Do you see NXT being represented at WrestleMania?

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So, the WWE has debuted NXT to moderate success and people are interested in the show. Clearly WrestleMania offers an opportunity to show these guys what it's like to be on a huge show, both literally and in kayfabe, so do you think they'll feature.

On the plus side, it gives them this exposure, on the negative a lot of them, and I'm looking at you David Otunga, are green and they are therefore something of a liability.

Most of the mentors will be involved with other stuff, so if they're on the card, they will likely be on their own. In order to get everyone in, it'll be a battle royal or 4-on-4 tag team, which won't be great, so I think if they do it, it'll be on the preshow. Alternatively, they'll just be at ringside or something and one of them will be involved in a match. So do you think we'll see the NXT rookies in the ring, or at all at WrestleMania?
If you ask me, I highly doubt there'll be any match going on for the NXT rookies at this years Wrestlemania, because of these people being green, and putting them in the biggest show of the WWE would probably not be the best move just yet, but at that point I could be wrong, I just don't see it being done.

And as for being ringside, I doubt that aswell, because, well Christian atleast will be in the MITB, which would require alot of out of the ring stuff etc. which would eventually cause the rookie to get involved (most likely from being hit from a flying Shelton Benjamin that jumps into the crowd :p) and there's still spots in the MITB, which would probably see atleast one more of the pro's perhaps qualifying, which would have yet another rookie ringside, more to bump into.

And we also have to consider that some of the pro's might not even be going to Wrestlemania? that would leave out some rookies not getting the exposure they should be allowed to have if the others get the exposure.

So I think, if we're going to see any of the rookies at any point during Wrestlemania, it will be in a backstage segment, or a quick glance at "Oh there we have ..... looking on"
I don't think that NXT will be featured specifically in a match at WM26, simply because I don't think there's enough time available to fit one in and do justice to it. When you look at the matches which have already been announced, plus the matches speculated on (divas, unified tag team, Punk/Mysterio, and others), it's a pretty full card.

I think there will be vignettes or promos involving some of the guys, directly or indirectly. I think they will be present backstage, giving them a taste of the grandest stage of them all. I could even see some action such as a backstage altercation between the Miz and Daniel Bryan, but I just don't see a NXT match happening during WM26. Maybe a dark match prior to the show for the fans in attendance, but not during the PPV itself.

The only potential in-ring action I could possibly see during the PPV itself would be Bryan interfering in a Miz match, costing him the victory and possibly the belts. Have some sort of backstage action (such as a promo and the Miz slaps Bryan), with Bryan coming to ringside later for retaliation. Although really, I don't see this happening quite yet. Likely soon, but not yet.
I bet we will see them in some capicity. Wrestling? No. I don't even think they will see the dark match, that is usually reserved for pro's who cannot get onto the Mania card itself. I am counting on some kind of backstage segment, a big interview or maybe even just show them watching on a monitor.

The reason I am fairly certain we will see them, in some capacity, is Vince's obsession with product placement. He will probably believe that these guys absolutely have to be seen in some capacity to help get NXT over. Is he right about that? Maybe. Vince has been more into marketing the last several years, so I would be surprised if we didn't see them at all.
Wrestlemania is always the biggest night of the year for wrestling, the biggest party attitude of WWE. I am sure that the NXT rookies will get one segment of the night where they will get to introduce themselves as WWE will look to promote this show. As for a Match, I can see the only potential match being a Dark Match before the show, a sort of 4 on 4 match pitting the heels against the faces in another chance to practice up. A great potential match is the 8 NXT wrestlers in a battle royal, but if there is another battle royal match on before that, then I don't see it.
I think they will appear on the show in a very small way. Probably in some type of backstage promo together or maybe a mentee will accompany his mentor during a backstage interview. For example, Heath Slater could get a few words in during Christian's hypothetical pre MITB interview.

As for competing, I see an eight man tag team dark match as a possibility. Either that or they could be included in a battle royal. I think it would be wise to give them some exposure on such a big stage, even if it is only the pre-show. Another possibility is to have one of them do a run in during a mentor's match. For example, Wade Barrett could do a run in during the Jericho vs Edge match. However, I personally wouldn't be in favour of this. I'd rather not see the NXT rookies compete on the actual card because, as you said Tasty, they're still a little bit too green.
I think the only way those guys will be involved at mania is if the ratings remain high. Which would then make it some sort of last minute thing.
No I don't see them in any kind of angle at Mania unless Daniel Bryan somehow gets involved in the tag match costing The Miz and Show the titles which is the only thing that I see going for NXT at Mania. They havn't really show cased a lot and are not so famous to be on the card or in any backstage segment.
I really don't see NXT getting a match on the card, but I would be willing to make a small bet on some sort of appearance. As you said, it's good experience to get these guys out there on the biggest stage of them all. They don't have to do much, just walk out there and feel the energy. If WWE wants to instill a drive in these guys, give them something to aim for. All of them will want to step through that curtain for real, and be a real part of Wrestlemania after experiencing it. I don't know what they'll do, but I would expect some sort of promo with the guys in the back. If they were to only pick one or two of them, I would have to say Justin Gabriel or Daniel Bryan will make an appearance. Props to WWE for recognizing that Daniels had experience before making his NXT debut.'s profile lists him as "the most experienced of any NXT rookie."
I would look for Daniels to make some sort of Mania appearance.
I don't think the NXT guys will be in any matches at all unless they do a pre-show match which would likely be either a tag team match with the faces against the heels, or maybe a small battle royal or something. Other than that, there's no way that there will be an NXT match because these guys are all rookies and there's plenty of guys on both Raw and Smackdown who'd deserve a spot on the card before any of the NXT guys. It's possible that we might see the rookies walk out with their mentors during their matches (example: Slater might come out with Christian for the MITB match).... I think having a few of them do some type of segment backstage could be quite possible as well, to bring more attention to the show for those who haven't been watching it. I highly doubt they will get an actual match though because that wouldn't be fair to some of the guys on the main roster who are already over and deserve a spot more.
I'd like to see a 4 on 4 match from the NXT rookies because if they're going to become professional wrestlers they should at least be exposed to a Pay-Per-View

If they dont have a match I would like to see them Present ringside during their Mentor's Matches because they do need some sort of exposure.
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