Does anybody else see this?


Dark Match Winner
This just might be me, but Jericho and Edge as unified tag champs,imo, is the beginning of a slow face turn for Edge. First off, I think, if I'm right, that this is great for Edge. Don't get me wrong, Edge is one of the best heels ever, but I also always thought he was a good face as well.

Now for those who don't see how I came to this conclusion, let me explain. Edge and Jericho are the current ( Punk isn't full heel yet) top two heels on SD! as of this post, and imo, two of the three best heels right now in wrestling. I think for the next few months WWE is going to play this up. They'll have them feud with guys on each brand. Will eventually see Undertaker get into the mix setting up the highly anticipated Jericho feud, and Edge will probably rekindle his old feud with Kane( Kane will be a face by the end of the Kahli feud). This will set up a B of D vs. Edge/Jericho feud, and hopefully lead to the full face turn for Edge at some point. Hopefully they have a show stealer at WM 26. Anyway just wanted to know if anybody sees this happening too?
I hope that if Edge is indeed turning face then it is a slow turn. We need to see if he can get a good reaction as a face and if he would even make a good face at this stage in his career. Therefore, by turning him slowly we can see what he can do as a face and if it doesn't work out well then they will pull a swerve. But if you turn him face immediately and it doesn't work out then they are going to put him back as a heel and everything just wouldn't make sense to most fans.

Now that I've said that, the reason I want him to turn face is because I think we have seen everything he can do as a heel. As of right now in my opinion he is just stale and doesn't entertain me much or at least as much as he did before. Turning him face would just be like a breath of fresh air for him.

There's a lot of thing he can do as a face. He can obviously feud with Chris Jericho (if he is still a heel by that time) which in my opinion could be a great feud and possibly a contender for feud of the year if it is done right. I can already imagine the promos for a feud like this. I would definetly pay money to see this feud happen.

Another person that he would be able to feud with is CM Punk (if he's heel). This could be another money feud and like I said with the feud with Jericho that's only if done right. Also, just like the Jericho feud this feud would also make me pay money to see it.

These are only 2 of the wrestlers he could feud with and I would enjoy seeing him feud with. There's a few other guys I wouldn't mind if he feuded with if he was to turn face.
Welcome to the end of the thought process. The rest of us have been here for quite a while. What got the rest of us here? Edge has broken off his "marriage" with Vickie, which is one hint that the WWE is more liable than ever to get the man to move over to the side of the good guys. Another sign would be the recent feuding Edge has done with Jericho when Jericho first jumped to SmackDown. It forshadowed one of them turning face, and in all probability it would be Edge as Jericho's heel character still has more miles left in it while Edge's is beyong stale. But above all else, I think that Edge and the WWE have started to notice a growing portion of the audience getting behind him. Edge explained this in an interview as the fans seeing someone long enough and enjoying them long enough finding it hard to boo. I don't think the problem is that extreme, but I definately think they would take to a face turn quite quickly if and when it happens (espeically if it happens opposite a heel as despised as Jericho).

I think you opening post makes a lot of assumptions that aren't entirely true, such as Edge being one of the best heels ever, Kane going face, and a BOD vs. Rated Righteous feud. Either way, we both end up in the same place and you're just saying what's been said for months. Edge going face keep seeming more and more likely.

I like the idea of Edge as a heel as it doesn't present new feuds and old feuds from a fresh perspective. For example:
-Edge vs. Jericho
-Edge vs. Punk (heel)
-Edge vs. Ziggler
-Edge vs. The Harts
-Edge vs. Matt Hardy (heel)
I like the sound of all of those.. to different degrees. But the point remains that a face Edge could freshen up the brand.
I think this absolutely is the game plan for this team. They will probably have a good run, but I forsee the outcome of the pairing of these two as an eventual Face turn for Edge, which badly needs to transpire ... and soon. He is truly one of the most stale personalities on the entire roster as this "Ultimate Opportunist" angle for him has been completely run into the ground.

But I do see him turning Face when all is said and done, which was the prime reason for the pairing.
I don't really care if Edge turns face. I think that either way, he stays heal or turns face I will still love the guy. You see, whenever I heard his music hit unexpectedly I always thought to myself, Yes! Now this is gonna get interesting. I always thought of him as the so called savior of Smackdown. I think its what made Smackdown the Either really good B Show or Awesome A show.
Yeah, I do see this happening. Hopefully, Edge and Jericho will keep the belts for 2 to 3 months so it can slowly buildup just like you pointed out. I can picture them losing the belts to a heel tagteam (probably Hart Dynasty) because Edge on mistake Spears Jericho and causes them the match. After the match Jericho blames Edge but says we'll have our rematch next week. The next week they have thier rematch and Edge starts it and gets domminated through the majority of the match, then makes a comeback, and crawls to try to tag Jericho. Just as he tries to tag him Jericho jumps off the appron and leaves Edge behind setting up their fued. I'm pretty sure its been done before, but I can see it happening again just like that.
As a HUGE Jericho and a HUGE Edge fan respectively, I would LOOOOVE to see the two feud eventually, and I think it'd work best with Jericho in the face roll and Edge as heel. Where you see the whole "Brothers Of Destruction" thing coming in I have no clue...Ya it could make for a good program, but I doubt they'll go that route again. I do see Jericho remaining heel for a while, although he is more entertaining as a face. As for Edge turning face...I pray to god they keep him heel...His face work was purely comedic...I see him as a much more valuable and much more legitimate as a heel.

Bringing Taker back and starting off a feud with Jericho can be GOLD...I really look forward to that possibility. In the meantime I'd like to see Edge remain heel and move to RAW or ECW just to give him fresh feuds. Punk can hold his own with Hardy for the time being, and if he does go full fledged heel we'll see what happens.
Most likely, seems like they've been going that way ever since after the draft. Something big has to come out of this tag team title run. Whenever main eventers hold the tag titles it's only to further their character or affect something in the main event. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, that's just the way it is.

I would like to see Edge v. Jericho and Edge v. Heel Punk though, they would be good feuds.
2 feuds come to mind Jericho vs Taker or Jericho stays away from taker and fights edge after turning on him therefor turnin edge face. Edge can then tag wih christian
2 feuds come to mind Jericho vs Taker or Jericho stays away from taker and fights edge after turning on him therefor turnin edge face. Edge can then tag wih christian

i do see a face turn coming from Edge and thank god. i like the man but right now he is just waaayyy to stale and tagging again with Christian would be the biggest mistake of his career. they were great together 8 or 10 years ago..but now getting E&C back together would just kill Edge (imo)
Well somebody has to turn good soon. CM Punk appears to be moving towards a heel. Jeff Hardy may or may not be leaving the WWE in a month or so. You just can't have the top 3 good guys on Smackdown be Undertaker, Mysterio, and John Morrison.

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