Do you think people abuse “Freedom Of Speech” and actually know what it stands For?

I hate those Christians

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I’m asking because it really frustrates me when, someone is stating a opinion and it’s a attacking opinion or insulting another person, they claim that they have the right to ‘Freedom Of Speech”.

In my opinion, I don’t think “Freedom Of Speech” is used for attacking one another based on there opinions and views. There are ways to state opinions and views without offending anyone.
This isn't in response to anything, clearly...

So freedom of speech shouldn't be used when someone is "attacking" another's opinion? Well, first of all, people have differing views on what constitutes an "attack", so there's a problem there. Secondly, an attack on one's opinion happens when someone disagrees or has a differing opinion. If no one attacked an opinion, that would mean that no one had a differing opinion, which is impossible.

Regardless of what an opinion is, chances are someone will disagree with it. Whether or not them saying as much can be considered an attack on one's beliefs is up to the viewers. Personally, I think you're being a little oversensitive.
More often than not this tends to be a petulant response by a person that, otherwise, has no intelligent discourse to add to a conversation other than "you're disagreeing with me and I don't like it."

Zero, the constitution of the United States is pretty clear about the rules regarding Freedom of Speech. More often than not, it's not subject to interpretation. Only on very few occasions does Freedom of Speech make to to the subjective level and, even then, it usually loses to the Constitution.
No. It's what it's all about. Freedom of speech allows you to say whatever you want to say. And to insult someone else's opinion is completely allowed.

There's no way to abuse the ability of freedom of speech. Because that's impossible. Abusing it is taking advantage of something in ways it shouldn't be allowed or in a bad intention. There's no bad intentions in disagreeing with a person. Much less to debate someone on it.

And it's pretty easy to understand what it actually stands for. Because freedom of speech is unlimited in that matter. So to rant on about something. To complain about something. To praise etc. is all a part of freedom of speech.

Wikipedia said:
Freedom of speech is the freedom to speak without censorship or limitation, or both. The synonymous term freedom of expression is sometimes used to indicate not only freedom of verbal speech but any act of seeking, receiving and imparting information or ideas, regardless of the medium used. In practice, the right to freedom of speech is not absolute in any country and the right is commonly subject to limitations, such as on "hate speech".

And yes I am fully aware that it says that it's not an absolute allowed thing in all countries. But that doesn't mean that it's possible to abuse it. Unless it breaks the law of which you practice your job. For example talking about a patient outside of work if you're a doctor. It's freedom of speech. But it's also illegal.
So what you are telling me is that, if people don't like what you are saying then you shouldn't be allowed to say it?

The whole point of freedom of speech is to speak your mind, regardless if some people don't like it.

Don't trust wiki, people can edit that stuff
Thats like saying don't trust that your bed is clean, because I could take a shit in it. Just because it can be abused doesn't mean it is. Also, wikipedia is very very strict as far as sourcing and editing goes. Try putting some bullshit in an article, seriously go do it. You will be very surprised how fast it will be corrected or taken down due to lack of source.
In my opinion, I don’t think “Freedom Of Speech” is used for attacking one another based on there opinions and views. There are ways to state opinions and views without offending anyone.

Actually, that's exactly what it was for. The "freedom of speech" is primarily an American term, deriving from the Constitution's Bill of Rights. The concept of Freedom of Speech comes from the idea that a country's citizenry should be allowed to freely express their opinion on the direction or actions of the government, without fear of persecution or retribution from said government.

It actually was intended to permit the attacking of opinions, views and actions.

You're just full of fail today, aren't you?
There is no limit on freedom of speech, you can't abuse it. That's why it is there so you can say what you want to and not be punished for it. It is a freedom that we take for granted if you think about it though.

But ya you can't abuse it because that's exactly what it's for.
I don't even how you can think this would be a legit argument at all.
Well, yes, and no. There are sentences one can't utter in public. For example, due to a seldom known and rarely enforced law entitled the "Alien and Sedition Act", it is illegal in the United States to say "I want to kill the President". If someone were to go that far, they'd be abusing the Free Speech clause. Also, it is not protected speech (read: not OK to say) to yell "FIRE!!!" in a crowded theater. Nor can you spread slanderous/libelous rumors about a private individual (Public figures/celebrities are easier to slander, legally).

Now, as for the not being able to abuse said right, for the most part that is true. For example, I can say something like "I don't agree with (insert persons name) opinion. He's full of shit.", and there will be no legal ramifications. As well it should be. I take full advantage of Freedom of Speech, but I also realize there are limits to that freedom. It's not called "Limitless Freedom of Speech, And You Can Say Anything You Want".

To play devils Advocate, though, I'd like to say I've read legal texts which interpret the First as "The Right to Freedom of Press", which is also how I like to look at it. That provision isn't there for private conversations between friends, as they are going to say whatever they want anyway. The way I, and others, read it is that you can verbally say what you want, and there will be no ramifications. However, if you go the extra mile and print it in the local paper/do an Op-Ed on the 11 o'clock news, you better be damn sure you have facts to back it up.

The reason behind this is, if it's just a spoken word, the damage is minimal. It'll eventually go away. If you print it, or broadcast it on TV, it's there to stay. Be it somebody clipping the recipe on the reverse side, or taping the news because they knew they'd be in a "Man on the Streets" segment, the subject of the accusations will not be able to fully escape it. Then your lies come out, and he can rightfully sue you.

Sorry for the rant, guys. But, like I said, somebody had to play Devils Advocate.

Edit: Sly said it best. It's there to allow us to blast the government. Also, I'd like to retract my portion about Alien and Sedition Act, as it's still on the books, but was deemed unconstitutional. Thank you law books...
I dont think that the concept of 'Freedom of Speech' can be abused, because it is clearly what it is there for. I do think that people use it as an excuse to make noise or to hear the sound of their own voice, or use it as a cover when they come to the realisation that they are talking shit or expressing moronic views.
Freedom of Speech, as defined in the US Constitution, is about the relationship between the citizenry and the government. On this, SlyFox is correct. It is not a personal license to say whatever the hell you want, whenever you want, without consequences. Too many people seem to think it means just that, and consequently, too many people are wrong.
An American citizen can say whatever the fuck they want (legally) as long as it doesn't necessitate "clear and present danger" (to be determined by a judge). While what one says may go against codes of etiquette and common courtesy, they are legally allowed to say it. Common sense dictates not to go up to a black dude and call him the N word and hand him a plow, but damn it it's America and he can do that. You can go to a gay parade and shout of "***!" as loud as you want. You can get on Wrestlezone forums and tell Norcal that his opinion doesn't matter (you might get banned and/or chased down and beaten up by Norcal) but damn it legally there is nothing that can be done about any of that.

Disclaimer: I am not racist and am very respectable of other people and their life choices. I also am a fan of Norcal's posts and advise against flaming him. I am just merely making a point.

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