Do You Want Hulk Hogan To Succeed?

CM Steel

A REAL American
Hulk Hogan is what LL Cool J is to Hip-Hop, an icon! But many now adays see the Hulkster as a shell of his former self. Working backstage in the offices of TNA/Impact wrestling politicing and such. With Eric Bischoff as Hulk's right-hand-man, and TNA signing the Hulkster's daugther Brooke Hogan to Impact Wrestling. It almost seems that Hulk Hogan is what Vince McMahon is to the WWE, a visionary.

But with all of the heat on Hogan from TNA. Will Hulk Hogan succeed on what he's trying to do with the company? Do you want Hulk Hogan to succeed?
Will Hulk Hogan succeed on what he's trying to do with the company?
ueh What is he trying to do with the company? Cause really I don`t see anything positive. Isn`t it the general consensus that TNA would be better without Hogan. His latest 'groundbreaking idea' kinda show how delusional he is. He even recently describe that fact that WWE has shown footage of Brock destroying hogan as Vince getting worried. lol
And the only worthy comparison with Vince is that they have both past their prime. But Hogan was never at the level of Vince. Sure he is good at marketing himself, protecting the Hulk Hogan franchise but to run a wrestling company? No, he is not that guy. Quite frankly, I would like Hogan to just leave. He came to TNA along with Bischoff, claiming he could bring back the Monday night wars, compete with Vince....did not work, would have never worked. TNA should not be a company that lives in the past...there is so much potential and last PPV proved that.
I want him to succeed. Anyone who is a wrestling fan, of either promotion should want to see some healthy competition and Hulk has grand plans for TNA.

The problem is Hulk has never really been in creative so hes never really had any top ideas. He was a wrestler with creative control who wrote himself into success during WCW and had the power of popularity in WWF/E. Hell anyone who has watched any interview with Nash, Hall, any of the big players in WCW they all say the same thing. They got friendly with Hulk, pitched ideas to him and made it seem like they were his so he would go to management with his creative control and wham bam thank you Hulkster.

Any big idea he has come up with in the past was not his own which is why I dont think he will succeed in his aspirations of TNA. I hope he does because Id hate to see TNA go down a horrible path, but I dont think Hulk is the one with the big ideas. Bischoff I have faith in to do some good work, but even he isnt creative hes more production orientated.
With Hulk Hogan and TNA being so closely intertwined together I think the better question is do I want TNA to succeed. I will say as a wrestling fan the answer is yes. The WWE should want TNA to succeed, there are better ratings and the product was better when both companies were thriving. You can almost say both made eachother better. My problem is the story lines in TNA are stale and I don't think they push the right people. TNA has a long way to go and I wish them well so I wish Hulk Hogan well.
The problem is Hulk has never really been in creative so hes never really had any top ideas. He was a wrestler with creative control who wrote himself into success during WCW and had the power of popularity in WWF/E.

One of the factors in pro wrestling that's always been hard to figure is how much is real and how much is kayfabe. For years, Hogan has been boasting how he "taught Vince McMahon the business," which I consider absurd. At any rate, he seems to think he knows it inside and out.....but I wonder. Yes, he's been around a long time and enjoyed an enormous amount of success, but we don't truly know if he's ever had an original thought in his life, do we?

Does Hogan really work with the creative aspects of TNA? We assume he does because they tell us so, but I've often wondered if he isn't anything more than John Laurinaitis or Eric Bischoff in WWE: strictly an on-air character who plays a person working in Creative.

Sure, maybe Hogan sits in on executive committee meetings and tosses out his ideas.....and the committee pretends to give him their undivided attention as he spews his self-promoting stuff. Or, perhaps he really is a contributing member of the group. The fact is, we don't really know.

