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Do WWE need to take a page out of the TNA book


Fishy Since I was born!
It would seem to me that WWE is starting to become a little stale, alot of talent not put in the right places.

After recently getting BT Vision I am getting to see alot of TNA of programming and am very impressed i must say, it seems very fresh and well ran,

Looking at the tag team division, there seems to be alot of tag teams, but they also wrestle as individuals as well. Look at LAX, great tag team, Homicide number one contender for X title, Hernedes Number one Contender for World Title, and is also a very well established tag team championship as well

I also like the fact there is Impact and Explosion, and both treated equally, makes you want to tune into both programmes.

So really what Im asking, what do u believe WWE can learn from TNA to improve their own product?
The simple answer to this question is no. They WWE doesn't need to take any lessons from TNA. WWE is and always will be the top dog when it comes to professional wrestling. Lately we have seen some great story telling. Triple H-Orton, The Hardys, Taker-HBK. They even did a good job with how they put Cena into the match with Edge and Show. So on that side of things no WWE does not need to do anything like TNA does.

However, the WWE does need to do something. They need to promote their Tag Team division better. Also, upgrade the value of the IC and US titles.

What I would do is another Invasion type storyline, where the superstars on ECW attack Raw and Smackdown because they feel they aren't treated as well as those superstars.

So in summary, I don't think WWE needs to look at TNA for any lessons. WWE simply needs to take a look at their history.
The quick answer is NO.

we are talking about TNA here, I have seen pretty much every episode of impact for the last year and half, and if the wwe took anything from tna it would most likely be something that tna has already taken from the wwe.

TNA and WWE have been paying pretty equal attention to there tag division as of lately. both really only have 2 legit teams at the moment.

If there is anything, TNA has become a little more "edgy" , but it just comes off as a cheezy recreation of the attitude era.

I enjoy the wrestling, for the most part on tna, but the last two episodes of impact have been lacking in the wrestling department, im pretty sure there were only 2 matches a couple of weeks ago, and a whole bunch of poorly executed segments.

If Vince can "learn" how to get Kurt Angle angle back to the WWE, that would be the only thing on, or from tna, that would help out the WWE.
TNA seemed fresh to me at first. It was because, simply put, it wasn't WWE. They could put on pretty much anything and I'd have said it seemed fresh. Maybe at the time TNA was "fresh". It was mid-2006. It'll soon grow stale. Don't you worry.

Like has been said, the only thing I'd like to see WWE take from TNA is Kurt Angle. That's just because he's wasted on TNA, while simultaneously being overexposed. It takes skill to pull that off.

There may even be things that have worked well in TNA, that I even liked, that I don't think would work in WWE. I want to produce an example, but just can't think of anything I like in TNA... aside from individual wrestlers. WWE could do with being a lot more delusional. I like how delusional TNA is. Maybe a new slogan for the E: "We're bigger than Obama."
It would seem to me that WWE is starting to become a little stale, alot of talent not put in the right places.

"starting to become" stale? I think you've got it a little wrong. It's been stale for about half a decade now. Actually, now that they're letting Orton on top, it's starting to become less stale. It's a nice change from the mind numbing clean cut image that Cena portayed.

After recently getting BT Vision I am getting to see alot of TNA of programming and am very impressed i must say, it seems very fresh and well ran,

Again, it sounds like you're talking from a few years ago. In it's first few years, TNA is fresh and exciting. Now it's flooded with guys who are far from fresh. Guys who we watched for years and years on WWE and/or WCW. The X-division is still pretty great though, even though they make the occasional mistake like putting the belt on Bashir.

And a six sided ring doesn't count as fresh.

Looking at the tag team division, there seems to be alot of tag teams, but they also wrestle as individuals as well.

Not really... There's only really LAX, Beer Money and Lethal consequences. LAX will be going their seperate ways soon thanks to the breifcases. Can't count 3D, they've been around since I can remember. I'm not sure if TNA takes lethal consequences seriously considering their first "title reign". Abyss and Morgan split up. That leaves Beer Money, who are pretty much carrying the tag division by themselves.

I know this post may seem like spam, and it might seem like I'm trying to "bury" you or whatever but it's not and I'm not. I'm just saying that I don't think WWE should be borrowing anything from TNA's book. WWE is doing quite well on it's own. TNA just isn't up to WWE's standard. They're making so many mistakes, like not building up new stars, which will come back to haunt them. It's TNA that need to be taking their cue from WWE.
But hey that's just what I think. Each to his own, right?
The only real problem in WWE that I see is that they focus so much on the World titles that there is no room for anything else. When was the last time we saw a title besides the World Title, WWE Title, or Women's title defended at Wrestlemania? Intercontinental and U.S. champs are put in the MITB and tag team champs they could care less about.

Not just Wrestlemania, think about the last pay per view that these titles were defended? They might be defended at 2 or 3 of the 18 pay per views we get a year and that is being generous.

