Do You Like the Superstar Initiative?

"Cool Guy" Jensen

Undertaker for Champ!
The Superstar Initiative has been a feature on ECW for well over a year now. We've seen a countless amount of superstars from FCW come over to ECW to show us what they bring to the table.

Over the past several months, we've had lots of great superstars come to ECW due to the Superstar Initiative. We've had great people like Evan Bourne, Jack Swagger, Kofi Kingston, and Tyson Kidd. But then again, we've had some not so great people, like Gavin Spears and Braden Walker, who didn't last long on ECW. Some people might be saying, ''WHO?''

This past Tuesday on ECW, we saw the Superstar Initiative in full effect. It added Yoshi Tatsu, Abraham Washington, Sheamus, and Tyler Reks. We got to see Yoshi Tatsu compete on ECW, but I doubt that one kick by someone that small would really knock Shelton Benjamin cold like that. Until I see that Yoshi can add something new to ECW that sets him apart from everyone else, than I can't say much about him. We saw on ECW that Abraham Washington has pretty good mic skills and a lot of charisma... we just have too see how he is in the ring. Sheamus seems to be very proud of his Irish heritage and is pretty decent in the ring... let's see how far he'll get in the WWE. Later tonight on Superstars, we'll get to see what Tyler Reks will do in his debut against Zack Ryder. He has an okay look, but I don't know his ring skills are.

So, my question is... do you like the concept of the Superstar Initiative? We get to see a lot of new talent from FCW get called up to show us what they can do. Do you think that the Superstar Initiative is hurting or helping ECW? Who is your favorite superstar who came from the Superstar Initiative and do you think that it would work for Raw or Smackdown? Also, if you know anyone from FCW who you are impressed by and would like to see them get called up, please do not hesitate to say them.

Any thoughts?
I like the IDEA of the new superstar initiative,it depends how they do it. If they bother giving these guys something to make them stand out and get over fine. If not they are just going to end up cluttering up the roster.Hopefully Tatsu will now enter a fued with Shelton as, if he's over with the crowd in Japan, he must be a good wrestler(or was Matt Striker just making that up?) and we know Shelton is caple of good matches, a fued would probaly do alot for both men. As for Abraham Washington, he didn't really convince me with his character or mic skills.Why didn't they have him interview a wrestler(sorry "superstar") so he could attack them start a fued and, you know, make some sort of impact. Shamas looked ok, but again it was a short squash match, so it didn't give much away. Iwas impressed how comfatable he seemed on the mic though.The other guy(who's name escapes me) just talked for about 30 seconds, so I can't really form much of an opinion on him yet.

I suppose with shows like superstars these guys have more chance to work televised match's so it could turn out really well. But I won't hold my breath.
I like the IDEA of the new superstar initiative,it depends how they do it. If they bother giving these guys something to make them stand out and get over fine. If not they are just going to end up cluttering up the roster.Hopefully Tatsu will now enter a fued with Shelton as, if he's over with the crowd in Japan, he must be a good wrestler(or was Matt Striker just making that up?) and we know Shelton is caple of good matches, a fued would probaly do alot for both men. As for Abraham Washington, he didn't really convince me with his character or mic skills.Why didn't they have him interview a wrestler(sorry "superstar") so he could attack them start a fued and, you know, make some sort of impact. Shamas looked ok, but again it was a short squash match, so it didn't give much away. Iwas impressed how comfatable he seemed on the mic though.The other guy(who's name escapes me) just talked for about 30 seconds, so I can't really form much of an opinion on him yet.

I suppose with shows like superstars these guys have more chance to work televised match's so it could turn out really well. But I won't hold my breath.

You make a good point about Yoshi Tatsu. If he wants to make an impact, a fued with Shelton Benjamin would be the way to go. If he wins that fued, which wouldn't be a good idea in my opinion, then he can prove that he has what it takes to go far in the WWE, like he did in Japan. Sheamus, even though he was involved in a squash match, still has okay mic skills and okay in-ring abilities. With more matches, he'll be able to show off his skills a little better.

The ''other guy'' you mentioned was Tyler Reks. The one who talked to Zack Ryder backstage. I don't know how good he is the ring, but I'm sure he's pretty good. I just researched and it turns out that he is FCW's Heavyweight Champion and also one-half of the FCW Tag Team Champion. So he obvious has something great about him, since he's a dual champion.
Loving Yoshi's music.. He seemed ok i guess, like u guys said got to see more to give a better evaluation on. They could push him like a tajiri type of dude. Ive heard a lot of things about sheamus for a while now and he was pretty decent against a jobber, hes got the wwe look so im sure there gonna push him, shame finlays on SD now cuz im sure they could have done something 2gether. Abe washington ehhhh idk he seemed a little lame like he was trying to hard, but they give the guy his own show so he gonna get a chance to get more comfortable, lets see how he does in the ring. Reks is another guy whos got the look, he seemed like a surfer laid back type of character which im diggin, wonder if he'll throw in any 420 references but i doubt it. funny thing is im from long island so i had to pop when ryder made that comment about LI having the best beaches. which they dont but funny to have someone from LI put them over.
I like the Superstar Initiative because I think (although I might be wrong) people like MVP and Cena have gone a long way because of it.

