Do You Like Chris Jericho Better As A Heel Or A Face?


The Cerebral Assassin
Well, its been quite some time now since Jericho's been a face. This talented wrestler, probably one of the best promo-man in the WWE right now, and of all time, has found alot of success so far in this new heel role that he's currently working with. However, how can we forget all of the laughs and entertainment we got from Jericho when he was a face and entertaining all of his Jerichoholics. Let's face it, Jericho's massive amount of talent allows him to be both a great face and a great heel, as he's been very successful and over as both a heel and a face in the WWE over the years. So, my question is, did you like Jericho better in his rockstar-like/save-us gimmick that he utilized in his first stint with the WWE and the beginning of his second, or do you like the cold and collected heel gimmick that he's working with right now better? They're both good, and both are very entertaining, but which one, in your opinion, was/is better?
It's impossible for Jericho not to play a character well. From his debut has the man with 1000 AND 4 holds. To his man of the millennium saviour he played when he first entered the wwe and when he re-debuted. But the character that Jericho portrays as the serious no nonsense hippocrit has given jericho the most success in his whole wwe career. He's never been as over and has causes anger out of the fans like nobody else.
yeh as great as jericho is as a face whitch lets be honest he's very entertaining/funny and so on, nothing beets a jericho heel when he is heel he shines like no other, it's simple when jericho talks EVERYONE listens.
Jeircho is both a great heel, and a great face. However, I prefer him as a heel. He can get crowd heat out of a stone! He is really talented on the microphone, and he can cut some really good promos. Take last Monday for example. The heat he got when he was owning Ric Flair was nothing short of amazing. I loved every minute of it. Jericho will be a legend.
Jericho is still and will always be remembered as Y2J to me.
All the Jericho fans have turned, not Jericho himself. He just went with the flow of the fans and whatever the reaction they gave him or wanted to see from him, he gave back a corresponding and never failed. He is simply the best to me, and most of the IWC. He is incredibly over as both face and heel, but the way i see it, I will always like the Y2J gimmick best. He also doesn't have the limited moveset he has now, because as a face he could do incredible moves that pop the crowd and as a hee he has to keep that to a minimum and be very limited as he is not the free spirit he is as Y2J as to heel. Neevvvveeerr, evvvveeerr has anything else been even a bit more entertaining to me. If that means I have to die as The LAST JERICHOHOLIC, then so be it. :crucified::samurai::shooter::flamed:
He hasn't even been a heel for year thats hardly long. Edge has been one for over 3 years. As of now i love the heel character he is playing now. its a new type of heel one that wont talk over the crowd and yell but one who makes you listen by speaking in a cold monotone voice. He always brings something new to the table which is the reason why he is one of the best.
The heel Jericho before he left was obnoxious. Mid-carder at best. Could have cared less and always perferred him face... until now. Jericho gets a resounding negative reaction. Orton can't even say that. You could hear people cheering Orton this past Monday and Orton is as captivating as they come.

A great heel wont sell you his T-shirt. Ric Flair and Jerry Lawler had my hatred regardless of who they wrestled. Flair made people me cheer for Luger even though as a mark I didn't like him. I knew he was going to do something dispicable like turning on Sting. I was just waiting. Yet Flair/Luger, I cheered Luger. Jericho fits in that class. He doesn't come out wearing some "Save Me" shirt. He isn't trying to sell you his crap. He wants you to by the other guys merchandise. No matter how much you don't like the other guy, he's not nearly the @#$hole Jericho is. Very few heels can do that.
Jericho as a face = long hair, catch lines, crazy outfits, emotion

Jericho as a heel = short hair, monotone voice, a suit, no emotion

Jericho is one of the very few superstars who can play the crowd so well that he can be a heel or a face almost at will. He is awesome as both and is one of the best performers in the business.
I'm gonna be honest and say that I personally liked him better as a face. Keep in mind, that is the point. Nevertheless, his heel character is outrageously compelling and I love it. But exactly as this reads: I LIKED HIM BETTER AS A FACE.

