Does anyone else get crap....


Scotland's Nerd Comedian
Evening all, long time voyeur and first time posting a thread on these forums. I was wondering, does anyone else get shit for liking pro wrestling even though they are in there 20's or older?

I ask this because i've been doing the 30 day wrestling challenge on facebook (upto Day 10 - Favourite TNA match, Samoa Joe Vs AJ Styles Vs Christopher Daniels), and some chavy asshole that i used to go to school with has posted "U need ti seriously grow up" (naturally i replied ""U need ti" learn to spell"), but my question is, does anyone else get ribbed for liking WWE/TNA/ROH even tho people who do not like wrestling think it's for kids?

My argument is that i don't watch Hollyoaks or any other crappy soap opera, so why am i not alowed to watch the wrestling? Surly it shows more about people who don't watch wrestling. How would you guys deal with this sort of stuff?
Yeah I get people saying its "sad" all the time, especially my gf who hates wrestling and my parents when they see my collection of WWE DVDs at my flat.

Who gives a fuck though, they have their mindless shitty shows like Hollyoaks or that crap about Peter Andre, Jordan and Kerry Katona, that I dont like and I have my shows like Football, Wrestling and others that they dont like.

I know alot of my friends often look up old wrestling from the Attitude Era on YouTube, they tell me they do, and they love it. But I am probably the biggest fan out of all of us, and you know what? It really doesnt bother me.

I watch what entertains ME, not what I should watch because others say I should, just like I wouldnt stop anyone else from watching shows they enjoy, just because I hate them.
Actually, I get more crap for being a fan of Shania Twain than I do being a wrestling fan. :rolleyes:

A majority of new people I meet/talk to actually used/still do watch wrestling, so it's not so bad. They actually recognise the pictures of Jeff Hardy I have in my photoalbum when they add me on Facebook. :p
I think every wrestling fan gets crap from other people for liking wrestling, the important thing is to ignore them and go about your day. For me people usually just roll their eyes or laugh at me every time I tell them I'm a wrestling fan but it doesn't bother me. I know they watch shows that I can't stand or think are incredibly stupid and if or more likely when I point that out they usually just shut up and go back to what they were doing.
Oh yeah guys, i can see were you're coming from but check this shit out

Chavy fuck (CF)-"U nd ti hit the gym ya fat geek aw mate lets watch the wrestling (weirdo)"

Me-"where's this come from you chavy fuck?"

CF-"Am cumin inti your work ti open u up ya fat fuck"

Me-"as The Rock would say, "JUST BRING IT!""

CF-"A fuckn wil gmp"

Random friend-"what's a gmp?"

I don't think i've ever heard of someone so hostile to pro wrestling.
Yea I get shit, from all of my friends, some family, the classic quote "Youknow its fake right?" never gets old (sarcasm), but I dont give a damn. Wrestling is my greatest hobby/interest, I dont care what people think I like it and thats my life, not theirs.

I dont know how people who spend half of the day of Facebook can critisize me for my interests, atleast wrestling is productive, especially from me being Australian I have learnt alot about USA...
I've noticed that the people that say "pro wrestling is fake" are the same people who try to get me to read the bible
I do get the feeling that people look down on me for liking it. And they don't even know just how much I like it.

I would never, ever, do a wrestling-orientated Facebook thing or even speak very openly about it, though. It's not worth the hassle.
Yeah, one of the biggest childish criticisms being that it is 'gay'. Ironically most wrestlers will get more sex than the average guy and being gay is mostly kept on a sortof hush hush level. I am openly proud of being a wrestling fan though, I've added many a status on Facebook about it and nobody has given me flak there so I'm not worried.

Like others say, as long as people are watching things like 'The only way is Essex' <shudders>, I'm going to be fairly confident that my personal entertainment outlet is fairly high-brow.
From time to time, someone gives me shit. Doesn't bother me. It's just a form of entertainment. No different from watching any other form of fictional entertainment.
Asshole: Wrestlin' iz fake

Me: Yeah, so are most pornstars tits.

On a serious note, its fake or scripted or whatever way you wanna put it. But so are Die Hard, Rocky, Jurassic Park etc.

In my opionion, these idiots saying its fake are the biggest ******s ever if they think WE actually believe its real. Listen butt-munches, we know its scripted. So was The Hangover and we all still enjoyed that.
I don't actively watch wrestling anymore, I used to when I was 12 - 16. When I was much younger, around 6-10 it was cool to watch wrestling, but the older I became, the more stigmatized wrestling became. Honestly though, high school is the pinnacle of stigmatization. Now that I am well into my University career, people have smartened up and no one really gives a shit what you like, don't like, enjoy doing.
Thankfully no. Everyone who knows me knows how much I love wrestling and are more than cool with it. I've gotten some of my friends semi-into it by showing them matches and promos on Youtube. I've even gotten my friends at school into watching Tough Enough with me every week. They're really into that. Right now I'm trying to get them to come with me to Wrestlemania next year.

But if you're getting crap, don't worry about it. If it's what you like then enjoy it, no matter what people think. Odds are they're watching something much dumber anyway.
It's on a level with getting occasional shit about liking marvel comics, cartoon movies or country music. Fuck it! I hate soaps, wrestlers do their own stunts and CGI is never required. Show me someone who has nothing to be 'ashamed' about and I'll show you a pretentious prick (we all know them - only like Indie music, critically acclaimed and arthouse movies and only watch highbrow TV shows).

Who says you get to a certain age when you have to cast off certain things? Fuck that, as far as I'm concerned, if someone tells you you they grew out of something, they're basically telling you that they lost the stones to keep on liking it because their mates or their parents or the media deemed it shit.

Del Griffith (John Candy); Planes, Train & Automobiles
"You wanna hurt me? Go right ahead if it makes you feel any better. I'm an easy target. Yeah, you're right, I talk too much. I also listen too much. I could be a cold-hearted cynic like you... but I don't like to hurt people's feelings. Well, you think what you want about me; I'm not changing. I like... I like me. My wife likes me. My customers like me. 'Cause I'm the real article. What you see is what you get."
Not so much no, a lot of my friends we're at one point wrestling fans so they understand. I do however, hate the people who think they are being so clever by pointing out what every fucking wrestling fan knows..." know uhhh wrestling is fake right?" Too which I reply,"yeah so is sex with your girlfriend but still I bet that doesn't stop you from enjoying it right?" Like seriously there are so many shows on T.V that are scripted and yet wrestling fans seem to get the most hack for watching a product they love. Then of course, there are the obnoxious "WWE sucks! grow up and watch UFC guys..". I tend to not let these things bother me as they are rather so minuscule and really not worth getting upset about but I still find these kind of comments vexatious and completely juvenile

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