about two months. Jericho has never been a great champion and probably never will be. He has had plenty of great matches when he was non-champion but he can't do it when he is the top guy for whatever reason. I'm curious to see how would he be as a face champion but I imagine it would be the same as the reigns he had as a heel - uninteresting.
I would love to see him have another run with the WWE title. I don't know if it will happen before his contract is up. I think the chances are good that he will stay with the WWE for another year or two.

He's always able to jump back and fourth between mid card and main event when needed. He's proven he's the ultimate team player always willing to put over younger talent. I'm sure he will get rewarded with another title run before he calls it a career.
i would be absolutely furious(in a good way) if he won the title one more time one more reign of telling us hypocrites that we are again wrong.

These days i love his mic work (well always have) but since the edge return he just became better.

Jericho .... euh excuse me Mister Chris Jericho could job to primo one week and 2 weeks later take an oppertunity and win the world title. hes like a rubber ball always gonna bounce back.:wtf:
I'm going to say no. Right now Jericho is Raw's top enhancement guy. He doesn't need the title, and he would be better served not winning it.

Jericho is that most useful of assets, a credible jobber. Like it's been said he could job three months in a row and he'd still be over and be credible enough to pin John Cena afterwards. Jericho is best served in the upper midcard, helping guys move from US title contention to WWE title contention. The only time he should hold the title now is if Vince needs a transitional heel champion to drop to a hot young babyface.
Personally I would love to see Y2J with another title run before he eventually takes a break or retires.

Jericho is extremely talented and has the mic skills of a SCSC, truly he is one of the great wrestlers of our time.

I think it would be well deserved, he has always been a great worker and has always been able to draw legit heat. And all the promos he cuts and could cut ass champion are great.

I just love watching what he has to do when he is on the camera. I'm definitly pulling for him to get a title shot soon. He hasn't really been in the hunt of a little while and it'd be nice to see him scrap with Sheamus over the title. Maybe it wouldn't go over big seeing as their both heels (I guess Y2J is) but they could have a stellar program IMO.

Maybe he might be a glorified jobber, but he deserves better than that for the calibur athlete he is. He is in fantastic shape and I personally think if he was given the chance he could really develop his character even more and become the ultimate heel. He is just great to listen 2 and I wouldn't mind seeing him run the show again. He certinaly is one of the best wrestlers in the WWE currently and should be doing more than jobbing and not getting nowhere.

I'm aware that this is how it has to happen, job for the better of the youth, but if your not going to do anything with that youth then really what's the fucking point. And I know , iknow the Nexus ... that aside what's really been going on in the ME scene? Nothing, and now that Sheamus is involved he is tied up untill SS. One thing I am happy with tho, is that his show didn't do too hot, hopefully he can really focus and make a good thing happen in pulling home another world title.

All it takes is one good move for VKM to slap that title around your waist ...
I would love to see him get another title reign and this time it would be nice to see him have a long and memorable reign. In the past he's been treated far too often as a weak champ and as a placeholder til Cena could get the title back. Jericho is without a doubt the best in the world and can make absolutely anyone look good, if he were given the long reign and made to look dominant while not burying his competitions until he drops it to a young guy to elevate him to be a long lasting and legitimate main eventer. This company definitely lacks new stars, I can only think of 3 new main eventers from the past year, those being Sheamus, Swagger, and the Miz is being built up with the MITB title shot to main event.
No, I don't want to see it although I wouldn't mind. I think Jericho is doing pretty good in his position as a credible main eventer who can work the mid-card when needed. I think Jericho can give a great fued to a young champion who needs it much like he did with Cena when he was leaving in 2005. I see Jericho possibly fueding with the Miz before he leaves. It will help the Miz a lot to be in a big time fued and the promos would be excellent.

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