I'm gonna say that I liked him bettêr as a face. Why? Because the WWE doesn't know what to do with new heels. Take Matt Hardy as an example. Chris Jericho was the most remembered big face that turned into heel. What happened was that Jericho blames all the fans, calls them hypocrites, "you hated me and had no support for me my whole career," and all that other bullcrap. Matt Hardy is doing the exact same thing, except he is also blaming Jeff. Jericho's insults on Stephanie really made me laugh, as well as the ones on The Rock.
i really love y2j's heel work, and feel he's better as a heel now a days. i felt when he returned as a face the fans just wearnt popping for him as much as they should have. the old school y2j (1999 to 2001) face run was the best. but he should stick as a heel for the foreseeable future. if only they didnt fuck up his latest storyline with a shit match at mania
If that means I have to die as The LAST JERICHOHOLIC, then so be it.

we'll be the last 2 jerichoholics to die cause i love jericho to death.. ya he's not out there selling his shit he's being a bad guy he's making people hate him like back in the day when we didn't know there was a line between the charcter they were playing on tv and the actually person/wrestler you know... when jericho goes out there he gets into his character so well that all those people believe this is jericho the person and its very amazing few wrestlers have done this lately and i definitely love this heel run he's having than he's last when he was teamed with christian the people hated him then cause they knew the character was stupid people hate him now cause he's telling them too... i'll always love jericho whether he's heel or face he's my favorite and always will be!!
Well I will always like Jericho weither he's a face or a heel no matter what, but I have to say he was a great heel when he was Undisputed Champion, and my Three favorite Y2J Moments where when he Debuted in the WWF on Raw is War on August 9th 1999 by interupting The Rock with the Millennium Countdown Clock, and at WWF Vengeance on December 9th 2001 when he defeated The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin to be The Undisputed Champion, and on November 19, 2007 on Raw when Y2J Chris Jericho Returned and interupted Randy Orton
I'll like Jericho whether he's a face or heel, no matter what kind of heel he is, because he works whatever he is given so well (not to mention he's absolutely amazing in the ring). That being said, I'll always like him as a face. I loved when he first came into the WWF, not just anyone can come out and interrupt The Rock being met with cheers. Plus, he was absolutely hilarious when it came to making fun of Stephanie during the invasion angle. His comedic, arrogant, cocky face character is one of my all-time favorites.
I'm a fan of Jericho in general. I always found him to be insanely interesting and his book was good too.
I prefer the heel version of Jericho, but this version not the one he was before he left. You could tell he was burnt out and was just going with the motions. He didn't have the "oomph" like he did when he was that "cocky, cool but cowardly heel," he was just a cowardly heel but was sort of just going through the motions.
This new incarnation is awesome. I love how it is a total 180 from what he normally plays. The lack of emotion and monotone delivery is a great departure from the traditional heel persona.

I do miss the "Ayatollah of Rock n Rolla" sometimes though . . . .
How many threads are going to be about this? I hate him either way... He should not be pushed as a main eventer, unless he is on ECW... He should be on ECW, that way i wont watch him... I think he is boring in the ring, and i can not take him seriously when he talks on the mic... His current gimmick is yawn worthy... I think he should switch places with Christian, as Christian is worthy of the spotlight... Or Morrison... Morrison has some real potential...
I like him better as a heel. The moves he does are better, and the Promo's have more emotion and just sound better. The best part about a heel Jericho is nine out of ten Promo's he is telling the truth and gets hated for it. He is that damn good. I think he is a better heel. And works really well against Faces. He has a natural ability to say that he likes that jumper your wearing but he does it in a way that makes him sound like the lowest life form in the world.
How many threads are going to be about this? I hate him either way... He should not be pushed as a main eventer, unless he is on ECW... He should be on ECW, that way i wont watch him... I think he is boring in the ring, and i can not take him seriously when he talks on the mic... His current gimmick is yawn worthy... I think he should switch places with Christian, as Christian is worthy of the spotlight... Or Morrison... Morrison has some real potential...