Do I want Hulk Hogan to succeed for the sake of TNA's future?.....No, not really. He's had 2 1/2 years to accomplish what he was brought in for: to drastically improve the company's TV ratings and overall exposure...... and it hasn't worked. In fact, not only have things not improved, but for the past couple of years TNA has had to pay Hulk's salary.....and I doubt he comes cheap.
If by "succeeding" you mean Hogan makes TNA popular then I absolutely hop he does indeed succeed because, as it's already been said, this would benefit the whole wrestling business, and if wrestling gets more successful then thats great. I don't see it happening because of all the things I've heard of in TNA that Hulk Hogan came up with I can't remember one thing that was actually useful.
I think most wrestling fans want Hulk to be a positive addition to Impact and help it grow & succeed. However, Hogan is his own worst enemy. He'll always want what it best for himself first and the company after. As long as he has that mentality, this Impact Wrestling/Hulk Hogan relationship will not do any favors for TNA as a company. It's apparent now that Hogan isn't holding some big idea that will revolutionize pro wrestling or even TNA or make Impact Wrestling a serious contender for WWE.

I truly believe TNA was way better off before either Hogan or Bischoff joined. They just wanted another payday and 15 additional minutes of fame & glory. If TNA had any business sense, they'd cut their losses and send both guys to the future endeavored line.
I want to see TNA succeed. By that i mean, keep the industry flowing, because I don't think they will ever reach WWE levels.

As far as hogan and his two bit friends, family, and cohorts, they can f*ck off and crawl into a gutter...and, well, you know the rest....
The only way Hogan "succeeds" is by consuming massive and disproportionation chunks of the talent budget, keeping most to himself and letting the rest trickle down to his cronies and now his talentless daughter. Having hogan succeed and TNA succeed are polar opposites. I want TNA to succeed like hell but the only way that can happen is to get rid of leeches like hogan. I was a TNA supporter for a long time and I fought against the WWEfanboys but the product they are putting out these days is literally unwatchable.
Honestly? No, I don't want Hogan to succeed.

I DO want TNA to succeed, but I want Hulk Hogan to fail miserably. I'm just so tired of his whole schtick, I'm tired of the way he thinks people still want to see him wrestle, I'm tired of him ruining everything he touches, I'm tired of him doing everything for the benefit of him and his friends, and I'm tired of him thinking he's still the biggest thing in pro-wrestling. I'm tired of his crackpot ideas and I'm tired of him.

I will admit, not everything he's done is terrible. I think TNA is better suited with a four sided ring, and the fact that he's trying to change the name of the company to just impact wrestling, is a good idea. That being said, it's not worth him trying hog the glory via storyline (Abyss-a-Mania, Immortal) and it's not worth him giving jobs to every untalented family he and Bischoff can drag up.

I want Hulk Hogan to just go home, retire, and enjoy the rest of his life like the old man he is.
I want TNA to succeed and be back to what it used to be! I miss Pre-Hogan/Bischoff TNA. The only thing those two have done for TNA is suck money from the company.

As far as Hogan he can F OFF and ride off into the sunset with his no talent daughter and over the hill friends. Then he can take his BFF Bischoff with him and ruin some other promotion.
Sure I want TNA to succeed with Hogan or without Hogan, but saying he's a visionary is while, ridiculous. If he ever thinks of something that is ground breaking, I'll be the first one to take my words back. But so far he's been hiring a bunch of people who are his friends, buba the love douche, Nasty boys, and now his daughter. I think the only reason Nick, hasn't got a contract, is cause of all the bad press it would get.
Will it succeed? I don't know. I think history shows that Hogan having this much power might not be a good thing. The fact he is still hinting towards another match with Flair is just a bit sad.

Do I want him to succeed? Of course I do. Anyone who doesn't want TNA to succeed is an idiot in my humble opinion. TNA doing well is only good for wrestling and I've never understood why someone would have an attachment to a company to an extent that they would dislike any other company. I'll admit I've always been more of a WWE fan but that doesn't mean I dislike TNA. I think competition brings out the best in everyone and TNA doing well would lead to that.
It would be nice to see anyone succeed in an industry with little or no competition. He was one of the most successful wrestlers of all time. By far no one can argue that.

A good portion of us, would love to see him get TNA to heights of having sold out arenas. That means you have two successful wrestling companies, and a bigger demand for wrestlers or entertainers. Someone who didn't go through WWE Development, has a good chance of becoming a success in the business.

