Do we need Stone Cold Back to deal with John Laurinaitis


Pre-Show Stalwart
As John Laurinitas is now the general manager of both Raw and Smackdown and throwing his weight around and becomming the general Manager we all love to hate - does he need a nemesis like all good authoritarian figures VKM and Eric Bishoff for instance.Does Triple H need to introduce Stone cold as a commisioner for a short time 2-3 months . Personally I think so I think John Cena or CM punk are being defiant to Johnny L but nothing is happening and I think the addition of the Anti hero Austin would be a good thing , It could also pose a conflict as well with Brock Lesnar - Thoughts please
Absolutely not, if Stone Cold returns to be the nemesis to Johnny Ace, it completely buries the current roster.

If anything, Miz, Punk or a young face who partners with Cena should be BOOKED in the SCRIPTED world of WWE to foil John Lauranitis.

The key isn't WHO can return and do something, it's about the writing team finding a way to BOOK someone with the TALENT needed to make the angle work.

It's really not complicated logic
There was a thread about something similar yesterday about the Rock and Stone Cold returning to Raw and Smackdown as autorithy figures, and most people said no, an in this case, mi opinion is still no, ok, it's fun seeing Stone Cold every once in a wild, but like i said in the other thread, let the current roster shine, give them a fair chance instead if bringing people from the past, CM punk is doing pretty well working against John Lauriniatis, if someone is going to get on Johnny's face it should be someone the WWE have now.......
I remember when Steve Austin came back as co-GM in 2003, and it seemed like a lot of fans online hated the idea that Austin couldn't wrestle anymore, but was still allowed to beat up the entire roster in two moves.

Steve Austin is unbelievably popular, but that's the problem: having him on would take away from the current guys on the roster. Not to mention that Stone Cold Steve Austin is a type of character that does not lend itself well to the PG-family friendly audience that WWE wants.

Personally, as much as I would LIKE it to be Punk, I think he is beyond it. It needs to be someone else. I would like to see it be either Miz or Dolf, someone that could use the face turn and se it to their advantage.

Austin being the hero would just turn it into Austin/McMahon 2. A legend SHOULD NOT be a hero.
Yes, we need Stone Cold back very, very badly... if... and only if he is used correctly to give the younger guys a push. In the current scenario Stone Cold could put some of the younger roster over with a just a few words. Bring Stone Cold back as commissioner asap if the script is right.
This actually gave me an idea. They could have Stone Cold come back around Royal Rumble time. Let's say through that entire time John Laurinitus has been ruling the WWE so to speak. So Stone Cold comes back not to stop him but give his support to the roster who has been screwed over by Johnny and his "People Power" and gives some advice to the wrestlers fighting it. They keep CM Punk as champion for a while until Johnny screws him over. Then Punk fails every time he tries to get the title back. Then during the advice giving Stone Cold pretty much tells Punk to let it go and Punk responds disrespectfully. This evolves into a heated argument by the two where Punk promises to win the Royal Rumble and get back the WWE Championship where Stone Cold announces he's going to enter the rumble just to kick CM Punk's ass. Then during the Royal Rumble match you let both CM Punk and Stone Cold dominate. Have them eliminate half the roster just between them. Let them make it to the final 3. This is when they start to really focus on each other and try to eliminate each other. By doing this the third man eliminates both of them getting the win. Then the next night on Raw let their feud continue on there. Let Stone Cold come out after one of CM Punk's matches and give him a stunner. Let CM Punk cut some of his great promos he is known for leading into their match at Wrestlemania which it seems like everyone wants to see. Also a side note, whoever eliminated them could obviously help push a heel to that next level. Someone like a Dolph Ziggler maybe?
John Laurinitus should come to the ring and start abusing his authority and be interrupted by the anonymous GM.

Stone Cold could be the guy.
Not no, but hell no. The WWE needs to stop bringing in guys from the past to help them out of a ratings rut. It pretty much buries the roster they are trying to build up. They lose confidence in their talent way to fast. they need to wait and build up their talent. Stone Cold and Rock won't be able to bail them out for ever.
as an Austin Fan, people need to stop expecting Austin to come back and save the day. he is not an active wrestler anymore and unless he is intending to make an extended return to wrestling(like 2 years+), he serves no benefit beyond a short term pop. that has become the wwe's answer to everything and it has hurt the industry since they are not building anyone new or using the younger guys properly. why would HHH need to bring in Austin to be commissioner when he can just fire Big Johnny? that's been the biggest plot hole in this whole angle - Johnny works under Hunter and no one has explained why they just haven't fired him yet. Hunter could fill that role just as well as Austin. plus they still have Teddy Long around to be GM. Austin is simply not needed.
I don't think that Stone cold should come back for this.

I would like to see Road Warrior Animal, who is John L.'s RL brother, come back for this.

