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(DO NOT DISCUSS SPOILERS IN HERE) Which midcarder/s will get a chance at a ME in EC?


Getting Noticed By Management
Elimination Chamber is a great oppotunity for WWE to try guys out who have yet to main event at a PPV. There have been times, like the scramble, that since there are multiple guys, you can try guys like Kendrick in the matches. There will be only 1, maybe 2 spots at most, so its a big opportunity.

John Morrison is one. I don't like him, but hes decent, and everyone feels hes the next big thing. I'll take Miz for that. But he would definately fit in the match well with his abilities.

McIntyre-Hes the chosen 1 by McMahon, so he would be a good choice as well

R-Truth-I know I have a thing for this guy, but for some reason, I really want to see him succeed, and I think this would be a great opportunity for him.

I would assume that Batista, Punk, and prolly Jericho would be in, and Mysterio, so that leaves at least one more face.
Well, at one point they had Knox in the chamber, so if he can make it in probably pretty much anybody can....

However, yea there are 5 main eventers that will probably be in the Smackdown chamber, and you named them. In my WILDEST dreams, and I mean wildest at this point, I wish Matt Hardy would get in the chamber. I don't recall him ever being in one. But, his current status in WWE will probably stop that, being a main-event jobber.

Morrison and McIntyre may have another match, so maybe they're out. However, I'd go with Kane. He's the most logical choice. I know he's not a rising superstar, but he would make the match pretty sick, being in with his brother.
Well with two elimination chambers or maybe even three, I don't see why not , we already have a RAW chamber with a good amount of main eventers , so I would believe that SmackDown would be the chamber that contains the young talent.

Doing this is a win , win situation because if you don't like the SmackDown Chamber for having enough talent , then watch the RAW Chamber but if you don't like the RAW Chamber for not having enough young talent watch the SmackDown Chamber. They did something similar to this at Unforgiven (the last Unforgiven) , where SmackDown's scramble match only contained young talent and possible future world champions.

However, the guys you have mentioned are probably guaranteed in the chamber , so the one remaining face I would assume would be R-Truth . why? Well because he was pretty hot in the Royal Rumble, he has a semi- feud with Punk and well JoMo and Drew already have something to keep them busy,the IC Title.

This is my best guess as of now.
McIntyre: Theoretically, he COULD be in the match, but right now, I'm sensing that the approach might be "where he goes, Morrison follows because of the title" which seriously dampens Morrison's climb to the main event. Right now, I'm thinking there might be an IC match at WM 26, but that's for another time, and another thread.

R-Truth: Here's hoping at least he's in and lasts a good while. He's got something going with Jericho, and hopefully, both of them can be in the EC.

Morrison: Yes, he's playing chaser to the IC title, but I feel as if he should be in EC, to at least try to start to "break the glass ceiling". Plus, Morrison's high flying moves inside the Chamber would make for some interesting stuff, to say the least.
The big midcarder in the Smackdown Elimination Chamber will be R-Truth. He had a decent showing at the Rumble, and all they have to do to give him crediblity is to show that video of him eliminating near 1000 pounds of man in one swift movement. He will add some flair to the match, and could work well with Jericho and Rey Mysterio who I see as both being in it.
It's already been said but I'll say it again: R-truth. Ever since his WWE debut (or return) I've wanted to see this guy get pushed to the moon and WWE immediately dropped the ball on this guy. However in recent weeks, he's been riding a great wave of momentum, beating Chris Jericho twice and having a decent run in the Rumble. He's arguably the biggest midcarder on Smackdown right now (next to JoMo, I think) and I'd love to see him become a World title contender.
I don't get the whole R-Truth thing myself. John Morrison is more my choice to shine but in all honesty, I don't think the Elimination Chamber will really be a chance for them to showcase their ability. Based on the past EC matches, Mid-card participants tend to be involved in order to be eliminated first so that the bigger names (Jericho, Undertaker, Mysterio) don't look weak. I'd look for Morrison to start the match and work through to the triple threat stage, then be eliminated. Truth may enter at number 5, have a flurry but then get caught and be eliminated quickly.

I see the same thing happening on the Raw EC match with Kingston and Dibiase. I can see Dibiase managing a quick roll up pin upon entry into the match on Orton causing Orton to be eliminated. Orton is then likely to flip out RKO Ted and cost him the match also leading to a match at Wrestlemania. Kofi may start the match as that would allow him to be more athletic but I can also hear Cole shouting 'Controlled-Frenzy' as he unloads on everyone so I can't place him. Kofi, in a lesser sense, seems to have been given the CM Punk ticket recently. Punk was eliminated far to easily in the Rumble and it was responded with no surprise from the commentary. For a former multiple time world champ, that's upsetting!

I'd look for everyone, with the exception of Punk to shine more at MITB at Wrestlemania.
Well as far as midcarders in the chamber i think the main 3 are definitely contenders,

John Morrison, i think hes raws equivalent to Kofi Kingston in my eyes i prefer JoMo. I think they ended the intercontinental feud with drew on smackdown so that could leave morrison with the final place.

R-Truth, Personally i dont like him but he seems to be getting a push for the first time with wins over jericho and eliminating Big Show and Mark Henry at the same time at Royal Rumble so he definitley has a chance

KANE, i think he will be in the chamber, i dont like him but he probs will.

and i think Drew will be starting a feud with Matt Hardy so that could be a low card match at EC.

1st Post BTW
Undertaker, Punk, Batista and Rey are certainties, and the other two are from a spectrum as I see it. Knox was good in there last year, but he's done nothing since, so I can't see him there this time. I actually think that Jericho will be cost his chance by Edge, somehow, and they'll have a singles match. I think that Kane will probably fight Michaels in a singles match, which still leaves two spots.

I'd say R-Truth's push in the Rumble is a pretty good indicator that he'll be here. We might also see Morrison in there, to gague if he is ready for the main event. Other feasibilities are McIntyre, Khali and Ziggler, but I doubt they'll make it in.

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