But, it depends how you want him to succeed. I know this sounds weird, but hopefully I can justify what I mean. Does he get TNA to heights, by promoting him and the Warrior for one last match or riding the nostalgia act, or does he do it, by recruiting guys, and pushing them.

The reason I say that, is nostalgia can only go for so long. Just a quick jump start if you will. If guys like Austin Aries are main eventing, and drawing big dollars, that would be great. Because it would push more for recruiting, and finding guys who know a thing or two about the trade. It would show people, that your competition doesn't have a monopoly on the industry.
I want TNA to succeed more than anything, we need alternative to WWE, as fans we’ve been forced to buy into a product that is flawed, and we’ve been treat like simpletons for a while now to some degree by the WWE product. I only catch the occasional RAW and most PPV’s nowadays as you could miss 3 RAW’s out of 4 and you haven’t missed any must see TV.

So yeah I want TNA to succeed, but with Hogan or Bischoff running the joint it won’t, and not for the bullshit we’ve already heard but for the fact Hogan is living off past glory and believes the fans want to see a certain style and you have Bischoff who wants to go for a certain style of show and two styles clash and conflict with one another.

TNA has the opportunity to stand on its own, be a wrestling oriented show, cut out the rhetoric bullshit, stop with the face-heel-face-heel turns, fans don’t buy into it, go with what the wrestler prefers end of the day if he’s more comfortable being the bad guy chances are you’ll see it in his work.

Cut out the nepotism if Brooke and Garrett want to make it, they should do it the old fashioned way.
I heard Bischoff has some grand plan to have a 4 week cycle of tv shows, one law and order another fight night and two others I can’t remember wtf it’s a wrestling show not some primetime tv series with 4 different elements condensed together.

TNA needs to strip the product to its shell and start to rebuild the product for what it is not for what some suits perceive it to be, it's a wrestling show not some fight club/crime drama.
i want TNA to succeed. Hogan by himself is not going to save TNA because Hogan is limited with that he can do right now. if Hogan had joined 10 years ago, it would be a totally different story but Hogan has done a lot of stupid things which have tarnished the Hogan name. simply put, he is not as important as he once was even if he is a legend in the business. problem i see is that Hogan`s success usually means Hogan getting over more than others around him and at this stage in his career, that just isn`t an option anymore. i don`t want to be hearing about how Hogan`s suggestions turned around the company when no one else could, i want to hear about how Hogan joined the TNA team and together they made it a successful company. unless that is going to happen, could care less about Hogan being successful.
I like Hogan I really do, hell I even met the guy and thought he was a class act to myself and other fans. Therefore, I'd like to see TNA succeed and for him to have a comfortable role in the company as an ambassador to the organization.

Do I really approve of what he says often times? Well, to be honest it doesn't matter what I approve of and don't approve of. I hear all the outlandish things Hogan says and see all the outlandish things he does, but I keep reminding myself that Hogan's is in a business that shares the same DNA as carny-fare. That's not to say I have ever been ashamed of being a wrestling fan. But even the wrestlers who I loved watching when I was a kid, I am not going to resort to letting them reel me in about all these wild stories they tell. I.E. Hogan saying he taught Vince everything he knows, while I do think Hogan of course had the ambition and foresight to sell himself to promoters like Verne Gagne and Vince McMahon, at the same time I am not going to go and say that the promoters don't deserve their credit. I mean after all, look at what Vince did WITHOUT Hogan and to even a lesser extent Gagne still had some success after Hogan went back to WWF, granted the AWA was hanging on by threads, but the number of young and great talent that got their feet wet in Minnesota went on to some great successes just a few of those names were Scott Hall, Shawn Michaels, Curt Hennig and Yokozuna. So with that said, even the biggest Hogan mark can't be so blind to say that it's always been about Hogan and that Hogan has always been "all that" and that no promotion can survive or be productive without him. Because that's a farce. Especially in the case of the WWF, Vince deserves his credit, however that's not to shortchange Hogan either because the best performers in my mind have to be able to carry their weight too. If such wasn't the case guys like Rude, Hogan, Piper, Savage, Flair, etc. would have fallen flat on their face when they took their acts to other organizations. In fact all these men fine tuned their personas that they got famous for before EVER even associating with Vince McMahon, Jr. But anyway getting back to Hogan's outlandish statements, yeah I personally feel that Hogan extends kayfabe into his so called "real self" that he presents to the media. It kind of nauseates me at times but I've come to expect that in today's day and age with wrestling. Whether what I think it's good kayfabe or not is besides the point, the bottom line is I don't think Hogan ever gets out of character when he's in front of a camera or talking to a media outlet.