I can see an "I'm sorry I wasn't there to hep you with your career, I was too focused on my own, don't take it out on the young guys" storyline coming, with an eventual confrontation between the two. Either in the ring themselves, or as the heads of teams, at maybe Summer Slam or even Survivor Series.
No way. Not Austin. Keep his appearance sporadic so you can really get an awesome turn out when he is advertised. If you keep bringing him back people may get bored of him (as crazy as that sounds....) Why not just make HBK the commish like he was for a while. Great anti-authority figure and he could appoint Road Warrior Animal his personal body guard (so he doesn't have to get physical)
There was a news posting a few weeks back saying Joe L. wanted to come in and run a power struggle against his lil bro. While I'd mark out to "What a RUSH", I doubt it'll happen. I honestly see a McMahaon-Helmsley stable led by Cena crushing Laryngitis
If they're already trying to recreate the Austin/McMahon dynamic with Ace... then instead of bringing in Austin to fulfil the other half of that dynamic, they could simply settle on which guy is the focal point of all this... Punk or Cena?

They've flip flopped back and forth between the two. It started seeming like Punk was the guy Ace had it out for... then morphed that into Cena without any resolution with Punk. But then bring out Punk again with the WWE '13 cover angle the other week, while still having the Ace backed Big Show fighting Cena.

Sure during the Austin/McMahon feud, McMahon also had side feuds with many other guys... but it was always crystal clear that Austin was his chief nemesis. I don't get the impression yet that either Cena or Punk is the chief nemesis... they're more of a 1a and 1b. Interchangable depending on Ace's mood that week. Throwing Austin into that mix just muddies the waters even more.

I also haven't really seen a clear reason why Ace hates either of these guys... beyond the fact that neither Punk or Cena respects him. With McMahon it was crystal clear why he didn't like Austin. Austin won the title, and McMahon did not want a person like him to represent his company. It was that simple. Does Ace have anything beyond the fact that these guys don't like him as justification for his actions?

Punk - He's covered in tattoo's. He's greasy looking. He's sarcastic and generally not the nicest guy. You don't want him as the face of the WWE, so you're going to use your power to keep him down
Cena - The WWE is a PG show. We cater to families. Cena is getting divorced, and that is not a message that the WWE wants to promote. People Power is about families, and John Cena is not a good role model for the promotion of the family unit, so you're going to use your power to keep him down

That's just off the top of my head, but there's justifications for Ace to be out to get either guy, that are warped enough that they ensure sympathy for whichever of Cena/Punk you make as Ace's main focal point.

I'll also echo the point someone else made that the major plot hole here is Triple H. He's made it crystal clear he doesn't like Ace or the work he's done... and that he is Ace's boss. Why hasn't he fired Ace yet? He was about to when Lesner attacked him, but that was over a month ago. Am I supposed to believe that he hasn't had the time to do this again?

I understand that people do like Ace's character, but some of this stuff needs to be cleaned up. Run an angle where Ace gets authority over Triple H to eliminate that plot hole. Have Ace announce which of Cena/Punk he doesn't want to be the face of the WWE, and why. Add an extra layer with Ace's version of the stooges (Brisco/Patterson) since they really added something to evil McMahon character in the early years... and try to find something better than Otunga/Eve, since they have to be the worst actors I've ever seen. Then just let the angle loose. Both Cena and Punk are capable of carrying their end. I think Ace is capable of carrying his end, and with those loose threads tied up, immersion into the angle will become that much easier for the fan.

And then you don't need to bring back another attitude era star at the expense of the current stars you're not making.
Austin shouldn't be involved with this storyline it isn't worthy enough IMO. Punk can himself deal with him. E is trying to recreate some parts of Vince Austin storyline so Austin involving wouldn't look well.
I don't think that Stone cold should come back for this.

I would like to see Road Warrior Animal, who is John L.'s RL brother, come back for this.

I can see an "I'm sorry I wasn't there to hep you with your career, I was too focused on my own, don't take it out on the young guys" storyline coming, with an eventual confrontation between the two. Either in the ring themselves, or as the heads of teams, at maybe Summer Slam or even Survivor Series.

Well Johnny Ace considers himself the god of Japan (and he was very successful), and The Road Warriors were huge, so I don't see that storyline working.

It would also be kinda strange to bring in Animal and give him a major storyline and pay-per-view match, considering he is over 50, and his drawing power has greatly diminished since Hawk died.
No we don't. Two reasons:

#1. Like I said in a similar thread WWE needs to start building their current stars instead of relying on guys like Stone Cold to keep bailing them out everytime the ratings take a dip. The younger stars don't get their chance to shine when they still have guys from the past hanging around. Plus it diminishes the value of their next return. Eventually fans get too used to them being around it's like they never left. Let John Cena and CM Punk be the ones who get the pops for fighting with John Laurinaitis. WWE can't keep trading on nostalgia.