Funny because I have seen a lot of threads that feel the exact opposite of Chris Jericho and Christian. You may not be into him, but 99% of the people in the arena and a good majority at home apparently are completely hooked by this guy.

I think this is an interesting thread at least because Jericho is one of very few people who can work heel or face really well. Lets face it. Sting sucked as a heel. Orton sucked as a face. Hart never seemed to catch fire as a heel. Austin as a heel wasn't a fire, more like a spark. Even Ric Flair's best work was as a heel. He only got away with being a face when people started to embrace his legacy and had notched like 12 or 13 title reigns. There are guys who do one or the other great but rarely do both. I still remember a RAW in Canada (Montreal I believe) where Jericho called out Shawn Michaels for his role in the "Montreal Screw Job." Man fans were behind him completely. They ate everything he said up. The Canadian hero was finally going to extract some revenge on HBK in Canada. Until Jericho stated that Canada wasn't worth seeing a Jericho/HBK rematch from WM19 and that he would fight him the following week. Never have I seen someone make the crowd do a 180 while his target remained the same.

That is what makes this thread interesting. Acknowledging Jericho has had success as a face and a heel. Like I said earlier, I thought he was a better face before he left but his new heel gimmick is gold.
lets start this by saying that jericho is one of my favs to watch wrestle, he truly is the man of 1000 and 4 moves, but i find myself wanting to change the channel recently when he is bashing the old guys. i guess it's really nothing against him but i really don't want to see a 100 year old superfly or a gray haired steamboat. so while he may be a great heel this current story is the least interesting angle i've ever seen him in which is really a shame.
How many threads are going to be about this? I hate him either way... He should not be pushed as a main eventer, unless he is on ECW... He should be on ECW, that way i wont watch him... I think he is boring in the ring, and i can not take him seriously when he talks on the mic... His current gimmick is yawn worthy... I think he should switch places with Christian, as Christian is worthy of the spotlight... Or Morrison... Morrison has some real potential...

lol your many years too late. Y2J has been a maineventer in the making since back in WCW. He really stepped it up to elevate his career in wwe to full on main eventer! You might not like him but to pick him over a loser like morrison who only got attention because of Melina is by far disgraceful.

You say Morrison has POTENTIAL. I say Jericho has SKILL. Potential don't put groceries on the table, SKILL does. (There's a reason Y2J has been champion multiple times buddy..and its not because he brown noses) :la:
Seriously???? Are we discussing this??? I guess ever wrestler is gonna have his/her fair share of fans....and I guess that's who this thread is meant for. Chris Jericho is BY FAR one of the most over-rated "superstars" of the last 10 years!

Look, the guy has sound technical wrestling abilities...fine. But so did a handful of other mid-carders that never got PUT OVER like Jericho did.

And I'm tired of everybody saying Jericho is this ultra-great promo guy. HE'S NOT!!! Seriously, when he had to cut promos with The Rock, he'd get like one good shot out and then he'd be fumbling and bumbling, trying to come up with something to safe face....AND HE COULDN'T! He relied on his STUPID catchphrases to get his pops.

The ONLY time Chris Jericho has been a good promo guy is when he's insulting Steph....but anybody could do that, cuz it's so easy!

Chris Jericho is a SOLID performer! Above average technical ability, slightly better than average promo skills. The guy should be the Champion of the mid-carders. They should make a new title "Mid-card Champion" and anoint Chris Jericho as their first Champion. That is a title he is certainly more deserving of than our first "Undisputed" Champion ever. Give me a break! Who did he have to sleep with to get the win over SCSA and The Rock in the same night????
Well now that the skank Jericho slapped has got her 2 cents in...

I didn't like Jericho's current heel persona to begin with but it has really grown on me. He's got the voice down and is able to get into that character with ease. He has obviously payed close attention to Harley Race, Rick Rude and Jake the Snake for his promos. The younger heels would do well to pay close attention to Jericho and Orton's promos. Benjamin on the VIP lounge had me cringing. Where's the crackers indeed.
Seriously???? Are we discussing this??? I guess ever wrestler is gonna have his/her fair share of fans....and I guess that's who this thread is meant for. Chris Jericho is BY FAR one of the most over-rated "superstars" of the last 10 years!