As far as Hogan's on air role goes, I think he's probably made a few suggestions. Such as I don't doubt that he was instrumental in TNA returning to the four sided ring, which I might add they were using for a couple years before adopting the hexagon ring. And yes I know the offspring of him and his boy Bischoff getting involved make things look suspicious. However, while I think there's input with Hogan suggesting stuff, I don't think he has all this control that us folks here think he does. As a legend of the business I feel he wants to have a very loose and flexible schedule to where he can do his own side projects and not be as tied down like the WWE Legends deals seem to be. Which to add I think he must have some sort of WWE Legends deal considering that he appears in stuff like video games from time to time. But it obviously isn't a restrictive one to the point where he can't do his thing with TNA.

With TNA being a private enterprise and not a publicly traded company, I really don't know who does what in that company. However, I do think if Hogan had all this power that so many people think he does. I think his buddies like the Nasty Boys and himself (prior to all those surgeries with his back) would have been collecting title reigns and doing all sorts of other crazy shit. Granted, Hogan's been pretty camera happy at times, but there are also times where he doesn't even appear on TV and he has taken time away from the air period. Plus look at the configuration of the title pictures in TNA, Roode as World Champion, Devon as TV Champion (granted he's not a TNA homegrown talent but nothing wrong with a vet who's not associated as being a Hogan crony with a title), Aries as the X-Division Champion, Daniels and Kazarian as the Tag Champs, Gail Kim as the Knockout Champion and as far as the Knockout Tag Titles go well...yeah that's one sticking point there with Eric Young and ODB but hey Harvey Whippleman was the Woman's Champion before, need I say more?

There have been plenty of opportunities for craziness to occur in the title pictures of TNA since Hogan got there and yes there's been some questionable stuff going on before, like Bobby Roode not winning the title the first time against Kurt Angle, but I think that's more than made up for itself.

I really don't know what place in the wrestling world TNA will have in another ten years, if it'll even be around by that time, but who knows, they've come this far where other ventures have not, see Drew McManus' World Wrestling All-Stars and Jimmy Hart's XWF. Those two organizations amounted to nothing while TNA for all its flaws and what not has been around for a decade. What Hogan's total role is I don't know, again none of us really do no matter how much we want to try and say we do by citing the internet. Bottom line is, I would like to see Hogan succeed in a company like TNA and hopefully contribute some meaningful stuff to the company. Yes it's cringeworthy to think of what they might do with Brooke and Garrett Bischoff but again I haven't see Garrett sweep the title pictures and upset the balance they have right now, and who really knows how "important" Brooke's role is going to be. I am not going to jump the gun.

Even though I'm not a total TNA devotee I give them credit where it's due and I maintain that things could be a LOT worse with the company. During a time where the true kingpins of wrestling are not reaching the same numbers they once did years ago, I find any alternative that's managed to stick around this long to be doing something commendable and right. It's a shame some people will still find ways to uselessly bicker and bitch when it's quite unnecessary. And yes I even put myself in that category because I often times get pretty standoffish and rude on these forums. But just the same, I'm doing my best to have a more open mind on a topic like this.
Why so much hate, and disdain for Hogan? You whiners are acting like he personally screwed each one of you over. You say you want TNA to succeed, yet Hogan to fail miserably. Well Hogan is going to be a part of TNA for at least a year, or 2, so if TNA does take a step forward, Hogan will be part of it in some way. You IWC lunkheads have no problem sucking off Vince for all his bad ideas, yet Hogan gets scrutinized for everything he does. Good or bad.
On his own, without the support of wrestling company owners behind him & their willing to put up millions of dollars, Hogan doesn't have a great track record in regards to his own projects. Whether it be any of his various endorsement deals, with the exception of the Rent-A-Center commercials, Hogan hasn't exactly set the world on fire. One could argue that the Rent-A-Center commercials are working because of his interaction with Troy Aikman rather than just himself alone. His movie career never amounted to anything other than very, very low budget & bad action films. The celebrity championship wrestling show he had on CMT a few years back was a complete flop. The Micro Championship Wrestling show on TruTV was also a huge flop. His Hulkamania tour prior to his coming to TNA didn't generate anywhere close to the type of business he was hoping. I don't think I'd call Hogan a visionary so much as I'd call him a tireless self-promoter.