I didn't see ECW, but I was definitely surprised to see all the new faces from the photos from the show, so I can't really say anything about who looks impressive and who doesn't, but all in all I like the Superstar Initiative, it just all depends on how they are used within the upcoming weeks and months.
IMO the superstar initiative brings more to the table, it is basically there to get guys from developmental over, if they cant get over with the live crowd then their out!, it also provides a last chance effort for guys who want to be main event but havent been given the chance or not trusted to get over with a top tier belt on the other two big rosters.

All in all ECW is doing its job and the new talent initiative is doing its job also, we have great superstars like MVP, Jack Swagger, Evan Bourne and the most over star in the WWE John Cena, just think about it has brought ECW a new leace of life as it did for smackdown once in a blue moon, it also gives us as fans a chance to see something amazing from new fresh faces that we can only see on tuesday nights.
I think its great. If they use the superstars correctly like they mostly have done I see bright things for Tatsu! He is really over with me as I am an asian myself :). The others really didn't stand out much. The more the merryer right? ;]
ECW's use of the Superstar Initiative is perfect for the show. Use of the experienced guys in Christian, Shelton, Regal to build up the new guys works.

Now, onto the new guys:
Yoshi: He has a good kick, that's all I can really say. Shelton will work well with him so it should be a good feud.

Abraham Washington: Music sucks...but he's solid on the mic at playing the guy who drives a wedge between feuders. Maybe he's decent in the ring.

Sheamus O'Shaunnesy: He suited the longer haired look. Showed a strong Irish pride, a little reluctant on the mic, but he's a big powerful guy and if he can maybe get a decent feud, he could be a guy to watch. Maybe too obvious to feud with Finlay, especially with the North/South angle, but it'd work well for him.
The New Superstar Initative is the whole reason that ECW really still exists, and for that reason yes, it is a good thing. As most people would agree, ECW is the feeder show where new names are brought up and made into future stars (CM Punk, Swagger [well he'll be a big star soon anyway], etc etc).

I have watched a few of the FCW shows on the net and have been very impressed by Sheamus O'Shaunessy (or Sheamus as he seems to be now) who was FCW champ for a fair while. I think he brings the credible Irish competer back to the WWE because, lets be honest, Finlay has lost a lot of credibility due to his Hornswaggle phase (even though he did his job in that very well by getting the kids involved, which is integral in the new PG landscape). His finisher looks like it would really hurt and he has the look of someone who will be big in the future (even with his whiter than white blinding 'tan').

Yoshi, I'm holding out judgment on him because can you really judge someone on one kick! (In fact CM Punk would dish out a kick like that in pretty much every match and not get a 3 count just from it!) And as for Abraham Washington, well apart from the cue card reading he was pretty entertaining on the mic (amazing considering it was the Bella twins he was interviewing! - BTW, on ECW what the hell are they going to now do, the only real options seem to be to feud with each other or Katie Lea, there is noone else on that show!), BUT the amount of on air shows has made him nothing special - hopefully he has something special in terms of ringwork.

One big problem with the Initiative IMO - WHY have four debuts in ONE night, spread them out! Sheamus' fight was with, according to commentary, another member of the initiative (so thats five debuts, although the other guy was obviously there just to job) - Case and point Tyler Reks, there was no need to have him 'debut' that week!

Anyway that was my first post so enough rambling on!
I love the talent initiative. Why? It's a built in plot device they can use to bring in new superstars from developmental and see how they run. If they run with it, they get promoted. Case in point: Kofi Kingston, Jack Swagger, the like. It's not like ECW has that far to fall anyway, what with their whopping 1.1 (at best) ratings.

It's perfect. This tells the fans that ECW is really how the WWE treats it, the proving ground for new prospects. If they make it there, they can go and play with the big leagues. It's so much better when you can say "I saw that kid's first match on ECW. And now, a few years later, he's tying up with John Cena" or Triple H or MVP or whomever. You understand. People will tune into ECW specifically for that. And it's what they'll get.
i love it. i am seriously starting to like ecw more then i do raw you see more wrestling and the new young talents of the wwe who are highly athletic and have great in ring skills. i think ECW should stay the way it is but they need a new general manager.
In theory I think this is a good idea, as many have said it gives a lot of FCW devlopmental talent a chance in the big time and to further develop their craft. Plus, we fans get to see new, fresh and in some cases genuinely talented perfromers which must be considered a positive.

However, the only possible drawback is that WWE have proven over time that lesser talent, particulaarly those in the mid card are not developed in the way they should be. So what we see is young stars with all the potential in the world flounder because of inadequate booking or any real sense of direction being afforded to them. WWE already have bountiful current talent over all three brands just crying out to be used in some way or another and so I only hope that the Superstar Initiative does not further add to that cluster...

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