Every wrestler has his/her share of fans and critics. But whether you are a fan or not, at least try to be objective when discussing someone. If this thread is meant for Jericho fans and you are not one of them, why are you here discussing this? Just save yourself the irritation of reading other people's "stupid" comments about an "overrated" wrestler.

[/QUOTE]Look, the guy has sound technical wrestling abilities...fine. But so did a handful of other mid-carders that never got PUT OVER like Jericho did. [/QUOTE]

And there have been a handful of guys who have had minimal skills who have gotten the title.

[/QUOTE]And I'm tired of everybody saying Jericho is this ultra-great promo guy. HE'S NOT!!! Seriously, when he had to cut promos with The Rock, he'd get like one good shot out and then he'd be fumbling and bumbling, trying to come up with something to safe face....AND HE COULDN'T! He relied on his STUPID catchphrases to get his pops. [/QUOTE]

Rock, Austin, Hogan, Jericho..., the best often relied on catch-phrases.
"If you smell what the Rock is cooking?" "Finally, the Rock has come..." "The Rock says..." "... and the Rock means NEVER!"

Okay for sanity's sake I'll stop there and get to the point. But not all great promo guys had to use catchphrases and that is what he is doing now. I said in another thread that sometimes a guy needs to step away and refresh himself and Jericho has done that. If you think that he is not a great promo guy, then why are most of his segments used for promos? And why is he given whole segments? Fueds with Cena, Michaels and now the legends have had Jericho doing minimal wrestling. As hated as Jericho is, if his promos aren't that great, then why do people stop and listen when he talks. They boo until the moment he starts to speak and then he has everyone's attention.

[/QUOTE]Chris Jericho is a SOLID performer! Above average technical ability, slightly better than average promo skills. The guy should be the Champion of the mid-carders. They should make a new title "Mid-card Champion" and anoint Chris Jericho as their first Champion. That is a title he is certainly more deserving of than our first "Undisputed" Champion ever. Give me a break! Who did he have to sleep with to get the win over SCSA and The Rock in the same night???? [/QUOTE]

I believer there are 2 mid-card titles: US and IC Titles. He is the champ of mid-carders. I believe 8 IC title reigns. But that doesn't mean he shouldn't get a push as the top champion. I may not be the biggest fan of Jeff Hardy's work but even I admit he should have had a title run and wouldn't be shocked or opposed to see him get other chances. Jericho has had some good fueds. Austin has always been careful about who goes over him and when. If he felt Jericho was not ready, Im pretty sure Austin would have protested.

And people are always complaining about no shock value yet what was more shocking than Jericho walking out of a tournament for the title unification featuring Angle, Rock and Austin.

I find it humorous that the one company that put the top title on Jericho is the one still standing.

So what is your answer to the question of the thread? I think it would be interesting to get an answer from one of his critics.
As a face, I was a total Y2J mark. I went crazy every time he came on the screen, he always made me laugh and I found him entertaining in the ring.

I was horrified when Jericho turned on the WWF at the end of the Invasion storyline. I was devastated that one of my favourite wrestlers had become this whiny snivelling little turd as a world champion.

He stayed this way for too long, saturated his gimmick, and left in 2005. So so far, I would have said definately face.

His return saw him as a face once more, and the nostaglia was great. His promos were fun, but not quite the same as they once were. He needed "freshening" up - and boy did he deliver.

Apart from Santino, there is no character I enjoy watching more each week than Jericho. He is cold, calculating, and compelling. His in-ring work is better than ever, and he is probably the most genuinely hated man in the WWE. Most casual fans would probably say it was between him and Orton right now.

So my answer - in his first run, he was definately a better face. Now, heel is the way forward for the man once known as Y2J.

Ignore the haters, there always will be some.

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