I'd like very much to see Hulk Hogan succeed, but I just don't personally believe he has it in him. Hogan is not the creative genius that he frequently hypes himself to be. That's not to say that he doesn't have some good ideas, we've seen some good ideas of his play out in recent months. I'm just not sure if anybody can really get TNA where the TNA brass wants it to be, at least not right now. They've done everything that they can from bringing in huge names to going head to head with WWE. Now they're changing timeslots and going live through this summer in an attempt, and rightly so, to increase viewership. I just don't see it happening in the long run. I'm sure there'll be a few weeks in which they pop a rating but what if they go right back to where they were before? Hogan himself said that he believed 75% of what's wrong in TNA would be fixed by going live, but what if it continues to be plagued with the exact same problems, with only the added expense of a live broadcast?

Like I said, I'm not sure that anybody can really put TNA on that next level, I don't think Hogan can because, if he could, I think it probably would have happened by now. The interest just hasn't been there beyond the usual 1.35-1.5 million viewers that TNA has drawn for the past several years. In the grand scheme of things on cable, TNA doesn't draw bad numbers, but Hogan isn't the guy that's going to get them to that next level.

As for the heat on Hogan, well a lot of that is his own doing. Like I aluded to earlier, Hogan has stuck his foot in his mouth plenty of times since coming to TNA. His image certainly hasn't been helped by him airing his dirty laundry in public, which sometimes looks to be by design. Aside from that, in my opinion, there have been lots of times in which Hogan has made decisions that've been designed to keep him in the spotlight more than to elevate the company. Sooner or later, in his current on-screen role as IW GM, I see him making himself the center of things again. He hasn't thus far really, but I think it's only a matter of time. He just can't help himself.
Why so much hate, and disdain for Hogan? You whiners are acting like he personally screwed each one of you over. You say you want TNA to succeed, yet Hogan to fail miserably. Well Hogan is going to be a part of TNA for at least a year, or 2, so if TNA does take a step forward, Hogan will be part of it in some way. You IWC lunkheads have no problem sucking off Vince for all his bad ideas, yet Hogan gets scrutinized for everything he does. Good or bad.

Well, he gets scrutinized for all that TV time he takes. I mean, he is back on TV giving promos and making matches. He is all over the place again. Nothing wrong with him making an appearance once a month to promote a big match, but instead he is back being all over TV.

Then, you hear his daughter just got a job with the company. As a consultant for the knockouts. How many matches has she won? Does being a daughter of Hulk Hogan make you a knowledgeable source on getting Knock-outs over? Now, don't get me wrong. Many people in power help family and friends get jobs, but getting her a job that someone like Lita or Trish Stratus should be doing. That deserves some criticism.

But, like I stated early. There are certain ways you want to see him succeed. And certain ways you want to see him fail. Like having the nasty boys come back. It was good seeing that fail. Having the nWo re-union. Yes you want to see that fail. Now, having talent like Austin Aries, MCMG, Booby Roode, and James Storm become the main events, and getting them to draw. That's where I want to Hogan succeed.
Well, he gets scrutinized for all that TV time he takes. I mean, he is back on TV giving promos and making matches. He is all over the place again. Nothing wrong with him making an appearance once a month to promote a big match, but instead he is back being all over TV.

Then, you hear his daughter just got a job with the company. As a consultant for the knockouts. How many matches has she won? Does being a daughter of Hulk Hogan make you a knowledgeable source on getting Knock-outs over? Now, don't get me wrong. Many people in power help family and friends get jobs, but getting her a job that someone like Lita or Trish Stratus should be doing. That deserves some criticism.

