Do you want Roman Reigns to ultimately succeed or fail

Do you want to see Roman Reigns ultimately....

  • ...succeed as a top guy

  • and never again be pushed.

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Mid-Card Championship Winner
A lot of you here have been critical of Roman Reigns (oh, how you have moaned about him).

So, my question is this. Are you critical because you don't feel that he is meeting his potential, he is better than he is being projected on screen,and if he changed his look, his music, was better on the mike, and then earned his spot, you would embrace him?


Because he isn't any of those things you want him to be, you want to see him fail. You want him thrown on the scrapheap. You hope by booing him, he quits WWE and you never have to see him again. Do you only want bad things for him, and to see him ultimately fail as a superstar, so that one of your faves can take the spot, and to stick it to Vince McMahon and show him who's boss, that he knows nothing about wrestling and you, the audience, know all? Would get some glee out of seeing him fall?

Do you want to see Roman emulate his relative, the Rock, who was hated and booed as Rocky Maiva, but with a gimmick change, won the fans over?

Are you criticisms constructive ones, in order that he improve and be more "marketable" or you just a hater, just want to see his push fail and for him to be future-endeavoured, or jobbing on NXT?
It would be easy to crap on the guy and want someone else to take his place but we need to be realistic about it. Vince and company want him at the top. He is going to be placed there no matter what. With that in mind I want him to be successful so that the product is more enjoyable.
This thread is quite honestly ridiculous. Every wrestler on the card will not have 100% of the fans behind him or her, and just because Reigns has detractors so what. Some fans don't like him and that's okay. No one is trying to stick it to Vince McMahon, why should we? You put way to much importance on how fans feel about him.

It doesn't matter if I want him to succeed or fail, it should matter only to Reigns whether he does well or not. I as a fan am a person who buy into this product and it's been obvious for a long time who the WWE wants in the top spot, and that's who will get there. I wanted him in the top spot as well for a long time, now I don't just don't care anymore.

I watched Reigns get over as part of the Shield. As a group they were perfect, on his own not so much. I find him boring, repetitive and while he looks good that's were it ends for me. I feel he would be much better off in the mid card going after the US or IC title. He just doesn't have the goods right now to be holding the world title.

Everyone likes to say he's being pushed because of the 2014 Rumble, and in a way that's true. They forget the fact that anyone standing at the end with Batista would have been cheered the same way Reigns was. Not a lot of fans wanted to see Batista come back after a 4 year absence and main event Wrestlemania. I know I didn't. The 2015 Rumble was a waste of time as he was put into a no win position, just as any wrestler would have been. No one expected him or anyone else to go over Lesnar. As a matter of fact the winner of the Rumble should never have been in a match with Lesnar to begin with, but he was holding the title at the time so they had no choice.

So yea I don't care if he's holding the world title or if he's holding the US or IC title or what he's doing now. I'm tired of the guy and as a fan that is my right. I don't boo him but I don't cheer him either, just sit quietly until his matches are over.
Sorry I didn't have time to edit my original post, but I didn't vote on your poll. Neither option felt right to me. If he succeeds then good for him, if he fails then that's on him as well. I have no say in the matter and no other fans do either. So please stop blaming the fans what happens to Reigns. He's been pushed over their objections so whatever happens to him is his fault and his fault only.
Whether you like him or hate him, you SHOULD want him to succeed in whatever the definition of "success" is for him because it makes the product better overall.

If he grows as both a wrestler and on the mic, and can have a successful career for a long time it makes WWE better overall regardless of whether he is champion or not.

Therefore, I don't see why anyone would hope for him to fail, especially if you like WWE wrestling. And, ESPECIALLY with the current state of the product and every single RAW being a relatively difficult 3 hours to get through.
I'd want him to succeed. He seems to be a good guy. Humble guy. He can't help he's The Rock's cousin and Vince is so intrigued with him.

Thankfully he doesn't let it get to his head.
I want Roman to succeed, but not as the main event. Give him the United States Championship and run with that for six months. I don't think he's main event material. He's had his chances main eventing Wrestlemania. His effort vs Triple H will go down as one of the worst in Mania history. Problem is, he does have a good match now and then, I'd say every third or fourth PPV match is good, depending on his opponent.

But there should be a mid card option on this poll. Roman would be a good mid card challenger/champion and occasionally main event a Raw or two.
You can't fake being over. Reigns simply isn't over. Crowds either don't like him or don't care. His merchandise is moving slowly, and WWE is worried. He will remain at the top for a while because this year is for building up Reigns so his 'Mania will be historic next year... If he makes it to 'Mania. They'll plug another body into the slot if Reigns fails. That's why Apollo Crews got brought up. There's a new Reigns every day. At one time Alex Riley was going to be in Reigns' spot.
A lot of you here have been critical of Roman Reigns (oh, how you have moaned about him).

