Do Mario games on Wii piss you off?


Talking like Im falling down stairs
Maybe it's just me but my main console is Xbox 360 and when i see Wii games like Mario repeatedly coming out and each time it comes out the only difference is the title and there's no real difference in the gameplay and it pisses me off that they are relying on the status that Mario has and not taking any risks with trying new games here's what i think comes up in meetings
Designer " ok people lets make a new game, what should we do"
Random guy " how about Mario?"
Designer "No something new please"
Random guy "I've got it"
Designer "Let's hear it'
Random Guy "Mario but with a different title ..."
Designer "......Genius......'

Do you guys think the same way or not?
I see where youre coming from, Super Mario Bros Wii was essentially Suprt Mario World from the SNES with 4 player co-op and motion control.

But they've been doing that with many games for a while. Being an Xbox 360 owner you should know they've been doing that with many titles such as Halo. Halo has been essentially the same games for 4 games now, the only difference is they added dual wielding (and took it out again) and a few different weapons and vehicles.

This thread should more be about franchises doing very little to further the concept of their games.
Most games are like that I find. Sequels dont really add much, same overall game with some new features. Dosent exactly feel like a new experience. wether its CoD, Halo, Mario Its basiclly the same game just with shiny new graphics or the latest weapon or some fancy new feature. But then again you cant honestly expect them to change everything around now do you? You realize how many people would be pissed off if a mario game dosent feel or play like a mario game? One step at a time.

Honestly I liked where the mario is heading with games such as galaxy. It still feels like a mario game at core but its just so fresh at the same time. Its new and exciting while keeping the things that made mario great.
But please notice that Mario is a sign of quality (besides mario party). Every Mario game that has ever come out. it has allways found out to be atleast half decent. And Mario galaxy got 10 out of 10 in allmost every game magazine/website (and it happens to be allso one of my favoruite WII game of all time)
Mario in no way pisses mme off on any platform. Sure, the first level always starts in the same fashion, not the whole level, just the start. As Alex-A stated, you play X-Box, which has produced 4 of the same Halo games. Mario on Wii is, like every game on wii, interactive. I find it more fun then simply clicking A to jump. It is very funn on wii, and more of a challenge.
Hell no...Honestly, no matter how repetitive it could be, there's always some way I just get into it, you know? Sure, the concept is the same, but the fun lasts...and that's the most important factor, usually. Check out COD, Halo, even newer Zelda. It's practically the same, but fun? Yeah.
Oddly enough, next to the Wii sports games, the Mario games are the ones I play most on my Wii (& Light Saber Duels), As much as it pains me to say, I found the Metroid games to be far more frustrating just because I found the controls to be a pain in the ass, which sucks because Metroid has really been the driving force behind me buying the last consoles put out by Nintendo
Yes they do because when I play them I get bored by the 3rd world and just never play it again, so I really do not buy Mario games anymore. They are all too similar and every time it's the same shit: save the princess. I mean how many times can you save the same person?
But please notice that Mario is a sign of quality (besides mario party.)

I have to agree. Mario has been the staple of platform games because much hasn't changed simply because there's no reason to. Mario games that follow the platform games have much broader appeal because the bright happy colors and easy control scheme (how do you not get "press A button" and "move stick/direction buttons"?) Super Mario Word is still as playable today as it was almost 20 years ago. Can you say the original Halo stacks up against the most recent Halo?

I was hoping for a rant about how incredibly hard Super Mario Galaxy is after the third level. :banghead:
I can see what you mean.... it's an example of the old strategy "Do something that works until it doesn't work anymore". Mario Bros Wii basically just ripped off Mario Bros 3 and Super Mario World with the addition being Wii controls and being able to play 4 people at once.... Super Mario Galaxy followed the Super Mario 64 formula but added Wii controls.... So, you do have a point. Now, the question is "Do Mario games on the Wii tick me off?" and the answer is No.

Why is that? It's a fun series that keeps coming out with great games, that's why. So what if the side scrolling Mario games follow the same formula that dates back to Super Mario Bros back in 1985? So what if Super Mario Galaxy is basically Super Mario 64 with a space theme and updated controls? Nintendo is in business to make money. They know that Mario games will make money. Even the games in the series that weren't as great (lookin at YOU, Super Mario Sunshine....!) are still looked upon in a fairly positive light. They are fun to play, feature a cast we are all familiar with, and each entry to the series tries to bring somebody new into the series. (Sunshine introduced the Piantas, Galaxy introduced Rosalina and the Lumas, etc).

I liked Super Mario Bros Wii, as well as both of the Super Mario Galaxy games because they were still fun to play even though they followed the same two formulas that practically every Mario game has used. Mario just happens to be one of those cases where using the same idea again with some type of little addition to it, will STILL continue to make money. This isn't going to change anytime soon.
Maybe it's just me but my main console is Xbox 360 and when i see Wii games like Mario repeatedly coming out and each time it comes out the only difference is the title and there's no real difference in the gameplay and it pisses me off that they are relying on the status that Mario has and not taking any risks with trying new games here's what i think comes up in meetings
Designer " ok people lets make a new game, what should we do"
Random guy " how about Mario?"
Designer "No something new please"
Random guy "I've got it"
Designer "Let's hear it'
Random Guy "Mario but with a different title ..."
Designer "......Genius......'