I think that the focus on the World title is due to the tri-branded atmosphere in the WWE. I think they could combine Raw and Smackdown at least, I mean the wrestlers won't have to appear on both shows every week (unless you are the World champion because that is your job). Which brings me to my next point. ONE WORLD TITLE! So many world champions, it is getting ridiculous.

Owen Hart, Mr. Perfect, Jake the Snake Roberts, Ted Dibiase Ravishing Rick Rude, British Bulldog, The Great Khali. If you looked at this list and picked out the worst wrestler who would it be? Possibly the only wrestler on this list to actually win a WWE World title. That is ridiculous.

The mid-card used to mean something, but that is gone. Shawn Michales and Bret Hart paid their dues as tag-teams, then mid-carders, and finally main eventers. We all know the mid-carders back in the day wrestled the best matches, but it was the popular wrestlers like Hogan who put butts in the seats (no offense to Hogan, he was great for the business but not nearly the most talented wrestler on the roster).

So my solution? Combine Raw and Smackdown. One World Title. Intercontinental Title. One Tag-Team Title. Keep the U.S. if you want for the developing talent on ECW. That way they have a title on their show, but not a World Title.

Back in 2000-2001 look at all the main eventers. The Rock, Austin, HHH, Undertaker, Kane, Kurt Angle, Mick Foley, Big Show, and they even pushed Rikishi. Thats not even mentioning the great upper-mid card back then of Benoit, Jericho, etc. They only had 1 World Title and it was fine. Now we have some awesome talent, but World Titles (any titles) lose their prestige when there are too many.
I think any other answer than NO is just plain wrong.

As has been said, WWE is the top dog, the main event. Does Pizza Hut look at the pizza & kebab house and wonder if they should do the same thing? NO, because the Hut knows its the best there is.

Same with WWE. I always think people are too quick to get on the backs of WWE. ECW & Smackdown always have solid wrestling, and, at the minute, Smackdown and Raw both have some amazing storylines going on, elevating both current stars and new talent to previously unseen heights. Ratings are slowly on the rise, the hardcore fan is more pleased than in years, and WM is around the corner.

The one thing I'm sure WWE could learn from TNA is how NOT to run a show. I believe an iMPACT! recently had a 57 minute gap between matches. On a wrestling show. How is this possible?!

So, in summary.. NO!
short answer, God No!!!!! Taking a page from that book is like taking a page from the wcw end of days book, why does anybody want to see a rehash of millionaires club vs new blood...... it's awful. There is no good that can come outside of stepping up the tag division, unify those belts.....make them tribranded tag champs, but to steal ideas from tna is a sure sign things have gone stale and the product has yet to go that route. i think that wrestlemania has the potential to be amazing, that is unless cena wins the stupid f'n belt back, (kinda sick of that guy)
I knew this would be a bit controversial, and i knew alot of people would fall on the side of WWE, and trust me alot of it I agree. After watching the product for nearly 20 years, iwatched it go thru alot of changes.

I think the main point I really wanted to get across really was the fact that WWE does have a competitor now, in TNA. Im not saying they are in the same league yet, bet definaltely on their way.

I just think that they are willing to take the risks and show what they can do. The matches are exciting, Chris Sabin v Alex Shelley for the X title was just awesome.

Im really looking forward to destination X
Obviously, WWE is doing things pretty well in order to be in the position that they are, but I tell you where they could learn from TNA and that is the PG approach WWE has taken over the last several months. TNA is benefitting a little bit by going a little edgier with some censored language and some serious beatdowns by factions. If WWE goes PG-13 or R, there will be no stopping them not that they can be stopped right now.
The WWE does take pages from other organizations, the whole "Attitude Era" was pages, heck, chapters from ECW. As far as taking pages from TNA, well, they started with Evan Borne, check his style and see if he's not a typical X Division TNA wrestler, now they got Tyson Kidd, well, you catch my drift. The TNA X Division was fresh and different, and the WWE did notice, if they snag the recently released X Division talent from TNA, it's a confimation that they want their own version of that deal.
There are a couple of things that WWE could do that TNA are doing, screw this tri-brand crap and unify all brands and belts, lets face the facts and acknowledge that ECW is Velocity or Heat, it should not even have a title belt, it should be a way to showcase the new up and comers, and Raw and Smackdown were so much better in the days before the brand split. When guys like Austin and Rock were champ they could carry both shows simultaneously as any world champion should be able to do. If the whole WWE was one product again you could piece together so many midcard guys into tagteams and have a real tag division, the IC title would have a long list of worthy guys, and many may not agree but there are a lot of small guys around that would benefit hugely if they brought back the Cruiser title and ditched off the US title. All of these things in my opinion would make the WWE more exciting, add prestige to the titles and keep us from seeing the same guys wrestling against each other on the same show each week.

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