Do you want the new GM to be Stone Cold Steve Austin ?


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Okay , WWE has us thinking the new GM is SCSA .

As I was posting in the thread about who the new GM is , I was thinking , do people want the new general manager to be SCSA ?
Thoughts ?

*NOTE: I am not saying the new GM is Stone Cold , I don't know if he is or not .
EDIT: Moderators !!! Why did you move this to the spam zone ? I want people to give reasons . Move it back to RAW.
I would love for SCSA to be the new GM...but he isn't. 1. Austin wouldn't e-mail, he would be there, live and in-person. 2. He wouldn't ask for "peace" between Cena and NEXUS, he would want there to be chaos. 3. Making Cena go 7-on-1 next week is a total heel ruling, and the WWE would not have Steve Austin hand down that kind of decision.

He would be great, was the first time around. But I don't think he wants to commit that much time to the WWE right now. He has a lot of movies coming out, no matter how God-awful they may be.

EDIT: Also, this is most definitely a spam-type thread. I would love to see Angelina Jolie's beautiful ass on Raw, or Megan Fox, but it ain't happening. Anyone can like the idea of Steve Austin being the GM, but that doesn't mean it's remotely possible.
I'm not saying he is going to be the new GM . I was just asking if you want it to be him .

Yes, I know that. What I am saying is there are plenty of people I would like to see as the GM, but most are not probable. I understand why it was moved to the spam section, and there's nothing wrong with it being right here.
No he won't be.

You get a spam answer for making a thread that already exists in non spam wrestling.
It'll be The Rock. Calling it now. I've got to get one right one day. The only way they could live up to the hype of it being Austin.
You make a spam OP, you get a spam answer. That's why it was moved. Next time, try giving your own reasons first.

Austin is too fickle. It'll last 2 months and he'd be gone. We need something long term here.

The Rock is ever more fickle. He'd do it for one month, get a movie deal, and bolt.

I still say Matt Striker.
Striker would work fairly well. I'd prefer Cole but Striker wouldn't be a bad second choice. I loved him as Big Daddy V's manager.

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