But, like I stated early. There are certain ways you want to see him succeed. And certain ways you want to see him fail. Like having the nasty boys come back. It was good seeing that fail. Having the nWo re-union. Yes you want to see that fail. Now, having talent like Austin Aries, MCMG, Booby Roode, and James Storm become the main events, and getting them to draw. That's where I want to Hogan succeed.

Umm, you do know he's the GM of Impact, so he's going to have a bit more TV time right now. As for Brooke getting hired. Does anybody really know what role she'll have? Most likely more eye candy for the knockouts.
For him to succeed he's going to have to do something good, so yes I do want him to succeed. I don't want TNA to suck. It's just that it always has. In a perfect world TNA and WWE would both be knocking it out of the park every week, and I would love that. So it boils down to this. Do I want him to succeed? Yes. Do I think he will? lol no way.
Honestly I've been in the same boat as everyone else on this and in my opinion I hope Hogan does succeed. The WWE has become extremely predictable and I think if Hogan succeeds it will give the higher ups in the WWE a kick in the ass. Vince is and always will be a visionary but with no competition out there it was only a matter of time before the WWE became bland. Perfect example TNA/Impact Wrestling announced that they are going live and will be 3 hours long and shortly there after we hear the WWE is going to be 3 hours long in July with the first 3 hour show being the 1000th episode of Raw. Both companies had the right idea and it's not a matter of who will fail first, I think with the new hour added to each show we'll see alot more action and drama of course but in the mean time stronger storylines better feuds however both companies should be on a diffrent page. For the WWE I would say it's time to get past this pg crap. They can still promote anti-bullying and all the other great things the WWE is supporting but we as fans need and want to see the WWE go into the original path it was going. TNA/Impact Wrestling today is what WWE was 10 years ago and you can say what you want about TNA but everyone said JJ would never make it and here we are 10 years later and although mediocre still running wild with no intentions on changing that. Now the WWE has to have that same do or die attitude. Thus this is why I hope Hogan succeeds, the WWE needs the competition and if you all think back to when we had the Monday night wars between WCW and then WWF everyone tuned in to both shows until Bichoff ran WCW into the ground, what happened next Vince bought WCW and the WWE hasn't been the same since, every PPV is essentially predictable and for the price of the PPV we should be spending $$$ not knowing what's going to happen as opposed to spending $$$ to find out you just shelled out 50 or 60 bucks for something you already knew was going to happen.Take Over The Limit and the stipulation set forth by the board of directors for Cena/Johnny match ther are over 10 superstars who are no longer with the company 2 of them recent Show and Lesnar so it goes without saying the ball is still in Johnny L's corner and that's what I mean by shelling out $$$ when you already know what's going to happen and as for TNA/Impact Wrestling they may not be as perfect as the WWE but in their PPV's the World Championship is the Main event and I'm willing to bet dollars to doughnuts it will be Cena/Johnny as the main event. In closing I would have to say that both companies have to work on getting better and having less predictability.
There really isn't a metric for what counts as "succeeding" for Hulk Hogan and TNA/IW, but I'm going to go out on a limb and say it doesn't involve having the same ratings two and a half years into a partnership.

I honestly don't care if Hulk Hogan builds TNA/IW into a larger company. I want someone to do it, but I don't give a shit if Hulk Hogan is that driving influence or not. He is a tool, to me. You use him to do a job. I don't care who the tool is that gets the job done, so long as the job gets done.

I raged about this back before Hulk + Eric annexed TNA/IW, but I said that they were going to worm themselves so deeply into the product that people wouldn't recognize the difference between their success and TNA/IW's. Now, it seems you can't like one without loving the other, and vice versa.
I want him to succeed. I am a wrestling fan, and if TNA does well it only drives the interest in wrestling up. Hogan has years in the business and I think if he put his mind on the product and off himself he could do really well. I have wanted TNA to be competition to WWE for a long time, and they haven't been able to do it. Hogan could have been the one (maybe still could be the one) that gives TNA that big push they need to compete. It can only be good for us fans if he does succeed therefore I want him to.

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