So, my question is this. Are you critical because you don't feel that he is meeting his potential, he is better than he is being projected on screen,and if he changed his look, his music, was better on the mike, and then earned his spot, you would embrace him?


Because he isn't any of those things you want him to be, you want to see him fail. You want him thrown on the scrapheap. You hope by booing him, he quits WWE and you never have to see him again. Do you only want bad things for him, and to see him ultimately fail as a superstar, so that one of your faves can take the spot, and to stick it to Vince McMahon and show him who's boss, that he knows nothing about wrestling and you, the audience, know all? Would get some glee out of seeing him fall?

Do you want to see Roman emulate his relative, the Rock, who was hated and booed as Rocky Maiva, but with a gimmick change, won the fans over?

Are you criticisms constructive ones, in order that he improve and be more "marketable" or you just a hater, just want to see his push fail and for him to be future-endeavoured, or jobbing on NXT?

Why do you keep posting and creating threads about how we "b*tch and moan" about Roman Reigns are you just that big of a mark that you constant demean and belittle fans who have an opinion critical of Reigns or whatever direction the WWE has?

I mean come on you have been doing this for 3 or 4 years and if you haven't noticed most don't want to see Reigns fails. They just either don't think he's ready, not a main event player yet, booked in some bad angles, or put in a bad situation. All of which is true in one form or the other. If you are still asking this question then it's obvious you don't have a clue what people have been saying around here.

Do I want to see Reigns fail? To be honest I don't care. Like if you asked me 6 months ago the WWE product was horrible that I was indifferent to the whole thing. Now I still have the same feeling towards Reigns but at least the overall talent from the main roster and NXT is coming along very nicely that I can enjoy the PPV/specials in-spite my indifference towards Reigns.

And even if I don't care about him seeing him get boo'ed by the crowd is probably just as amusing as seeing your favorite baby face get cheered.
I think there is only one way for Roman to become a well accepted baby face and for that to happen, he needs to be a full fledged heel.

If Roman Reigns turns heel I guarantee he will outshine a lot lf people on the roster. He has a natural aura to him that gives him a cocky attitude. He's the big muscular hunk that not many people grow up to be. He is from a well known family and found success at a fairly young age. He neess to show his cocky and arrogant side in his character the way he has in several interviews before.

After a good two years or so as a heel, Roman will have come into his own as a wrestler, speaker, and entertainer. The way he would turn babyface could be a huge turning point for him. Suppose Roman Reigns runs out to save Seth or Dean or comes out to interrupt a mega heel.

The best thing to do for Roman is to let him ride the heel train for two years, have him take a storyline injury (maybe give him a movie to film in the time) and then build him up with great vignettes and I am sure his return could be like HHHs return after the quad.
The best thing to do for Roman is to let him ride the heel train for two years, have him take a storyline injury (maybe give him a movie to film in the time) and then build him up with great vignettes and I am sure his return could be like HHHs return after the quad.

I think this idea might work, they've tried everything else to no avail. And this poster mentioned something I've been wondering about for a long time. The WWE likes to take it's superstars and put them in movie roles, why haven't they picked Reigns yet?

He has the look to be on the big screen, and instead of Rollins or Ambrose being picked first I thought it would be him. Miz, Paige, Cena, Austin, HHH, Orton, Kane, Ziggler even Summer Rae have all done movies for the WWE. With Reigns looks I thought he would be a shoe in for a title role in something.

It could even be a stepping stone for him to get out of wrestling if he wanted. Like it was for his cousin the Rock or Batista. Don't know what they're waiting for.
Roman Reigns is a legitimate maineventer already. Anyone who refuses to admit that is just lying to themselves.

People hate Roman Reigns because Vince Mcmahon/HHH tried to push him as this babyface Superhero and it failed, because people had already been sick and tired of John Cena for YEARS(myself included). Moreover, they made him this Underdog and One-versus-all guy, which was dumb on their part.

A few of them say that Roman Reigns has "it", charisma, presence, look, whatever. But that he's NOT READY.

Trust me, Roman Reigns is ready and he'll never be any better than he is right now. He's never going to wrestle like Daniel Bryan or Kurt Angle, and he certainly is never going to talk like The Rock, or be as articulate/fluent on the mic as CM Punk.

The End.

As for the poll, I chose the option "I want him to succeed as a maineventer".

I'll just say this one more thing- I love Seth Rollins the most. May be Kevin Owens after Seth. But Roman Reigns is a main event talent. He may not be as great a wrestler as Rollins or Owens, nor a confident/entertaining talker. But Seth Rollins, KO, etc. are NOT anything like Roman Reigns either. NO ONE IS.