Do you guys think the same way or not?
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

You're complaining a company is using a figure they have spent over 25 years developing? The mario games on Wii aside from Party have actually made a hell of an improvement on the last. NSMBWii is a great sequel to the DS one and the two galaxies are fantastic games.

All the Mario games are different to each other but with the same basics going through, think of innovation for gaming, you think Mario.
So take a franchise that has relied on innovation for 25 years spit on it and go play your COD on your Xbox360. Honestly this is one of the worst threads I have ever seen in the video games section.
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

You're complaining a company is using a figure they have spent over 25 years developing? The mario games on Wii aside from Party have actually made a hell of an improvement on the last. NSMBWii is a great sequel to the DS one and the two galaxies are fantastic games.

All the Mario games are different to each other but with the same basics going through, think of innovation for gaming, you think Mario.
So take a franchise that has relied on innovation for 25 years spit on it and go play your COD on your Xbox360. Honestly this is one of the worst threads I have ever seen in the video games section.

Come on man why you got to be like that? Its a simple question. I for 1 happen to like this thread it has opened my eyes. I mean think about it almost every successful Wii game has involved mario in some form or another. I know Mario is thier poster boy but Damn try something original.Aside from the Wii sports shit
i don't get frustrated because sometimes something is so good, it doesn't have to change. "if something ain't broke, don't fix it.

I personally don't like the Call of Dutys and Halo because I get bored of them after a week. Mario games have such a captivating formula that why would you start changing it just to be original. Originality is only needed when the formula feels too old. The 2 super Mario galaxy games were the exact same concept, but were so damn great that they could span 2 games and people still coudn't get enough. Other companies would kill for that.

Another thing is that at least Nintendo puts time into these games and waits awhile before releasing them. Look at the Guitar hero series or the Halo series. They waste no time in releasing sequel after sequel. Mario games never come out on a yearly bases.

In closing, no they don't piss me off in the slightest. They are really the few games I enjoy in this day and age.
Come on man why you got to be like that? Its a simple question. I for 1 happen to like this thread it has opened my eyes. I mean think about it almost every successful Wii game has involved mario in some form or another. I know Mario is thier poster boy but Damn try something original.Aside from the Wii sports shit

So you want original that's not casual? it's out there but it doesn't sell jack shit. As I previously stated the two galaxies and NSMBW as well as Brawl and Kart make changes from the previous one in the serious (even galaxy 2 to 1), Nintendo have always been that way with their games, especially with Mario. It's not like you're getting the same game every year (hi COD) you're not, you have the main series, the kart series, party and smash bros.

But Nintendo know Mario sells, that's obvious. Sequels generally sell more than the original, here's a few examples:

Halo: 5 million, Halo Reach has already surpassed that in just over a month.
Tomb Raider: I can't find the exact figure for 1 but it was much less than 2's 8 million sold
COD 2 sold 1.4 million, warfare2 sold 4.5 million within a month.
Metal Gear didn't even break 1 million, solid 4 sold over 5 million.
Maybe it's just me but my main console is Xbox 360 and when i see Wii games like Mario repeatedly coming out and each time it comes out the only difference is the title and there's no real difference in the gameplay and it pisses me off that they are relying on the status that Mario has and not taking any risks with trying new games here's what i think comes up in meetings
Designer " ok people lets make a new game, what should we do"
Random guy " how about Mario?"
Designer "No something new please"
Random guy "I've got it"
Designer "Let's hear it'
Random Guy "Mario but with a different title ..."
Designer "......Genius......'

Do you guys think the same way or not?

Yeah i'm pretty sure that what you described is on 360. Name any game with a sequal on the 360 and its essentially a map pack.

And i'm pretty sure galaxy was a huge risk. It was extremely innovative and got 10/10 like every where. And there was galaxy two was like the game that has used the same engine as the last game, in the mario franchise. And that game was more different then say gow to gow2.

Yeah and i would like to end this by talking about the developer. If that guy isn't an innovator than I don't know who is. He came out with every game from donkey kong, to f zero, to zelda, to pikmin, to wii sports, to star fox, to mario. He is the father of modern gaming and a video game genius.

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I am just hoping they bring out a new version of MarioCart Wii soon, the original is one of the best multi-player games I have ever seen, and is always a laugh, especially after a few beers with mates, but it is getting old now.

Obviously, the characters cant change much, but some new courses and more of the courses from the older versions of Mario Cart would be gladly received. With the simplicity of the graphics and gameplay, it cannot be too hard for Nintento to do this, they are just being lazy bastards

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