#2 A babyface authority figure just doesn't work. Babyfaces are supposed to be stand up guys who fight their own battles, not little bitches who need to hide behind the boss. It's like the little kid who always ran cryin' to his mommy every time somebody picked on him. Nobody respects that.
The way I see it, it would be hard for him to "bury" the mid-card guys as a lot of them aren't even over anyway. Just my opinion
I just wish they'd abolish the notion of "we need a meddling, sinister authority figure" completely. Hell, I wish they'd get rid of GMs altogether. Throw a dude in a suit behind a desk and show him on television only to make huge announcements and settle disputes. Austin-McMahon had its place, but that is over now. Are there really people who see John Cena beat up Johnny Ace and think to themselves, "holy cow, this is awesome -- I can't beat up my own idiot boss, but I sure can live vicariously through Cena!" No. Come on.

As for Austin coming back for Johnny Ace: no. Please no. I wish there weren't so much grasping at getting back stuff that happened 15 years ago.
I don't wanna see STone Cold come back to deal with Big Johnny cos in the end, it should be one of the younger guys that does it. he doesnt need to be involved in everything that people wants. I think that if you give an up and coming guy the job of putting together a team to take Johnny down it will work much better.
Maybe if Miz comes to terms with bad booking by Ace, then maybe The Miz can turn face.

Miz as a face would be refreshing, especially if he started acting rebellious against Ace. It would propel him back in the Main Event scene where he's needed. I see potential in him.
i'd like to see JL just over power the entire roster to the point when Triple H returns and says something along the lines of the board of directors likes what JL is doing, but has asked Triple H to a point a mediator of sorts for the talent, and that being SCSA, that would be interesting.
Not ANOTHER one of these topics....

Guys, WWE cannot rely on Attitude Era characters forever. Stone Cold, The Rock, Undertaker, and even guys like Trips or Jericho will NOT be around forever. They are human beings. They are NOT immortal and one day the chance to bring them back will no longer be available. WWE would be much better off building up the guys they have on the roster now who have the potential to replace all of the stars of the Attitude Era. Sheamus, Punk, Bryan, Cena, Orton, Ziggler, Del Rio, Rhodes, Ryder, I could go on. They have more than enough talent on the roster that can rise to the top (or are already there in Cena and Orton's cases). All of the legends had to start somewhere, the federation just needs to find the guys they want to push who the fans also like, and keep that goal in mind until they get there.

WWE need to look toward tomorrow rather than remembering yesterday. I loved the tension between Austin and McMahon as much as the next guy, but Johnny needs his own nemesis. They teased that with CM Punk. Why not go through with it completely? They have teased it now with Cena as well. Bringing back Stone Cold would be a really bad idea because WWE would once again be relying on the past instead of building the future. CM Punk (or perhaps Cena) should be the one who they have deal with Johnny, not Stone Cold. I even disagree with bringing him in as a commissioner or any type of authority figure. Johnny has Otunga and Eve to help him, so there would be too many authority figures and they can push wrestlers to face them instead of adding a face commissioner.
In wrestling its never a good idea to go back in time and do things that have been done before no matter what it is, this is no different. Sure, there are exceptions like bringing The Rock back to feud with Cena but it was a different situation that made sense.

For Example, there's a reason why the first iteration of the nWo really worked. There's a reason why wrestler vs. boss storyline hasn't been nearly as effective as it was with Austin vs. McMahon and that's because of 2 things:

1) It's been done before
2) The booking isn't as solid as before which makes sense because its hard not to do the same thing that worked before. If you do it twice its boring because its been seen before.

This is the biggest reason why I don't like Austin coming back to deal with Laurinaitis, its been done before and it dominated WWE RAW for almost 2 years straight, so we are gonna go back to that because it was once profitable? How are you supposed to grow as a company if you keep going back to the past? How are new stars supposed to be made if all you do is rely on superstars from yesteryear? As WCW showed you can only do so much going back to the past. Hogan may have put WCW on the map, but him sticking around too long at the top was also a big reason for its demise. I'm not necessarily talking about Hogan but WCW had a habit of constantly going back to the same well that once worked instead of trying something new with new stars. If you have to keep going back to guys like Austin and The Rock to keep business going then you are pretty much fucked because eventually they will be gone for good and then what do you do?

Just insert a new star like CM Punk and have him face Laurinaitis, or better yet stop doing the power hungry boss storyline because its been done to death. Adamle may have sucked but at least he was something different that hasn't been seen in a long time. Laurinaitis is basically a more boring version of Mr. McMahon. I know a lot of fans haven't seen the Mr. McMahon character because its before their time but for guys like me its really hard to get into something that I've seen before and you basically know how it ends before it begins.

So in conclusion, be more original. Take risks, try new things, make new stars. Sure, it may take the new blood a while to get there but once they get there it will be worth it. Although I don't care at all for all but 5 guys on the roster currently its good they are trying to build it. A lot of these guys are in their early to mid 20's, its gonna take a while for them to find themselves, find their characters, find their charisma, but there is bound to be 1 or 2 in the bunch that break out big. Once these younger guys figure out how to get the crowd invested in them again great things are gonna happen.

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