So the arguments that he's not ready, he's shoved down our throats, etc. are all implausible BS excuses. As for him being "Superman V2", that one is over. He has a better character now- one of a tough beast who doesn't give a shit about being a good guy/bad guy, or of being booed. Someone who excels at what they do. Someone who spears their opponents and wins matches. MUCH BETTER THAN GOLDBERG, RYBACK and other overrated idiots whom the IWC/WWE Audiences cheered , IMO.

Anyone who dislikes Roman Reigns as a maineventer should just shut the TV off during the mainevents already. May be they can return to watching when Seth Rollins returns.
In some regards I don't care. I don't care if he succeeds or fails. I just want to be entertained. I expect the men in the main event to entertain me. Up until this feud with AJ and friends Roman has mostly failed to entertain me. I'm happy that Roman is succeeding with AJ and friends because I am entertained.

If Roman is going to be such a large part of the show for years to come then I want him to succeed. If he fails then so be it, he hasn't gotten me heavily invested enough to really care.

I just want and expect the top guys in the company to entertain me.
Sorry I didn't have time to edit my original post, but I didn't vote on your poll. Neither option felt right to me. If he succeeds then good for him, if he fails then that's on him as well. I have no say in the matter and no other fans do either. So please stop blaming the fans what happens to Reigns. He's been pushed over their objections so whatever happens to him is his fault and his fault only.

This is how I feel about it primarily.

Reigns is being pushed and has been pushed despite vehement objections from internet wrestling fans in particular. MAYBE Reigns would have received more support if WWE hadn't tried to book him as Superman or book him as some sort of underdog; it didn't work, in large part, for many fans because WWE went to the extreme rather than trying to find some sort of middle ground while simultaneously giving him some sort of viable, investable persona. Roman Reigns is NOT an underdog because he's someone that has all the tools to succeed as a whole because he's a big, muscular, handsome stud of a man. That does mean that Reigns is a "super man", but it also makes him extremely boring and many fans are just plain burned out on WWE's John Cena formula for top babyfaces and want something different with someone different.

Reigns has the spot now, that's just how it is, so his success or failure now is strictly on himself. Some fans think he's great, some fans think he's dull but, either way, fans do perk up and pay attention during his matches and that's an ultimate goal achievement in and of itself.
He’s not a bad guy. He’s not a good guy. He’s the guy. I want to see Roman Reigns ultimately succeed as a top guy. Then again, I want to see everyone succeed as a top guy. I was never the type to want to see anyone ultimately fail and never again be pushed. I’m the type of fan that will be paying $9.99 (plus tax) a month to the WWE until the day I die. They could have a Championship Title Unification match between Roman Reigns and Charlotte to crown the Undisputed Unified (or Double U) Champion holding both W Championship Title Belts, and I’d still be a proud member of the WWE Universe.

Roman Reigns just needs the one thing that John Cena needs…a Heel turn. I predict a double turn in the near future, where Roman Reigns turns on the Usos, and joins Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows, while AJ Styles and the Usos team up to get revenge on their former Stablemates.
I've said it before many times and I'll say it again, Reigns has the potential to be a superstar but he wasn't ready for the top spot. Not yet anyway. Had it not been for half the roster going down in a heap of concussions, knee, neck and shoulder injuries he probably would have had atleast another year or so to build momentum before going into the main event. After all the reason he got that spot was because Rollins, Bryan, Cena, and Orton are gone at the moment, they needed a top guy and I'm almost of the opinion the fans were going to shit all over whoever got that spot, as much as we as fans get behind certain workers in the mid card and upper mid card, doesn't always mean we think they are ready to be that guy. I think Reigns will ultimately succeed later on down the road though.
I think he's going to fail this run, and be pushed again in the future.

There's too much effort and work put into him to ever completely fail him.
You can't fake being over. Reigns simply isn't over. Crowds either don't like him or don't care. His merchandise is moving slowly, and WWE is worried. He will remain at the top for a while because this year is for building up Reigns so his 'Mania will be historic next year... If he makes it to 'Mania. They'll plug another body into the slot if Reigns fails. That's why Apollo Crews got brought up. There's a new Reigns every day. At one time Alex Riley was going to be in Reigns' spot.

It seems you don't know what "over" means... Learn what the term means then give your opinion.
I want him to succeed. I want every wrestler to succeed.

However to succeed, he must get an actual character and develop his mic skills.

Note - Also keep in mind, I want Reigns as a top guy, not the top guy.
I want him to fail and flounder in the spot that he's in. And he's pretty much doing that. The man feels like Lex Lugor 2.0 right now. Just as Lex was pushed to become Hogan, Reigns is being groomed for John Cena's spot. And it's just not getting over. That's not to say I feel as though Roman is talentless or that I want him to fail in the company. But he's green. Too green for the spot that he's in. He has no business being pushed as the top baby face when the crowd is giving him the "Die Rocky Die!" treatment.

He's cemented as a main eventer. That's fine and good for me. But this idea that he'd the man is ridiculous. Short of being physically attractive, Reigns has none of the qualities a star needs to carry the company on his shoulders right now. One day. Sure. But it's simply not his time yet. Give him a heel run. Or drop him back down to the upper midcard. Ambrose was ready months ago. And it's like they refuse to acknowlege it. He should've been the guy to win The Royal Rumble. (I'd like to state for the record that I basing this off of watching fan reactions and using booking logic, I am only kind of a fan of Ambrose)

When your brand new top baby face has to backtrack and say he's not a good guy despite playing the hero for the last year and a half because the crowd won't stop booing, you've fucked up.

It's like the war in Vietnam. It's clear we need to pull out. The area is red, and inflamed. It's pain. Neither side wants it anymore. And yet WWE keeps pounding away...
When your brand new top baby face has to backtrack and say he's not a good guy despite playing the hero for the last year and a half because the crowd won't stop booing, you've fucked up.

It's like the war in Vietnam. It's clear we need to pull out. The area is red, and inflamed. It's pain. Neither side wants it anymore. And yet WWE keeps pounding away...

Yea pretty much this. We are stuck with Reigns now and forever it would seems. Vince McMahon is never going to admit he was wrong in pushing him the way he has. He can see the crowds and how they are reacting to Reigns, but he's not going to say "We spent two years on this guy, I don't think we'll bother anymore."

I've read reports that have said Vince is starting to give up on him, but he will never admit that publicly. The only way to get Reigns out of the top spot now is if he screws up, then the WWE can take the easy way out and blame him, otherwise we are going to have The Guy around for awhile.
I always think that a good midcard title reign could have done wonders for Roman Reigns before that dumb rocket push to the moon.

Reigns was nowhere near ready for that push. Reigns was the powerhouse of The Shield and he was only ought to do clearing the ring at the end with his power moves. Rollins and Ambrose were the most exposed and they dealt with it rightly enough. Reigns was protected by Ambrose and Rollins which led to problems when Reigns was on his own.

Noone would and should want failure for anyone, be it Reigns or anyone else.

A heel turn still can do wonders for him though.
I wasn't going to feed the troll but... frig it, it's early and I'm bored.

Look, anyone who doesn't want a wrestler to succeed is not really a wrestling fan, or at the very least, they're a shitty one. A wrestlers success, and especially Roman Reigns' at this point, can only help the product that we're watching and if Roman doesn't end up "succeeding" entertainment wise (because he's already succeeded kayfabe wise), than it's going to be a long, long decade for wrestling fans. What OP has to understand, and this a fucking long shot with this guy believe me I know... but what he has to understand is that Reigns is not ready for the spot that they're grooming him for.

Are you reading this OP. People don't want Reigns to fail, they also don't want him to take over for John Cena. There is a middle ground that everyone else has found. I suggest you find it too...
I disagree with the idea that Reigns isn't ready for his spot. Philly gave Reigns a standing ovation when he won the title from Sheamus. It felt as though the hardcore fan base had either accepted him or were coming around to the idea of him being the next top guy. WWE was the one that ruined Reigns by portraying him as something he wasn't: an underdog, a coward, a weakling. Fans can't get behind that. Not when Reigns is a 270 pound powerhouse. After watching Reigns these past few months I think WWE has done more to damage Reigns than his own supposed lack of ability. That being said Reigns is still green and I don't think he has good chemistry with AJ Styles at all. Perhaps once Cena returns that may change. But overall I think Reigns is ready to be world champion. I think a better question would be is the WWE ready to use Reigns correctly? Because they really haven't been.
Honestly, i want him to fail and wwe learn from that for the next time. wwe has pushed the hell out of him, he is a 3 time champ now and people still boo him. Why? wwe needs to learn what is stopping him from being liked as a champ so they can push him. What needs to happen is he needs to lose the title and then spend the next year to year and a half working with the new talent like AJ so his work improves and so people get behind him. Look at The Rock - people like him as champ but love the buildup to him winning. That is what wwe needs to create here with Reigns. Once the fans are behind him, then you can start planning to make him champ again. That's been the biggest issue - fans just start to get behind him and wwe jumps the gun. Let the fans get behind him, hold off until fans demand you make him champ and then put the title on him. Fans will pay for that.

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